Board Minutes, May 23-24, 2002
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
May 23-24, 2002
The University of Montana-Western
710 S. Atlantic
Dillon, MT 59725
These minutes were approved unanimously as amended at theJuly 11-12, 2002 meeting of the Board in Glendive, MT.
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2002
The full Board convened at 7:30 a.m. and following the roll call immediately went into the Work Session. (Work Session Minutes)
Regents Present: Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Christian Hur, Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch ex officio, and Commissioner Richard Crofts ex officio
Regents Absent: Governor Judy Martz ex officio
Resolution Regarding the Respective Role of the Board of Regents and University System Managers: Regent Roehm
The Motion made at the April retreat before this item was tabled was APPROVED with
a friendly amendment on a 5-2 vote with Regents Hur and Mercer dissenting.
Dashboard Reports: Regent Jasmin
The Board approved unanimously to go forward with these reports.
MUS Open Meeting Proposal: Regent Hur
After many changes offered by Regent Hur his motion to approve his Proposal was defeated
on a 5-2 vote with Regents Hur and Mercer voting for approval.
Alternate motion that all regularly scheduled meetings of the Senior Management Committee, defined as the Presidents, Chancellors, the two Deans, and OCHE staff would be open to the public and anyone else who would want to attend offered by Regent Mercer was defeated on a 5-2 vote with Regents Hur and Mercer voting for approval.
Teacher Retention: Regent Roehm
Motion for commissioner to work with OPI to review teacher retention issue, establish
options that would reduce need for graduating teachers to seek employment outside
Montana, and recommend a course of action to help resolve the problem approved unanimously.
Two Year Education: Regent Semmens
Motion by Regent Semmens to request Commissioner Crofts to move forward on determining
the makeup of a Two Year Education Task Force and to begin immediate outreach was
approved unanimously.
Communication Outreach: Regent Semmens
Regent Semmens reminded the Board of the discussion they had with the ag producers
in April and the need to follow-up on an information piece that would be sent out
quarterly or six times a year to lawmakers, policy makers and others interested in
the Montana University System, agriculture and business. In essence it would be similar
to a quarterly report to shareholders. Lawmakers made a point that the issue of
credibility comes down to not knowing where the lump goes. The individuals who have
that kind of knowledge are a very small subset of the organization. A report like
this would provide enough information to keep all stakeholders better informed. He
said he did not believe it should be six or eight pages, but simply a little newsletter.
He suggested addressing purely informational matters, the percentage of dollars going
where, graduation facts, how many stay in Montana, academic quality, programs, CoT
transfer, and research funding (MUS rates sixth in the country). The format would
provide an opportunity to ask questions, and provide answers. Commissioner Crofts
indicated he will work with University Relations and the communications firm on this
item, with the first issue this summer as a follow-up to the July meeting. Regent
Semmens hoped to see at least a couple issues published before the Legislative session,
perhaps on a bi-monthly basis.
Other Items on the published agenda were discussed, however no action was required.
The Work Session recessed at 10:50 a.m. for separate committee meetings.
The Committees Convened at 11:10 a.m. and adjourned at 12:15 for lunch with student representatives. The Administrative/Budget Committee reconvened at 1:15 p.m. and adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
The Full Board Reconvened at 2:10 p.m.
Regent Hamilton MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the March 20, 2002 Retreat
and March 21-22, 2002 Regular Meeting in Havre as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Awards For Excellence In University System Citizenship were presented to Cathy Conover
of University Relations at Montana State University and Kathy Crego of Human Resource
Services at The University of Montana-Missoula.
Staff Items:
a. |
ITEM 115-1000-R0502 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula |
Regent Mercer pulled the items on Don Holst and Joseph Kennedy from this staff item to be voted on separately. |
b. | ITEM 115-1006-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences upon Rustem S. Medora; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. | ITEM 115-1007-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Library Science upon Karen Driessen; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 115-1008-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Psychology upon George C. Camp; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. | ITEM 115-1009-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Geography upon John J. Donahue; The University of Montana-Missoula |
f. | ITEM 115-1010-R0502 - Authorization to Confer theTitle of Professor Emeritus of Geology upon Ian M. Lange; The University of Montana-Missoula |
g. | ITEM 115-1011-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Geology on David Alt; The University of Montana-Missoula |
h. | ITEM 115-1500-R0502 - Staff; Montana Tech of the University of Montana |
i. | ITEM 115-1900-R0502 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana |
j. | ITEM 115-2000-R0502 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Mercer pulled the item on Ron Sexton from this staff item to be voted on separately. |
k. | ITEM 115-2001-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Librarianship upon Mary Bushing; Montana State University-Bozeman |
l. | ITEM 115-2002-R0502 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Librarianship upon Kathryn Kaya; Montana State University-Bozeman |
m. | ITEM 115-2003-R0502 - Authorization to Confer theTitle of Professor Emeritus of Fish and Wildlife Management upon Robert G. White; Montana State University-Bozeman |
n. | ITEM 115-2004-R0502 - Authorization to Confer theTitle of Professor Emeritus of Biology upon Calvin M. Kaya; Montana State University-Bozeman |
o. | ITEM 115-2300-R0502 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
p. | ITEM 115-2400-R0502 - Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
q. | ITEM 115-2700-R0502 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
r. | ITEM 115-2800-R0502 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
s. |
ITEM 115-2850-R0502 - Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
a. |
ITEM 115-102-R0502 - Rural Physicians Incentive Program; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. |
ITEM 115-103-R0502 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 400, Colleges of Technology Bargaining Unit Memo Agreement |
c. |
ITEM 115-105-R0502 - Confirmation of Governor Martz- appointments to Local Executive Boards |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the Consent Agenda with the exception
of the three items pulled by Regent Mercer
Motion APPROVED unanimously with the exceptions noted above.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the item on Don Holst
Regent Mercer voiced his disagreement with treating coaches differently than administrators. Coaches have no grace period on their contracts, whereas administrators do. He believes the Board is accountable and he wants to say it is not right. President Dennison indicated that this is not a decision to fire. Coaches are hired on a one year contract with no promise beyond that and this was a decision to non-renew the contract. He noted that this is standard practice for coaches throughout the country. He suggested that perhaps a separate category should be included in the staff items to indicate the non-renewal of contracts. Regent Hamilton noted that this goes back to the relationship of the Board with management. A team effort is required which doesn't mean that the Board doesn't question, but they hire the best people and place their confidence in their performance. The Board sets standards for the Commissioner and Presidents and they are expected to evaluate their people. She noted that President Dennison and his Athletic Director have followed the parameters set by the Board and that the Board now has the obligation to support their management choices.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the item on Joseph Kennedy
Regent Mercer noted that double salaries are now being paid since Don Holst's contract doesn't end till June 30 and Joseph Kennedy is already on the job. There is already a deficit in the Athletics fund and this further increases it. President Dennison said it is not unusual to have an overlap in any position. Sometimes the outgoing person stays on the job, and other times leaves. Regent Jasmin indicated that a new category be added to the staff items to address this issue. What happened at UM is common. Athletic positions are different than other positions. Chairwoman Thompson asked Regent Mercer if he meant for the coaches who have one year contracts to have a one year grace period also, and he indicated they should be treated the same as administrators. Regent Semmens stated that the Board's responsibility as governors of the system is to decide what is appropriate and typical using norms and standards of the industry. It is absolutely customary in education to have one year athletic contracts, and that is where the system is competitive. This is not unique to the Montana University System but they are dealing in realities.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the item on Chancellor Sexton
Regent Mercer noted that the increase for Chancellor Sexton was retroactive and that his percentage increase was higher than all the others at MSU-Billings. Regent Hur asked why the vote was now instead of last fall. President Gamble indicated that administrative salaries are not put in place until collective bargaining contracts are finally approved. The contract was approved by the Regents at the last meeting. President Gamble further disagreed with Regent Mercer on the issue of the percentage increase. Regent Hur indicated that on page two of the Billings staff item there were percentages that were higher than that of Chancellor Sexton.
Chairwoman Thompson read a Thank You from the Bardanouve family for the kindness of the Regents and for Regent Mercer reading the Board Resolution at the funeral. Regent Ed Jasmin and President Jane Karas were also in attendance at the funeral.
Commissioner Crofts recognized, congratulated, and thanked Dean Bob Carr for his service as he retires. This is his last meeting, but he will continue at the College of Technology in Billings on a post retirement contract.
NOTE: It was agreed students would have 30 minutes set aside for them for oral reports at each Board meeting although all other oral reports will be discontinued.
Level I Memo
Montana State University-Bozeman
Request to establish the Equine Science Option within the existing Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science. This new option is designed to meet increasing student demand related to equine science and management and to prepare graduates for career opportunities in a variety of equine-related enterprises and other sectors of the livestock industry. Faculty and resources are in place for a science-based program that emphasizes the biology of equine growth, development, reproduction and behavior, and the business aspects of equine-related enterprises. Request to establish the Liberal Arts Studio Option within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree. This request is an extension of the 2000 Program Review in which the Board of Regents approved the conversion of the BFA in Art to include two options, Graphic Design and Studio Arts. MSU-Bozeman retained the B.A. in Art, for which options in Art Education and Art History previously existed. Omitted in the conversion process was the request by the School of Art to establish a third option under the BA in Art titled Liberal Arts Studio Option. This option serves students who are interested in studio art but not admitted to the BFA in Art and those who do not intend to pursue studio art as a profession. Montana State University-Billings
Request to offer a group of continuing education classes to a cohort of students at the International School of Accounting in Seoul, Korea in Summer and Fall 2002 on a trial basis. These courses are targeted to non-traditional students who want to meet requirements and prepare for the Unified Certified Public Accounting Examination in the State of Vermont. MSU-Billings faculty will deliver courses online.
Request to change the name of the Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling to Master of Science in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling. To prepare candidates for future roles as rehabilitation counselors, the campus will strengthen the mental health counseling component within the degree. This is in response to requests by practicing Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors who report a significant increase in caseload of individuals with mental illness. This changing demographic requires the counselors to have greater expertise in the mental health field.
Request to terminate the Community Counseling Option in the Master of Science in Special Education. This option is misleading for candidates because it does not carry any form of state endorsement for practice. The Rehabilitation Counseling degree is a stronger avenue toward LCPC licensure. The Program Termination Checklist will be placed on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education.
Request to change credit requirements for the School Counseling Option in the Master of Education from 60 to 48 semester credit hours to align the program with the state accreditation standards. This will make it possible for candidates who do not wish to have LCPC licensure to earn the OPI endorsement in school counseling with 48 credits. Students who wish to earn state licensure for private practice, will be advised to complete the additional courses necessary for the 60-credit requirement.
Montana State University-Northern
Request to eliminate its minor in graphic design, due to low enrollments and inadequate
coursework to prepare a student for a career in the field. This was approved by the
Board of Regents in July 1997. The program included an associate of science degree,
a bachelor of arts degree and a minor. The associate of science degree was converted
into an associate of applied science degree in 1999. The BA and AAS in graphic design
will continue.
Flathead Valley Community College
Request to offer an Certificate in Medical Transcription in response to a shortage
of medical transcribers locally as well as statewide. Business advisory board members
indicate that the shortage has forced Kalispell Regional Medical Center to advertise
for transcribers out of state. According to Employment Projections from the Bureau
of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, medical records and health information
technicians are among the fastest growing occupations for years 2000-2010. In addition,
the Montana Occupational Job Projections lists a 38.4% increase in jobs in Montana
for years 1998-2008.
Request to offer an Associate of Applied Science in Paramedicine in response to local needs for more training for current emergency workers and a need for more trained emergency services workers.
Request to offer an Associate of Applied Science in Radiological Technology to meet local hospitals' needs. Local hospitals are partnering with FVCC to offer the program because there is a shortage of available workers. The curriculum will include both didactic and clinical components and prepare graduates to use x-ray equipment safely as well as to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists' certification examination. The curriculum totals 68 credit hours
Request to offer a Certificate in Sports Marketing to provide students with basic understanding of the sporting industry in relation to professional franchises sports teams. Graduates will be prepared for additional education or immediate employment.
The University of Montana-Missoula
Request to add an Option in Scientific Applications to the B.A. Degree in Computer
Science. The last program review deleted combined major in Physics-Computer Science.
Rather than institute the proposed change to a computational physics option in Computer
Science, the Department proposes the Option in Scientific Applications. It is intended
for motivated students with interest in interdisciplinary applications of computer
science to other science disciplines. A student choosing this option must complete
MATH 251 and 17 credits in a single physical/biological/ social science discipline.
These courses must be selected in consultation with a CS advisor. This 22-credit
option is required in addition to the 41 credit major core.
The Department of Computer Science has a strong track record in cross-disciplinary collaboration, and this option provides a more formal mechanism for involving undergraduates in learning and research experiences in such activities. No additional resources are required to implement this option.
Request to offer an A.A.S. Degree in Radiologic Technology by cooperation between St. Patrick Hospital and the University of Montana-Missoula College of Technology. This is in direct response to a request from administration at St. Patrick's, which will provide clinical experiences, equipment, and technical training expertise. The College will convert the currently accredited training program of The St. Patrick School of Radiologic Technology, to an A.A.S degree and coordinate program delivery, classroom training and general education. The proposed program totals 72 credit hours.
Currently, three Montana Hospitals (St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula; Benefits Hospital, Great Falls; and St. Vincent's Hospital, Billings) are the only sources of radiologic technician (RT) training, and the three programs cannot to supply enough trained RT's to meet the minimum current annual state-wide demand of approximately 16 additional radiologic technicians each year. All three hospitals limit enrollment in their radiologic training programs to the number of RT's needed for their own operation. Recently, there has been one qualified RT for every two openings in Montana. At St. Patrick's program, there were 47 applicants for 15 openings in Spring 2002.
The University of Montana-Western
Request from The University of Montana - Western and Montana Tech of The University
of Montana to engage in a partnership to allow math and science related majors at
Montana Tech to become certified teachers. Montana Tech will deliver the content
area courses for a secondary endorsement. Western will provide the professional sequence
of required education courses as well as the methods courses on Tech's campus. Students
will receive a content area degree from Tech. Western will affirm to the Office of
Public Instruction or any out-of-state counterpart that students have successfully
completed its Teacher Education Program from Western.
Students would have a transcript from Western showing completion of its Teacher Education Program and a transcript from Tech showing completion of the Tech degree. Western's placement office would assist students who have completed its Teacher Education Program in locating positions.
The demand for math and science teachers both within the State of Montana and outside the state far exceeds the number of teachers being certified. The partnership will allow Tech students who are majoring in math and/or science related fields to earn teacher certification through Western. The faculty and administrations of the two institutions are working closely together to assure the content courses identified at Tech meet Montana Teacher Education Program Standards. Certification in other content areas is being considered.
- Memo from Regent Roehm - Updated Nursing Memo Report - Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Articulation Model Pt 1 | Articulation Model Pt 2
Item a. was held for full Board discussion. - New Procedures for Level I and Level II Items Level I Summary Sheet New Guidelines Level II Calendar
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE item b. on the SUBMISSION AGENDA to the ACTION
AGENDA for the July 11-12, 2002 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. | ITEM 114-1003-R0302 - Approval of a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law; The University of Montana-Missoula |
b. | ITEM 114-1004-R0302 - Addition of an Option in Forensic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. | ITEM 114-1005-R0302 - Addition of an Option in Cultural and Ethnic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 114-1006-R0302 - Addition of Option in Forensic Anthropology to the Master of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. | ITEM 114-1007-R0302 - Approval of Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Toxicology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
f. | ITEM 114-1008-R0302 - Approval to Establish a Center for Structural and Functional Neuroscience; The University of Montana-Missoula |
g. |
ITEM 114-1602-R0302 - Authorization to Name the Rural Education Technology Center the Charles G. Swysgood Technology Center; The University of Montana-Western |
Item g. was held for full Board discussion |
h. | ITEM 114-1603-R0302 - Mission / Vision Statement - Strategic Plan; The University of Montana-Western - See attached Memo |
i. | ITEM 114-2002-R0302 - Authorization to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Animal and Range Sciences; Montana State University-Bozeman |
j. | ITEM 114-2003-R0302 - Authorization to Create an Undergraduate Minor in Coaching Science; Montana State University-Bozeman |
k. |
ITEM 114-2704-R0302 - Authorization to Implement the Master of Science Degree in Athletic Training; Montana State University-Billings |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Items h. through k. of the ACTION AGENDA. Motion APPROVED unanimously |
a. |
Updated Report on Writing Proficiency Sub Committee Recommendation System Report |
Each campus is asked to govern according to their own methodology, and to generate criteria for standards and identify their process for assessment. In each instance when the standards are not met, the student will be remediated. Regent Semmens commented on the Writing Proficiency report and indicated he was very pleased to see what is happening at the campus levels. |
The Board recessed at 3:53 p.m. to meet with staff and faculty representatives.
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2002
The Full Board reconvened at 8:55 a.m.
Erik Burke of the MEA/MFT addressed the IT policies and indicated that a resolution was worked out with Regent Semmens. Work will need to be done over time, and the union will probably want to negotiate some changes. He also addressed the joint budget to be presented to the Governor's office. He believes the most important issue is the pay plan since state support has been declining for many years, and is currently at 50%. |
Montana Campus Compact update - Dean McGovern Mr. McGovern gave a detailed report on the Montana Campus Compact accomplishments. Please see web site for information at
a. Updated Report on Nursing
Following an overview of the written report:
At 9:30 a.m. the Board went into Executive Session for senior personnel evaluations.
The Board reconvened at 11:25 a.m.
g. ITEM 114-1602-R0302 - Authorization to Name the Rural Education Technology Center the Charles G. Swysgood Technology Center; The University of Montana-Western
Chancellor Hulbert gave an overview of Chuck Swysgood's contributions to The University of Montana-Western. He was responsible for bringing the Montana Youth Challenge to the Dillon campus. This program had a significant financial impact on both the campus and the community. He also was instrumental in obtaining the funding for the new Rural Education Technology Center. As a member of the Foundation Board, he is involved in obtaining scholarships for students interested in attending UM-W. All of these things also have helped the local community. Issues raised were the process and relationship involved in this naming. There have been very few new buildings on the campus, with the last one thirty years ago. Historically they have taken recommendations from the campus community and the final conclusion is reached by senior staff. They used this same process In renaming the David Beyer Auditorium and the Casey Keltz Arena.
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item g. of the Action Agenda.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
ITEM 115-1003-R0502 - Authorization to Implement Super Tuition, School of Business Administration; The University of Montana-Missoula Attachment |
President Dennison explained that the $250 super tuition fee would affect upper level and graduate students only in the School of Business Administration. Microsoft and Hewlett Packard have provided enormous amounts of technology assistance to the school because of well placed alumni at those companies. However, they do not provide the technical assistance that is needed to keep the systems running smoothly. These technicians are necessary if the school is to retain its accreditation. All funds from the super tuition would be used only for these technicians. The Commissioner voiced his concern about the constant increase in numbers of fees and surcharges. The Board has been attempting to bring the cost of education into a single price tag with no surprises for students and parents. He noted that there is nothing in place that guides the system in evaluating increases or the need for super tuition. The Board asked the Commissioner to come forward with a policy that addresses super tuition. |
b. | ITEM 115-2007-R0502 - Approval of Long-Term Maintenance Plan; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment 1 Attachment 2 | |
c. |
ITEM 115-2008-R0502 - Authorization to Transfer Certain General Operating Funds Exclusively for Future Scholarships and Stipends; Montana State University-Bozeman |
d. |
ITEM 115-1502-RO502 - Approval of Proposal to Offer Access to Non-residents in Programs with Excess Capacity and All Canadians at a Rate of 150% of Resident Tuition; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
Item d. of the Submission Agenda will be amended to represent only the three contiguous Provinces of Canada, and to incorporate the number of students allowed in each course, as well as a list of the courses that will be affected. In addition to this, a business plan covering the financial impact on the campus and community will be submitted. |
e. |
ITEM 115-2801-R0502 -Restructure of Auxiliary Parking Fees; Montana State University - Northern |
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE Item e. of the SUBMISSION AGENDA as an ACTION ITEM today. Motion APPROVED unanimously. |
a. | ITEM 115-1013-R0502 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Equipment Allocations; The University of Montana-Missoula | |
b. | ITEM 115-1014-R0502 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Student Employment Allocations; The University of Montana-Missoula | |
c. | ITEM 115-1501-R0502 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana | |
d. | ITEM 115-2701-R0502 - Authorization to Expend Student Equipment Fees; Montana State University-Billings | |
e. |
ITEM 115-2702-R0502 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Billings |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA Motion APPROVED unanimously. |
a. |
ITEM 114-104-R0102 Revised - Information Technology Policies; Montana University System |
Regent Semmens MOVED for APPROVAL of the proposed amendments to Item a. of the ACTION AGENDA Motion APPROVED unanimously. Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL Item a. of the ACTION AGENDA AS AMENDED Motion APPROVED on a 5-1 vote with Regent Mercer dissenting and Regent Semmens absent for the vote |
b. |
ITEM 114-101-R0302 - Revamp High School Honor Scholarship Program; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education Second Proposal | Memo | |
The current program is non-renewable and is offered for only one year to a student. The proposed changes would make new awards renewable for four years if certain criteria are met, but would decrease the number of scholarships available. This change is contingent on funding being identified to cover the new cost. The Commissioner will identify to the Board possible funding sources before this program is implemented. |
Regent Hur MOVED for APPROVAL of Policies 501.1 and 940.13 of the ACTION AGENDA AS
AMENDED and contingent on funding. |
c. |
ITEM 114-109-R0302 - Revision of Policy 803.2 Retirement; Optional Retirement Program; Montana University System |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item c. of the ACTION AGENDA Motion APPROVED unanimously |
d. |
ITEM 115-101-R0502 - Revision of Policy 802.6 Salaries; Presidents and Chancellors | |
Discussion covered the pros and cons of this item, and the input from the Campus Foundations on their positions. Some of the foundations would not support it, whereas others would. The policy is permissive which brought up the argument of a disparity in compensation for CEOs who might do equal quality work but not be backed by a Foundation that would enhance their compensation. As for those which might participate in the plan, there is the very real possibility of losing the arms length relationship that a Foundation has with the campus. Objections were also raised on the basis of what it tells the legislature when they are funding the MUS. It would appear that the Foundations are available to alleviate the financial woes of the system, which is not the case. |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item d. of the ACTION AGENDA Motion FAILED on a 5-2 vote with Regents Jasmin and Hur voting in favor
e. | ITEM 115-1001-R0502 - Authority Reports; The University of Montana Report | |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item e. of the ACTION AGENDA Motion APPROVED unanimously |
f. |
ITEM 115-1002-R0502 - Authorization for Replacement of Parking Lot, Lommasson Center; The University of Montana-Missoula |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items f. of the ACTION AGENDA Motion APPROVED unanimously (Regent Semmens was absent for vote) |
g. | ITEM 115-1004-R0502 - Approval to Negotiate Transfer of Ownership of the Marcus Daly Mansion, Hamilton; The University of Montana-Missoula Letter of Support | |
There was strong concern about possible costs to the university system on this item. It was agreed that "ownership" in the title would be changed and that the final agreement between UM and the Montana Historical Society would come before the Board for approval and it will indicate no cost to the university. |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item g. of the ACTION AGENDA AS AMENDED Motion APPROVED on a 5-1 vote with Regent Mercer dissenting (Regent Semmens was absent for vote) |
h. | ITEM 115-1005-R0502 - Approval to Negotiate Purchase and Acquisition of Land Adjacent to Lubrecht Forest; The University of Montana-Missoula | |
i. | ITEM 115-2005-R0502 - Annual Status Report of Regent's Authority; Montana State University | |
j | ITEM 115-2006-R0502 - Biennial Legislative Authority Status Report; Montana State University Report | |
k. |
ITEM 115-2009-R0502 - Authorization to Lease Space in a Private Sector Facility; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items h. through k. of the Action Agenda Motion APPROVED unanimously (Regent Semmens was absent for vote) |
l. |
ITEM 115-2802-R0502- Purchase of Property, 2556 Old Post Road Havre, MT Montana State University - Northern |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item l. of the Action Agenda
Motion APPROVED on a 5-1 vote with Regent Mercer dissenting on principle (Regent
Semmens was absent for vote)
a. |
ITEM 114-107-R0302 - Fees for FY 2003; Office of Commissioner of Higher Ed - Laurie Neils The MSU-Bozeman Athletic Fee was deferred to the May 23-24, 2002 meeting and updates on Auxiliary Fees and Community Colleges- Tuition and Fees |
Regent Hur MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of Old Business Motion APPROVED on a 5-1 vote with Regent Mercer dissenting because of 15% increase in student health at Dawson Community College (Regent Semmens was absent for vote) |
b. |
ITEM 114-108-R0302 Revised - 2005 Budget Requestand Process; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education - Rod Sundsted Memo Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 (Regent Semmens returned to the meeting) |
The Board reached consensus that the campuses would further refine the proposal, trim Initiative I to about $5,000,000 and return their suggestions to Rod Sundsted as soon as possible. Initiatives II, III and IV will remain roughly the same. It is further understood that there will be different levels of detail available for a variety of users. University Relations will prepare a two page version for talking points and forward that to the Commissioner as soon as possible. Concern was voiced that attempting to state that any one initiative presented would create a certain number of jobs, or would produce a certain amount of revenue could put the MUS in a position of stretching credibility. President Dennison indicated that by fall the economic impact study will be completed for the entire university system and the local communities. |
c. |
Update on Perkins Grant: Arlene Parisot DOL Report Montana State Budget |
d. |
ITEM 115-1012-R0502 - Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. |
ITEM 115-1601-R0502 - Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Western |
f. |
ITEM 115-106-R0503 - Foundation Operating Agreement; Montana State University-Billings Members |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items d. through f. of Old Business Motion APPROVED unanimously |
g. | Discussion of legislative interaction by Board with legislators. |
Commissioner Crofts indicated that if the Regents were interested in taking advantage of the trip to Dawson Community College in July to visit with legislators in the area he would be glad to set up appointments for them on Wednesday. The Regents will let him know if they can do this. |
- 2004-2005 Long Range Building Program - Rod Sundsted
Rod Sundsted indicated to the Board that in their packet was a list of priority projects and an explanation of the process required to submit and prioritize these items to the Governor's office in July. He will be working on the combined list over the next month. - ITEM 115-107-R0502 - Amend Policy 1004.1 Naming of Buildings; Montana University System Option Offered by Regent Mercer
Regent Mercer MOVED APPROVAL of his version of Item b. of New Business
The motion was APPROVED unanimously
Election of Board Officers
Regent Hamilton NOMINATED Regent Roehm for Chairman Regent Hur NOMINATED Regent Jasmin for Chairman Regent Jasmin removed his name from candidacy Regent Roehm was ELECTED unanimously as Chairman |
Regent Jasmin NOMINATED Regent Mercer for Vice chairman Regent Roehm NOMINATED Regent Hamilton for Vice Chair On a roll call vote Regent Hamilton was ELECTED Vice Chair on a 5-2 vote with Regents Jasmin and Hur voting for Regent Mercer |
Regent Mercer complained that he had wanted to put a motion on the Agenda for non-renewal of the Commissioner's contract. He believes that the CEOs are treated differently than are other staff members of the MUS. He indicated he will be doing further legal research on this issue and will consider it for the future. He said he could not raise the motion at this time since it was not noticed on the Agenda. However, Regent Semmens reminded him that it had been noticed for the Executive Session of this meeting.
Chair Thompson asked Regent Mercer if he would bring updated information on the Leadership College and the budget to the July meeting. He indicated he could not do that since LeRoy Schramm had advised him that it may be illegal for him to serve on both the Leadership College and the Board of Regents simultaneously. However he indicated he will try to contact those involved in the program to see if they could report at the meeting in Glendive.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.