BOR Minutes: March 21-22, 2002
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
March 21-22, 2002
Montana State University-Northern
Havre, MT
These minutes were approved unanimously at the May 23-24, 2002 meeting of the Board in Dillon, MT.
Minutes of the Board Retreat
The full Board convened at 7:30 a.m. and with no Executive Session, immediately went into the Work Session.
d. Appeals Policy - Discussion and Suggestions
Consensus was reached by the board for Regent Mercer and Chief Legal Counsel Schramm to work on revisions to this policy for presentation to the full board
e. Revision of Policy 802.6 Salaries; Presidents and Chancellors
Regent Jasmin moved for approval of the proposed revision to Policy 802.6 as a
Submission Item to be Moved to the Action Agenda of the May 23-24, 2002 meeting
The Motion was APPROVED on a 5-2 vote with Regents Semmens and Mercer dissenting
Other Items on the published agenda were discussed, however no action was required and the balance of the Work Session items were deferred to the May 23-24, 2002 meeting.
The Work Session recessed at 11:05 a.m. for separate committee meetings.
The Committees Convened at 11:10 a.m. and adjourned at 12:30.
The Full Board Convened at 1:45 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present:Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Christian Hur, Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, and Commissioner Richard Crofts, ex officio.
Regents Absent: Governor Judy Martz, ex officio, Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch, ex officio excused
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the January 17-18, 2002 Regular
Meeting in Helena as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously as AMENDED.
Staff Items:
a. |
ITEM 114-1000-R0302 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula |
b. |
ITEM 114-1001-R0302 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus upon David H. Jackson, Professor of Forestry, School of Forestry; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. |
ITEM 114-1500-R0302 - Staff; Montana Tech of the University of Montana |
d. |
ITEM 114-1900-R0302 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana |
e. |
ITEM 114-2000-R0302 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
f. |
ITEM 114-2300-R0302 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
g. |
ITEM 114-2700-R0302 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
h. |
ITEM 114-2701-R0302 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Accounting upon Joanne Sheridan; Montana State University-Billings |
i. |
ITEM 114-2702-R0302 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Humanities, and Religious Studies upon Walter B. Gulick; Montana State University-Billings |
j. |
ITEM 114-2800-R0302 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
k. |
ITEM 114-2801-R0302 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Metals Technology on Conrad Nystrom; Montana State University-Northern |
l. |
ITEM 114-2850-R0302 - Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
a. |
ITEM 114-102-R0302 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers, Local # 400; Montana University System Memo Agreement |
b. |
ITEM 114-103-R0302 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with Montana State University-Billings Faculty Association; Montana University System Memo Agreement |
c. |
ITEM 114-104-R0302 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with Vocational Technical Educators of Montana; Montana University System Memo Agreement
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the Consent Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
- President George Dennison, UM-Missoula Campus Report
- Stephen T. Hulbert, Chancellor, Western Montana College of The University of Montana Campus Report
- W. Franklin Gilmore, Chancellor, Montana Tech of The University of Montana Campus Report
- Steven Hoyle, Dean of Helena College of Technology Campus Report
- President Geoff Gamble, MSU-Bozeman Campus Report
- Dr. Ronald P. Sexton, Chancellor, Montana State University-Billings Campus Report
- Alex Capdeville, Chancellor, Montana State University-Northern Campus Report
- Mary Sheehy Moe, Interim Dean, Montana State University - Great Falls College of Technology Campus Report
- Terry Hetrick, President of Dawson Community College Campus Report
- Dr. Jane Karas, Vice President/Dean of Instruction Flathead Valley Community College
Campus Report
She handed out a flyer covering the 2002 Honors Symposium being sponsored by her campus. It is open to the public and is free to everyone. Students may earn credit for the lecture series. She also indicated that they are working on the master planning process and will be looking at a plan for 25 to 30 years which will be shared later this year.
Regional Accreditation:
Report on actions taken by the Commission on Colleges and Universities of the Northwest
Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities at its December 13-14, 2001,
meeting in Portland, Oregon. This list is provided in accordance with the regulations
of the US Department of Education.
Reaffirmed Accreditation on the Basis of a Regular Interim Evaluation:
a. Fort Peck Community College
Reaffirmed Accreditation on the Basis of a Focused Interim Evaluation:
a. Blackfeet Community College
Progress Reports Accepted:
b. Dawson Community College
c. Little Big Horn College
d. Montana State University-Billings
e. Montana State University-Bozeman
f. University of Great Falls
g. The University of Montana-Missoula
h. The University of Montana-Western
Recognition of Out of State Institutions:
The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education has received communications from
Emporia State University (Kansas) expressing interest in bringing their Master of
Library Science degree into Montana.
In conformity with the requirements of Montana State Statute 20-25-107 MCA and Board
of Regents policy 320.1, Emporia State University has provided two accreditation letters:
a. Letter from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools affirming continued
institutional accreditation; and
b. Letter from the American Library Association affirming continuation of accreditation
of the program leading to the Master of Library Science.
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Request to offer a High School Certified Nurse Assistant Program Throughout the State by Distance Delivery of Previously Authorized Degree Program
A proposal to offer the Certified Nurse Assistant Certificate through Montana Tech in high schools to juniors and seniors throughout the state. This program is the first of its kind in Montana and is an innovative partnership between K-12, the university system, and the community, all three of which are working together to meet the health care needs of the citizens of Montana. Montana Tech commits to working with local communities in planning and to avoid duplication of program in communities where another post-secondary institution already offers the CAN.
a. | ITEM 114-1003-R0302 Approval of a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
b. | ITEM 114-1004-R0302 - Addition of an Option in Forensic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
c. | ITEM 114-1005-R0302 - Addition of an Option in Cultural and Ethnic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
d. | ITEM 114-1006-R0302 - Addition of Option in Forensic Anthropology to the Master of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
e. | ITEM 114-1007-R0302 - Approval of Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Toxicology; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
f. | ITEM 114-1008-R0302 - Approval to Establish a Center for Structural and Functional Neuroscience; The University of Montana-Missoula Program Description |
g. |
ITEM 114-1602-R0302 - Authorization to Name the Rural Education Technology Center the Charles G. Swysgood Technology Center; The University of Montana-Western |
h. |
ITEM 114-1603-R0302 - Mission / Vision Statement - Strategic Plan; The University of Montana-Western - See attached Memo |
Regent Roehm indicated that some Mission/Vision Statements submitted have been specific whereas others have not. He stated that he and Dr. Scott will look at them between now and the May 23-24, 2002 meeting and decide if a particular format should be adopted, or items included. He also mentioned that Centers are usually funded by grant dollars and he believes they should be sunsetted when no subsequent funding source can be found. With the emphasis being placed on the economic impact of the university system on the State of Montana, this also should be reflected in the Submission for approval of new programs. He and Dr. Scott will have a report on this at the May meeting. |
i. | ITEM 114-2002-R0302 - Authorization to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Animal and Range Sciences; Montana State University-Bozeman Program Description |
j. | ITEM 114-2003-R0302 - Authorization to Create an Undergraduate Minor in Coaching Science; Montana State University-Bozeman Program Description |
k. |
ITEM 114-2704-R0302 - Authorization to Implement the Master of Science Degree in Athletic Training; Montana State University-Billings Program Description Program Description
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE all items on the SUBMISSION AGENDA
to the ACTION AGENDA for the May 23-24, 2002 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
ITEM 114-301-R0102 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Certificate Program in Heavy Equipment Maintenance; Flathead Valley Community College Program Description |
b. |
ITEM 114-1005-R0102 - Approval to Transfer the Department of Social Work from the College of Arts and Sciences to the School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. |
ITEM 114-1601-R0302 - Approval of Proposal to Add the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Equine Studies; The University of Montana-Western Attachment 1 Attachment 2 |
d. |
ITEM 114-2004-R0102 - Mission / Vision Statement; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all Items of the ACTION AGENDA.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. | Nursing Program Update - Deputy Commissioner Scott |
Dr. Scott gave an overview of the history of this problem. Existing Nursing Programs include five levels (below) with two formats for the bachelor's degree. A generic program begins at freshman level and terminates with a baccalaureate degree in nursing whereas a completion program begins with an ASN and RN licensure and terminates with the baccalaureate degree in nursing. Masters: Montana State University-Bozeman (with options in specialty areas) Bachelors: Both Generic and Completion - 4+ outreach: Carroll College (generic), Salish Kootenai College (completion), MSU-Bozeman (generic) [serving Bozeman, Billings, Great Falls, Missoula, and one cohort with FVCC at Kalispell], MSU-Northern (completion) [Internet statewide]. Associates: Leading to Registered Nurse licensure (ASN) - 4: Salish Kootenai College, Montana State University-Northern [serving Havre, Great Falls, Lewistown], Montana Tech, Miles Community College. Leading to Licensed Practical Nurse licensure (AAS) - 5: CoT's at Billings, Great Falls, Helena, Missoula and Montana Tech. CNA: Montana Tech and some high schools, programs approved by DPHHS exist around the state. Outreach: Historically, MSU has provided RN education around the state with Bozeman offering upper-division programs in Billings, Great Falls, and Missoula and in Kalispell under a cohort arrangement with FVCC. MSU-Northern offers the ASN via NorthNet and onsite instruction in Havre, Lewistown and Great Falls. The BSN completion program [only for students with the 2-year RN + RN licensure] is available via Internet wherever students are located around the state. MSU-Bozeman's comprehensive, statewide generic program is 10th largest in the country. Dr. Scott reported that seven campuses are considering new programs or extension of existing programs. Other Factors: Dr. Scott cited other issues of concern. There has been only marginal movement on a 1998 report from the Task Force on Nursing Education for the 21st Century with articulation continuing to be a problem. A consultant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Dr. Mary Rapson, advised that the LPN at the AAS level is "over-educating" students and creating excess credit problems for them. Graduates at each level are getting too much of the same thing (emphasis added). Dr. Rapson further commented that a typical PN of 42-50 credits would suffice and fit within a 2-year RN at 72 total credit hours. This led the MINT group to draft an articulation model, which is presently under discussion. Since Montana Tech converted its LPN to the AAS and implemented the 2-year RN (ASN), the campus has learned from the National League of Nursing (NLN) that NLN will not accredit two associate degrees leading to two separate licenses at the same institution. Thus, only one of the two 2-year degrees can be accredited. Montana Tech's "ladder" concept linking the LPN and ASN requires a student to complete 118 credits, excessive by 46-48 credits for an associate degree. Additional concerns about expansion of nursing programs include availability of sufficient clinical space, future "accreditation" of LPN programs, campus pass rates on the licensure examinations (NCLEX). Dr. Scott recommended that the Board place a moratorium on new program proposals until the Governors Task Force on Health Care Workforce Shortages make its report in September. Other recommendations related to clarifying the accreditation issue at Tech, revisiting the LPN-AAS decision, and completing articulation contracts for all programs. Chancellor Gilmore urged the Board not to put a moratorium on programs totally. He indicated that if they were to wait for the Task Force report they could be delayed six months to a year. Regent Semmens inquired if MINT had any data on placement rates. Dr. Scott indicated the Montana Hospital Association had just presented a study to the Governor's Task Force and that she would obtain the information and provide it to the Regents. Regent Jasmin indicated that Southwest Montana actually has the nursing shortage, so it is a regional rather than a state problem. General discussion revealed that action was taken four years ago by the Board to complete the clean-up of the programs system-wide to make credits transferable without excessive duplication of programs. Until it is resolved, it will be followed at each meeting. Student problems will be handled before any new programs are considered. The nursing shortage in Montana is a very complex issue. As with teachers, one of the problems causing the shortage may well be the low pay offered, causing graduates to leave Montana for the best opportunities and the ability to repay their student loans. Several recommendations were offered to the Legislature at the last session to address these problems, but none were passed. It was indicated that MSU-Bozeman was taking a different approach to their teachers' career fair this spring. Only Montana school districts have been invited to meet with the students, without the glitz and allure of out of state districts competing for attention. Regents Roehm and Hamilton will work with Dr. Scott to pinpoint where the problems lie in Montana nursing and will bring a report back to the Board at the May 23-24, 2002 meeting. |
b. | Transfer Project - Update Deputy Commissioner's Memo | Spring 2001 Grads | Project Letter |
c. | Student Affairs Activities - Update Software Evaluation |
d. | Implementation of New Program Approval Process |
The Board did not meet with faculty representatives since only two were available
due to the weather.
a. | ITEM 114-101-R0302 - Revamp High School Honor Scholarship Program; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Attachment 1 Attachment 2 |
b. | ITEM 114-106-R0302 -Repeal Policy 940.22; Montana University System Memo |
c. | ITEM 114-109-R0302 - Revision of Policy 803.2 Retirement; Optional Retirement Program; Montana University System Memo |
a. |
ITEM 114-105-R0302 - Revisions to Policy 950.2, Montana Family Education Savings Program; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education Memo |
a. |
ITEM 113-108-R1101 - Revision of Policy 940.13 - Veterans' Fee Waiver; Montana University System Memo |
b. | ITEM 114-104-R0102 Revised - Information Technology Policies; Montana University System Memo |
Item b. of the Action Agenda was deferred to the May 23-24, 2002 meeting |
c | ITEM 114-111-R0302 - Budget Amendment-Fiscal Year 2002: Dawson Community College; Officer of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
d. | ITEM 114-1002-R0302 - Miscellaneous Renovation and Maintenance Projects, University Villages; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. |
ITEM 114-2001-R0302 - Authorization to Construct a Permanent Tennis Facility Structure; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment |
a. |
Montana State University-Billings/Dell Corporation Collaboration - Informational Item Only |
Item a. of Other was moved to New Business for action on Friday |
a. |
Tribal College Reports on Economic Development Efforts |
The Board recessed at 4:10 p.m.
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2002
The Full Board reconvened at 8:55 a.m.
Mark Peterson, an Ag producer north of Havre thanked the Board for meeting with the Ag Production group last year in May and encouraged the Board to consider another meeting. He believes it is worthwhile to air differences and problems so that both sides are better informed. It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged in conjunction with the Special Board meeting to be held in April.
Chair Thompsonread the following Resolution into the record:
Whereas,the Board of Regents has learned of the death of former state representative Francis Bardanouve, and
Whereas,innumerable persons within the Montana University System counted Francis as a valued friend, and
Whereas, Francis was respected and admired within the Montana University System for his integrity and fairness, and
Whereas, Representative Bardanouve often demonstrated his dedication to and faith in the efficacy of higher education, and
Whereas, the University System, along with the rest of the State, has lost a statesman of the highest order;
Be It Therefore Resolved by The Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education, on its own behalf and on behalf of the students, employees and alumni of the Montana University System, that
They express their sadness and respect to the family of Francis Bardanouve on his passing, and further
They express their thanks and appreciation that the State of Montana and its University System were so long blessed with the attention and time of Representative Francis Bardanouve, a public servant without peer.
Adopted this 22nd day of March, 2002 by the Board of Regents of Higher Education meeting in a regularly scheduled session on the campus of Montana State University-Northern in Havre, Montana
/s/ /s/
Margie Thompson Richard A. Crofts
Chairperson of the Board of Regents Commissioner of Higher
A moment of silence was observed in respect for this outstanding statesman of Montana.
Regent Roehm MOVED for ADOPTION of the Resolution
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Commissioner Crofts passed out a letter from Eric Feaver of MEA/MFT who was unable to attend. It urged the Board to regard with high importance and priority the salary increase in the Montana University System, especially for faculty. There are continued difficulties in recruitment and retention and Mr. Feaver urged this be a high priority in budget considerations.
a. |
ITEM 114-107-R0302 - Fees for FY 2003; Office of Commissioner of Higher Ed Commissioner's Memo MSU-Bozeman Athletic Proposal Mandatory Fees Miscellaneous Fees |
Commissioner Crofts reminded the Board they had approved tuition last May for two years. However mandatory, miscellaneous, and course fees were only approved for one year. An effort has been made in recent years to hold mandatory fee increases to approximately the same as consumer price increases. The total increase in mandatory fees should be no more than 3%. Overall, the increases cluster around 3% with some slightly above, and some slightly below. Some fees have not been established yet such as auxiliary enterprises, room rates, and health insurance rates which will come up in May or July. The Commissioner indicated there were two charts in front of the Regents showing a ten year picture. Ten years ago, the mandatory fees for resident students were $291 below peers, while in 01-02 they were $398 above peers. Ten years ago, the mandatory fees for non-resident students were $1068 below peers, and in 01-02 they were $398 above peers. He referred to two fee increases mentioned in his memo. The first was the athletic fee at MSU-Bozeman. It was pulled from the March agenda and deferred to the May 23-24, 2002 meeting to await the outcome of the student vote. This policy on student input will be reviewed for clarification to prevent the misconception that a student vote could bind the Board. It will be presented at the May 23-24, 2002 meeting. The Commissioner noted that the second fee referenced in his memo was included without his support. This was the library fee at MSU-Billings. Two years ago he agreed with Chancellor Sexton and the students that the library situation at MSU-Billings was so far below the guideline of 6% that he agreed to put in a one-year fee which is not to be assessed this year. The campus wants to reinstate it. The Commissioner is concerned this will lead down the road to new mandatory fees. When the Board reviewed course and program fees, it desired to have more of the cost of education covered by tuition than mandatory fees and course/program fees. The intent was to move in the direction of reaching a single sticker price for the cost of tuition without ever-expanding fees. Last May a .7% increase was approved for library improvements and that should get them closer to the 6% guideline. The goal should be to keep the sticker price simple, but as it is tuition is not the true cost and there is sticker shock when the fees are added on. Chancellor Sexton indicated they are not much closer now than they were, and that the students are behind the library fee. Although library materials are more available now electronically, that medium also has a cost associated with it. They have received their largest ever endowment and are using the interest for the library but continue to fall farther behind. Regent Roehm indicated that when new programs are presented to the Board for approval, the associated costs, including the library costs, are included. Those costs are always portrayed as being minuscule, or the assets are already there. He therefore feels no sympathy to this request. In theory all of these costs were considered with the new programs. Dean Moe indicated they have a library fee at the Great Falls College of Technology since they are the lead institution serving students in Great Falls, MSU-Northern and the College of Nursing in Bozeman. Under their structure there is no way to bill the other campuses for those costs so the fee covers them for the two campuses. They do not charge the School of Nursing since they receive in-kind services. It was indicated that the proposed increase at Billings would generate $80,000 per semester. The annual increase in materials and periodicals is from 18% to 20%. The Commissioner indicated that the dollars noted will not make up the difference, and the mandatory fees at the Billings campus are already the third highest in the system. His point is that increases should be put into tuition rather than an ever increasing number of fees.
b. | ITEM 114-108-R0302 - 2005 Budget Requestand Process; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education - Rod Sundsted Memo |
It was generally agreed to use most of the proposed format, but to hold back portions for later proposals. The Board will meet April 24, 2002 to refine the numbers presented in the budget, determine the percentage increase to be requested above present law adjustments, and select the investment items to be included in the budget. |
c. |
Montana State University-Billings/Dell Corporation Collaboration - Informational Item Only Moved from Other on the Administrative/Budget Committee for action ITEM 114-112-R0302 - Dell Technology Support Services Center; Montana State University-Billings |
Chancellor Sexton explained to the Board this proposal which has suddenly come together after 8 months in planning. They have received a grant for $1.5 million and have another appropriation for $1 million to help finance this project. A loan for $755,000 will be covered by a 10 year firm lease with Dell. The purchase of additional acreage for parking will be paid from parking fees. It is anticipated that the venture will create 150 new jobs in the first 8 months with above average earnings and a wide variety of job opportunities. All final documents for this project are subject to approval by the Commissioner.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.