March 21-22, 2002  *  ITEM 114-2003-R0302 -ATTACHMENT



1.Program Centrality -Centrality to or enhancement of the institution's approved mission and institutional objectives to be achieved by the addition of this program.

The establishment of a minor in coaching science within the College of Education, Health and Human Development at Montana State University-Bozeman (MSU-Bozeman) is well within the mission of the land grant institution. The land grant mission of MSU-Bozeman mandates the support of professional schools including the education of teachers.  Montana State University-Bozeman is committed to undergraduate and graduate education, research and creative activity of both a basic and applied nature, and outreach to the state, region, and nation.  In the offering of a minor in coaching science, the university is attempting to provide both a basic and applied education to future professionals, primarily public school teachers, who will be employed in the state or region as coaches of young athletes.

The coaching science minor at MSU Bozeman will be:

  •  HDPE 267 (3 credits), Introduction to Coaching - The fundamentals of basic coaching from the American Coach Effectiveness Program- the most widely used, non-sport specific coach preparation curriculum in the nation.
  • HDPE 367 (1 credit taken 3 times), Coaching Application - A class in which students find coaching positions in the community and are evaluated by either head coaches, athletic directors, or program administrators. Within the minor, this class will be taken 3 times at three unique levels of sports (youth, junior high, high school) or in three different sports.
  • HDPE 467 (3 credits- WEB based), Advanced Concepts in Coaching - An advanced curriculum specifically designed for the Montana High School Association and based upon the guidelines of the National Standards of Athletic Coaching.
  • HDFN 221 (3 credits), Basic Human Nutrition Basic concepts of human nutrition including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, etc.
  • HDPE 204 (2 credits), Ethics in Sports & Health Enhancement Foundations of moral reasoning in health enhancement, sports and education.
  • HDPE 222 (3 credits), Foundations of Exercise Science The integration of the disciplines of exercise science (functional anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, and exercise psychology) to health, fitness & athletic performance.
  • HDFN 411 (2 credits), Nutrition for Sports and Exercise Nutrition for active people engaged in fitness activities and sport. Nutritional needs for strength, endurance, teen and adult athletes.
  • HDPE 445 (3 credits), Applied Sport Psychology The application of basic psychological principles such as motivation, self-confidence, self-esteem, ego and task orientation, team cohesion, goals developments and communication, as they apply to the athletic coach.

Students will select at least 3 of the 5 sport-specific courses listed below:

HDPE 201 Football Fundamentals........................ 1

HDPE 317 Basketball Coaching Theory................. 2

HDPE 318 Soccer Coaching Theory...................... 2

HDPE 319 Volleyball Coaching Theory.................. 2

HDPE 362 Track & Field Theory........................... 2

27-28 credits

2.Need for Program Justification should focus on documented need in the appropriate service area for the program national, statewide, regional, or community: provide objective data, studies, the results of institutional needs assessments appropriate to the program s nature and the expected outcomes and performance of its graduates.

Currently, over 4000 coaching positions are filled annually in the public schools that make up the Montana High School Association (MHSA). The MHSA is the governing agency for extracurricular activities in the public schools and services approximately 190 athletic programs. It has been estimated that both nationally and at the state level, public school athletic programs incur about a 40% turnover in coaches. Many schools are forced to either hire under-trained individuals or rely on volunteers from the community. At the same time, the roles of coaches of young athletes have expanded to a point where they are expected to be well-versed in various scientific, professional, legal and health related areas. The minor being proposed at MSU-Bozeman is designed to prepare those individuals committed to coaching who best meet the needs of the young athletes of Montana and the region.

3. New Courses the program will add to the curriculum.

The minor in coaching science will require one new course, HDPE 445 Applied Sport Psychology. Dr. Craig Stewart, tenured professor, will teach this class. Dr. Stewart has taught a graduate class in sport psychology in the past and will add this course to his teaching load with no cost to the department or loss of other classes.


1. Adequacy of present faculty, facilities, equipment, and library holding in support of program, compared to known or anticipated minimum standards for accreditation.

Dr. Craig Stewart (see attached vita), professor in Heath and Human Development at MSU-Bozeman for over 20 years, is the primary faculty member responsible for this minor. The facilities in the Department of HHD and the library holdings at MSU (when supplemented with WEB based sources) are adequate for the minor.

2. If special accreditation will be sought, timetable and costs associated with attaining and sustain full accreditation status as well as the level needed for each to fulfill anticipated minimum standards for accreditation.

None needed or planned.

3. Assessment Plan: how the program will fit within the institution s internal, approved assessment process and specifically address the major assessment components of academic performance and program relevancy to student-society needs; complementing the guideline provided to campuses by the OCHE and the intra-campus Committee on Outcomes Assessment (ICOA).

The institution uses a decentralized model for student outcome assessment. MSU-Bozeman policies are described on the campus web site ( As part of the campus policy the College of Education, Health and Human Development has implemented an assessment plan as required. Details of this policy include assessment of program content, communication skills, and problem-solving skills. Feedback is collected on a regular formal basis from students, alumni, and employers. Details of the college plan are available at the MSU-Bozeman web site

( Nutrition and Movement Science Options.htm).

The effectiveness of the proposed minor will be evaluated as a minor course of study within the content of Health Enhancement. Surveys of students, alumni and employers currently include sections on perceptions, policies and practices that will provide a valid measure of the effectiveness of the coaching minor.

Additionally, Dr. Stewart maintains a positive professional relationship with the executive board of Montana High School Association and many of the athletic directors in the state. The relationship lends the talent and expertise of professionals in the state to this minor. He has completed a preliminary evaluation of the WEB based curriculum he authored for MHSA and will continue an active dialog with coaches and athletic directors throughout the state to ensure that the needs of the association are being met by this curriculum.



1. Additional faculty requirement, including qualifications, salary, and recruitment.


2. Impact on facilities.


3. Cost, to be submitted in detail for the first year, for the biennium, with an estimate of continuing costs of the program over a five-year period. These costs should reflect new faculty, increased library costs, space requirements, equipment, other facilities needs, and sources of funding. Institutions will be expected to demonstrate how the needed resources will be drawn from existing budgets, and how and which programs will be suspended or terminated to generate the needed resources (if necessary).


4. Impact on enrollment, numbers of students (both graduate and undergraduate) with lower and upper division course breakdowns, and the number expected to graduate over a ten-year period.

There would be a slight increase in enrollment in specific classes within the minor; however this offering will primarily use existing students enrolled in the classes and offer them a specific minor. Within two years, we expect to graduate 15-20 students per year from the minor.

5. Relationship to other programs on campus, including the inter-departmental implications of this program s addition to the curriculum, and/or to the role other departments play in contributing courses to this program.

There is little relationship to any other programs on campus. The addition of HDPE 445, Applied Sport Psychology, was discussed with the Department of Psychology at MSU-Bozeman and no conflict was identified.

6. Relationship to other institutions.

There is but one other institution in Montana that offers a coaching minor and that is at MSU-Billings. Since the minor at MSU-Bozeman is primarily for current students in education preparing for a teaching/coaching position, no conflict was identified.