BOR Minutes: July 6-7, 2000
The Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
July 6-7, 2000
Helena College of Technology of UM
1115 North Roberts St.
Helena, MT
These Minutes were approved unanimously by the Board of Regents' at their September 21-22, 2000 meeting in Butte, Montana.
The Executive Session began at 7:00 a.m. and adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
The Work Session convened at 10:00 a.m. and adjourned at 11:00 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings
The Committees Convened at 11:10 a.m. for separate meetings and adjourned at 12:00 for lunch.
The Full Board Convened at 1:30 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Jessica Kobos, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson, Chairwoman, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Excused
Introduction of New Regent, Mark Semmens and Jessica Kobos.
Commissioner Crofts introduced a new staff member of the Office of the Commissioner, Bruce Meyers, Director of the state Gear Up program.
Chairwoman Thompson announced the loss of Chancellor Mike Rao from the Montana State University-Northern campus and Provost Bob Kindrick from The University of Montana-Missoula campus. She thanked them on behalf of the Board and the system for all they have done on behalf of the University system.
Regent Jasmin moved for approval of the Minutes of the May 18-19, 2000 regular
meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 108-1000-R0700 - Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. ITEM 108-1500-R0700 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
c. ITEM 108-1500A-R0700 - Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology
d. ITEM 108-1502-R0700 - Professor Emeritus Status for Julie B. Norman; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
e. ITEM 108-1503-R0700 - Professor Emeritus Status for Professor Joseph E. Kasperick; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 108-1504-R0700 - Professor Emeritus Status for Professor Charles J. Wideman; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
g. ITEM 108-1600-R0700 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
h. ITEM 108-2000-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Roehm requested clarification from President Roark on the raises involved in this item. President Roark indicated that with the resignation of Provost Todd, it was necessary to make the most prudent decision in reconfiguring his duties. Rather than hire a replacement, his duties were split up among current staff, resulting in expanded duties for each. The raises justified by these increased duties are to be funded from the salary that was paid to Provost Todd. It was also noted that the percentage increase for on of the positions was larger than for the others due to a gender equity issue. These raises used about one half of Provost Todd's salary.
i. ITEM 108-2001-R0700 - Retirement of John P. Hanton, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Montana State University-Bozeman
j. ITEM 108-2002-R0700 - Retirement of Terry L. Anderson, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics; Montana State University-Bozeman
k. ITEM 108-2003-R0700 - Retirement of Martin S. Stauber, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics; Montana State University-Bozeman
l. ITEM 108-2004-R0700 - Retirement of Donald A. Pierre, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Roehm noted that the above retirements are worthy of greater press. It is sometimes felt these items are passed quickly without recognition of what these individuals have contributed to the entire system.
m. ITEM 108-2700-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
n. ITEM 108-2800-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 2
o. ITEM 108-2850-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
a. ITEM 108-105-R0700 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters
b. ITEM 108-106-R0700 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, Local 86
Regent Roehm MOVED to APPROVE all items on the Consent Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Brandon DeShaw - President MAS and President of Associated Students of Mont Tech
Mr. DeShaw indicated he was elected the new President for MAS at the meeting last evening. Paula Lundstrom was elected the new Vice President and Kim Dolan the Treasurer.
Following the elections, the students had a lengthy discussion on the proposed writing proficiency requirements. It was the consensus of MAS leadership that they oppose anything that would keep any student out of college.
He also reported that Montana Tech of the University of Montana had student orientation in June and the new students spent the night in dorms, then registered and had a tour of the campus. They had planned for 150 students but had 220.
Paula Lundstrom: President ASMSU-Billings
Ms. Lundstrom reported they will be having their annual Summerfest on campus with a barbecue for anyone interested.
They have held three orientations and will have two more. Registration is now available on-line and the students like it very much. They are also trying to reorganize the student government, and attempting to create new leadership opportunities. She also indicated they are now holding classes in the new building, and the old one is being torn down.
Kim Dolan: President, AS Western Montana College of UM
Ms. Dolan indicated that the dorms on campus have been full all summer with a variety of groups utilizing their facilities. Some of the groups on campus have been the African American teachers, Upward Bound and Elder Hostel, among others.
She also indicated that the Montana Youth Challenge graduated 93 students on the first of July.
Nicole Chinadle - Vice-President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Ms. Chinadle indicated it is very quiet right now on their campus. They are in the process of trying to hire a new student lobbyist for the next legislative session and have two promising candidates.
She also indicated that they held their first new student orientation last week, with a total of 500 students and it went smoothly. CatTracker has been created by the MSU Student Leadership Institute. It is a Day Planner for students that costs them $7 and includes all the happenings on campus to keep students organized. Additionally, the MSU student paper The Exponent will have an all new look and leadership. One major issue for the student government is to get the student representatives better acquainted with each other and what their different duties are.
Molly Moon Neitzel: President of ASUM
Ms. Neitzel reported that James Billings, ASUM Business Manager is spending the summer at Camp Make A Dream as a counselor. Also, they now have 50 yellow cruiser bikes that can be checked out by students for two days at a time and that time can be extended. It is hoped this will help ease the parking problem on campus. They are also continuing with voter registration among students. Ms. Neitzel also reported they are recruiting for student lobbyists for the next legislative session.
She also indicated they are planning for the Association of College Unions meeting to be hosted at the University Center this fall.
They have had two new student orientation sessions with about 450 students each time.
Student government is working with the Greek associations and Vice President of Student Affairs on creating a hazing and harassment hot line
a. Level I Memo
Montana State University-Bozeman
Request to change the name of the Department of Plant Sciences to the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University-Bozeman
Montana State University-Northern
Request for MSU-Northern to grant the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (Completion Program) via online courses on the Internet.
University of Montana-Misoula
Request to delete the option in Environmental Studies from the baccalaureate program in Liberal Studies. A program termination checklist is on file in the Commissioner's Office.
University of Montana Helena College of Technology
Request from the Helena College of Technology to change the name of its option in Diesel Technology from Agri-Diesel Technology to Ag and Industrial-Diesel Technology.
Western Montana College of the University of Montana
Request from Western Montana College to offer the AAS degree in Early Childhood Education at the Great Falls Higher Education Center with the concurrence and support of the University of Great Falls and the Montana State University. Documentation of these approvals is on file in the Office of the Commissioner.
a. NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval to Offer the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology; Montana State University-Northern
b. NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Associate of Applied Science in School Business Administration; Montana State University-Northern
c. NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, with a Teaching Option; Montana State University-Northern
d. NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology and Design; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items a. - d. of the Notice of Intent
Agenda to the SUBMISSION AGENDA for the September, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. ITEM 108-101-R0700 - Policy 303.1 Curriculum Proposals Revision - to include definitions of degrees
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of the Submission Agenda to the
ACTION AGENDA for the September, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. ITEM 107-110-R0500 - Policy 705.3 - Performance evaluation; faculty student evaluation of faculty teaching (new)
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously
b. ITEM 107-109-R0500 - Report from Joint K-16 Composition Standards Committee on Writing Proficiency Standards for Admission and Graduation from MUS
An extensive discussion deliberated the pros and cons of the Writing Proficiency standards as proposed. It was felt by some that this proposal would create an additional hurdle for ethnic students, further eroding their chances of a college education. It was pointed out that the measuring tool does not create the problem, but rather identifies it. Others believed that this is the first step toward improving the quality of education for all Montana students, beginning in kindergarten, with a collaborative effort between K-12 and higher education. It is not intended to be a hurdle but a measure of where each student stands in order to effectively address the problem of poor writing skills. This is an issue that the Board of Regents five years ago directed the system to undertake in order to correct the overall decline in student writing skills. It was anticipated that this document would be finalized by 1997.
The following people made comments in support of the item:
Dr. Mary Moe
Molly Moon Neitzel with two concerns
Prof. Frye UM faculty senate president
Jan Clinard OPI
President George Dennison
William McBroom, Vice President, Faculty Senate-UM
The following people made comments against the item:
Sandy Reitz MSU-B faculty
Lee Heustis V.P. ASMSU-Billings
Norma Bixby, Northern Cheyenne and MT Advisory Council on Indian Education
Carol Juneau, Chair, MT/Wyoming Indian Education Assn.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item b. of the ACTION AGENDAas presented
Motion APPROVED with Regent Wetsit dissenting
a. Final Report on AY 1995 and 2000 MUS Program Reviews - MSU - UM
Chancellor Rao noted that the data in this report did not accurately reflect the final changes made to the Program Review for MSU-Northern. Those changes will be made to the document.
b. Updated Postsecondary Institutions in Montana - Total Part-Time and Full-Time Headcount Enrollments, Fall 1999
a. ITEM 108-1001-R0700 - Placement of Transmitter in Libby, Montana, to Extend Public Radio Signal to Unserved Area of the State; The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of Submission Agenda to the ACTION
AGENDA for the September, 2000, meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
b. ITEM 108-1002-R0700 - Digital Television Applications and Modification; The University of Montana-Missoula
Item b. of Submission Agenda was Informational Item only.
a. ITEM 107-106-R0500 - Repeal Policy---Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Policy and Procedures Manual Policy 940.15 Returned Check Fee
b. ITEM 107-1007-R0500 - Student Computer Fee Allocation; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 107-1021-R0500 AS AMENDED - Use of State Lands Under the Control of the Montana University System (MUS) by the Montana National Guard for the Purpose of Constructing and Operating, on a Long-term Basis, an Education and Training Facility (Armory); The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 108-1003-R0700 - Increase Student Supplemental Medical Insurance Fee; The University of Montana
e. ITEM 108-1501-R0700 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 108-1601-R0700 - Authorization to Expend up to $35,000 of Computer Use Fees; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
g. ITEM 108-1901-R0700 - Student Computer Fee Allocation; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items a. - g. of Action Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
h. ITEM 108-2005-R0700 AMENDED - Authorization to Expend Remaining Balance of Reverted Appropriation Funds to Renovate Anatomy Lab in Linfield Hall; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item h. of Action Agenda as AMENDED
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
i. ITEM 108-2006-R0700 - Authorization to Increase Student Supplemental Medical Insurance Fee; Montana State University-Bozeman and Montana State University-Northern
j. ITEM 108-2007-R0700 - Authorization to Grant a Highway Easement to the Montana Department of Transportation on the Ft. Ellis Agricultural Experiment Station in Gallatin County, Montana; Montana State University-Bozeman
k. ITEM 108-2851-R0700 - Authorization to Expend Computer Fees; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
l. ITEM 108-2852-R0700 - Authorization to Expend Building/Maintenance Fee Reserves; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items i. - l. of Action Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
The Board recessed at 3:25 to meet with faculty representatives.
FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2000
The Full Board reconvened at 9:00
There was no public comment
a. Update on Datawarehouse
Mr. Bob Vogel reported on the continued progress of the datawarehouse system. Although there are distinct differences in needs from one campus to another, with the cooperation of the campuses those needs will be balanced with the ability to obtain a consistent reporting system. Currently, data is being extracted from the old system and in the next several weeks, the verification will begin. Mr. Vogel indicated that the University System can expect more than anticipated from the new system.
b. Update on Carl Perkins State Plan - Arlene Parisot
Ms. Arlene Parisot reported that she had just received the letter of approval of the Montana State plan from Washington D.C. It was noted that Montana is one of the few states that has already received approval at this time. There are conditions that must be met with the grants, with some major changes in accountability. The first installment of the grant will be awarded immediately, with the second installment being paid October 1, 2000.
c. 2003 Biennial Budget Update
Mr. Rod Sundsted expressed disappointment at the level of funding so far negotiated with the Governor's Budget Office for the Montana University System. It was noted that Montana funds its higher education system at 44% below what its peer states do. Discussion of ways to maintain the quality of education being offered in the MUS included deferring already overdue maintenance of facilities, freezing pay, and cutting programs. The budgets of the past few years have not even fully covered inflationary increases in utilities. Natural gas is up 170% without benefit of an equivalent increase in the budget.
a. ITEM 108-102-R0700 - Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Flathead Valley Community College regarding participation in University System Health Plan ACTION ITEM
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the New Business Agenda.
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. ITEM 108-104-R0700 - Amendment to Policy 505 making GSL authority parallel to that granted by federal statute ACTION ITEM
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item b. of the New Business Agenda
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
c. ITEM 108-107-R0700 - Long Range Building Programs - Project Priority Lists SUBMISSION ACTION ITEM
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item c. of the New Business Agenda
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
d. Report on GASB 34 and 35 - Laurie Neils
Ms. Laurie Neils reported on the implications to the university system of the GASB 34 and 35 mandates. There will be a cost in both financial and personnel resources. Those people who have worked so hard to implement the Banner system are the same ones that will bear the pressure of these significant changes. The mandate is for implementation by fiscal year 2002. These mandates eliminate fund accounting and change the manner of accounting for capital assets, tuition discounts, Pell Grants and bond activity. It will also require the report of cash flows. It was recommended that a consultant be brought in to help develop the new plan on the campuses.
It was reported that Judge Salvani handed down his final ruling on the Land Board case, indicating the settlement between MUS, the Land Board and the MSU Foundation was fair and reasonable. This ends four years ofwork on this case, and former Regent Pat Davison was lauded for his "undying" efforts to keep this case on track.
President Dennison reported that they had good outcomes on the accreditations for all their campuses. They have been undergoing a significant amount of accreditation activity during the past year on the Missoula campus for departments such as Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Education Programs, Social Work, Recreation Management, Journalism, Music, Business, Accountancy, Law, Medical Technology, and the Student Health Service.
He also reported that three students at the University of Montana-Missoula received Millennium Gates Scholarships for this fall. These scholarships are part of a national effort of the Gates Foundation to put millions into scholarships for those who do not typically have access to higher education, which tends to be minorities and Native Americans.
President Dennison introduced their new Provost from Kent State University, Lois Muir who is replacing Bob Kindrick.
Chancellor Gilmore reported that Montana Tech is now an American College of Sports Medicine testing center for the instructors certificate examination. They have also had renewal of a $55,000 grant for Occupational Safety and Health Program for UG scholarships.
The 1999 Graduate Survey is now complete. In four year programs, 100% again responded with 98% placement. Engineering salaries were just over $39,000, other salaries just over $31,000. The high salary was in petroleum engineering at $55,000. In two year programs 94% responded with 92% placement. The salaries for the two year graduates varied greatly with disciplines, but the average was from $14,400 to $28,900 with a high of $36,000.
Over 90 companies interviewed students for employment.
In June they had the six man football group on campus and had the Treasure State All Star game. It was quite successful with 64 players and 12 coaches.
In the area of research, Rick Douglass, last year's Professor of the Year, spent part of his sabbatical in the Patagonia region of Argentina studying how hantavirus in Argentina compares to hantavirus in Montana. He along with Phil Simmons, Tim Wilson and Rick VanHornsby have had four papers accepted on the hantavirus.
In Metallurgical Engineering, they are attempting to set up a consortium for both research and team teaching with the University of Idaho with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. This is a $700,000 grant they are pursuing to do some teaching across institutions with related programs. Montana Tech is doing the same sort of thing with Penn State in an EPA grant which will be a $3,000,000 grant. These are not firm yet.
In May they had their first 4 graduates from the Masters program in Project Engineering Management, offered jointly with MSU-Bozeman.
Additionally, the EPA EPSCOR grant is moving ahead well.
As a reminder, there is a state agency on the Montana Tech campus. That is the Bureau of Mines and Geology and they do a tremendous amount of work for the state. They have just issued five new geological maps for areas around Lima, Livingston, Big Timber, Roundup and Great Falls. These are 1:1000 maps showing the geological features of those areas and are accompanied by a text. They are available to residents of the state at a minimal cost. The Bureau is also involved in coal bed methane work which is an area that involves problems with ground water and their involvement is looking at how to protect the ground water.
Chancellor Gilmore hopes soon to be able to announce the Underground Miner Training Program. This is a joint project with Stillwater Mine. It is hoped the federal funding will come through in time for the program to start this fall.
Long range building projects are on schedule, including classroom renovations, heating plant upgrades, and ADA restroom renovations in the MG building.
Chancellor Hulbert reported that as other campuses, they are hosting many conferences on their campus. These activities contribute to the economic vitality of the communities they serve. They host about 8,000 to 10,000 individuals who come for a wide range of activities, from conferences to corporate training, academic training, one of the largest Elder Hostel programs in the country, Boys State and at the close of the summer they will have the national meeting of the Lewis and Clark Society to kick off their celebration.
A South African Grant that is federally funded by the U.S. is a contractual relationship between the U.S. and South Africa for the training of sitting teachers. In mid-winter, the Western Campus sent faculty to South Africa to work with over 200 teachers in new techniques and instructional technology, and are now hosting two dozen South African teachers for a month as they continue that program. Western has again been given the grant by the U.S. government and the South African government so the program will continue for at least another year.
They will be breaking ground next week on the Rural Technology Center which was recently funded. The construction barriers are up and will cover the center of campus for the next fourteen months. Additionally, they have completed the Roe House renovations, which is the facility given to the college by Ted Turner with the renovations being funded by the Roe family. This has permitted creating a one stop center for student services.
The second class of Montana Youth Challenge graduated last Saturday with 91 students completing their GED. Twenty of those students had taken at least three and in some cases as many as six credits of college course work at Western after completing the GED. A number are now going on to public and private colleges in Montana. Six or seven are enrolling at Western this fall.
President Roark reported that Roger Barber, despite his personal plans to return to teaching, has agreed to remain as the Provost at MSU-Northern and also has been appointed Chief Operating Officer following the loss of Chancellor Rao.
President Roark indicates that enrollment this year runs about the same as last year for head count. However, the FTE is a little below last year's figures.
On Monday they received a check for $800,000 to the Foundation for the Biofilm Engineering Program for Graduate students to mentor Undergraduates. Additionally, one of their students who just finished his freshman year, Michael Running Wolf from Lame Deer, a computer science major, received one of the prestigious Gates Scholarships.
Provost Roger Barber reported that summer school enrollment at Montana State University-Northern is up 17%, using FTE numbers as the base and comparing those figures to the same date last year.
The two-year, associate degree in nursing was reviewed by both State and Federal accrediting agencies this year. In each instance, the review was favorable and complementary. The most recent approval, from the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission, was especially rewarding, since that group gave the program its longest possible authorization, eight (8) years. Credit for the exemplary visits must go to interim chair/dean, Trish Goudie, and her nursing colleagues.
The campus received notice of two (2) substantial grants earlier in the summer: --a three-year, $600,000 grant under the Preparing Teachers to Use Technology program. The grant will include the creation of a state-of-the-art classroom on the MSU-Northern campus; and the development of important partnerships with several area tribal colleges and Havre High School. --a $150,000 grant to train Native American citizens for particular jobs, especially in the area of water quality treatment and protection. Since MSU-Northern has the only water quality treatment degree in the State, the grant is especially important to that program.
Chancellor Sexton reported they have had the most successful research and training grant year ever. They exceeded for the first time $4,000,000.
Orientation sessions are going well. Their enrollment FTE is at least even, and possibly up a little.
Voter registration efforts among the student body are ongoing.
He also commented on the good leadership in student government on their campus. They are bringing a number of significant changes to the campus which they will report at a later meeting. In particular, he wanted to acknowledge Lee Heustis, the new Vice President of the student body.
A building project on campus that is nearing completion was approved by the legislature. Tied to that project was the demolition of the campus school. They are now in the process of demolishing that building. It was the largest deferred maintenance project they faced, including the removal of asbestos, and was to run about $2.5 to $3 million. Demolition should be completed within the next month.
The Regents discussed whether or not the Campus Reports section of the Agenda should be moved to an earlier spot. Commissioner Crofts will work with the Presidents and Chancellors on this issue, and the CEO's have agreed to provide a one page summary of their reports for the Board at each meeting.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.