May 18-19, 2000

ITEM 107-110-R0500 - Proposed Policy on Student Evaluation of Faculty Teaching

SUBJECT:  PERSONNEL                                                                               

Policy 705.3 - Performance evaluation; faculty

Board policy

1. Evaluation of the performance of all personnel involved in direct instruction within the Montana University System shall be conducted regularly and shall include student evaluation of teaching in accordance with these procedures. 

2.  Student evaluation of teaching is an important component of faculty performance review and should be taken into account in appointment (where practical and reliable), reappointment, tenure, promotion and post-tenure reviews at the department, college and university level.  


1. Each campus shall establish a regular cycle of student evaluation of teaching and use the results of these evaluations in faculty performance evaluations for reappointment, tenure, promotion and, where applicable, post-tenure review.

2. For student evaluation of teaching, the following guidelines shall be observed:

a. There should be some student evaluation of each faculty member's teaching every year he or she is engaged in instruction.

b. When surveys or other instruments are used to collect student input on teaching, these must be administered and collected from the students by someone other than the faculty member under review.

c. The results of student evaluations of teaching should be shared with the faculty member only after final grades for the course(s) evaluated have been submitted for posting by the registrar.

3. The administrator or designated evaluation committee of a faculty member's academic department or division will meet with him or her to review his/her student evaluations in the context of other evaluations of teaching.

a. At this meeting, the reviewer(s) will indicate any specific issues that need to be addressed with respect to improvement of teaching in the next review period.

b. As appropriate, the reviewer (s) will offer the faculty member such professional development assistance as resources permit and the two deem helpful or necessary.

c. Copies of the student evaluations or a summary shall be retained in the faculty member's personnel file or other appropriate file and used in department, school/college and/or university performance reviews for no more than seven years.


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