July 6-7, 2000

NOTICE OF INTENT:   Approval of Proposal to Offer the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, with a Teaching Option; Montana State University-Northern

THAT:   The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University-Northern to award a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology, with a teaching option, to any student who completes the four-year curriculum in Industrial Technology approved by the Board.

EXPLANATION: This proposed degree in Industrial Technology will fill the gap left by other degrees in the Montana University System. The Office of Public Instruction urged MSU-Northern to develop the degree, and its resident expert in vocational education worked closely with Northern to put the degree together. The degree will include introductory classes typical of a technical education degree; and hands-on classes characteristic of an industrial arts degree. Coursework already available at MSU-Northern will reinforce course offerings in the four areas of technical education:

  1. energy power and transportation
  2. production technology
  3. communication technology
  4. construction technology

MSU-Northern will also have the ability to reinforce those offerings with courses in drafting, welding, automotive, diesel, electronics, computers, auto body and agriculture. Because of its special mission in technical education, MSU-Northern should be able to offer an educational experience unique to the MUS system. With its breadth of both theoretical and practical coursework, and its diversity of support programs, the degree should also be available to students who do not want to teach.