July 6-7, 2000

ITEM 108-1501-R0700   Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

THAT: The Board of Regents authorize, in accordance with Montana University System Policy 940.23, the expenditure of approximately $125,000 of student computer fees to pay on the loan for the high speed network switches and purchase computers at Montana Tech.

EXPLANATION: Proposed plan calls for approximately $60,000 for the purchase of 26 computers and one printer to upgrade the student computer lab in Engineering 104 and $57,900 to pay on the loan for the high speed network switches. In addition, Montana Tech will upgrade the campus software to Microsoft Office 2000.

Tech's microcomputer proposal was developed in conjunction with and was unanimously approved by the campus-wide Computer Committee which is comprised of the appropriate student representatives as authorized by Montana University System Policy 940.23.