BOR Minutes: May 18-19, 2000
The Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
May 18-19, 2000
Flathead Valley Community College
777 Grandview Drive
Kalispell, MT
These Minutes were approved unanimously by the Board of Regents at their July 6-7, 2000 meeting in Helena, Montana |
THURSDAY, May 18, 2000
The Work Session convened at 7:40 a.m. and adjourned at 10:50 a.m. for separate Committee Meeting
The Committees Convened at 11:00 a.m. for separate meetings and adjourned at 12:00 for lunch
The Full Board Convened at 1:15 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin (Acting-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Richard Roehm, Margie Thompson, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Mark Semmens, Excused
I. Introduction of New Student Regent, Jessica Kobos
II. Election of Officers
Regent Roehm nominated Regent Margie Thompson as Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Roehm Moved to close nominations for Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Thompson was elected unanimously as the new Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Roehm nominated Regent Ed Jasmin as Vice-Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Roehm Moved to close nominations for Vice-Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Jasmin was elected unanimously as continuing Vice-Chair of the Board of Regents
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the March 23-24, 2000 Regular
Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously
Staff Items:
Regent Roehm MOVED to HOLD ITEM 107-2000-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
to be considered separately
a. ITEM 107-1000-R0500 - Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Wetsit requested clarification for two items on Item a.
b. ITEM 107-1008-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Richard R. Adler, Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 107-1009-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Charles Allen, Professor of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 107-1010-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Mary Birch, Professor of Social Work, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. ITEM 107-1011-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Frank W. Clark, Professor of Social Work, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
f. ITEM 107-1012-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of William F. "Duke" Crowley, Professor, School of Law; The University of Montana-Missoula
g. ITEM 107-1013-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Evan Denney, Professor of Geography, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
h. ITEM 107-1014-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Jon J. Driessen, Professor of Sociology and Adjunct Professor of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
i. ITEM 107-1015-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of James A. Flightner, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spanish, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
j. ITEM 107-1016-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Walter E. Hill, Professor of Biochemistry, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
k. ITEM 107-1017-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Fred McGlynn, Professor of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
l. ITEM 107-1018-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Richard P. Sheridan, Professor of Botany, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
m. ITEM 107-1019-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of William W. Wilmot, Professor of Communication Studies, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
n. ITEM 107-1020-R0500 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Katherine M. Weist, Professor of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
o. ITEM 107-1500-R0500 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
p. ITEM 107-1600-R0500 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
q. ITEM 107-1900-R0500 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
r. ITEM 107-2000-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
s. ITEM 107-2700-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
t. ITEM 107-2800-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern Amended to withdraw item for James Potter
u. ITEM 107-2850-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
a. ITEM 107-103-R0500 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with MSU-Billings Faculty
b. ITEM 107-104-R0500 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with VTEM (College of Technology Faculty)
c. ITEM 107-105-R0500 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with Helena Teachers' Union
d. ITEM 107-107-R0500 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with MUS Maintenance Painters Union
e. ITEM 107-108-R0500 - Confirmation of Governor Racicot's Appointments to Local Executive Boards
f. ITEM 107-111-R0500 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with UM-Missoula College of Technology Faculty Association
g. ITEM 107-102-R0500 - Rural Physician Incentive Program - Dr. Denise A. Helin; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
Regent Hamilton MOVED to APPROVE the Consent Agenda with the exception of item
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
r. ITEM 107-2000-R0500 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Roehm questioned fairness of 10.5 % raises for two administrative personnel during a freeze of raises for all faculty. President Roark indicated that these two items would have been presented at the January meeting if President Malone had lived. They were issues of internal equity, but President Roark was unaware of the items until too late for the March Agenda. The money used for these increases is coming from their fiscal year 00 base so no new money would go into the positions. A commitment had been made to the two individuals by President Malone months ago. VP Stump indicated that President Malone had tendered an offer to Cathy Conover for $75,000.
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE Item r.
Motion APPROVED with Regents Roehm and Wetsit dissenting.
Jessica Kobos: President of MAS
Ms. Kobos indicated this is her last meeting as President of MAS.
At their meeting Wednesday evening, student leaders discussed the Library Task Force, as well as domestic partners insurance benefits. They were unable to reach a consensus on the insurance issue.
She also indicated that Regent Fritz gave a report to the students and offered pertinent advice to the new officers. Also discussed were individual campus goals, and student evaluation of faculty teaching.
Molly Moon Neitzel: President of ASUM
Ms. Neitzel reported that the Office of Transportation was created last year. They are now implementing a bike loan program to students free of charge with a Griz card. UM will be an example for other campuses across the country. They will have 50 bikes available in the very near future.
She also reported that they had Green Griz week to raise awareness and help alleviate the parking problems on campus. Hundreds of students used alternate transportation during that week.
The student government is also negotiating with Mountain Line to extend services later into the evening for students.
Additionally, UM students had a table at the special session and called their own legislators with opinions and input.
Also celebrated on campus since the last meeting was International Week with foods from around the world, the Kioyo Pow Wow and Take Back the Night.
Nicole Chinadle: Vice-President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Ms. Chinadle indicated that Ms. Kiera Kuntz, the new President, took an internship in Boise and was unable to attend the meeting.
The project for the multicultural resource center is progressing and is completely funded with help of the MSU-Bozeman administration. Using workshops and other techniques, they are trying to decrease prejudice on campus.
During finals week, voter registration tables were placed around the SUB to both educate the students about the importance of voting and to get them registered.
The students also worked with University Relations to bring in local legislators and business people and attempted to explain to them the importance of research to both the university and the students.
The program with a local taxi company creating "CatCab" started out for just big events. However, it is now available for students on Friday and Saturday nights with a grant from the DUI council.
The students also thanked Student Regent Jeremy Fritz and the other regents for their dedication and hard work for students.
Brandon DeShaw - President AS-Montana Tech, Butte
Mr. DeShaw indicated that besides himself, Jace Smith was elected the new Vice President and Harley Paugh the new Treasurer for the associated students at Montana Tech in March. They are all engineering students.
Mr. DeShaw reported that the student body had voted to approve fee increases for computers and labs. They would prefer that the total increase be implemented in one year, rather than being spread out over two years, since that would allow for immediate improvement of the computers and lab.
Montana Tech's Environmental Design Team competed in Las Cruces, New Mexico on design solutions to environmental problems. They participated in 3 different tasks: the first was to design a system to remove an underground pipe blockage; the second was a design for the safe handling of radioactive materials; and the third was for the treatment of mining pit water. The team placed second in overall competition.
An international mining competition was held at Montana Tech's Mining Museum in April. It drew teams from as far away as Australia.
Lee Huestis: Vice-President of ASMSU-Billings
Mr. Huestis indicated that President Paula Lundstrom was called away from the meeting.
He reported that of the 17 elected senators this year, 10 are returning from last year. Additionally, a new executive office of Historian was created that will be for a four year term. In the past, turnover rates made it impossible to maintain consistency.
Montana State University-Billings celebrated their annual Wine Fest following the Regents' meeting, with the theme Wizard of Oz.
Mr. Huestis indicated that he was very encouraged for the upcoming year since the group of senators on campus are very mature and competent.
Stacie Roth: President MSU-Northern
Ms. Roth indicated that summer session begins on June 5th and they are preparing for it now.
- Working toward teacher education accreditation
- Increase diversity on campus
- Computer hookups in each dorm room
- Accomplishments since March Board meeting:
- Completion of Frolf Course (Frisbee Golf)
- Computer lab established in dorms
Billie Goodmundson: President, Helena College of Technology of UM
Ms. Goodmundson reported that the students had voted for approval of a fee increase for student government. With those funds, they will attempt to create more student clubs on campus, and seek ways to better inform students of what is happening with their government.
Kim Dolan: President, Western Montana College
Ms. Dolan reported that the new Vice President is away fighting fires, and was unable to attend the meeting.
Western Montana College of UM continues their struggle of the past two years to get their radio station working. They are now in the last stages of that effort.
Ms. Dolan indicated that the student senate will explore the impact of the Credit Cap on their student population.
Additionally, she indicated they are considering restructuring the makeup of the student senate since they have so much trouble recruiting students to fill vacancies. At present there are only 9 of the 13 senate seats filled.
Shelby Moody: President AS-FVCC
Ms. Moody informed the Board of Regents that she has been re-elected for another term as president of the student union. The new Vice President is working in Glacier Park for the summer and was unable to attend the meeting.
Board of Regents' Chair Margie Thompson thanked Ms. Moody and the other students, as well as the administration of FVCC for all they did to make the meeting a wonderful success. She thanked them for the red carpet treatment accorded the Board.
Level 1 Memo
Montana State University College of Technology at Great Falls
Request to change the name of the Legal Assistant Option in Computerized Office Technology to Attorney's Assistant. This change was advocated by the program's advisory committee, which noted that the term "legal assistant" is used interchangeably in statute with the term "paralegal." The College's Legal Assistant Option does not prepare paralegals for the workforce. The relevant statute is MCA 37-60-101 (12).
Request to impose an Academic Program Moratorium on the College's Occupational Therapy Assistant program. Low enrollments and low placement rates necessitate the moratorium; in the next year, the College will continue to explore ways to make the program more viable, including offering it on-line. The Phase I procedures from the Program Termination Checklist have been or are being carried out.
Request from the College of Technology at Great Falls and Montana State University Northern to extend degree-granting authority from MSU-Northern to MSU--Great Falls College of Technology for the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Design Drafting Technology when that program is offered in Great Falls and students complete the program there. The curriculum will remain the same. The signed agreement of the two campuses is on file.
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Request to add a geoscience minor to the major in geological engineering. Western Montana College of the University of Montana
Request to offer the AAS in Early Childhood Education in cooperation with MSU Northern in Havre effective Fall. WMC has received approval from the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.
Dawson Community College
Request to change the option titles of the A.A.S. degree program option from Computer Support Technology - Software Specialist Track to Computer Support Technology - Software Specialistand from Computer Support Technology - System Support Track to Computer Support Technology - System Manager. The latter change reflects curricular changes resultant from adding Cisco Certified Networking Associate courses. The addition of these courses changes the focus of the curriculum.
Request to change the title of Office Technology - Administrative Assistant - Medical Option to
Office Technology - Administrative Assistant - Medical Transcription Option to respond to changes in market demand. The revised program includes an increase in medical transcription training (8 credits as opposed to 3), and 8 semester credits of course work in pharmacology, diseases, lab and surgical procedures, and medical ethics and science.
Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC)
In response to requests from employers and local human resource managers, Flathead Valley Community College requests to offer Associate of Applied Science degree program in Human Resources Management. This degree would require 64 credits. The Flathead Valley Society for Human Resource Managers met with FVCC faculty to develop the program. FVCC currently offers all required courses but one, Train the Trainer, that will be taught by a current faculty member. There will be no additional costs associated with this program. This program will go through Level II review if there is interest in continuing it beyond two years.
Request to replace Management Information Systems - LAN Management Certificate with a Network Architecture Certificate to respond to the needs of local and state employers who require individuals be prepared for the operation of networking hardware and software. Students who complete this 33 credit certificate will be eligible for CISCO certification. The required CISCO equipment will be donated to the program from the Flathead Valley Community College Foundation. This program will go through Level II review if there is interest in continuing it beyond two years.
Request to offer a Goldsmithing Bench Certificate, requiring 62 credits based on the Jewelers of America standards. Students who complete this program will be eligible to take the Jewelers of America exam for JA Certified Bench Technician (First Level). During the spring of 2000, Professional Goldsmithing Advisory Board members recommended that FVCC develop a Bench Certificate to meet local, state and regional needs because FVCC has one of the few Professional Goldsmithing programs in the United States. This prepares students for entry level bench positions in the jewelry industry and/or for further study and testing in the field of jewelry manufacturing. This would be the only Bench Certificate in the Northwest. This program will go through Level II review if there is interest in continuing it beyond two years.
a. ITEM 107-110-R0500 - Proposed Policy on student evaluation of faculty teaching.
Regent Fritz MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. to the ACTION AGENDA for the
July, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
b. ITEM 107-109-R0500 - Report from Joint K-16 Composition Standards Committee on Writing Proficiency Standards for Admission and Graduation from MUS
Dr. Chin from UM and Chair of the Composition Standards Committee gave a report and answered a variety of questions on item b. She indicated that in order to evaluate writing skills, it is necessary to have students produce writing samples. A number of instruments are available, and she recommended using the ACT writing sample, which most do not take at this time. ACT will work with Montana to develop the proper evaluation tool for Montana students. Dr. Chin indicated they are not trying to create additional obstacles for disadvantaged students, but rather are trying to identify levels of writing skills. There would be no impact on students who were three or more years out of high school, as they are exempt from admissions policies.
Two specific questions raised were: Standardized testing is normed generally on a Euro-American population. In Montana, there are a great number of Native American students. Will these tests negatively reflect their writing skills because of such a slant?; and with a proficiency exam across the curriculum, there are high expectations of students, with a need for check points on how well they are doing. What provisions are being made to be certain that all faculty are on the same page?
Dr. Chin reiterated that the assessment will be created specifically for Montana students if the system uses ACT. There would be a field study to check how well the students are doing, and it would tie directly to K-12 standards. She also indicated that she is a strong proponent that every educator needs to help every student become proficient in literacy and writing. That requires a tremendous amount of staff development in the area of writing.
Regent Hamilton MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item b. to the ACTION AGENDA for the July,
2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED with Regent Wetsit dissenting
a. ITEM 106-201-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Implement a Correctional Officer Certificate Program, Dawson Community College, Glendive, MT
b. ITEM 106-202-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to implement a Two-Year, Farm/Ranch Business Management Certificate Program; Dawson Community College, Glendive, MT
c. ITEM106-1501-R0300 - Approval to Change the Name of the Department of and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Metallurgical Engineering to Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
d. ITEM106-1502-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize and Rename the Present Options in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics and Change the Name of the Department to Mathematical Sciences; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
e. ITEM106-1601-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Name P.E. Complex Arena, Casey Keltz Arena; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 106-2006-R0300 - Authorization to Offer A Non-teaching Undergraduate Minor in Japan Studies; Montana State University-Bozeman
g. ITEM 106-2704-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Offer an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology
h. ITEM 106-2705-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Offer an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Systems Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology
i. ITEM 106-2706-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Implement the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Automobile Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology
j. ITEM 106-2707-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Minor of Business GeographicsBusiness Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Montana State University-Billings
k. ITEM106-1001-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Establish a Center for Environmental Health Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
l. ITEM 106-2007-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Master of Fine Arts in Science and Natural History Filmmaking; Montana State University-Bozeman
m. ITEM 106-2008-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Bachelor of Arts in Music; Montana State University-Bozeman
n. ITEM 106-2009-R0300 - Authorization to Restructure the Biology Department in the College of Letters and Sciences; Montana State University-Bozeman
o. ITEM 106-2801-R0300 - Mission Statement; Montana State University-Northern
p. Final Revisions to Program Review - MSU-Northern
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items a. - p. of Action Agenda
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 107-106-R0500 - Repeal Policy--Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Policy and Procedures Manual Policy 940.15 Returned Check Fee
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of Submission Agenda to the
ACTION AGENDA for the July, 2000 meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
b. ITEM 107-1002-R0500 - Miscellaneous Renovations, Dining Services; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 107-1003-R0500 - Residence Hall Wiring and Fire Sprinklers; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 107-1004-R0500 - Information Technology Resources Center, Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. ITEM 107-1005-R0500 - Relocation of Met Net, Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
f. ITEM 107-1006-R0500 - Classroom/Laboratory Renovations, Series C 1995 and Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items b. - f. of Submission Agenda
to the ACTION AGENDA today
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
g. ITEM 107-1007-R0500 - Student Computer Fee Allocation; The University of Montana-Missoula
h. ITEM 107-1021-R0500 AS AMENDED - Use of State Lands Under the Control of the Montana University System (MUS) by the Montana National Guard for the Purpose of Constructing and Operating, on a Long-term Basis, an Education and Training Facility (Armory); The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items g. & h. of Submission Agenda to the
ACTION AGENDA for the July, 2000 meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
i. ITEM 107-1022-R0500 - Dornblaser Track Improvements; The University of Montana-Missoula
j. ITEM 107-1501-R0500 - Site Improvements for SUB-Mill Renovations, Series C 1995 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
k. ITEM 107-1601-R0500 - Residence Hall/Dining Services Renovations, Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
l. ITEM 107-1602-R0500 - Parking Improvements, Series D 1996 & Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
m. ITEM 107-1603-R0500 - Family Housing Renovations, Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items i. - m. of Submission Agenda
to the ACTION AGENDA today
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items b., c., d., e., f., i., j., k., l.,
and m. as Action Items today
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. ITEM 106-106-R0300 Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Regents' Award for Excellence in University System Citizenship (New); MUS
b. ITEM 107-1001-R0500 - Grant of Easement to Mountain Water Company for Existing Water Main Facilities; The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items a. and b. of Action Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
The Board recessed at 3:50 to meet with classified staff representatives followed by faculty representatives.
FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2000
The Full Board reconvened at 8:50
a. The Montana Campus Compact - Dean P. McGovern
Dean McGovern gave a short presentation on the background and purpose of the Montana Campus Compact.
Lincoln Bower of ADSUM indicated support for ADA access in the Long Range Building Program
a. Operating Agreements with Foundations
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Agreements with Foundations
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. Continued Discussion of Fiscal Year 2001 Operating Budgets
No further discussion was needed
a. Appeal - Domestic Partners Insurance Coverage
Chief Legal Counsel, LeRoy Schramm gave a brief background and explanation of the issue. Appeals generally are raised as to whether or not a policy has been properly applied. In this case, the appeal was on what the policy should be. He clarified that the Board of Regents is under no legal compulsion to make a change in policy to cover domestic partners.
The following individuals presented comments in favor of policy coverage:
- Casey Charles, Associate Professor of English, UM-Missoula
- Jessica Kobos Student, UM-Missoula, past MAS President, past ASUM president
- Christopher Peterson student, UM-Missoula
- Leah Tagonio student and former senator ASUM UM-Missoula
- The following individuals presented comments against policy coverage:
- Julie Millam Christian Coalition
- Scott Orr House Representative, HD 82, Libby
- Charles Lorenson
- Burdell Jackson - House Representative, HD 79, Former Professor U of Alaska in Juneau, Alaska
- Bill Boharski former legislator, Mayor of Kalispell
- Rod Bitney State Representative, HD 77 Kalispell
- Denise Koffer Christian Coalition
- Sandra Potter
- Judy Trujillo - Christian Coalition
- Judy Amos Cascade
- Glenda Haige father of future student
- George Potter Air Traffic Controller
Regent RoehmMOVED for DENIAL of the Appeal on Domestic Partners Insurance Coverage
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Rob Natelson gave a presentation to the Board of Regents, followed by an extensive question and answer period.
OLD BUSINESS continued
Prior to continuing Old Business, Commissioner Crofts announced the winners of the first Regents' Award for Excellence in University System Citizenship. David Todd from Montana State University-Bozeman had been recognized the previous day for his service to the system, but was unavailable for this meeting. Rosi Keller from The University of Montana-Missoula was presented with her certificate for Excellence in University System Citizenship. Dr. Crofts indicated that she has been a person actively involved in the system implementation of Banner, has worked very hard on several system committees and task forces and is known in the Office of the Commissioner as a person to provide an honest opinion. Ms. Keller indicated that it has been her pleasure to work hard for the university system, and that she is in higher education because of The University of Montana-Missoula - she is not at The University of Montana-Missoula because of higher education.
c. 2003 Biennium Budget Request Priorities
Associate Commissioner for Fiscal Affairs, Rod Sundsted explained the priorities presented and made suggestions on which items should fall under which priority. Discussion followed regarding what could be done to attempt to balance the huge deficit the university system budget experiences. Mention was made of cutting high cost programs, or increasing tuition. It was noted that an 8% increase at this point would be $160 a year. The Regents will give recommendations to the Commissioner on what actions they feel might benefit the budget.
Associate Commissioner Sundsted recommended placing priorities in two tiers, as follows:
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
$500 Resident Student Increase |
Supplemental Pay Plan |
State Supported Financial Aid |
Information Technology |
Agency Budget Initiatives |
CoT Technical Programs |
Course Fee Replacement |
New Financial Aid other than Base |
Regent JasminMOVED for APPROVAL of the Budget Request Priorities as outlined by
Associate Commissioner Sundsted
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. Appeal
Regent FritzMOVED to HEAR the Appeal at the July, 2000 meeting
The MOTION FAILED with a tied vote
Regent RoehmMOVED to DENY the Appeal
The MOTION PASSED with Regent Fritz dissenting
c. ITEM 107-101-R0500 - Inventory of Fees; Office of the Commissioner as amended by Laurie Neils
Regent JasminMOVED to APPROVE the Inventory of Fees
The MOTION PASSED unanimously
d. Long Range Building Program (Rod Sundsted)
Associate Commissioner Sundsted explained that priorities are set on each of the campuses. It was also noted that students had concerns about ADA issues in the building priorities. Those are incorporated into particular building projects, and are also found in groups of similar items which need attention. Due to a general lack of knowledge about ADA upgrades planned, it was agreed that a greater effort would be made on the campuses to better inform the campus population. Over the next two to three weeks, the Regents will advise the Commissioner if they have any concerns or changes for the Building Plan. In July the Commissioners Office will bring to the Regents a final recommendation on priorities. In November, the Governor will publish his recommendations for the Long Range Building Program, and those will be presented to the Legislature.
The Commissioner had no report
President Roark reported that Campus Compact had awarded a grant proposal which includes tribal colleges, teachers of students 4th through 8th grade, and students at the Burns Center participating in the Jason Project. The Jason Project allows students to do scientific exploration in real time. There is a strong community service component for the 4th through 8th grade students.
MSU has also been awarded one of six awards for retention excellence.
President Roark thanked Regent Fritz for all of his service to both the community of Bozeman and the Bozeman campus. He proved to be a wonderful bridge between students and administration on campus.
Chancellor Rao added his thanks to Regent Fritz for what he has contributed to the university system. He also congratulated Stacy Roth, the new ASMSU-N President.
He mentioned several individuals who are leaving the Montana State University-Northern campus to work elsewhere.
Chancellor Gilmore indicated that the Montana Tech Foundation shared in a $2 million estate, and that this was the largest gift ever received. They shared it with Montana State University and the YMCA.
He also indicated that they are finding it progressively more difficult to make new faculty hires. They are required to offer salaries approaching what full professors are earning. Even then, they are being turned down by Assistant Professors. Additionally, he noted that the governance section of the recent accreditation report offers a challenge that they will need to address.
Chancellor Sexton reported that the addition to the College of Education will be completed soon.
Chancellor Hulbert reported that two weeks ago they celebrated their 103rd commencement. He thanked Regent Roehm for his attendance and participation. Also, he noted that they completed their Northwest accreditation with no substantive recommendations. They completed their self study, and these priorities are reflected in their budget priorities.
Provost Kindrick reported on behalf of President Dennison that all four of their campuses underwent a coordinated, simultaneous accreditation process this year. He indicated that the reports were quite good, but there was a slight zing on assessment. He thanked Regents Jasmin and Fritz for their attendance at commencement ceremonies.
Dean Capdeville indicated they had a great accreditation. He also thanked former Regent Pat Davison for his participation in their commencement exercises, and indicated he gave a wonderful talk to the students. The College of Technology will be hosting the July, 2000 Regents' meeting, and Dean Capdeville indicated that they are planning a tour of the Montana Historical Society on Thursday evening of the meeting. He also indicated that the Commission on Colleges has announced his replacement will be Robert Carr.
Dean Weaver indicated that this is the first year the Montana State University-Great Falls campus has been a multi-institutional campus. During the past year UM-Missoula, MSU-Bozeman, MSU-Billings and MSU-Northern have been delivering courses at Great Falls. This fall they hope to have UM-Western delivering courses on their campus also. This past year also was successful for web based courses. There were twelve courses in fall with 197 students enrolled. In spring, sixteen courses were offered with 303 students enrolled. They expect to have the entire core on the web by this fall.
President Bennett complimented the students on handling themselves very well, and being so articulate in commenting on the issues at this meeting, regardless of which side they took. He is very proud of them. He indicated that he appreciates the comments of the Commissioner on the budget problems, and he would echo those comments and advise that the community colleges, particularly in Eastern Montana have already felt the lower graduation rates from the high schools. It has become increasingly difficult to recruit students. It is becoming extremely difficult to finance quality community colleges. He requested some support from the Regents in order to preserve the schools in Eastern Montana. They face the same problems as others in retaining quality faculty and in replacing those that leave.
President Hetrick thanked MSU-Billings for their help, and Chancellor Rao for all of his help and for speaking at their commencement. He also indicated that he has traveled 4000 miles in the last month attending commencements himself. He believes it is important that the entire system stand together on the challenges that face it.
President Beyers thanked everyone for coming to his campus for the Regents' meeting, and for the nursing agreement.
Jessica Kobos, new student Regent thanked Regent Fritz for his help over the past two years. She indicated he is probably the most intelligent and well informed student regent she has ever known.
Regent Fritz commented that it was easy to be a board member when working with this group of regents and campus people. He admired their passion for what they do, and indicated that the friendships he has developed are wonderful. He thanked everyone for the opportunities he has had in the university system. Regent Fritz indicated that it's not the title and position of being a student regent, but the friendships he has developed that he cherishes.
Regent Jasmin reported that the Joint Post-Secondary Education Subcommittee will recommend to the legislature the continuation of the lump sum funding.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.