March 23-24, 2000

ITEM 106-1502-R0300   Approval of Proposal to Reorganize and Rename the Present Options in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics and Change the Name of the Department to Mathematical Sciences; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana Tech to change the name of the Department of Mathematics to the Department of Mathematical Sciences.  Furthermore, the Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana Tech to reorganize and rename the current Pure Math and Applied Math options under the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics, resulting in options in Math and Statistics.

EXPLANATION: The name change to "Department of Mathematical Sciences" will better reflect the offerings of the department. This change will also make the departments housing the math and statistics options the same at Montana Tech, The University of Montana-Missoula, and Montana State University-Bozeman.

The math courses currently taken by math majors are essentially the same in both the Pure Math and Applied Math options. Placement for math majors appears to be independent of the option selected, and combining the two options into a single Math option will continue to provide the necessary preparation for graduate school in mathematics and careers in teaching or industry.

A Statistics option will better prepare the students for careers in industry and most likely increase the number of students graduating with math degrees. The number of statisticians needed in industry and graduate students in statistics is not currently being met by the current supply.