May 18-19, 2000

ITEM 107-1001-R0500   Grant of Easement to Mountain Water Company for Existing Water Main Facilities; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Pursuant to Montana University System Policy 1003.3, the Board of Regents of the Montana University System authorizes The University of Montana to grant an easement to Mountain Water Company for the purpose of contributing an existing eight-inch water service line presently occupying College of Technology property and for the installation, operation and maintenance of a new eight-inch main that would provide fire protection for the Missoula County Fairgrounds.

EXPLANATION: Mountain Water Company requests that The University of Montana contribute the existing eight-inch water service to their system and allow them to construct a new eight-inch water service line on the College of Technology east campus property. A new fire hydrant installed near the southern end of this main will provide fire protection to The University of Montana. The existing fire hydrant for this area is located on the fairground properties within the fairgrounds fence.