BOR Minutes: March 22-23, 2001
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
March 22-23, 2001
Montana Higher Education Complex
2500 Broadway
Helena, MT
These Minutes were unanimously approved by the Board of Regents at the May, 2001 meeting
in Great Falls, MT
THURSDAY, March 22, 2001
The Executive Session began at 7:30 and concluded at 8:20 a.m.
The Work Session convened at 8:35 a.m. and adjourned at 10:10 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings.
The Committees convened at 10:30 a.m. and adjourned at 12:00 for lunch with Student Representatives
The Full Board Convened at 1:25 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Jessica Kobos, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, ex-officio Linda McCulloch and Richard Crofts (Commissioner)
Regents Absent: None
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the January 18-19, 2001 Regular
Meeting as amended.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously as amended.
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 110-1000-R0301 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula as amended
b. ITEM 110-1500-R0301 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
c. ITEM 110-1501-R0301 - Professor Emeritus Status for Professor Daniel J. Bradley; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
d. ITEM 110-1600-R0301 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
e. ITEM 110-1900-R0301 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana
f. ITEM 110-2000-R0301 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
g. ITEM 110-2300-R0301 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
h. ITEM 110-2700-R0301 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
i. ITEM 110-2800-R0301 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all items onthe Consent Agenda as amended
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Additionally, the MUARID positions delayed for approval from the January 2001
agenda were approved by the Commissioner as agreed by the Board of Regents.
The three following items were taken out of sequence.
c. Update on 2001 Legislative Session - Richard Crofts
Commissioner Crofts introduced Pam Joehler, the Legislative Fiscal Analyst for the University System.
Commissioner Crofts gave a full update on proceedings in the Legislature with regard to bills that impact the University system and education in the state. The budget of the University System is in the worst situation it has been in a long time. He noted that the press has incorrectly reported that the University budget has been increased $22 or $23 million. The Commissioner handed out a sheet with the breakdown on the Budget Obligations of the University System and the shortfall being experienced. HB 2 increases the general fund for the University System by $20.8 million. However, the property tax reduction costs the system $5.8 million in lost revenue from the 6 mill levy. That leaves a total biennial increase in state support of $15 million. This increase reflects an increase of 2.9% for the first year of the biennium and 2.2% for the second. That is significantly below CPI increases and even farther below actual cost increases. The $15 million increase does not include the general fund dollars for the pay plan and those numbers will be adjusted.
Although the university system advised the last Legislature that the amount budgeted for utilities was at least $1.6 million underfunded, nothing was added. The current legislature has completely ignored requests for supplemental funding to cover the $2.4 million now above budget for utilities. In the next biennium, an additional $6 million shortfall is projected to occur for utilities. The portion of the pay plan unfunded by the state is $7.2 million for 2001 and $10 million for FY 02-03, a total of $17.2 million dollars. Unfunded Library inflation is $1.9 million and the cost to educate new students is $1.9 million, (included in the $15 million). Unfunded termination costs are $3.6 million and the unfunded portion of running Banner Operations is $1.5 million. The decline in non-resident students has cost $4 million in lost subsidies paid by those students in amounts over the marginal cost to educate them. Another $2.2 million for Agencies is included in the $15 million increase.
The total of all the budget obligations is $40.7 million. After allowing for the $15 million increase in funding, a shortfall of $25.7 million is left.
The Legislature did not provide the $500 requested by the University System, but rather $100 per student. That amount is included in the $15 million. The sub-committee made it a one-time only appropriation, but it was changed to a base increase on the floor of the House.
The Senate Finance Committee put some of the travel funding back in the budget, and overturned the amendment that reduced positions in State agencies (excluding the university system) by an additional 1.5%. That allows approximately $140,000 more for travel. If no additional dollars of State support are added before the end of the session, a tuition increase of 9.3% will be necessary in order to meet the University System budgetary obligations without adding anything new. K-12 is experiencing the same financial woes. They anticipate about a 1.5% increase in each year of the biennium.
Commissioner Crofts indicated he had been in conversation with the Governor's office over the past two weeks regarding the reorganization of the Department of Commerce, creating 7 new positions for Economic Development which would be funded by $850,000 taken from the matching funds set aside by the Special Session in May of 2000 for the University System Research and Commercialization Board. He indicated that his office will support the bill for the reorganization but will oppose the source of funding. He also reported another bill had been introduced to remove another $700,000 from the fund, but believes it may have been killed. The Commissioner expressed difficulty understanding why money would be taken from the state's most proven economic development program in order to fund a new one that is unproven. The University system has created a $90 million industry in the state with money they had to borrow and pay back. It was noted that other states provide grants to the university systems but that until 1997 the Montana University System had been forced to borrow funds for matching of Federal research grants.
Commissioner Crofts indicated that the position of the University System on other bills is available through his office.
d. Budget Planning for FY 2002 - Richard Crofts
Commissioner Crofts indicated he would continue working with the Senate Finance and Claim Committee tomorrow, but had no reason to anticipate any significant support. The cigarette tax will be heard tomorrow morning, and the Governor has proposed diverting $33 million of what flows into the coal trust to education with 2/3 to K-12 and 1/3 to the University system. It is not likely to happen with only Republican support.
There are two ways to meet the $40.7 million in obligations: Increase revenues or decrease costs. The increased revenue is dependent on increased tuition as discussed earlier. The Policy Committee has discussed how to reduce expenditures and the universities and campuses are working on that. However, for at least FY 02 there can be little savings and reductions due to contractual obligations with faculty and administration. Eighty percent of budget is personnel costs, and only classified staff could be cut. They are already overworked and underpaid and there would be no margin for substantial savings. The two universities could be asked to do even more of what is in the Mingle report on consolidation and perhaps something could be saved. At one time or another in recent years all campuses have met budget difficulties by not fully implementing the pay plan and that issue should probably be on the table as well. However, the University system is already facing significant problems in recruiting and retaining qualified employees.
This issue will be revisited at the May Board of Regents' meeting, and tuition and fees will be set for FY 02. It is recommended that it be set for only one year rather than two.
There are many problems associated with solving budget problems through program reductions. Two stages have already taken place in eliminating low productivity programs on the campuses. Loss of programs brings loss of students, and thus an additional loss of funding. This is true whether it is at the program level, college level or campus level. There has been talk of closing campuses. MSU-Northern has an operating budget of $10 million and UM-Western an operating budget of $7 million. Even if $17 million could be saved by closing those campuses, it would only close about 2/3 of the $25 million gap. There is bonded debt at both of these campuses that would still need to be paid. If students went to another campus the system would still have to educate them, and if they simply dropped out of school, those funds would be lost. Each lost student costs $4400 in lost funding. It is a very complicated matter. Very few arrangements whether at the campus, college or unit level could make any impact on FY 02. The obligations would remain and further income would be lost. The Legislators believe the University system has pots of money, so they can proceed and the system will make adjustments as usual. It is going to require a significant tuition increase for FY 02 and continued tuition increase and program reductions for FY 03.
Further discussion indicated that Montana students are already paying more and the university system receives less in state support than any other peer state. Less is spent by Montana on educating students than any other state with the Montana University System being woefully underfunded. Students are paying about $10,000 per year including tuition, fees, books and other costs. The state provides $4400 per student, and those students who have to borrow to pay the cost of their education now graduate with an average debt load of $17,000.
An issue stressed by some legislators is that the individual benefiting from the education should bear the cost. However, they ignore the fact that an educated individual benefits all of society. When the state educates society it raises employability, brings in new businesses, prevents stratifying of society, and advances the good of society. Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and Arkansas are prime examples of turning around a state's economy by investing in education. They have gone from the bottom of the income tree, and are now above Montana. North Carolina's Tobacco Road can hardly be called Tobacco Road today. After significantly increasing their investment in education, they are now one of the most vibrant states in the union.
a. Program update on the Montana Family Education Savings Program - Peter Roberts, President College Saving Bank
Prior to hearing the Student Reports, Chair Thompson introduced Peter Roberts, President of College Savings Bank. Mr. Roberts made a short presentation on the status of the Montana Family Education Savings Plan indicating that although many other states have suffered losses in these accounts, that MFESP is immune to losses. It is guaranteed to pay for a college education with a 4% increase per year. Deposits grew $17.2 million over the past year which was over the budget office estimates. One third of the deposits are from Montanans while 2/3 of the depositors are Montanans. He also noted that their web site has proven very useful, having all the information any one would need to open an account on line, as well as to make deposits on line with a credit card. Nearly everyone who has seen the public services spots and responded to the campaign have actually purchased the product. Their Web Site is located at
Paula Lundstrom: Treasurer MAS
Ms. Lundstrom reported that MAS discussed advising on all campuses and the concerns that students have about advising throughout the education. They will have a special meeting in April to hold interviews for Student Regent and will make recommendations to the Governor. Regent Kobos will be making arrangements for the meeting. MAS will have a gathering for higher education in the Capitol Rotunda on April 5th.
Paula Lundstrom: President ASMSU-Billing
Ms. Lundstrom reported that they had elections for President and Vice President and those elected are Jennifer Gerondale and Bryce Anderson respectively. The elections were held on-line and there was a lot of good feedback from the students indicating they liked the process of voting on line. Students accessed the ballot with their ID number and it took approximately 30 seconds to vote. She also noted that the City of Billings was interested in the process they used for the election and would be looking at their system. Along with elections they had students sign up to go to the rally and e-mail their legislators to voice their concerns.
Their career fair was held on February 22 with approximately 600 students attending and 25 businesses participating.
Currently, they are working on their budgets.
Ms. Lundstrom indicated this will be her last meeting, and she will be student teaching in Helena this fall.
Molly Moon Neitzel -President of ASUM
Ms. Neitzel reported that in the last few months they have approved a $41 increase to the Parking Decal price and a referendum for a $2 Transportation Fee Increase. The increase would allow:
Repair of campus streets
Additional Park N Ride Shuttle buses
Possible establishment of a North Park N Ride
Continuance of Mountain Line Bus subsidy
Additional bike parking
Alternative transportation education with the use of GEO-code information which shows that most students live within 3 miles of campus
They have also approved a $2 recycling fee increase to enable:
Installment of donated recycling compactors
Additional recycling bins
Recycling education program
They have reaffirmed support for the same sex health benefits resolution and are intent on reaffirming it until the policy is changed.
They have written a Resolution to support UM's joining the Workers' Rights Consortium, and a Resolution to encourage the university system to live up to the spirit of ADA, rather than strict compliance; examples include inaccessible Main Hall, Math Building and Media Arts labs.
They spent 15 hours distributing their $500,000 budget to over 200 clubs and 4 agencies. They also discussed the responsibility that lies with Administration and ASUM for some of these organizations.
They also drafted a Resolution urging the one time only budget increase for resident students be changed to a base increase.
ASUM is extremely disappointed with findings on curriculum plans for next semester, including an increase in size of writing classes, in particular Liberal Studies 151 which is one of the most popular writing classes. It will increase from around 30 students in small discussion sections with weekly lectures to possibly only the large lectures. As they understand it, the change will be a temporary fix and the class will retain its writing class status, which they consider inappropriate for such a large class format that allows for little or no feedback on papers and writing. Many members of the Faculty Senate share ASUM's concern and are getting a relatively indifferent response from the Administration. This will be a huge challenge for UM in the coming year as class sizes increase and academic quality begins to suffer severely.
The SPBC, with substantial student participation and recognition was very creative in dealing with the university's upcoming biennial budget. Ms. Neitzel recognized their new Director of Budget, Planning and Analysis Bill Muse for being an excellent resource and asset who can improve budget understanding for both students and faculty.
City Council has been altering the boundaries on the Wards which would take the university out of its current Ward and put it into the Rattle Snake Ward. This would in effect, break up the student bloc. It may impact students' ability to elect a student-friendly council member. They are also after the occupancy standards again. These standards are stricter than anywhere else in the state, and make it difficult for students to find affordable housing. Students are fighting this issue.
Student elections will be held April 18 and 19.
The SLAM table is effective with 15 calls a day to the legislature including thank you calls. It was noted that certain legislators said they should stop calling because they are calling too much.
When questioned about the Round-Abouts, Ms. Neitzel indicated they are not off the table, but have not been discussed lately. She indicated they are very dangerous for ADA, especially the blind.
Kira Kuntz -President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Ms. Kuntz reported that students are looking at service learning which incorporates community service with specific classes and allows students to graduate with a service learning designation. Last week, 2 students visited the University of Utah and looked at their facilities. ASMSU partnered with Student Affairs and the Office of Community Involvement to pay for the trip.
Cat Cab, the ASMSU designated driver program is becoming a nationally recognized program. Recently two other schools have adopted similar programs.
They have just completed work on their budget of $700,000 funding26 different committees. Ms. Kuntz noted that the amount of student activity money has been decreasing in recent years since fewer students at taking 7 or more credits.
Three weeks ago, the MSU leadership committee (an ASMSU committee) brought Create Your Own Path to the students. This is a transition seminar for students from college to career. About 60 students attended, an increase over last year.
Ms. Kuntz indicated this was her last meeting. Andy Parker and Bill Perry have been recently elected and will take over on April 5.
April Keith - Vice President, AS MSU-CoT-Great Falls
Ms. Keith reported that Student Government has begun to establish committees to review the results of the institutional survey taken last spring.
She also noted that a search committee has been established in order to find an interim Dean to take over the vacancy created by the retirement of Will Weaver.
They are planning for the annual spring picnic for faculty/staff appreciation day.
An annual blood drive has been scheduled for April 12, and they are preparing food and volunteers.
Student Government members have been active in contacting legislators in support of education bills.
Elections will be held in April.
Stacy Roth -President ASMSU-Northern
Ms. Roth reported that Student Senate has set up a web page to keep students updated. The page is located at They are looking to add a new position of Web page Editor.
They just completed their recruitment bus tour which they called Sha ta Qua. They toured Eastern Montana, including Plentywood, Saco, Glasgow, Nashua, Malta and Wolf Point. Faculty members and two students were on the tour. They went into classrooms and made presentations. It is hoped that the tour was successful. The Administrators of the schools were very positive.
Student Senate elections will be held on April 11 for 3 executives, 2 council coordinators and 9 senators at large.
Annual campus improvement day will be on April 26. This is a campus wide clean up day. Students form teams and each team cleans up a certain part of campus followed by a barbecue and T-shirts for all participants.
The Senate is working on making some improvements on the Student Recreation Center. They have ordered new lights for above the pool tables which will also be upgraded, and are planning to install a dance floor.
The Senate is also having baby changing stations installed in the Student Union Building and the Athletics building in both the male and female restrooms.
Student Senate meetings have been restructured to include a 30 minute intro to cater to guests followed by work sessions for Senators to work on Senate priorities. They then regroup for the wrap up session. It has worked very well so far.
They are working to get the radio station going, and it was actually on the air the week before spring break on March 8. They will also try to be on the air on Friday from 3:00 till 6:00 a.m. They have borrowed old equipment from a local station until they can obtain their own.
It was also noted that Student Government spent $5600 to build a dragster.
Billi Gudmunson - Vice President AS Helena College of Technology
Ms. Gudmunson reported that they held their Valentines Dance and auction which were very successful. She also indicated that the Tech building now has bricks on it and is beginning to look like a building.
She reported that the cuts in funding are leading to larger classes and cuts in other areas.
The Student Banquet will be held this Saturday, and the spring barbecue and career fair will be April 20th.
Preview Day will be held Friday, April 23, and elections are coming up for Student Body Officers.
The Trades and Shops areas are building an HCT Dragster with all proceeds going to scholarships.
Campus is preparing for graduation.
Andy Shirtliff - Senator, Flathead Valley Community College
Mr. Shirtliff reported that Student Government has been allocating funds to various groups and clubs. Emergency funds in the amount of approximately $5000 were given to the "Mercury", the campus paper due to a plague of problems with equipment. The Senate members helped with competitive shopping for new equipment.
There was a concert on campus January 20th and there will be another on Cinco de Mayo with local bands. The January concert was held in conjunction with a local radio station and included five local bands and showed a profit. The money goes into a scholarship fund.
There will be an Appreciation Dinner for the part time faculty.
A United Way Auction was held for an Italian style dinner put on by the Acting Students. The winning bid was from Physical Plant for $65. They deferred on the dinner and requested rather that each week, one member of Student Senate make them a batch of cookies.
Preparations are underway for graduation, elections for Student Senate are upcoming and the Self-Study is underway for Accreditation. The students are heavily involved in the Accreditation Committees.
ASWMC reported on the budget cuts and the effects on campus. The name change for the campus has been approved by the Legislature and the Governor so that they are now called The University of Montana-Western. The Students also prepared a Resolution concerning Funding for Education.
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2001
The Board reconvened at 8:40 a.m.
Chairwoman Thompson announced the upcoming conference on Speaking Truth to Each Other to be held at The University of Montana-Missoula March 30-31 and April 1.
Monica Lindeen, Representative from the Eastern Yellowstone County area made a presentation to the Board of Regents. Ms. Lindeen acknowledged that the Legislature has not been kind to Higher Education and indicated she is a graduate of MSU-Billings and comes from the agricultural community. She believes it is necessary to do all possible to help the Agricultural Experiment Stations and agriculture in general. She urged the Board of Regents to move agriculture up its list of priorities. They did not have their building and maintenance needs included in the LRBP. She indicated that agriculture has such an impact on communities that if nearby Ag Stations don't do well, then Billings doesn't do well.
Gary Forester, Representative from House District 16 indicated he had spoken with the Dean of the Agricultural School and she indicated the experiment stations are overlooked although they do very important things in the state. He stated he is on the Taxation committee and had tried to provide more funding for Higher Education. However, since he is not on the Appropriations Committee, he was unable to make sure the money got to MUS.
Commissioner Crofts indicated that Rep. Lindeen has been voting to help higher education, but not enough of her colleagues were joining her. He thanked her for all her help. He also reported that Representative Forester had worked hard on an innovative bill that would have increased funding for higher education, but his efforts had been thwarted by a LFD ruling that his approach was unconstitutional.
In response to statements that agriculture and the experiment stations have been overlooked or are low on the priority list for the University System, Commissioner Crofts indicated that the Ag Stations are in a line item from the Legislature. That funding over the years has been increasing significantly. Again this session, the committee took steps to increase the funding. Over the last decade, the state funding for them has gone up 18%. Everyone knows what happened to Higher Education. The University System does pay attention to the needs of the College of Agriculture. The renovation and building that Rep. Lindeen referred to came in after the LRBP process was completed. Over the last five years, the College of Agriculture's share of the instructional budget went from 5.3% to 10.2%.
- Update on Montana Campus Compact - Dean McGovern
Dean McGovern gave an update on the activities of Montana Campus Compact and passed out their new brochure. To see more about their organization, please see their web site at
Commissioner Crofts had no further report.
- President George Dennison, UM-Missoula Campus Report
- Stephen T. Hulbert, Chancellor, Western Montana College of The University of Montana Campus Report
- W. Franklin Gilmore, Chancellor, Montana Tech of The University of Montana Campus Report
- Rick Gray, Interim Dean/CEO ofHelena College of Technology Campus Report
- President Geoff Gamble, MSU-Bozeman Campus Report
- Dr. Ronald P. Sexton, Chancellor, Montana State University-Billings Campus Report
- Alex Capdeville, Chancellor, Montana State University-Northern Campus Report
- Willard R. Weaver, Dean, Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology Campus Report
- Terry Hetrick, President of Dawson Community College Campus Report
- Dr. Jane Karas, Vice President/Dean of InstructionFlathead Valley Community College Campus Report
Regents discussed various issues dealing with admission, tuition rates, fees, room and board, availability of financial aid and marketability of the University System compared to other systems. Regent Roehm requested a view from the perspective of the student. It was noted that 60% of eastern Montana high school graduates are drawn into the university system in North Dakota. The issues are very complex. North Dakota looks at higher education as an economic development engine. They have a sales tax and when students are drawn into North Dakota they bring new money into the state, even with the lower tuition rates. Regent Hamilton would like for the campuses to tell the Regents which policies keep them from maximizing their recruitment. It was noted by Chancellor Gilmore that it is essential to keep a positive focus for recruitment. He mentioned a student who will not attend Montana Tech because of an article in the Montana Standard talking of no support from the legislature.
It was agreed that Deputy Commissioner Scott will work with the campuses to gather the information requested to include pricing of on-line courses. Regent Kobos will meet with MAS after all the data is gathered and the changes in tuition are announced, and bring their feedback to the Board of Regents meeting.
a. | ITEM 110-104-R0301 - Amend Regents Policy 320.2; Office of The Commissioner of Higher Education - Cover Memo |
b. | ITEM 110-105-R0301 - New Policy on Recognition of Accreditation Cover Memo |
c. | ITEM 110-1001-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Establish a Department of Print Journalism within the School of Journalism; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 110-1002-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add Three New Option in Public Law, American Politics, and International Relations and Comparative Politics to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. | ITEM 110-1003-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Master of Social Work Degree; The University of Montana-Missoula |
f. | ITEM 110-1004-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Nature-Based Tourism to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Recreation Management; The University of Montana-Missoula Budget |
g. | ITEM 110-1005-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Microbial Ecology to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
h. | ITEM 110-1006-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Microbial Ecology to the Master of Science Degree in Microbiology and the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Biochemistry/Microbiology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
i. | ITEM 110-1007-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree to the Present Entry-Level Master of Science Degree in Physical Therapy; The University of Montana-Missoula |
j. | ITEM 110-1008-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Change the Name Montana University Affiliated Rural Institute on Disabilities to The University of Montana Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service: The Rural Institute; The University of Montana-Missoula |
k. | ITEM 110-1901-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Network Architecture to the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Technology; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana |
l. | ITEM 110-1902-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Change the Current Two-Year Certificate in Automotive Technology to a One-Year Certificate in Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana |
m. | ITEM 110-2002-R0301 - Authorization to Offer An Option in Family Financial Planning under the MS Degree in Health and Human Development; Montana State University-Bozeman |
n. |
ITEM 110-2851-R0301 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Medical Transcriptionist Certificate Program; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE all items on the SUBMISSION AGENDA to the
ACTION AGENDA for the May, 2001 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
ITEM 110-102-R0101 - Policy 301.5 - Transfer of Credits |
b. | ITEM 110-1001-R0101 - Mission Statements; The University of Montana |
c. | ITEM 110-1004-R0101 - Approval of Proposal to Convert the Certificate in Surgical Technology to an Associate of Applied Science Degree, College of Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 110-1005-R0101 - Approval of Proposal to Convert the Certificate in Practical Nursing to an Associate of Applied Science Degree, College of Technology; The University of Montana |
e. |
ITEM 110-1501-R0101 - Approval of Proposal to Offer an Off-Campus Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Business and Information Technology in Helena; Montana Tech of The University of Montana Letter to Dr. James Trudnowski Letter from Dr. James Trudnowski |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all Items on the ACTION AGENDA.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. | ITEM 110-101-R0301 - Electronic Course Delivery | |
b. |
Report on $100,000 allocation to MSU and UM for Distance Education |
- ITEM 110-103-R0301 - Amend Regents Policy 940.5 - increase fee for transcript; Office of The Commissioner of Higher Education
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of the Submission Agenda
to the ACTION AGENDA of the May, 2001 meeting and expects input from the campuses
and students on this item.
Motion APPROVEDunanimously.
a. |
ITEM 110-300-R0301 - Revision of Operational Plan Between Lincoln County Campus and Flathead Valley Community College; Flathead Valley Community College |
b. | ITEM 110-1009-R0301 - Renaming of the Lodge as the Emma B. Lommasson Center; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. | ITEM 110-2001-R0301 - Authorization to Remodel Room 129, Cobleigh Hall; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA
Motion APPROVEDunanimously.
a. |
ITEM 110-1002-R0101 - Planning for School of Law Building Expansion; The University of Montana-Missoula |
b. | ITEM 109-103-R1100 - Ownership of Electronic Course Material - Draft Policy Revised Cover Memo |
This item is open to change in the future |
c. | ITEM 110-2701-R0301 - Authorization to Expend Student Equipment Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all Items of the ACTION AGENDA
MotionAPPROVED unanimously.
b. | ITEM 110-102-R0301 - Update to Perkins - Arlene Parisot - ACTION ITEM |
e. | Update on Policy 806.1 - Supervising Teacher Remuneration - Dr. Scott |
Deputy Commissioner Scott presented an update on this issue. Teacher Supervision is considered a professional contribution rather than an employment item. However, two of the larger school districts have said they will not accept student teachers if their supervising teachers don't receive $600 for each student supervised. It was recommended that the campuses look at creative ways to enrich the remuneration to supervising teachers. There is a wide variation from campus to campus in the stipend paid to supervising teachers since the policy is permissive rather than subscriptive. Recommendations from the Committee will be presented at the May, 2001 Board of Regents meeting. |
a. |
ITEM 110-106-R0301 - Establishment of Summer Semester 2001 Tuition Rates SUBMISSION ITEM |
Regent Roehm MOVED to AMEND Item a. of the NEW BUSINESS AGENDA to read "up
to 10%"
Motion FAILED on 5-1 vote with Regent Roehm supporting.
Regent Semmens MOVED to AMEND Item a. of the NEW BUSINESS AGENDA to read "up
to 5%"
Motion FAILED on 4-2 vote with Regents Roehm and Semmens supporting.
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE Item a. of the NEW BUSINESS AGENDA as an ACTION
ITEM and as presented
Motion APPROVED on 5-1 vote with Regent Roehm dissenting.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.