March 22-23, 2001

ITEM 110-106-R0301   Establishment of Summer Semester Tuition Rates; Montana University System

The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes the campuses of the Montana University System to establish summer semester, 2001 (FY02), tuition rates at a level of up to 4% above the 2001 spring semester (FY01) rates with certain exceptions. Tuition rates at the colleges of technology, lower division tuition at WMCUM, and lower division tuition at MSU-Northern are excluded from this authorization and these tuition rates shall remain at the spring semester, 2001, tuition rates.

Final FY02 tuition rates cannot be established until completion of the 2001 Legislative Session when state appropriations are determined. However, this is too late for the campuses to implement new tuition rates for summer semester, 2001, which is the first semester in FY02. Without this interim increase for summer semester, 2001 (FY02), campuses will have to forego any revenue increases associated with summer semester for the fiscal year. This item will continue tuition increases for summer semester similar to the increases implemented the last two fiscal years. It is anticipated that final tuition levels for fall and spring semester (FY02) will be established at the May, 2001, meeting of the Board of Regents when state appropriations for FY02 have been established by the 2001 Legislature.