BOR Minutes: July 8-9, 1999
The Board of Regents of Higher Education
Montana University System
July 8-9, 1999
Montana Higher Education Complex
2500 Broadway
Helena, MT 59620
These minutes were approved by the Board of Regents at the September 23-24, 1999 meeting held at MSU College of Technology-Great Falls, Great Falls, MT |
Academic/Student Affairs Committee
Administrative/Budget Committee
THURSDAY, July 8, 1999
REGENTS PRESENT: Pat Davison (Chair), Ed Jasmin (Vice-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Margie Thompson, Deborah Wetsit, and Richard Roehm; Commissioner of Higher Education, Richard A. Crofts
The Board of Regents convened for an Executive Session at 7:30 a.m. and recessed at 10:20 a.m.
The Board of Regents convened for a work session at 10:25 a.m. in the Conference Room . All Regents were present. The following items were discussed:
Legislativetrategies for 2001: Cathy Conover and Bob Frazier gave reports on research into what has worked in the past to educate the legislative body on what the Montana University System does in Montana. They will continue to work out plans for the upcoming session and election years.
The Work Session was recessed at 11:20 to permit the committees ample time to cover their agendas. Resumed Work Session Items on Friday at 11:00 a.m. In the absence of Chair Davison, Regent Jasmin was acting Chair.
Restructuring Documents: Discussion ensued on usefulness of Mission Statements as compared to Role and Scope Documents. Mission Statements are minimal by nature, whereas Role and Scope Documents provide far more detail. President Malone will contact Dr. Sandra Elman, CEO of Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges to give a training session at the next Board of Regents' Work Shop to clarify the issues. The Legislature indicated the campuses should move from 11% to 13% for operations and maintenance of facilities, however no additional funding was provided. The Tobacco Tax provides money every two years in the cash portion of the Long Range Building Program. Deferred maintenance statewide is a tremendous problem.
Rising Costs for Students: The Board revisited the issue of students taking on debt without a full understanding of the implications. Regent Roehm indicated a computer program is available to students to figure debt versus income from various careers. Deputy Commissioner Scott indicated that fewer and fewer students from low income families have access to higher education due to rising costs.
Issue Papers: Commissioner Crofts will send out a list of the various issues requesting the Regents to prioritize them. The list will reflect which Regents will be working on the various committees.
RFP to Reorganize System: It was agreed that doing a study of the issue would be too expensive, especially in light of the cost of the DataWarehousing Project. It will cost up to $2,000,000 in the next two years to create the DataWarehouse.
Academic Master Plan: Regent Roehm recommended identifying all assets such as faculty, classrooms, space, labs, libraries, etc. in order to make rational decisions on what programs the University System can offer. A current comprehensive inventory of degrees is being prepared. A restructuring of the proposal procedure is under consideration to keep the Regents and Deputy Commissioner fully informed.
Allocation Model: Regent Jasmin discussed the various methods used by other states for funding. Some use bonuses or debits based on various criteria. Regent Roehm recommended visits to MUS campuses this fall with the Allocation Model presentation developed by the Commissioner's Office, to explain the funding methods to a broad audience.
Combined Board Meetings: Regents discussed the proposal by the Board of Public Education to meet with the Board of Regents to work on common matters. It was agreed such meetings should be limited in number and time, with a predetermined agenda.
With no further work to come before the Regents, the Board adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Friday, July 9, 1999
THURSDAY, July 8, 1999
The Committees Convened at 11:30 a.m. for separate meetings and recessed at 12:40 for lunch.
The Full Board Convened at 1:50 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Pat Davison (Chairman), Ed Jasmin (Vice-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Margie Thompson, Richard Roehm, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: None
Regent Davison introduced the new Regents, Jeremy Fritz and Deborah Wetsit.
President Dennison introduced the new Chancellor for Western Montana College, Stephen Hulbert.
Commissioner Crofts introduced the new Director of Workforce Development, Arlene Parisot.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes from the May 18-19, 1999 meeting as circulated.
Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 104-103-R0799-Staff; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
b. ITEM 104-1000-R0799-Staff; The University of Montana-Missoulac. ITEM 104-1001-R0799-Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Robert L. Deaton, Professor of Social Work, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 104-1500-R0799-Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
e. ITEM 104-1501-R0799-Professor Emeritus Status for Jean Bishop; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 104-1502-R0799-Professor Emeritus Status for Professor Vernon Griffiths; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
g. ITEM 104-1600-R0799-Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
h. ITEM 104-1900-R0799-Staff; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
i. ITEM 104-2000-R0799-Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
j.ITEM 104-2001-R0799-Retirement of Stuart Knapp, Department of Veterinary Molecular Biology; Montana State University-Bozeman
k. ITEM 104-2002-R0799-Retirement of Daniel N. March, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Montana State University-Bozeman
l. ITEM 104-2700-R0799-Staff; Montana State University-Billings
m ITEM 104-2701-R0799-Post-Retirement Contract for Dr. Edward Arnold, Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences; Montana State University-Billings
n. ITEM 104-2702-R0799-Recommendation to Confer (Posthumously) the Title of Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education Emeritus upon Mr. Robert E. Lee; Montana State University-Billings
o. ITEM 104-2800-R0799-Staff; Montana State University-Northern
p. ITEM 104-2850-R0799-Staff; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
q.ITEM 104-2851-R0799-Retirement of Dr. Patricia J. Kercher, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services, Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
a. ITEM 104-101-R0799-Rural Physician Incentive Program; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (Dr. Susan Janelle Arvik)
Regent Roehm proposed adding to New Business the issue of pay for senior administrators on a system-wide basis. The consensus was to do so.
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all Items on the Consent Agenda.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Jessica Kobos, MAS president, and President of ASUM Missoula reported that MAS met and agreed on two formal actions.
a. MAS opposes the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education taking any part of student computer fees.
b. MAS Presidents are to investigate course fee increases over the last decade and submit a report at the September MAS meeting.
MAS will get the community colleges involved in MAS by offering transportation and lodging assistance.
MAS supports the increase in health insurance fees.
Agreement has been reached between students at UM-Missoula and the Administration on the Technology fee.
Jared Harris, MSU-Bozeman reported they are attempting to create peer advising with the assistance of Administration.
Shad Huston - MSU-Billings reported they are trying to balance the student government budget, and restructure student government groups. Campus construction is moving on schedule.
Nels Tooker - Western Montana College reported nothing is going on at this time.
Brian Kelley - MSU-Northern reported the summer is quiet, but they are working with the Banner System now. They also are working on their communication lines and skills with faculty and students.
d. Regents' Information Technology Committee: Preliminary authorization to negotiate an addendum to the current SCT contract.
Regent Jasmin cautioned that although money is short, MUS should not buy less than needed and regret it later.
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE Item d. of Old Business.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
g. Distributed Learning Fees - ITEM103-001-R0599
Calculations were presented on the costs incurred for educating distance learning students, as well as the savings incurred. The actual costs of delivering these courses were compared to what the campuses are requesting. Commissioner Crofts recommended that the Net Distributed Learning Cost per SCH (actual cost) be imposed on students, rather than the requested higher fee.
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE the Net Line for MSU and the Requested Line for UM.
Regent Jasmin WITHDREW his MOTION.
Regent Hamilton MOVED to APPROVE the premise and authorize campuses to charge net per SCH unless the requested fee is lower.
Regent Jasmin AMENDED the MOTION to permit the Commissioner to make amendments individually as he sees fit.
MOTION PASSED as AMENDED with Regent Roehm dissenting.
Commissioner Crofts noted the campuses will refund to students, distance learning fees collected in Summer, 1999 if they were higher than these approved fees.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Chair Thompson welcomed Regent Wetsit to the committee membership. Deputy Scott reviewed the Level I actions with the committee as well as a summary of inquiries from out-of-state institutions seeking information about establishing programs in Montana.
a. NOTICE OF INTENTApproval of Proposal to Add an Undergraduate Minor in Media Arts to the Program in Fine Arts; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization for the Psychology Department to Eliminate the Communication Option and the Communication Minor by Fall 2000; Montana State University-Bozeman
c.NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization to Delete the Minor in French and the BSED Teaching Minor in French, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures; Montana State University-Billings
d. NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization to Delete the Minor in German and the BSED Teaching Minor in German, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Thompson MOVED to APPROVE Items a. through d. of the Notice of Intent-Consent Agenda.
PASSED unanimously.
NOTICE OF INTENT AGENDA Regent Thompson reported that Deputy Commissioner Scott had reviewed concerns raised in relation to items of intent [a, b, c, d, g and I] and asked if the Committee wished to delay action. The Committee noted the concerns as legitimate but chose not to change the process without prior notice. Members asked staff to explore with academic officers how to revise the process and recommended the items below be moved to the submission agenda.
a.NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in Professional and Technical Communication; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
b. NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Science; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
c. NOTICE OF INTENTApproval of Proposal to Establish a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Earth Resources Engineering; The University of Montana
d. NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Restructure the Present Master of Arts Degree in English (Linguistics Option) into a Master of Arts Degree in Linguistics; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Establish Three New Interdisciplinary Options for the Chemistry Major Leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree: (1) Biological Chemistry, (2) Environmental Chemistry, and (3) Pharmacology; The University of Montana-Missoula
f.NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Establish a Joint Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
g. NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Individual Interdisciplinary Programs (IIPs); The University of Montana-Missoula
h. NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization to Offer a Non-Teaching Undergraduate Minor in Museum Studies; Montana State University-Bozeman
i. NOTICE OF INTENTAuthorization to Offer a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Psychology; Montana State University-Billings
j. NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization to Offer a Master of Science Degree in Public Relations; Montana State University-Billings
k. NOTICE OF INTENT Authorization to Offer a Master of Arts Degree in Native American Studies, Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Thompson MOVED to FORWARD Items a. through k. of the Notice of Intent Agenda.
PASSED unanimously.
a. ITEM104-1002-R0799-Approval of Proposal to Terminate the Fashion Sales and Marketing Option of the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Management and the Certificate in Fashion Sales and Marketing, College of Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. ITEM 104-2703-R0799-Authorization to Delete the Culinary Arts Program at the College of Technology; Montana State University-Billings
c.ITEM 104-2704-R0799-Authorization to Delete the Hospitality Management Services Program at the College of Technology; Montana State University-Billings
d.ITEM 104-105-R0799-Associate Degree Taxonomy - Regents Policy 301.12 (draft)
Regent Thompson MOVED to FORWARD Items a. through d. of the Submission-Consent Agenda.
PASSED unanimously.
a.ITEM 104-104-R0799 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual, Financial Affairs Section 940.27 (Revision); (Credit Cap on State-Subsidized Tuition Rates).
Regent Thompson MOVED to APPROVE Item a. of the Action-Consent Agenda.
PASSED unanimously.
a. ITEM 103-1601-R0599 - Authorization of Name Change Proposal: Name Change from Main Auditorium to the David Beier Auditorium; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
Regent Thompson MOVED to APPROVE Item a. of the Action Agenda.
PASSED unanimously.
b. ITEM 103-103-R0599 - Under the Provisions of MCA 37-29-303(1), the Montana Board of Regents is charged with "recognition" of educational institutions… "accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the Montana State Board of Regents, the curriculum of which includes…." The Office of the Commissioner for Higher Education has received a request for such recognition from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology for their Denturist Technology Program.
Regent Thompson recommended deferring action on Item b. of the Action Agenda until a Policy is established by the next meeting.
a. Handling Program Terminations at Level I.
Regent Thompson MOVED to ACCEPT Item a. of the Other Agenda as Policy.
PASSED unanimously.
b.Regents Policy 806.1 - Discussion
Deputy Commissioner Scott will draft a minimal policy and each campus will update its remuneration for supervising teachers for the following year and report it to the Deputy Commissioner in time for inclusion in the Board Agenda of March each year.
a.ITEM 104-1003-R0799-Certificate of Completion, Research Facility, Series C 1995 Facilities Acquisition and Improvement Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
b.ITEM 104-1004-R0799-Certificate of Completion, Continuing Education Facility and Printing Services Building, Series C 1995 Facilities Acquisition and Improvement Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 104-1005-R0799-Certificate of Completion, Lodge Renovation, Series B and C 1995 Facilities Acquisition and Improvement Revenue Bonds and Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement Revenue Bonds; The University of Montana-Missoula
d.ITEM 104-1010-R0799-Certificate of Completion, Student Union Remodel and Expansion, Series C 1995 Facilities Acquisition and Improvement Revenue Bonds; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
e.ITEM 104-1601-R0799-Authorization to Expend up to $35,000 of Computer Use Fees; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 104-2003-R0799-Authorization to Approve a Street Easement to Extend South 11th Avenue; Montana State University-Bozeman
g. ITEM 104-2705-R0799-Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Jasmin MOVED that Items a. through g. of the Submission-Consent Agenda BECOME ACTION ITEMS today and be APPROVED immediately.
PASSED unanimously.
a. ITEM 104-1006-R0799-Renaming of the Harry Adams Events Center; The University of Montana-Missoula
b.ITEM 104-1007-R0799-Renovate Health Professions Lab, College of Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 104-1008-R0799-Increase Student Supplemental Medical Insurance Fee; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 104-2004-R0799-Approval of Design/Construction Contract for the Stadium Sound System; Montana State University-Bozeman
e.ITEM 104-2005-R0799-Authorization of Design Contract for the Weight Room Addition to the Athletic Complex; Montana State University-Bozeman
f.ITEM 104-2006-R0799-Authorization to Construct a Tennis Support Facility; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Jasmin MOVED that Items a. through f. EXCEPT ITEM c. of the Submission Agenda be moved forward to the ACTION Agenda.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Regent Jasmin MOVED that Item c. of the Submission Agenda become an ACTION ITEM today and be APPROVED immediately.
PASSED unanimously.
a. ITEM 94-001-R0197- Tuition; Post-Baccalaureate Students; Montana University System, approved by the Board of Regents March 27, 1997 REVISION
The Committee MOVED that Item a. of the Action-Consent Agenda be APPROVED.
PASSED unanimously.
b. ITEM 103-101-R0599- Revision of Montana Tuition Assistance Program (MTAP), renamed the Baker Grant
Regent Jasmin MOVED that Item b. of the Action-Consent Agenda be APPROVED with the EXCEPTION that the TRIBAL COLLEGES portion of the funds be WITHHELD pending the results of a poll of the Legislators and a recommendation from the Interim Committee, with a decision to be made no later than the November meeting.
PASSED 5-2 (Regents Roehm and Wetsit dissenting).
c. ITEM 2-016-R1073 - Use of Plant Funds, Including Student Building Fee
Reserves, for Projects over $25,000$75,000; Montana University
System (Revised 940.9.2)
d. ITEM 19-004-R0178 - Use of Plant Funds, including Student Building Fee
Reserves, for projects under $25,000$75,000; Montana University
System (Revised 940.9.1)
The Committee MOVED that Items c. and d. of the Action-Consent Agenda be APPROVED.
PASSED unanimously.
a.ITEM 104-102-R0799 - Resolution Authorizing Employer Pick-Up of Certain Employee Contributions to the Montana Teacher's Retirement System under Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
The Committee MOVED that Item a. of the Action Agenda be APPROVED.
PASSED unanimously.
FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1999
The Board Reconvened at 8:40 a.m. In the absence of Chair Davison, Regent Jasmin was acting Chair.
No Public Comment was made.
a. Annual Review: Policy 1909—Competition with the Private Sector
Report Only.
b.ITEM 104-1009-R0799-Technology Fee: The University of Montana-Missoula
Regent Wetsit MOVED to APPROVE Item b. of Old Business.
MOTION PASSED 5-1 (Regent Fritz dissenting).
c. Review of Board of Regents Code of Expectations
Regent Fritz MOVED to AFFIRM Item c. of Old Business.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Regent Hamilton MOVED to ADOPT Item e. of Old Business.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
f. Report from Regent's Taxation Committee—Laurie Neils
h. Planning for Regents' "Conversation on Tenure"
The conversation is intended to focus on a broad range of issues related to tenure, including post-tenure review.
Regent Hamilton MOVED to APPROVE Item a. of New Business.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. SB 393 and implications for Board of Regents and Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education.—Dr. Joyce Scott
c. Review of MHESAC restructuring
d. Approval for Miles Community College to join the Montana University System Health Plan.
Regent Hamilton MOVED to APPROVE Item d. of New Business.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Discussion of pay for senior employees (Presidents, Vice Presidents, Chancellors…) indicated the need to reassess the rates of pay offered these positions, in order to draw qualified applicants from the national market, and prevent a high rate of turnover. Consensus was reached to proceed with a market study and further discussion.
No Report from the Commissioner
President Malone presented the Institutional Debt Management plan for MSU-Bozeman. He also announced receipt of prestigious NSF grant: Integrated Graduate Education and Research Training grant in the amount of $2,700,000 over 5 years.
Chancellor Rao indicated the accrediting agency will be notifying them of their actions in the near future, and he will report on it at the next Board meeting. He also indicated they are completing their Institutional Plan.
President Dennison indicated they have given $100,000 of excess interest to the Baker Scholarship funds. He reported on the Campus Compact Group efforts to encourage students to become active not only in volunteerism, but also politics. A report on social marketing to control alcohol abuse will be ready by the September meeting.
Chancellor Gilmore indicated the residence halls on campus will be ready for occupancy by the start of school, although the exteriors will be incomplete. Construction on the Chapel is at a standstill for funding reasons.
Chancellor Hulbert gratefully acknowledged the help of Karl Ulrich, Susan Briggs and Tom Yahraes to make his transition to his new position smooth for him and the college.
Dean Capdeville indicated that Helena College of Technology has a contract to do all of the MTPrime training in the state. They have partnered with MSU-Northern and various community colleges to provide training in other areas. They have 6 to 8 classes going every day, 8 hours a day.
Acting Chair Jasmin gratefully acknowledged Don Kettner for his contributions to Dawson Community College over the past 40+ years. Dr. Terry Hetrick will be replacing him at Dawson. President Kettner indicated that he has transferred a $1,500,000 trust to the college for which he was the executor as well as one for $400,000.
Regent Jasmin read a Resolution for outgoing Student Regent, Kim Cunningham.
Regent Roehm MOVED to ADOPT the Resolution.
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Further discussion of educating students about the financial issues of debt, revealed a need for additional efforts at identifying methods of accomplishing this goal.
The Board recessed at 10:40 and reconvened at 11:00 a.m. to complete the Work Session items.
With no further business to come before The Board of Regents, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Pat Davison, Board Chairman
Sherry Rosette, Board Secretary