BOR Minutes: July 12-13, 2001
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
July 12-13, 2001
Salish Kootenai College
P. O. Box 117
Pablo, MT 59855
These minutes were approved unanimously at the September 27-28, 2001 meeting of the Board in Billings, MT. |
THURSDAY, July 12, 2001
The Executive Session began at 7:30 and concluded at 10:10 a.m.
The Work Session convened at 10:20 a.m. and adjourned at 10:55 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings.
The Committees Convened at 11:10 a.m. and adjourned at 12:20 for lunch with student representatives.
The Full Board Convened at 1:30 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, Judy Martz, Ex-Officio and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Christian Hur (Excused) and Linda McCulloch, Ex-Officio
Jerry Slater VP, Salish Kootenai College, welcomed the Board to the campus and gave some background and data on their college. Students on their campus designed and built most of the buildings and take great pride in their accomplishments. SKC is the second or third largest of the tribal colleges in the country with enrollment of about 1300 students.
VP Slater introduced Tribal Elder, John Arlee who said the Invocation and then joined Juan Perezin the Hand Drum Honor Song and Welcome.
Governor Martz introduced Bruce Meyers, the newly appointed Indian Coordinator in her office, Jeff Hindoien her Policy Advisor for Education and Kris Goss, a student from Carroll College serving in her office.
Chair Thompson indicated that the new Student Regent Hur was unable to be at the meeting due to a prior commitment for military duty. She introduced new Regent John Mercer.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the May 17-18, 2001 Regular
Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Commissioner Crofts introduced two new presidents of community colleges. Jane Karas is the new President at Flathead Valley Community College replacing David Beyer, and Darrel Hammon is the new President at Miles Community College replacing Bob Bennett. Jane has served for many years in higher education in Montana, moving from the Commissioner's Office to serve as the Vice President at Flathead Valley CC. Darrell is a published poet as well as having his Doctorate in Education. He returns to Montana from Lewis and Clark State College in Lewiston, ID where he served as the Associate Vice President.
Chair Thompson also indicated that Jane Karas is the new mother of a baby boy adopted two weeks ago when he was 5 hours old.
Commissioner Crofts noted that Bruce Meyers had served as the first Director of the Gear Up Program, and noted that in the Consent Agenda, the OCHE Staff Item shows that his duties for the Gear Up Program will now be shared by Rene Dubay and Jan Clinard. Commissioner Crofts wished Bruce well in his new and broader assignment.
Staff Items:
a. |
ITEM 112-100-R0701 - Staff; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education Memo |
b. | ITEM 112-1000-R0701 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula ADDENDUM |
c. | ITEM 112-1001-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for David E. Bilderback, Professor of Biological Sciences and botany, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 112-1002-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for George L. Card, Professor of Biological Sciences and Microbiology, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. | ITEM 112-1003-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for David M. Emmons, Professor of History, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
f. | ITEM 112-1004-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Fred W. Reed, Professor of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
g. | ITEM 112-1005-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Thomas J. Steele, Professor of Marketing, School of Business Administration; The University of Montana-Missoula |
h. | ITEM 112-1006-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for George F. Votruba, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
i. | ITEM 112-1007-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Lois M. Welch, Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
j. | ITEM 112-1008-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for I. Keith Yale, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula |
k. | ITEM 112-1009-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Bill Raoul, Professor of Drama, School of Fine Arts; The University of Montana-Missoula |
l. | ITEM 112-1010-R0701 - Professor Emeritus status for Juliette Crump, Professor of Drama/Dance, School of Fine Arts; The University of Montana-Missoula |
m. | ITEM 112-1011-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Dennis Lerum, Professor, College of Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula |
n. | ITEM 112-1500-R0701 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
o. | ITEM 112-1502-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for James F. Michelotti, Associate Professor, Computer Science; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
p. | ITEM 112-1503-R0701 - Professor Emeritus Status for Joanne Cortese, Professor, Professional and Technical Communication; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
q. | ITEM 112-1600-R0701 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana |
r. | ITEM 112-1900-R0701 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana |
s. | ITEM 112-2000-R0701 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
t. | ITEM 112-2001-R0701 - Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Microbiology upon Dr., Stephen J. Guggenheim; Montana State University-Bozeman |
u. | ITEM 112-2002-R0701 - Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Letters and Science upon Dr. Rex Dahl; Montana State University-Bozeman |
v. | ITEM 112-2300-R0701 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
w. | ITEM 112-2400-R0701 - Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
x. | ITEM 112-2700-R0701 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
y. | ITEM 112-2800-R0701 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
z. |
ITEM 112-2850-R0701 - Staff; Montana State University, Great Falls College of Technology |
a. | ITEM 112-2801-R0701 - Appointment of Ken Conrad to the Montana Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee; Montana State University-Northern Memo |
b. |
ITEM 112-106-R0701 - Rural Physician Incentive Program; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all items on the Consent Agenda
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Andy Parker- President, MAS
Mr. Parker reported that MAS held its first meeting with the new officers the previous evening on the UM-Missoula campus. Representatives from Campus Compact introduced the student leaders to the Leadership Retreat planned for September 28-30. Besides sending representatives from each campus to the retreat, student leadership will also work with Campus Compact on the agenda for this retreat and will help put together the retreat next year.
Mr. Parker noted that MAS elections were held and the new officers are Dan Geelan, Vice President, Jennifer Gerondale, Treasurer and himself, President. They set their goals for the coming year ranging from awareness of campus issues and happenings to Advising, and to developing a unified lobbying strategy.
He presented Governor Martz with a letter which was approved by the students from all the campuses voicing their disappointment that she had not selected as the new Student Regent the top-ranked choice of MAS.
Mr. Parker noted that an updated listing of student leadership will be provided in the near future to the Board of Regents and the Board Secretary.
Andy Parker- President of ASMSU
Mr. Parker indicated that Student Senate has been inactive over the summer, but he has been busy. He has been working with President Gamble on a task force to identify the problems of large classes. They have had several meetings and are trying to set a schematic to make the educational environment the best it can be with so many students in the classroom.
He noted that the inauguration of President Gamble will be held October 10 and it will be a great festivity.
There is a proposed plan to renovate the SUB. It has infrastructure problems and needs to be brought up to fire codes. They are attempting to incorporate the project into classes so that the students will feel more ownership of the project.
Chair Thompson noted that she and the Commissioner had met with the Local Executive Boards this week and soon will meet with the Boards of the two Colleges of Technology in Great Falls and Helena to attempt to incorporate into their duties the needs and concerns of the MUS and to establish a statewide network so that everyone understands where the system stands. All of these campus reports and student reports will be going to all of the members on the Local Executive Committees and to the Governor.
Jace Smith - Senator ASMT
Mr. Smith indicated that the second session of summer has already begun and going well with good enrollment. The recent graduates got jobs all around the US in various fields.
In June they hosted the Class C All Star game in Butte and it was a good game.
Upward Bound will bring 250 students to their campus this summer. Digger Athletic camps brought in another 650 students. The June orientation was well attended and the second orientation session will be held in July. So far, it appears that enrollment is about even going into the fall semester.
Work is being done on campus to clean up the grounds, trimming shrubbery and repairing sidewalks.
Mr. Smith reported that the Student Activity Council has already made the plans and booked the entertainment for the fall semester. They are about three months ahead of last summer.
He noted that the vacancies in the Computer Science Department have been filled, eliminating many problems for students. He invited the Regents to visit campus.
Christopher Peterson - President ASUM
Mr. Peterson indicated that not much was happening on campus during the summer, but that the orientations have been very good. Many of the parents are emotional about sending off their kids. He mentioned one woman who was sending her 7th child to college.
He has also met with the Alumni Board and found it very interesting and informative to talk to people who had gone through UM.
Mr. Peterson has been involved in the interviews of applicants for Vice President of Administration and Finance, and finds he is gaining more respect on campus as he is involved in these interesting things. One of the applicants for the position was from a town neighboring his hometown in Massachusetts.
Elections are coming up in November so they are working on the Get Out The Vote program. He finds it is difficult to educate students on how important and influential local government is. He hopes they appreciate the student government input. He has found it very interesting as they have had many meetings at city hall.
They continue to work on the transportation problem. Missoula is bursting at the seams and they are working on alternative transportation to the single person vehicle taking up another parking space. The Park and Ride has been very successful. It is free and convenient. It is financed by a fee of $6 per semester. More than 34,000 people rode the Park and Ride last year. They are buying a new bus which uses bio diesel fuel. After oil is used to cook French fries it is used as fuel for the new bus. They are also putting up a mural in the bike parking area. Mr. Peterson requested that anyone with an idea for a slogan on their new fuel please e-mail it to him. They also are buying more yellow bikes for the free 48 hour check out service on campus.
Wendy Hanson-Thompson - Student Representative ASUM-Western
Ms. Hanson-Thompson noted that there are many new faces on campus, in the student body, faculty and buildings. The front of Main Hall is being updated from early 20th century. The new addition called the Rural Tech building is coming along nicely. Lawns are being mowed and irrigation pipes are being moved. There will also be new signage around campus following the name change.
Campus is preparing for Shakespeare in the Park in August.
UM-W hosted Boys State during June and Upward Bound at this time.
Ms. Hanson-Thompson reported that one of the best things on campus this summer is the visit from 25 South African teachers and a few administrators. They are spending over a month, sharing ideas and experiences. Some of these teachers have 50 to 100 students in their classes every day. One has 300 students and he sits in a windowsill or doorway. They have no paper, no electricity, or other necessities and yet they teach every day. Despite the adversity they are some of the happiest, most content teachers. They can be heard singing and seen dancing all around campus. Ms. Thompson said that 30 days is not enough to have them on campus. The visitors have made them happy to be there.
Governor Martz asked Ms. Hanson-Thompson how the Youth Challenge affects her. She indicated that the kids are great. She has found them to be kind, courteous and helpful.
Bryce Anderson - Vice President, ASMSU-B
Mr. Anderson reported they held Summerfest this week and it was a great success. They are now setting up for Summerfair to be held on the 21st and 22nd. Shakespeare in the Park will take place next week.
In August they will hold the Faculty/Employer Connection. They take faculty to various businesses to see what exactly the businesses need from their graduates. Last year he met the CEO of KOA and found it very amazing.
They are hosting Upward Bound at this time.
Mr. Anderson indicated they are having orientation on an average of twice a month.
The Alumni held their annual golf tournament.
Dan Geelan - President ASMSU-N
Mr. Geelan reported that summer session is in full swing. Beginning in September they will hold orientation. He noted that enrollment for summer is up 13% to 15% this year and that pre-enrollment for fall semester indicates about a 20% increase. Pre-registration for fall semester is scheduled for July 13 and July 30.
He indicated that the window installation in Cowen Hall is nearly complete, and the bathrooms in McKenzie Residence Hall will be completely renovated before fall semester.
Student Senate continues to provide full-time students with free lunches every Tuesday during summer along with a variety of Northern apparel.
KNMC, the campus radio station has received nearly all of their equipment. However, the project was put on hold pending completion of the window project in Cowen Hall. The Radio Station Board informed Mr. Geelan that the station will be in operation the first week of fall semester.
Shakespeare in the Park will be on campus to provide a free presentation of The Twelfth Night on the East Lawn, July 25.
Student Senate is exploring a Kid's Day every Saturday starting September 22nd which would be available to dependents of students as well as the Havre community children. This would give the children an activity as well as exposing them to the campus. They have received initial support from the Education Department to assist with the project.
Mr. Geelan noted that Student Senate also has provided funds to set up two Newspaper Practicum courses that will aid the student newspaper production, and they continue to work on the design for their school flag.
Jody Perez - President ASSKC
Ms. Perez welcomed the Board of Regents to her campus.
She noted that they are hosting Upward Bound and the students are staying in Teepees on campus and using the showers in the workout room. Meals are being provided in the school cafeteria.
There are no classes during summer, however many students are gathering for adventures. They have activities with their families on Family Night and have pizza and play lots of games. Summer is a good time for the students and families to come together.
Neal DuBois - Vice President, ASMSU-GF CoT
Mr. DuBois indicated he does not attend school during the summer but works three jobs. He noted they have record breaking enrollment with a 15% increase from last summer. They have 223 FTE students with a total head count of 589, and expect to break 600 before the summer is over.
He reported that today was their early bird orientation and Student Government set up a booth and had two speakers. April Keith, President was talking about the purpose of student government and encouraging involvement, and one of the Senators was giving her story of how and why she is a student at MSU-GF.
The Summer Bridge Program runs from July 16-18. It is a three day workshop teaching study skills as well as other college survival skills to students new to their campus.
Summer graduation takes place on July 26. The following day they are having a celebration in honor of the retirement of Dean Will Weaver.
Commissioner Crofts presented the Award for Excellence in University System Citizenship to LeAnn Anderson from MSU-Billings and Kay Unger from UM-Missoula.
Craig Roloff provided an updated report on implementation of GASB 34 and 35. Commissioner Crofts indicated that the committee has worked very hard since last fall to prepare the MUS to implement these new accounting standards this month. Craig Roloff indicated they worked in three phases: # 1 identifying exactly what the standards meant to the Montana University System; # 2 developing a solution; # 3 implementing the plan. He noted that this is a dynamic document which will be used to complete reports and make decisions on what must be done in the next couple of years.
President George Dennison, UM-Missoula Campus Report
Stephen T. Hulbert, Chancellor, Western Montana College of The University of Montana Campus Report
W. Franklin Gilmore, Chancellor, Montana Tech of The University of Montana Campus Report
Rick Gray, Interim Dean/CEO of Helena College of Technology Campus Report
President Geoff Gamble, MSU-Bozeman Campus Report
Dr. Ronald P. Sexton, Chancellor, Montana State University-Billings reported that MSU-B reached a final agreement on the business incubator with Big Sky Economic Authority, and is very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with them. He also acknowledged Bob Carr for the idea and pursuit of the first ACT testing center in Montana. Further: Campus Report
Alex Capdeville, Chancellor, Montana State University-Northern reported that MSU-N has successfully partnered with a Montana actors group in Havre who will use the campus theater as its home, running it for the campus and giving opportunities to both students and the community. Further Campus Report
Mary Sheehy Moe, Interim Dean, Montana State University - Great Falls College of Technology Campus Report
a. | ITEM 112-104-R0701 - Purchasing Requisitions; Computer Equipment revised; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. | ITEM 112-105-R0701 - New Policy on Building Authority; Office of the Commissioner of higher Education |
c. | ITEM 112-001-R0701- Policy 702.5 Appointment; Executive Contracts; Commissioner and Presidents REVISED |
d. | ITEM 112-002-R0701 - Policy 204.3 - Commissioner of Higher Education; Duties REVISED; Montana University System |
Items c. and d. were removed to the Work Session Agenda | |
e. | ITEM 112-1012-R0701 - Renaming of the Museum of Fine Arts to The Montana Museum of Art and Culture; The University of Montana-Missoula |
f. | ITEM 112-2003-R0701 - Authorization to Take Steps Necessary to Sell Property Bequeathed to the University by Helen Lutz; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Following a lengthy discussion President Gamble promised to actively pursue locating the residuary heirs to this property, but will continue through the courts to identify what the university can do with the property. |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE item f. of the SUBMISSION AGENDA to
Motion APPROVED unanimously with above proviso
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE items a., b. and e. of the SUBMISSION
AGENDA to the ACTION AGENDA for the September, 2001 meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. | ITEM 112-1013-R0701 - Student Computer Fee Allocation; The University of Montana-Missoula |
b. | ITEM 112-1501-R0701 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
c. | ITEM 112-2702-R0701 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Billings |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. |
ITEM 110-103-R0301 - Amend Regents Policy 940.5 - Increase fee for transcript; Office of The Commissioner of Higher Education REVISED - AMENDED PULLED FROM AGENDA |
b. | ITEM 111-103-R0501 - Approval of MAP policy; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education AS AMENDED |
c. | ITEM 111-104-R0501 - Delete Policy 704.2 - Classified Employees; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education |
d. | ITEM 111-105-R0501 - Delete Policy 802.4 - Salaries; Pay Plan; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education |
e. | ITEM 111-1001-R0501 - Electronic Scoreboard for Washington-Grizzly Stadium; The University of Montana-Missoula |
There was considerable debate over the wording of the contract with Virtu Consulting. Although the Administrative/Budget Committee had been satisfied by Terry Pugh during their discussion of the issue, the full board was not. Several attempts were made to amend the Agreement which was finally scrapped. | |
f. | ITEM 112-103-R0701 - Use of Interest Earnings; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education |
In 1996 when the MTAP program was begun, there was no funding available for it through the state. The University System decided to start the program with interest earnings from the various campuses. This solution was seen to be for a term of no more than two years. Since the program has become so successful, and the state has begun putting funds into MTAP, the interest earnings will again be left with the campuses. Associate Commissioner Sundsted will bring before the Board with the budget each year, the estimated amount of interest earnings from the campuses for the past year for consideration by the Regents. The interest earnings already accrued to MTAP remain with it. | |
g | ITEM 112-1014-R0701 - Increase Student Supplemental Medical Insurance Fee; The University of Montana |
h. | ITEM 112-2004-R0701 - Authorization to Renovate an Existing Pre-fabricated Metal Building to House a Portion of the Art Department Program; Montana State University-Bozeman |
i. |
ITEM 112-2005-R0701 - Authorization to Accept Offer for the Sale of the Spring Creek Residence Buy Sell Agreement Draft |
j. | ITEM 112-2701-R0701 - Increase Purchase Price Within Property Acquisition Zone; Montana State University-Billings |
k. | ITEM 112-003-R0701 - Motion Regarding Land Grant Timber Sale Proceeds; Montana University System |
Item k. was removed to the Work Session Agenda. |
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items b. through d. and g. through j. of
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
e. |
Results of Writing and Math Proficiency Standards for MUS - Jan Clinard |
Please see for complete information on the progress of these programs.
At 4:40 p.m. the Board Recessed to meet with Faculty representatives.
FRIDAY, July 13, 2001
The Full Board reconvened at 8:45 a.m.
There was no public comment.
Dr. Jane Karas, President Flathead Valley Community College reported that FVCC is exploring with the MSU nursing program the use of the Kalispell Regional Hospital as a clinic site. They are also collaborating with other interested groups on the impact of widening Highway 93. Further: Campus Report
Darrel Hammon, President of Miles Community College indicated he had no written report since he had only come to campus three days before the meeting. However, he noted he is having his first student experience in a long time as he is living in student housing until his family arrives from Idaho and he is convinced that air conditioning is needed in family housing.
President Hammon noted that he has already seen some wonderful things happening on his campus with the k-12 students. He missed the first day of orientation to be at the meeting, but expected about 300 students to participate. He promised big things from Miles Community College as time goes on. He was known as the educational entrepreneur in Idaho and intends to continue that in Montana.
Terry Hetrick, President of Dawson Community College Campus Report
a. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Establish an Associate of Applied Science Degree and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Care Informatics; Montana Tech of The University of Montana | |
b. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Convert the Bachelor of Arts Option in Business and Communications to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business with Three Options in Computer Technology, Business Administration, and Tourism; The University of Montana-Western | |
c. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Preprofessional Health Sciences to the Bachelor of Arts Degree; The University of Montana-Western | |
d. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize the Academic Affairs Division into a School of Education, Business, and Technology; a College of Arts and Sciences; and a School of Outreach; The University of Montana-Western | |
e. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Visual Arts to the Bachelor of Arts Degree; The University of Montana-Western | |
f. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create the Division of Agricultural Education/Agricultural Operations Technology in the Department of Entomology; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
g. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create a New Bachelor of Science Degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience with Two Options: 1) Biomedical Sciences, and 2) Cell Biology and Neuroscience; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
h. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Establish a Center for Research on Chronic Health Conditions in Rural Dwellers; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
i. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
j. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create a New Option within the Biological Sciences Degree: Ecology and Evolution Option; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
k. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create an Undergraduate Non-teaching Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
l. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Establish the Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
m. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create the Undergraduate Non-teaching Minor in Management of Information Technology; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
n. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Create the Undergraduate Non-teaching Minor in International Business; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
o. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Establish a Post-Master's Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Certificate Program; Montana State University-Bozeman | |
p. | NOTICE OF INTENT - Authorization to Change the Name of the Biology Option within the Existing Biological Sciences Degree to Organismal Biology Option; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE all items on the NOTICE OF INTENT AGENDA
to the SUBMISSION AGENDA for the September, 2001 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. | ITEM 111-1003-R0501 - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize the Department of Management in the School of Business Administration into the Department of Management and Marketing and the Department of Information Systems and Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula | |
b. | ITEM 111-1901-R0501 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Webmaster to the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Technology; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana | |
c. | ITEM 111-2004-R0501 - Authorization to Change the Name of the Northern Plains and Rockies Center for the Study of Western Hemisphere Trade to the Agricultural Marketing Policy Center; Montana State University, Bozeman | |
d. | ITEM 111-2803-R0501 - Authorization to create an institute for researching and teaching future trends and events related to rural factors in programs at Montana State University-Northern (North American Rural Futures Institute); Montana State University-Northern | |
e. |
ITEM 111-2851-R0501 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology
Chair Thompson noted that Dean Moe advised her they already have had 185 inquiries on this course, only 9 of which were from out of state. Montana was the last state without a dental hygiene program. |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all items of the ACTION AGENDA.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
Update on Campus Diversity ATTACHMENTS |
Deputy Commissioner Scott drew attention to the growth in numbers of Indian Fee Waivers as well as the 185% growth in dollars on these fee waivers. Even after subtracting the growth in tuition, the growth in Indian Fee Waiver dollars is 83%. Further, with the help of the tribal colleges, better than 8.8% of students in Montana higher education are Native American. This falls in line with HB 528. There has been progress over the past decade, although the numbers remain small. Indian participation at the Billings 4 year campus is good, and at the two year campus it is even better as it is at the Colleges of Technology in Great Falls and Helena. Since students self-report on demographics the numbers are not accurate. Dr. Scott will be working with MAS for recommendations on how to capture more complete numbers. Discussion on drawing numbers from the tribal colleges to the university system ensued, with clarification that Native American students are strongly encouraged to take as much of their education as they can from the tribal colleges and then complete their work in the university system. Statistically, those students who begin their education at a tribal college are much more likely to graduate from the university system than those who go directly to the university system. UM and MSU have crafted dual admissions agreements with tribal colleges, and Dr. Scott recommended that the Chief Academic Officers review those and then use them to articulate the same relationship to all of the campuses and the tribal colleges. There is a fine balance in attempting to fully report Native American students between the tribal colleges and the university system. Commissioner Crofts noted that a reporting format needs to be designed that the tribal colleges will use in conjunction with the university system.
b. |
Preliminary Overview of Graduate Degree Productivity 1990-2000 ATTACHMENTS | |
c. | Transfer Survey Findings |
OLD BUSINESS continued
a. | ITEM 111-110-R0501 - Tuition and Fees for FY 2002 ATTACHMENTS |
There was considerable discussion on the merits of whether the Validation of Tuition and Fees was being voted on after these figures were already being charged students. It was clearly explained that the figures in the book were the result of the 5% and 13% increases which the Regents unanimously approved at the May, 2001 meeting. The actual numbers could not be calculated prior to a percentage increase being established by the Board. Also, the weighted average increase came to 11.4%. It was further clarified that the percentage increase applied to both Resident and Non-Resident students. Regent Semmens indicated he was confident that the increase did not adversely affect the competitive edge of the Montana University System for non-resident students but urged continued sensitivity to this issue each year. |
with Regent Mercer dissenting and Regent Roehm abstaining. |
b. |
ITEM 112-101-R0701 - Approval of Foundation Operating Agreement; Montana Tech of the University of Montana - ACTION ITEM |
c. |
ITEM 112-102-R0701 - Approval of Foundation Operating Agreement; Montana State University-Northern - ACTION ITEM Service Agreement |
d. | Budget Planning for FY 2002 Budget Guidelines |
Commissioner Crofts called attention to his memo on Operating Budgets. The campus CEOs will provide one page Executive Summaries on their achievement of goals and priorities for FY01. They will also provide one page summaries identifying the goals reflected in the FY02 operating budgets. In planning for FY01 the Regents established targets for certain expenditures in the budgets. These included percentages for enrollment reserves, libraries, technology, professional development, and O&M. He proposed that two of these categories be changed from targets to assumptions in the FY02 budgets, and he would expect to see 2% for enrollment reserves, and either 6% at the 4 year or 3% at the CoTs for libraries. Currently UM is higher than 6% but the others are below it. Providing for libraries should be not considered as taking funds from the classroom. This reserve can be used to enhance on-line sharing of library resources between the campuses. He noted that the figures for professional development and O&M also need to be increased. In reference to the 1% increase in tuition for productivity and quality improvements, the Commissioner anticipated that one or two campuses will find that even with the 5% and 13% increases they only will be able to maintain the status quo, and he asked them to explain this in their analysis of their use of the 1%. The Regents and the Commissioner agreed that all campuses were expected to show how the additional 1% of tuition will improve quality and productivity. MSU-N had requested a 14% increase and MT Tech had requested 15% or 16%. UM-W was going to terminate positions because of the shortfall in funding. It is expected that if those campuses with the greatest problems are able to mitigate some of their losses with the 1%, they will report this as their use of the 1%. The Work Session will continue to cover the operating budgets, and Wednesday before the September meeting will be dedicated to clarifying to the Regents what the budgets entail and answering questions for the Regents. No decisions will be made during those sessions. The Wednesday morning session will cover terminology and understanding the various parts of the budgets. Wednesday afternoon will cover the specifics of the budgets. The orientation materials will be sent to the Regents in advance of the book so that they can begin to familiarize themselves with it. |
Regent Semmens left the meeting at 10:00 a.m. for personal reasons. A quorum remained.
Commissioner Crofts took up the next portion of the Budget Planning and referred to his memo on Salary Administration Guidelines. Last year, UM-W was planning to balance the budget by not offering the full 4% increase. The Commissioner discouraged them from that. A tentative agreement with the MPEA has been reached which is a little less than $90,000 more than the 4% increase to implement MAP. Other classified staff not covered by collective bargaining will be covered by the MAP. A tentative agreement has also been reached with UFA and these along with staff on Board of Regents Contracts will be on the September Agenda. Spreadsheets will be provided by campuses to assure compliance with salary increase guidelines. HB 13 mandated a 4% pay increase for state employees, however the legislature funded only 50% of that for the university system. This is why about 5% of the tuition increase is dedicated to annualizing the last pay plan and funding the current one. Salary increases will be implemented November 1 rather than October 1 because of the funding level the state provided. The Commissioner will continue discussions with senior administrators to limit mid-year increases for state funded positions based on clear market adjustments based on actual efforts to recruit employees away from the system. As last year, provision is made for a President or Chancellor to make a special argument on the basis of market or equity adjustment that exceeds the 4%, however those salary increases will only appear on the September Agenda after approval by the Commissioner. The Commissioner made a strong point that performance is to be the determinant for merit increases. |
Prior to dealing with the item on the New Business Agenda, Regent Roehm indicated that the Regents were bringing forth a Resolution on the issue of the Electronic Scoreboard at the UM-Missoula campus. He believes the scoreboard is in the best interest of the university and the donor is willing to go the extra mile to help out. Regent Roehm's hesitation was with the process. He read the Resolution as follows:
ITEM 111-1001-R0501 RESOLUTION
The Board of Regents hereby resolves as follows:
The stadium and fieldhouse scoreboard proposal from The University of Montana-Missoula has the potential to be of substantial benefit to the University; and
The University is authorized to continue its efforts to secure the use of the scoreboards, and
The Board expects that the University will bring before it in the near future a fully integrated contract regarding the scoreboards; and
The submission of the contract to the Board shall be done in such a manner and at such a time that the Board shall have a reasonable amount of time to review the contract prior to acting on it.
July 13, 2001
Regent Roehm MOVED for ADOPTION of the Resolution as read
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. |
Regents' Code of Expectations |
Item a. of New Business was deferred to the September, 2001 meeting when the new Student Regent would be in attendance. |
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.