BOR Minutes: September 24-26, 2003
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
September 24-25-26, 2003
Montana State University-Billings
1500 N. 30 Street
Billings, MT 59101-0252
These Minutes were approved unanimously by the Board of Regents at the November 20-21, 2003 meeting in Bozeman, MT
Academic/Student Affairs Items (Submission and Action)
Administrative/Budget Items (Submission and Action)
The Full Board convened at 1:10 p.m. |
Roll Call indicated a quorum present. Regents Present: Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Ed Jasmin Chairman, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, and Lila Taylor. Also present was Commissioner Sheila Stearns Regents Absent: Christian Hur Vice-Chair, Governor Judy Martz ex officio, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch ex officio. |
Chairman Jasmin introduced Sheila Stearns the new Commissioner. Sheila Stearns thanked everyone for all of their assistance, and especially Ken Woosley. She indicated that she had before her the Mission and Vision of the University System, and as she listened to the budget presentations she would be looking for the connection between expenditures and goals. |
a. |
ITEM 120-110-R0903 - Operating Budgets (Action Item) Mailed under separate cover to the Regents Executive Summary Full Budget |
After thanking the fiscal departments on all the campuses and Laurie Neils for the hard work and long hours invested in this item, Rod Sundsted walked the Board through the budget for the office of the Commissioner, and the system budget. Following that presentation, the President, Chancellors and Dean presented the proposed budget for Montana State University, and the President, Chancellors and Dean of The University of Montana, concluded with their proposed budgets. Please see the detailed presentations at the Board web site. It was pointed out that about half of the revenue is from private and federal sources, such as grants. Some major shifts in the budgets were explained, such as moving a group of people over to the general operating budget. Regent Semmens recommended the campuses use their rankings in national publications to enhance their marketing strategies. Regent Mercer requested that future budgets show more detail for the numbers that need so much explanation. MSU-Bozeman has been working with MSU-Northern to alleviate their deficit spending in student auxiliary services. They will have a team in Havre to finalize the proposed plan to reduce and eliminate the deficit. The written report will be presented to the Board at the next meeting. Regent Mercer indicated that sometimes deficit spending can be the result of asking for the impossible.
The meeting Recessed at 5:30 p.m. |
The full Board reconvened at 7:30 a.m.
Vice Chair Christian Hur was present at the meeting.
Leadership Montana Presentation Bruce Wittenberg (10 minutes) |
Bruce Whittenberg of Leadership Montana gave a presentation on their program to train new leaders in the state. The tuition will be $2500. |
Representative Norma Bixby noted the next day was American Indian Heritage day, and that it was necessary to protect that culture through education. She said Indian Education for All needs to be fully implemented following adoption of HB 528 in 1999. She has seen some improvement in small areas, but claimed the university system is behind for hiring more Native Americans, and believes that assessments only create more barriers for Indian children. Regents Hamilton and Roehm serve on the Indian Education committee for the Board of Education, and they will provide a status report at the November 2003 Board meeting. |
PBS Governance - Kenneth Nordtvedt |
Dr. Ken Nordtvedt, who had planned to attend the meeting, was unable to do so. He therefore sent a letter to the Regents and asked Regent Roehm to present it for him. Following the presentation of Dr. Nordtvedt's belief that programming on PBS through the university system is extremely left leaning, with no balance to the right, there was discussion by the Regents and Campus CEOs. One Regent believed that those shows were very conservative, contrary to the claims of Dr. Nordtvedt. It was noted that only 3% of the programming is set aside for news and public affairs with political points of view. There are five shows, and three of them offer the conservative viewpoint. President Dennison stated that two advisory committees work with the stations on content and offer counsel on policy. Public television is dependent on fund raising and public participation, which does not mean donors should dictate content. |
Mr. Bruce Simon, a citizen of Billings spoke about taking the campuses on-line to reach the whole state, or the world. He urged the University System to offer more education on-line rather than forcing people to go to the campuses. He noted that radical changes have occurred in education since he was in school when they were not allowed to use hand held calculators. However, he cautioned on the danger of using technology that will become obsolete, and asked they be flexible and vigilant as they evolve into a worldwide campus. Chancellor Ron Sexton noted the tremendous growth in on-line courses, and the variety of options and associated costs are a challenge to delivering these courses. They generally are designed around the most commonly used hardware and software. |
Further Discussion on X1 Program at UM-Western |
Mr. Mike Klackett, a member of the community of Dillon expressed concern about the early implementation of the X1 programming at The University of Montana-Western. Many businesses are worried that it may cause a drop in enrollment, with the eventual closure of the campus. The university is the base that many Dillon businesses rely on. Mr. Klackett handed out a statement from the community delineating their concerns. President Dennison indicated the report referred to by Mr. Klackett was the evaluation report turned in to FIPSE, and there was no spin on it. It has been decided to phase in implementation of X1, with all incoming freshmen participating in the fall of 2004. He noted that those who have gone through the pilot program overwhelmingly say it was a positive experience. Most want to continue with it. It fits the kind of hands-on programs offered at UM-Western. Jerry Reddick of Helena was in the X1 program and the experience was wonderful. In the second semester she was able to take on a full time job and her GPA rose. She also presented a stack of letters from other students who had participated in the program, as well as business people from Dillon, all of whom strongly support the program. Regent John Mercer questioned whether this kind of decision should be made at the campus level, but rather by the Board of Regents. He expressed concern about the future of UM-Western if this program failed, and asked President Dennison if they would be left on their own or if Missoula would continue to support them. President Dennison indicated he takes full responsibility, and if this is a failure, he will continue to help them. He believes this offers a greater chance of success than failure, and without some change the trend lines are inevitable. He also noted they have been working with the Board of Regents for the last five to seven years on this change. It follows the same school calendar with the same progression. Regent Hamilton asked if the Board wanted to approve the process of change, along with the change in programs. If so, there are a variety of methods of delivery, such as distance education, distributed education, cohorts, graduate programs, and combinations of those. She noted the Board had never assumed that responsibility in the past. Commissioner Stearns noted that after six years, a funded grant, pilot program, and the imperative for some change, the question becomes does the Board support this change or must it be brought to the level of the Board. Regent Mercer said one rationale for this action would be this matter would dog the Regents for a long time. By not making a decision, people will continue to return to the Board wanting a decision. Regent Semmens urged interim Chancellor Karl Ulrich to meet with Mr. Klackett to address the concerns outlined. It was agreed that an informational session and a business plan would be presented to the Regents at the November, 2003 meeting. |
End Public Comment |
Continuation of a. ITEM 120-110-R0903 - Operating Budgets (Action Item) Executive Summary Full Budget President Terry Hetrick presented the budget for Dawson Community College. He pointed to the ideas on saving and generating revenue, no layoffs, no loss of quality, and salary freezes. He solicited and encouraged system-wide input for their Master Plan, which addresses specific areas of improvement. They will have a completed Master Plan to share with the Board at the next meeting. It will highlight their successful accreditation visit and completion of the first phase of the Dawson Community College outdoor complex worth $500,000, which was completed for $200,000. They are planning a new Performing Arts Center, and hope to become more competitive with the North Dakota institutions. The budget is only 1% different from last year, with 43% coming from state funds and mill levies, and tuition accounting for 55%. President Jane Karas presented the budget for Flathead Valley Community College, which is designed to meet their goals and strategic plan. Student learning and success are their focus. If the surprising upturn in enrollment this fall continues into the spring semester, they may be required to bring a budget amendment before the Board. She noted that they are hoping to have a settlement conference on the litigated bond election. President Darrell Hammon began his presentation with a poem to the Board. They had a great summer with the construction of the new housing facility. However, it was incomplete three days before school began, so they are housing the students at a local hotel until it is complete. He noted they want to resurrect their RN program. The State Board of Nursing sees the changes in the rural areas, and DCC is hoping they will work with them. They are working on high speed rural communications for eastern Montana, doing dual enrollments with the high schools, two plus two, and offer specific training through the Center for Technology and Learning for a fee. The campus is involved in workforce development with regional businesses by meeting specific needs such as Power Point training to enable lawyers to present in Court.
Regent Mercer indicated these budgets were already in effect, and were therefore take it or leave it. Regent Roehm concurred, and indicated he was grateful for the process that Regent Semmens was putting in place to get the Board in front of the budget process. He also indicated he liked the uniformity of definitions for all the campuses, but was unhappy with the time management of the presentations.
Staff Items: |
Regent Roehm held Item b. for separate discussion, and Regent Jasmin held Item i. | |
a. |
ITEM 120-100-R0903 Staff; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education |
c. |
ITEM 120-1004-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Business Administration upon Richard T. Dailey; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. |
ITEM 120-1500-R0903 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
e. |
ITEM 120-1500A-R0903 Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology |
f. |
ITEM 120-1600-R0903 Staff; The University of Montana-Western |
g. |
ITEM 120-1602-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of English upon Jane H. Maddock; The University of Montana-Western |
h. |
ITEM 120-1900-R0903 Staff; The University of Montana-Helena College of Technology |
j. |
ITEM 120-2001-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Animal and Range Sciences upon Gene Surber; Montana State University-Bozeman |
k. |
ITEM 120-2002-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Animal and Range Sciences upon Peter J. Burfening; Montana State University-Bozeman |
l. |
ITEM 120-2003-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Extension upon James P. Johannes; Montana State University-Bozeman |
m. |
ITEM 120-2004-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of 4-H youth Development upon Terry L. Wolfe; Montana State University-Bozeman |
n | ITEM 120-2005-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Extension-4-H Youth Development
upon Elizabeth M. McCoy; Montana State University-Bozeman |
o. |
ITEM 120-2006-R0903 Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology upon Jack Riesselman; Montana State University-Bozeman |
p. | ITEM 120-2007-R0903 Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry upon J. R. Amend; Montana State University-Bozeman |
q. | ITEM 120-2008-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Education upon C. Van Shelhamer; Montana State University-Bozeman |
r. | ITEM 120-2009-R0903 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Physics upon Robert J. Swenson; Montana State University-Bozeman |
s. | ITEM 120-2010-R0903 Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Physics upon John Hermanson; Montana State University-Bozeman |
t. | ITEM 120-2300-R0903 Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
u. | ITEM 120-2400-R0903 Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
v. | ITEM 120-2700-R0903 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
w. | ITEM 120-2800-R0903 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
x. | ITEM 120-2850-R0903 - Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
b. |
ITEM 120-1000-R0903 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula |
Regent Roehm drew attention to page 7 showing two bonuses. He said he had no question they were deserved, but the timing is very questionable with the tuition increases, freezes in salaries across the system, and he wondered about the impact on collective bargaining.
Regent Hamilton asked how this strategic plan would differ from MAP. She noted that there was reluctance to bring administration under MAP in the past. President Dennison indicated he did not want administration brought under MAP, but said there is a process in place by which bonuses could be brought forward and presented. These did not materialize out of thin air, which might be the impression. Merits continue to be given for performance in the past year, as with MAP. The Board has indicated that every administrator must be evaluated every year with salary based on that. There are performance goals for all administrators. Regent Semmens stated they need to look at the whole issue, including the discretionary bounds they now allow the management team. He indicated he would defer to President Dennison since they were proposed in the flexibility of the guidelines historically given, but they still need to look at the whole picture. Regent Mercer asked if this was special treatment for administrators or if there was something else available to others. President Dennison reminded him they have MAP and Merits. However, they show up as informational only since they are part of the bargaining agreements. Regent Mercer indicated he believed this was presented in a straightforward way, and believed there could have been a number of ways it could have been done under the radar of the board. He asked why President Dennison had not done that, and if he was concerned that the bonus as an incentive would actually raise a red flag. President Dennison indicated that although it might raise a red flag, he did not ask permission of the two recipients to give them the bonuses. He could have described them as market adjustments, but that was not his intent. Market adjustments would be base building and permanent. These are one-time bonuses. Regent Roehm indicated he still wanted to hold the bonuses in abeyance, but Regent Mercer suggested writing the policy, but permitting these to go through. Regent Roehm deferred to Commissioner Stearns. The Commissioner believed Regent Mercer's approach was good. She suggested they discuss it at the Board workshop in October and clarify a system wide policy.
Commissioner Stearns noted one change to the item: on page 44, Caruso should be stricken, and inserted on page 5 as a resignation.
i. |
ITEM 120-2000-R0903 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Jasmin noted that the item for the Coach did not include such things as books, radio contracts, summer camps, cars, and country clubs. President Gamble indicated in the future, all these items will be included.
Administrative/Budget Items: |
a. |
ITEM 120-1001-R0903 Approval of University System/Employee Joint Venture; The University of Montana-Missoula |
b. |
ITEM 120-1002-R0903 Authorization to Establish The Northern Rockies Center for Space Privatization; The University of Montana-Missoula |
Item b. was pulled from the Agenda by President Dennison. | |
c. |
ITEM 120-1005-R0903 Authorization to Renovate Science Complex 342; The University of Montana-Missoula Attachment |
d. |
ITEM 120-1601-R0903- Authorization to Expend up to $80,000 of Student Computer Fees; The University of Montana-Western |
e. |
ITEM 120-2801-R0903 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees: Montana State University-Northern |
f. |
ITEM 120-2851-R0903 Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana State University-Great Falls, College of Technology |
g. |
ITEM 120-2852-R0903 Authorization to Expend Student Equipment Fees; Montana State University-Great Falls, College of Technology |
Labor Agreements/Other: |
a. |
ITEM 120-101-R0903 Confirmation of Governor Martz appointments to the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee; Montana University System |
b. |
ITEM 120-102-R0903 Amend Montana Family Education Savings Plan Rules; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education |
c. | ITEM 120-105-R0903 Approval of Tentative Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers Colleges of Technology; Office Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Agreement |
d. | ITEM 120-106-R0903 Approval of Tentative Agreement with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 441; Office Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Agreement |
a. |
Level I Memo (Informational Item) |
There were no questions on Item a. | |
b. |
Level II Memo (Information Item) |
It was agreed that MSU-Bozeman will provide a business plan, and further documentation for the nursing proposal when it comes before the Board at the November, 2003 meeting | |
c. | MUS College Prep Exemption Report for 2002 Academic Year (Information Item) |
Interim Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber explained this report is based on a policy that students who seek admission to four-year campuses must take college prep courses in high school. This policy also exempts up to 5% of first time, full-time students who did not take college prep courses. Some of the campuses exceed this, but no penalty is written into the policy. However, he indicated he does not believe this report in its current form reflects what the Board is looking for. It was agreed that Roger Barber would look at all of the current admission policies and report to the Board. Regent Hamilton also indicated that the P-20 Committee with the Board of Education would also work on this issue. They anticipate using the distribution list in the Office of Public Instruction to be sure all entities are kept apprised of admission requirements. |
a. | ITEM 119-2013-R0503 Authorization to Allow a Provisional Exception to BoR Policy 802.3; Montana State University-Bozeman AMENDED |
b. | ITEM 120-2011-R0903 Authorization to Utilize Multi-Modal Variable and Fixed Rate Debt Instruments, Series G 2003 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond Issue; Montana State University Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 |
Item b. was deferred to Friday morning. | |
c. |
ITEM 120-2012-R0903 Authorization to Utilize Short Term Loans for the Implementation of a Multi-Year Information Technology Infrastructure Replacement Plan; Montana State University |
It was explained that this item covers long term, anticipated infrastructure needs, to obtain up front loans as needed through the Board of Investments.
f. | ITEM 120-2016-R0903 Authorization to execute a Long-Term Lease for Relocation of the Great Falls Campus of the MSU-Bozeman College of Nursing; Montana State University-Bozeman Lease Agreement |
Item f. was pulled from the Agenda | |
g. | ITEM 120-2015-R0903 Authorization to Install Fire Suppression Systems in Various Residence Halls; Montana State University-Bozeman |
It was agreed that OCHE would provide a detailed inventory of fire suppression systems in all of the dormitories throughout the university system. The Board will also be looking at the classroom and administration buildings overall in the system, as well as the big picture of safety and security issues since 9-11.
h. | ITEM 120-2854-R0903 - Authorization to Offer Online Courses to Non-resident Students at 200% of Resident Tuition; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology Attachment |
i. |
INFORMATIONAL ONLY MSU has executed a two-year lease for Relocation of the Montana Fire Services Training School to 2700 sq ft of space in the Wheat Building at 750 6th Street Southwest in Great Falls. Rent will total $45,140 for the period 9/03/2003 to 6/30/2005 |
a. |
Appeal (Action Item) |
b. | ITEM 120-103-R0903 Amend Policy 201.7 By-Laws; Montana University System (Action Item) Regent Roehm |
c. |
ITEM 120-107-R0903 Establishing Benchmarks for Measuring Institutional Quality (Discussion Item) Regent Mercer |
Regent Mercer indicated that quality needed to be defined in such a way as to describe what quality is, what it costs, and how it is done. Regent Jasmin noted that they already have the data warehouse, legislative policy, and many other reports on quality. He believes the Board should agree on a dozen or so items. Commissioner Stearns noted at the workshop the previous day, the Board considered strongly connecting the budget to quality. There is a distinction between accountability and quality. She said there are some broader measures of quality available, and she would work with the campuses and others to identify others. Regent Mercer indicated he wanted these measures simplified to a marketing format that could be clearly understood. Regent Hamilton stated the Tuition Committee discussed this, and some benchmarks are accepted such as academic preparation, reputation of faculty, ratio of faculty to students, an appealing environment, and accessible materials. She expressed a desire to look at outcomes assessment and student learning assessment. Regent Roehm and Commissioner Stearns left the meeting at 11:20 to attend the Governor's Health Care Summit. Regent Semmensreminded the Board in their conversation of the previous day, they agreed there is a base level that needs to be maintained, and that level needs to be defined as well as benchmarks for quality. President Dennison noted the proposal is a very good one, but the Board will need to be very careful in carrying it out. There are three different types of indicators in the system: The system is different from the individual campuses, but both are needed. The third indicator is what the public believes about the system. Chairman Jasmin added that some benchmarks should relate to the regional report in US News and World Report. He asked Regent Mercer to suggest members of the committee, such as faculty, staff, and members of the legislature. It was indicated there could also be a Regent on the committee. Regent Hamilton expressed appreciation for the value of external input, but believes the Board must first know how they themselves define quality.
d. |
ITEM 120-108-R0903 Tiered Tuition; (Discussion Item) Regent Hur |
Regent Hur said his goal was to have Rod Sundsted present a plan at the March, 2004 meeting that would meet the five points outlined in the item. Regent Hamilton asked if the tiered tuition was mixed with differential tuition in the first paragraph. Regent Semmens thought it was a matter of semantics, and believes the Board is moving this direction with the tuition policy they approved, and they believe they should go to differential tuition, with lower rates for the community colleges, more for the four year campuses, and highest for the flagship campuses. He is not sure it will be as simple as three levels, but said it should be achieved through the allocation model. He asked if this item would not confuse the matter more as the Budget Committee is presently pursuing changes in the allocation model. He does not foresee the outcome to be as neat as this item, as it will be based on campus goals and their accomplishment. With the complexity of issues involved, this will not be accomplished in six months. Regent Mercer did not believe they could deal with tuition without also dealing with the allocation model. He suggested giving the work of the Tuition Committee to the Budget Committee to address the issue. Regent Semmens agreed the Budget Committee must further consider this issue, rather than a new committee or the office of the Commissioner doing it alone. | |
At 12:06 p.m., the Board recessed for lunch with student representatives, followed by a meeting with faculty representatives. The Board reconvened at 2:20 p.m. |
d. |
ITEM 120-108-R0903 Tiered Tuition; (Discussion Item) Regent Hur CONTINUED |
Regent Hur deferred to Regent Hamilton on what action should now be taken. She indicated they already have two committees dealing with these issues. She recommended staff look at the issue and return to the November 2003 meeting with committee assignments for the two committees, and separate out some of the issues. Following Regent Hurs original timeline, a plan will be presented to the Board at the March, 2004 meeting.
e. | ITEM 120-109-R0903 New Policy - Policy 506.4 Reciprocal Services for Students on Academic Assignment; Montana University System (Submission Item) |
Deputy Commissioner Barberexplained this item was to extend like-student services from one campus to another when that student is temporarily relocated to another campus.
f. | ITEM 120-2020-R0903 - Elimination of Montana Cooperative Development Center and Amendment of Institutional Organization; Montana State University-Northern (Submission Item) Attachment |
g. | Data Warehouse (Discussion Item) Regent Jasmin / Mary Craigle |
Mary Craigle presented to the Regents the reports they now receive, recommended changes to those reports, and new reports in which they might be interested. The Board suggested changes to enhance the information and Ms. Craigle will follow up on these recommendations. | |
The Board returned to the Administrative/Budget items at 3:00 p.m. |
d. |
ITEM 120-2013-R0903 Approval of Amendment to Quit Claim Deed Related to the Sale of Property Owned by Advanced Technology Inc. to Mitchell Development and Investments; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment |
e. |
ITEM 120-2014-R0903 Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Cooperate and a Public Street and Utility Easement for Garfield Street & Fowler Avenue in Connection with the Proposed Sale of MSU Foundation/Advanced Technology Inc. Real Property to Mitchell Development Company; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment 1 Attachment 2 |
There was lengthy discussion of the implications of both selling this property and keeping it.
Regent Semmens indicated the Budget Committee will present to the Board at the November, 2004 meeting a specific recommendation incorporating some of the suggestions from the meeting of the day before. |
The Board took a five-minute break at 3:35 p.m. |
h. | Work Sessions (Discussion Item) Regent Jasmin |
It was agreed that this item would be taken up at the Board Workshop in October. |
i. | Presentation on MGSLP (please click your mouse to move through the presentation) by Bruce Marks Attachment |
Bruce Marks, Director of the Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program gave an overview
of his agency, and indicated the Board of Regents is the entity designated to handle
it. GSL does not actually lend money, but rather guarantees the loans if they should
default. They are also designated by the Legislature to administer certain programs
such as Gear Up, the Regents Honor Scholarships, and Baker Grants now known as MTAP.
He indicated they are looking to partner with SAF (Student Assistance Foundation).
Patty Davis, Operations Manager indicated their focus is to guarantee loans to lenders,
and to offer financial aid information to the schools. They subrogate loans they
are unable to collect to the Federal Government, who then tries to collect. Current
default rates in Montana are 7.7%, and are directly affected by the employment rate.
Since Bozeman just joined the group, there is no data for them. Although not in favor
of raising loan limits, Bruce Marks indicated that with rising tuition he would not
be surprised to see the limits increased. |
j. | Two Year Education Initiative (Discussion Item) Community College CEOs |
Dean Mary Moe of Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology indicated
there was a need to let Montanans know what two-year education is, and what it can
do for them. She indicated the two-year colleges would like to have an impact study
done, and Regent Mercer inquired about the cost. She indicated whatever was available
would be welcome. Regent Roehm pointed out the initiative adopted by the P-20 Committee
that everyone should have at least two years of higher education. It has been shown
the more higher education received, the higher the income earned. President Jane
Karas of Flathead Valley Community College expressed her appreciation for the focus
Arlene Parisot of the Commissioner's office is putting on two-year education. She
also indicated there is an increasing number of students transferring from the two-year
campuses to the four-year campuses. President Darrel Hammon of Miles Community College
expressed concern that higher education in Montana is still considered in terms of
the Cats and the Griz. He asked that the two-year colleges, as well as the tribal
colleges be included in talks about higher education. He would like to see the image
of two-year education changed from being a secondary or tertiary choice, to being
a viable choice. Mary Craigle indicated there is a pilot project in process to bring
data from Miles and Dawson Community Colleges into the system warehouse. President
Dennison agreed this is very important, but also cautioned about doing another economic
impact study. The study done by The University of Montana last year is being expanded
and will include the data on the community colleges. Dave Gibson of the Governor's
office said it is very apparent to him that the two-year schools have the most direct
impact on the Montana economy. They train the workers who stay in the community.
Regent Semmens wondered if it was worth spending more money to find out if Montanan's
know how good two-year education is, or if it would be safe to presume they don't
know enough and simply proceed with educating them. DeanMary Moe indicated they had considered this issue, and they would prefer to partner with the
Board of Regents to make it more feasible. Chancellor Capdeville indicated that tech
programs are occupational in nature. If the worth of those programs is going to be
made clear, it is necessary to go back to K-12. The university system continues to
raise the standards with the reality that it is for university prep, not technical
school. MSU-Northern has a wonderful relationship with companies such as Caterpillar
and John Deere because they like the students produced through their two-year program.
Jane Karas noted the two-year CEOs will meet in October and would talk about regional
studies in their own market areas, and then return with their proposal at the November,
2003 meeting. |
k. | Montana's Economic Roadmap Another Step Forward; (Discussion Item) Regent Mercer |
Regent Mercer explained this is a small step toward the economic literacy of Montana. He would like to put together a handbook which tells the history of Montana's economy, and where it is today. He hopes it would go beyond a handbook in the future to include ideas from people on how to move forward. He suggested looking at where the MUS could assist the State such as the process of estimating revenues, and preparing fiscal notes. Specifically, this is a request for a group to bring a proposal. It would allow the Commissioner to get people together as he has indicated, look at what would be included, and how it would be done, who would be involved, and how much would it cost. This should get the Board together with other leaders in Montana on the same page and with the same goals. The University System and the Board of Regents is unique in being able to offer continuity, whereas elected officials rotate out. He requested Dave Gibson volunteer to work with the Commissioner to staff this committee. He wants the university system to remain involved and not to pass it off to someone else, but expects the Governor's office to help staff it. He stated that EDAG has been dissolved, and something is needed to keep up the communication. He would like to see the Bureau of Business and Economic Development play a part in the handbook, but he wants more people involved so they will buy into it. Regent Roehm noted he had asked Royal Johnson what he thought about this concept. He was told the legislature is paying big bucks to have Dave Gibson do this job. It poses a problem to him. He questioned who does what. He is leery of having the Commissioner get in and appoint a committee. The university system plays a role in economic growth, but it is not their main business. He asked what it would cost in time and money, and doubted the office of the Commissioner had the necessary resources to do it. Regent Mercer further explained this item asks them to meet a few times and put together a proposal of how it would be done, the time schedule, and cost and then the Board would make the decision. Regent Semmens stated it seemed to mean the Commissioner will staff the whole thing, and these are large, consumptive projects. If several independent resources work on this, it will say that the university system is not the one thing that drives the economy. He questioned whether it made sense to pursue what the economy was, rather than what the economy is now, and what are the trends driving it forward. It should help ensure policy decisions are based on what is really happening in the economic area. He would support the commissioner working with Dave Gibson to decide if the book is needed, where the information will be found, and who will put it together. He would object if it is recommended the Commissioner and staff execute the whole project. Professor John Brower of Montana Tech of The University of Montana drew attention to two studies done in the early 90s by the Montana Science Alliance, which would help the Board in developing the plan. He indicated these are excellent resources but no hard copies are available. Regent Hamilton commented that the university system could best participate by evaluating data and bringing people to consensus. She believes this needs to go forward under the leadership of the Governor since it involves fundraising, and the Governor's name carries more weight in that area. Dave Gibson stated people must think about policy change to make any difference. He sees the handbook as a consensus building exercise, with policy changes to redirect the economy. He believes this is phase one, but the Board of Regents as the governing board will have to play an active role. He worried that he and the Commissioner might return to the Board in six months with something the Board did not want. He requested latitude to return to the next Board meeting with their recommendation on a committee, and a projection of where they might be in March 2004. Regent Mercer indicated that he would be happy to have them return to the November, 2003 Board meeting with their recommendations, and do nothing else until that time.
The meeting recessed at 5:25 p.m. |
FRIDAY, September 26, 2003 |
The Board reconvened at 8:30 a.m.
Please see attached Reports END CONSENT AGENDA |
President Dennison introduced Dan Dwyer, from New Mexico State University who is the new Vice President for Research and Development at UM-Missoula. |
b. | ITEM 120-2011-R0903 Authorization to Utilize Multi-Modal Variable and Fixed Rate Debt Instruments, Series G 2003 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond Issue; Montana State University Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 |
Regent Hur requested a breakdown of savings and long-term costs for bond financing and underwriting items that come before the Board in the future.
l. | Nursing Committee Meeting Report; (Discussion Item) Regent Roehm |
Regent Roehm noted that Montana pays nursing personnel the lowest in the country and it costs the university system more to train that discipline. He suggested the system must be judicious about spreading the resources too thin. Reporting on the meeting held with the State Board of Nursing, he indicated there is a desire to develop a common application form for them and the Board of Regents in order to expedite the process for programs, as well as to provide everyone with the same information. He noted there is a strong need for a liaison between the two boards. He stated there are 17 programs offered through the MUS for a variety of nursing levels, as well as programs at Carroll College, Salish-Kootenai College in Polson, University of Great Falls, and Miles Community College. There was discussion at the nursing meeting on whether they should encourage only one kind of program, such as a BA, or insist on the two-year programs. There is a serious problem in gathering data, but the bottleneck for most students is available slots for clinical experience. Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber commented on the two-year process required for the Board of Nursing to approve a program, whereas the Board of Regents can have it done in about three months. The Commissioner's office will work with the Director of the State Board of Nursing to develop a coordinated review and approval process for new nursing programs. Because of different meeting schedules, that may be difficult, he said. He also explained that data on nursing shortages is hard to assemble. Many Montana graduates do not sit for licensure in Montana; and about 100 nurses live outside the State but maintain their license in Montana. As a consequence, licensure data from the State Board of Nursing is not a good indicator of nursing needs, he said. Regent Semmens asked about the possibility of a statewide advisory board that could advise the Board of Regents, and involved individuals from rural and urban clinics, and Regents Roehm and Hamilton. He suggested the MUS could indicate the high cost of these programs and request their help to serve them better. Regent Hamilton indicated that was touched on at the August meeting, and she noted the Regents Nursing Committee has broad grassroots membership, which could be further expanded, and the group is very cooperative and open to change and process design. The hospital representative said the service providers must look at the cost to the MUS as well as the students. She reported that MSU-Billings has a wonderful arrangement with Benefis, and MSU-Northern has the same with their providers. She encouraged the Board to look at consolidating the program application process, and to help develop these processes, reaching a wider group than nursing by talking about health care in general. The most important item at this time is improved data collection. Regent Roehm indicated that HMOs put a high imperative on hospitals to be extremely efficient, which causes them to make working conditions as bad as they can get away with, which is one of the worst aspects for nurses. It is also cheaper for the hospital to bring nurses in from out of the country. Regent Hamilton requested the Board endorse what the committee is doing with the process, paperwork and collection of data. Regent Roehm reminded the Board they had adopted the Governor's report, and capacity is something the Board needs to determine with accurate data. Deputy Commissioner Barber stated one of the great difficulties is a shortage of clinical settings. A consultant is pulling together a description of what is appropriate for on-site clinical training, as well as alternative clinical training, such as small rural practices. | |
The Board took a ten-minute break and returned to work at 10:35 a.m. | |
f. | ITEM 120-2016-R0903 Authorization to execute a Long-Term Lease for Relocation of the Great Falls Campus of the MSU-Bozeman College of Nursing; Montana State University-Bozeman Lease Agreement |
Although Item f. was pulled from the Agenda, the Board agreed to consider it in a conference call meeting when they have been provided with the amended Lease Agreement. That meeting will be noticed. | |
m. | Strategic Planning Process (Discussion Item) Regent Semmens |
Regent Semmens indicated this would be covered at the Board workshop in October, and reminded the Board the Strategic Plan is now two years old and they need to reaffirm it, or make changes. He also wants the Board to establish a sense of priority on initiatives now underway. | |
Please see attached Reports |
It was requested the Office of the Commissioner check with the Governor's office in an effort to avoid conflicts on scheduled meetings. Following a variety of charges against MUS personnel, it was asked if criminal background checks are done on applicants before they are hired. They are done on all applicants for management, faculty, TAs and graduate students at The University of Montana-Missoula. Since it is a costly endeavor, they are not done at either the Helena College of Technology or the Great Falls College of Technology, nor are they done at MSU-Northern. The Commissioner will pursue this issue. Regent Mercer will pursue scheduling individual meetings of the Congressional Delegation with the Board. Senator Burns may be able to attend the November, 2003 meeting. Regent Hamilton suggested inviting the Chair of the Board of Public Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction also to join the meetings. |
Resolution of Thanks and Appreciation to Dr. Joyce Scott |
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m. |