September 25-26, 2003

ITEM 120-2003-R0903   Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Extension upon James P. Johannes; Montana State University-Bozeman

THAT: Upon the retirement of James Johannes from the Montana State University State Extension office, the Board of Regents wishes to express its appreciation for his service to Montana State University, the University System, and the people of the state of Montana.

EXPLANATION: Jim Johannes received his Bachelor Science and Master of Science degrees from Montana State University-Bozeman. He served as a county agent for seven years and then became Extension District Supervisor for 17 Eastern Montana counties, serving in that role for 14 years. In 1993, he became Statewide Director of Programming, serving as both a supervisor of approximately 45 county agents as well as coordinator of statewide Extension programs. He had responsibility of organizing for and preparing Extension's plan of work and its annual reports, which are submitted annually to the Federal Extension System.

As program director, Jim supervised the organization and reorganization of the entire program planning and reporting process, in order to properly report to USDA Extension to qualify for federal funding.

Mr. Johannes has also been successful in securing grants from USDA-Extension to fund agents for the Extension Indian Reservation Program. There are now five agents directly serving the reservations. He has also maintained an excellent working relationship with the tribal colleges in Montana. In addition, he has secured family development grants for the reservations.

James has been active on the regional level, serving on and chairing several regional middle management committees. He has also served on statewide committees, including the Department of Environmental Quality Non-Point Pollution Education Subcommittee and the Montana Ag Sustainability Network. He has served on numerous Extension committees.

As budgets dwindled, James has been asked to assume additional administrative roles in Extension. He has done so willingly. His broad view of Extension, MSU and Montana and the needs of the people has made him a valuable asset for the MSU Extension Service.

For these reasons, the Board of Regents of Higher Education is pleased to confer upon James P. Johannes the status of Professor Emeritus of Extension at Montana State University-Bozeman and thanks him for his 30 years of outstanding service to Montana.