September 25-26, 2003

ITEM 120-1601-R0903    Authorization to Expend up to $80,000 of Student Computer Fees; The University of Montana Western

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes The University of Montana Western to expend up to $80,000 of Student Computer Fee funds for the replacement of computer equipment in the Large Intel Lab in the Swysgood Technology Center.

EXPLANATION: In accordance with Board of Regents computer Fee Policy 940.23, Expenditure of computer Fees for projects in excess of $25,000 requires authorization by the Board of Regents.

The proposed purchase is for renewal of 41 computers in the student Intel Lab as outlined in Western's Student Lab Renewal and Replacement Plan. This purchase will be paid out of existing funds in the Student Computer Fee Account.

The Student Computer Fee Committee based the Student Lab Renewal and Replacement Plan on a unanimous recommendation. The Committee is comprised of faculty, students and administrators.