September 25-26, 2003

ITEM 120-1602-R0903   Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of English upon Jane H. Maddock; The University of Montana - Western

THAT: Jane Helm Maddock, Professor of English, in her 17 years of service to The University of Montana-Western, has merited the appreciation and commendation of the Board of Regents of the Montana University System and has earned recognition as Professor Emeritus of English.


EXPLANATION: Dr. Maddock completed her bachelor's degree, with distinction, in English at Stanford University, her M.Ed. at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and her M. A. and Ph.D. degrees in English at the University of Utah. She joined the faculty at Western in 1986 as Assistant Professor and Director of the American Studies Program.

During her career at Western, Dr. Maddock published numerous articles in her areas of expertise which included colonial and early American literature and literature of the American west. Among her most distinguished accomplishments was developing the University's honors program and serving as its chair for seven years. Additionally, Dr. Maddock served on the promotion and tenure committee and the curriculum committee, which she chaired. From 1999-2002, she also served as chair of the English Department. In May of this year, Dr. Maddock's service to the University was recognized when she received the Alumni Service Award.

Throughout her career at The University of Montana-Western, Dr. Jane Maddock has served UM-W and the community with distinction. Her dedicated service has earned her the respect of her students, colleagues and professional associates.

The Department of English proudly recommends the commendation of the Board of Regents and the title, Professor of English Emeritus, for Professor Jane Helm Maddock.