BOR Minutes: September 21-22, 2000
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
September 21-22, 2000
Montana Tech of The University of Montana
1300 W. Park Street
Butte, MT
These Minutes were unanimously approved by the Board of Regents at the November 16-17, 2000 meeting in Missoula, MT.
THURSDAY, September 21, 2000
The Work Session convened at 7:50 a.m. and adjourned at 9:20 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings
The Committees Convened at 9:40 a.m. for separate meetings and adjourned at 10:10.
The Full Board Convened at 10:45 a.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Jessica Kobos, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson, Chairwoman, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: None
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the July 6-7, 2000 Regular
Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Commissioner Crofts announced that his office has hired Mary Craigle as the new Information Officer, replacing Bob Vogel. He also advised that the staff item for Alex Capdeville in Item 108-1900-R0900 has been removed since he is in the Item for MSU-Northern as the new Chancellor.
Chairwoman Thompson announced that Regent Lynn Hamilton has been appointed the liaison to the Board of Education. She also announced that Bob Brown is the liaison from the Board of Education to the Board of Regents.
Commissioner Crofts announced that the item for Bob Frazier has been removed from Item 108-1000-R0900 pending further clarification.
Commissioner Crofts advised that after conversation with the Regents, salary recommendations for Item 108-100-R0900 have been revised. His prime concern is equity for the staff in his office with the comparable positions on campus. The total average increase in the OCHE office is 3.7%. In a couple of cases he gave special recognition for individuals who have done truly remarkable work for the University System.
He further noted that the Montana University System has generally set presidential salaries using the statutory methodology for establishing the Governor's salary. Due to the Montana State University-Bozeman faculty pay freeze, President Roark will not receive a raise for FY 2001. He recommended that President Dennison's salary be increased to $133,000 which is slightly over 4%.
President Roark noted that a market adjustment has been recommended for Dean Will Weaver to bring him in line with his fellow dean colleagues.
Vice Chairman Jasmin recommended that the salary for Commissioner Crofts be increased to $133,500.
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 108-100-R0900 - Staff; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education AS AMENDED
b. ITEM 108-1000-R0900 - Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula AS AMENDED
c. ITEM 108-1500-R0900 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
d. ITEM 108-1500A-R0900 - Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology
e. ITEM 108-1600-R0900 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 108-1900-R0900 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana AS AMENDED
g. ITEM 108-2000-R0900 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman ADDENDUM
h. ITEM 108-2001-R0900 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Physics upon Gerald J. Lapeyre; Montana State University- Bozeman
i. ITEM 108-2002-R0900 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Physics upon V. Hugo Schmidt; Montana State University-Bozeman
j. ITEM 108-2003-R0900 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Anthropology upon Dr. Tom E. Roll; Montana State University-Bozeman
k. ITEM 108-2300-R0900 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
l. ITEM 108-2400-R0900 - Staff; Extension Service
m. ITEM 108-2700-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
n. ITEM 108-2701-R0900 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor of History Emeritus upon Dr. Mumtaz A. Fargo; Montana State University-Billings
o. ITEM 108-2702-R0900 - Authorization to Confer the title of Professor of History Emeritus upon Dr. James Friguglietti; Montana State University-Billings
p. ITEM 108-2800-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern
q. ITEM 108-2850-R0700 - Staff; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
a. ITEM 108-101-R0900 - Appointment of Mike McKendrick and Bonnie Whitehouse to the Student Loan Advisor Council; Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all items on the Consent Agenda with additions
and changes as noted.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Brandon DeShaw - President MAS
Mr. DeShaw indicated MAS had voted to reduce their dues to the two year college from $400 to $200 per year. They are trying to increase the participation of the two year campuses in MAS by making it more accessible to them. In reply to a question from Regent Kobos, he indicated that the two year campuses did not lose any voting privileges with the reduction in dues. He also noted that MAS had selected Molly Neitzel as the chair of their Legislative Committee.
Brandon DeShaw - President ASMT-Butte
Mr. DeShaw reported that in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Montana Tech, the students did a class reenactment from 1900. They also held their first annual career fair recently with a good turnout of both students and employers. Students are working with the Faculty Senate to set up an October 10 Legislative Forum on campus. In reply to a question from Regent Thompson, he indicated he had not been involved in the study of the Economic Impact of MT-Tech on the surrounding area, but that he was very happy with the results.
Christopher Helgeson - President AS of Great Falls College of Technology
Mr. Helgeson reported that the Student Senate had their first meeting last Thursday, with a good representation from the various departments. They hope to be more involved in lobbying this semester and spring semester. Additionally, they are organizing a blood drive on campus and are planning a student government open house in November. They will also be coordinating their voter registration drive. He noted the new student officers are Connie Sonnenberg, Vice President and Michael Oakes, the Business Manager. They met with Dean Weaver and Dr. Moe to discuss plans for the upcoming year. Also, there will be an open house on October 12.
Paula Lundstrom: President ASMSU-Billings
Ms. Lundstrom reported that they have elected their Freshman Senators, one from the College of Technology and two at large. They will have a retreat to get the officers involved in committees and building teams. The Senate retreat will work on issues affecting campus and the state. Applications are being taken for lobbyists for both the MSU-Billings and Bozeman campuses. Ms. Lundstrom indicated there is a lot of student interest and they hope to have a strong force in place. Voter registration cards were put in each calendar sent out to students. The information system is on line in the Library, and the Fitness Center is also up and running. This year they will begin recycling efforts on campus, and the faculty will be involved also.
Kira Kuntz -President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Ms. Kuntz indicated that the students met with the first two Presidential candidates and were very impressed. They hope to get more input from Billings, Havre and Great Falls for the third candidate. They will let the Regents know their thoughts on these individuals. The Bozeman campus held its first ever ASMSU day last Sunday which helped with the transition from last year. They hope to continue this next year. CatCab is in full swing now, offering students ride from the bars to home for $1 with their student ID card. She announced that Dustin Stewart is their lobbyist for next session. Their Spirit of the West Marching Band is being honored as the first Montana band to participate in the Macy's Day Parade next year.
Molly Moon Neitzel - President of ASUM
Ms. Neitzel reported that they have begun a coalition on campus called U-Vote 2000. They brought together all the groups that were working separately to get students registered to vote, and they now operate as one. They put voter registration cards in every bill that went out this summer. They have 750 students registered already and hope to have 3000 registered. They will be going into the community with clipboards to get as many registered as possible. She also indicated that the students are excited to have Mr. Patrick Lloyd as the Activities Director of the Adams Center. They also hope to have a student Political Action Director hired by Friday. They are coordinating this with Alumni, Faculty and Staff Senates, and Montana Tech of UM and Western Montana College of UM. They have offered to have their people visit with visiting legislators. There will be three major debates in Missoula this year and they will be putting forth question on plans for funding education. Additionally, they had a successful Student Senate Retreat, have two new senators and the committees are filled. James Billington, ASUM Vice President has increased student involvement from the College of Technology in Missoula and he spoke at their orientation.
Stacy Roth - President ASMSU-Northern
Ms. Roth congratulated Mr. Alex Capdeville on being chosen the Chancellor for their campus and thanked Bozeman and the Office of the Commissioner for their help with it. She reported one big change on campus this year is the combination of two dorms into one. A Co-Ed dorm and Male dorm are now one. They have also started a pep band on campus which will play at all home games. The Student Senate is working hard to reorganize the student committees. She also noted that they have received federal grants to coordinate communications with the tribal colleges. They now have Starbucks Coffee on campus, and are having a competition for the design of a school flag.
Kirk Cowan - President ASUM-Helena College of Technology
Mr. Cowan thanked Alex Capdeville for what he has contributed to the College and Technology and wished him good luck in Havre. He indicated they are happy to have Rick Gray as the new Dean. He reported they are working on the parking issue with the high school. Those students are using the College parking lot, leaving no room for CoT students to park. He also noted they are upgrading the aviation hangars and bringing water inside for washing, etc. They have been forced to use a hose outside the building in the past. They are also getting barbecues for a Halloween party and are planning a Christmas party. They have formed a Budget Committee since the student fee was increased from $3 to $10 and they now have more money to spend. They want to inform the students of what goes on in the Senate and MAS and attempt to get the school more involved. Wednesday evening, informal volleyball and basketball started up for the year.
Ty Linger - President Student Senate Miles Community College
Mr. Linger reported that this year they inaugurated some additional functions into the Orientation process, including a scavenger hunt and races. The new students really enjoyed it. They have also added a baseball team on campus. Student Senators were elected yesterday and five new members were added. They are exploring ways for the students to become more involved in the community, and they visit nursing homes on the first and third Thursday. They will also meet with city officials and will be helping with the restoration of a trail alongside the city.
Shelby Moody, President AS Flathead Valley Community College
Ms. Moody noted that she had nothing to tell at this point, but by the next meeting she will have many things to report from campus.
Commissioner Crofts reported that the Presidential Search at MSU-Bozeman is going well and that two of the three final candidates have been interviewed with the last being scheduled for next Wednesday. The Regents will meet in early October at which time the President will be selected. He has heard praise from all quarters for the Search Committee and Deputy Commissioner Joyce Scott for having done an outstanding job of gathering candidates. All four campuses have participated as far as was possible.
He also noted that his office is working on assessment of the Restructuring. A report was distributed that morning showing the achievements thus far. More copies are available to interested parties. Jim Mingle retired director from SHEEO will come in as consultant the week of October 16. He will be talking to people on all campuses to validate what has been reported, and to obtain candid input.
Provost Lois Muir announced that Rick Gray has been appointed as the interim Dean of Helena College of Technology. She also announced that Scott Cole, Vice President of Administration and Finance is leaving the University of Montana-Missoula to take a position at Arizona State University. She gave a demonstration of the breakthrough made at UM in locating to within a kilometer the location of fires in the state. These reports were provided every day to the fire fighters, and the expectation is that the distance and turn around time will be reduced to one meter and minutes respectively. Vice Chairman Jasmin noted that the University of Montana-Missoula made a wonderful gesture of gratitude to the fire fighters by hosting over 100 of them at the Hofstra game. 20,000 people in attendance showed their appreciation. The University of Montana-Missoula
Stephen T. Hulbert, Chancellor, Western Montana College of The University of Montana noted that 14 students were identified as fighting fires at the beginning of school. Of those 9 have returned to study, and five have withdrawn and will return in January. In response to a question from Chairwoman Thompson, he indicated that six of their students came out of the Challenge Program, and about 18 went to other campuses across the state. Western Montana College of The University of Montana
Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Bob Bennett, President of Miles Community College reported that with the help of many
people they have been able to start a baseball program on their campus. It has made
a positive impact on their enrollment. He also noted that in cooperation with the
Billings campus they have participated in grants which have helped them very much,
and they have found the people in Billings to be wonderful to work with. They now
have merged the health center of the hospital with the one on campus. The hospital
will be sending their customers to Miles CC and have also contributed to the new health
David Beyer, President of Flathead Valley Community College noted that President Bennett has been very good for the state, and he hates to see him leave so soon. He reported that they are co-hosting the State High School Counselors' annual meeting in Flathead. It is an opportunity to share information with high schools and higher education in general. They are also making preparations for working with the business community leadership of Flathead and the Chamber of Commerce on a project to bring the business community and the education community together to enhance student work force preparation. The group has been meeting for two years, and is focusing on developing a curriculum with opportunities for high school graduates in Flathead who do not choose to go beyond high school. More than 50% of the students are in that category. They are trying to incorporate workers skills into the curriculum. Among others, SemiTool and Plum Creek are members of this group. The campus is looking to expand its holdings. With the development in the northern part of the city they are hoping to acquire 80 acres adjacent to campus, and expand with another building. They are currently looking at blueprints and cost estimates.
Terry Hetrick, President of Dawson Community College reported that the course approved by the Regents last year on Farm Business Management has been incredibly successful. They were ready for 18 students to enroll, and had hired one full time professor. However, in two days time they had 22 people wanting to take the class and they had to secure the services of a part time individual for the overflow. The vast majority of students are adults, many of whom are attending college for the first time, and they are enrolling full time. Their purpose is to learn how to micro computerize their operations with computer accounting systems to better understand where their agricultural units stand financially.
Chairwoman Margie Thompson indicated that she would like the Presidents of the Community Colleges to provide one page reports to the Regents at each meeting, as the other campuses are now doing.
President Roark announced that MSU is pleased that MSU-Northern has appointed Alex Capdeville as the Interim Chancellor announced that MSU is pleased that MSU-Northern has appointed Alex Capdeville as the Interim ChancellorMontana State University-Bozeman
Montana State University-Northern
Montana State University-Billings
Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology
Alex Capdeville, Chancellor of MSU-Northern introduced Chuck Crimmins, the new Chief Financial Officer on campus.
The Board adjourned for lunch at 12:00 noon.
Level 1 Memo
Since the July Board of Regents meeting, the Office of the Commissioner has been contacted by the following groups planning to do business in Montana:
1. Dr. Dan Harrington reports that Interactive Technology Group, an Oregon corporation, will relocate to Butte to offer pre-clinical, pre-med courses with 75 percent on-line and 25 percent on site.
2. Dr. Jim Benton plans to relocate his institution, the University of America, from Germantown, Tennessee to Superior and to offer doctoral degrees in a limited number of fields.
3. Dr. Stephen Bettinger indicated that Virtual Academics, currently operating in Florida, will establish itself as a private institution in Montana.
Montana State University-Bozeman
Approved a request to change the current number of credits required for the Master of Science in Health and Human Development (with an option in Family and Consumer Sciences) from 30 credits to variable 30 to 42 credits. The variable credit is to accommodate Certified Financial Planner (CFP) graduate students who will be pursuing post-degree certification in Family Financial Planning by sitting for the certification examination through the National Certified Financial Planning Licensing Board. To qualify to sit for this examination, students must complete the additional 12 credits. The M.S. in Health and Human Development with the additional 12 credits has registration from the National Certified Financial Planning Board.
Montana State University-Billings
Approved a request to offer selected teacher re-certification courses on-line for in-service professionals and initial certification courses on-line for the "changing career" individual beginning fall semester 2001.
Approved a request to offer the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts electronically.
Montana State University-Northern
Approved a request to grant the Master of Science degree in Learning Development in the state of Alaska. The degree will be offered in a cohort group format. The Master of Science in education, learning development option, assists K-12 teachers interested in improving their classroom teaching skills. The degree has been offered on MSU-Northern's interactive television system and in a cohort format in Great Falls via partnering with Performance Learning Systems (PLS). The same model and format will be adopted to provide the degree to Alaska teachers.
University of Montana Missoula College of Technology
Request to place the College of Technology Human Services program on moratorium. The College of Technology Human Services program enrollment has not and does not appear likely to meet an expected and justifiable SCH production level anytime soon.
a. ITEM 108-1501-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology and Design; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
b. ITEM 108-2801-R0900 - Approval to Offer the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology; Montana State University-Northern
c. ITEM 108-2802-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Associate of Applied Science in School Business Administration; Montana State University-Northern
d. ITEM 108-2803-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, with a Teaching Option; Montana State University-Northern
e. ITEM 108-2851-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Implement a Surgical Technology Certificate Program; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE all items of the Submission Agenda to
the ACTION AGENDA for the November, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 108-101-R0700 - Policy 303.1 Curriculum Proposals Revision - to include definitions of degrees
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 108-401-R0900 - Miles Community College INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY Creation of Day Care Center/One-year Early Childhood Education Program, Physical Therapy Assistant Program, and Movement of Career Development and Job Services Offices to the Second Floor of Converted Veterans Hospital in Miles City
Chairwoman Thompson noted that the creation of the day care center will help with recruitment and retention of students, particularly the Indian students who do not care to leave their children with babysitters.
b. Summaries on Research Projects about the Status of American Indian Students on MUS Campuses - Dell and Verlaick
c. Report on Actions Of The Commission On Colleges Of The Northwest Association Of Schools And Colleges (See Attached)
a. ITEM 108-1001-R0700 - Placement of Transmitter in Libby, Montana, to Extend Public Radio Signal to Unserved Area of the State; The University of Montana-Missoula
This item is funded entirely from private funds.
b. ITEM 108-1601-R0900 - Certificate of Completion, Acquisition of Student Housing Units, Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Western Montana College of The University of Montana-Dillon
This item is for completion of renovations in the housing units to include bringing up to code items such as ADA requirements, sprinklers, etc.
c. ITEM 108-2004-R0900 - Authorization to Expend Equipment Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Bozeman
d. ITEM 108-2005-R0900 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana State University-Bozeman
e. ITEM 108-2006-R0900 - Authorization to Expend 1999 Reverted Appropriations in Accordance with the Long-term Maintenance Plan; Montana State University-Bozeman
These reverted appropriations of $1.9 million will be returned to the campus for deferred maintenance items.
f. ITEM 108-2007-R0900 - Authorization to Modify an Existing Modular Facility to Accommodate the Spectrum Lab; Montana State University-Bozeman
g. ITEM 108-2008-R0900 - Authorization to Enter into a Lease Agreement and Grant a Permanent Easement to Jennifer Dwyer and Chris Boyer, Successors in Interest to the John Shadoan Estate; Montana State University-Bozeman
h. ITEM 108-2009-R0900 - Authorization to Grant A Right of Way Easement to the Three Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. on the Red Bluff Research Ranch, Madison County; Montana State University-Bozeman
i. ITEM 108-2010-R0900 - Authorization to Renovate the Basement and Room 122 of AJM Johnson Hall; Montana State University-Bozeman
j. ITEM 108-2703-R0900 - Certificate of Completion, Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. ITEM 108-103-R0900 Operating Budgets
Associate Commissioner Rod Sundsted reported on the Operating Budgets. He indicated they are up 1.7% and enrollment is at 34,198 which is an all time system high. Some growth is projected. He voiced his appreciation to all the fiscal officers for their help in putting the budgets together. They were timely and well done.
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the Old Business Agenda.
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. 2003 Biennial Budget Update
Commissioner Crofts noted that David Longanecker, the representative from WICHE had commented to the legislative committee that the University System was very, very frugal. Referring to the document "How Do We Stack Up?" Commissioner Crofts noted that the most critical portion is the last category which leads him to conclude that the Montana University System is in virtually desperate straits. The system appears to be at the end of its rope in its ability to provide the quality and access Montana deserves. The system is funded below all seven peer states with the gap in dollars spent to educate students being a very significant $2100 below what they spend on average. He indicated he is proud the University System is a testament to frugality and efficiency, but it cannot continue at the current rate. Commissioner Crofts indicated that two options are available, one being a state increase in funding, and the other an increase in tuition and fees. If the state were to increase funding by $500 per student it would only catch up about 40% of the shortfall. The system has been told that the legislature will not respond to "threats" of tuition increases, however there is no alternative without a substantial increase in state funding. With no state increase, and an increase of 4% in tuition, the Montana University System would experience a revenue shortfall of $10-$11,000,000. Cutting enrollment loses an additional $4400 of state funding per student. Since 1992 tuition has increased by 102%. If the State increases the funding by $500 per student, the Commissioner would recommend not to increase tuition, despite opposition from some corners. The Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program provides scholarships to the top 10% at each of the high schools. Their statistics shows that at least 94%, or 360 students decline the scholarships to go out of state. The bottom line is that even with a financial aid package in Montana, it costs less for them to go out of state for their education. Non-resident students pay 109% of tuition.
c. Status Report on Restructuring Review
The week of October 16, Jim Mingle, retired Director of SHEEO will do one-on-one visits by various media with each campus, and will bring his data to the Regents' workshop on October 19. This will be a total review of the Restructuring process, which has not been done since 1994. A working document will be prepared for the media.
d. ITEM 108-102-R0900 Approval of the Revision to Policy 940.30 - Montana Tuition Assistance Program (MTAP) Eligibility Requirements
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item d. of the Old Business Agenda
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
The meeting recessed at 2:25 for the Board of Education Meeting.
The Board of Education meeting recessed at 3:30 and the Regents met with the Faculty representatives followed by Classified Staff representatives.
The Full Board reconvened at 9:00 a.m.
There was no Public Comment
Report on GASB 34-35 - Laurie Neils
Professional consultants Joe Blythe of GASB and Kevin McCue former member of the Capital Asset Task Force on Infrastructure and Capital Assets gave an extensive presentation on the reporting requirements mandated to colleges and universities by GASB 34 and 35, followed by a full day work shop on these issues to university accounting staff.
Report on School to Work - Arlene Parisot
Ms. Parisot reported that the School to Work system was formed to create systemic change in education with grants to local communities, business and community partners. It is headed by a 26 member advisory board from across the community. An on-site visit brought recommendations for more involvement of post secondary education and decentralization. In response to those recommendations, specialists are now being put into each region. It was noted that counseling and partnerships were strong areas in the review. It was found that there are disparate views on the preparedness of students for the work force. Employers believe they are unprepared technically, and have poor work ethics. Students, teachers and parents thought exactly the opposite. It is the intent of the system to make students aware of all career options early on. They will also be encouraged to prepare electronic portfolios which business and industry are now requesting. The School to Work Grant ends in 2002, and by that time it is expected to have these new approaches will be embedded in the system.
There was no new business.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.