September 21-22, 2000

ITEM 108-401-R0900   Creation of Day Care Center/One-year Early Childhood Education Program, Physical Therapy Assistant Program, and Movement of Career Development and Job Services Offices to the Second Floor of Converted Veterans Hospital in Miles City


Three years ago it was decided to cut back services of the VA hospital in Miles City. Only the bottom story of the four-story structure is now being used for medical services. A committee of local people including representatives from Miles Community College was formed to seek funds to remodel the three vacated floors of the building to ensure that it would not be destroyed. The plan proposed by the committee would have Miles Community College occupying the second floor of the former hospital for new programs and for relocation of offices of Career Development and Job Services from the main campus. The expanded curriculum would address three acute needs of the institution; provide much needed training opportunities, provide child-care for children of college students, and provide adequate office space for an ever-expanding Career Development program currently housed at the College. The V A complex is located across the street from the College campus, so students would be able to use both facilities without difficulty.

A four million dollar grant application has been written to the Federal government to fund the expansion of college programs as well as provide dollars to remodel and develop the third and floors of the hospital for private office space and assisted living quarters for the elderly. Nine Hundred Seventy-five Thousand ($975,000) is reserved for new college programs and office expansions. Data is being compiled to defend the request and will be included in the grant application. The grant specifies that money for leasing of space, development of programs, and remodeling and equipment will continue for three years until the programs cited will be operational and self-sufficient from tuition, fees and state support coming from increased FTE's. The County Commissioners, private enterprise, and State and Federal politicians have supported this effort. Senators Burns and Baucus and Representative Hill have been instrumental in the development of legislation to support this grant application and are very supportive of its passage. If the community were successful in this effort, the only new program being proposed is physical therapy assistant. The early childhood education program would be offered in conjunction with the program now being offered at Dawson Community College. Details about each of the programs and the dollars necessary to support them will be offered at a later meeting.