Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
November 15-16, 2001
P. O. Box 172440
Bozeman, MT 59717-0001
These minutes were approved unanimously as amended at the January 17-18, 2002 meeting of the Board in Helena, MT.
The Work Session convened at 7:35 a.m. and recessed at 11:00 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings
The Committees Convened at 11:00 a.m. and adjourned at 12:00.
The Full Board Convened at 1:15 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Christian Hur, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, Superintendent Linda McCulloch, Ex-Officio, and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Governor Judy Martz, Ex-Officio
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the September 27-28, 2001
Regular Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously as amended.
Staff Items:
a. |
ITEM 113-1000-R1101 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula AS AMENDED |
b. |
ITEM 113-1600-R1101 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana |
c. |
ITEM 113-1900-R1101 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana |
d. |
ITEM 113-2000-R1101 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
e. |
ITEM 113-2300-R1101 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
f. |
ITEM 113-2400-R1101 - Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
g. |
ITEM 113-2700-R1101 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
h. |
ITEM 113-2800-R1101 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
i. |
ITEM 113-2850-R1101 - Staff; Montana State University, Great Falls College of Technology |
a. |
ITEM 113-101-R1101 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with the Montana Nurses Association |
b. |
ITEM 113-102-R1101 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with AFSCME Local 441 |
c. |
ITEM 113-104-R1101 - Approval of Tentative Agreement with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers |
d. |
ITEM 113-111-R1101 - Rural Physicians Incentive Program; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all items on the Consent Agenda as amended
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Andy Parker- President, MAS
Mr. Parker reported on the MAS meeting of the previous night. They covered six issues,
the first of which was the credit cap. MAS supports the elimination of the credit
cap. Second, they request of the Board an assembled task force to explore credit
transferability in the Montana University system. Third, MAS wish to increase the
student voice in the award of faculty tenure and wish for the board of Regents to
evaluate the award of faculty tenure in a more detailed form. Fourth, MAS support
the proposed wording for few waivers to the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.
Fifth, MAS feels the need to reform the student reporting at the Board meetings.
MAS has agreed to keep the formal student reporting to three minutes or less, and
two weeks before the January Board meeting students will submit a copy of their individual
campus reports to the Commissioner's Office and the Board of Regents. Last, MAS would
like to have explored the student fees imposed on students who are not on campus.
Andy Parker- President, ASMSU
Mr. Parker reported that student government is attempting to update their policies and procedures manual, or Blue Book. This should happen in December. He also handed out a Resolution from the senate regarding the credit cap issue.
They have formed a committee on campus to improve communication between the student body at large and athletics. It is made up of senators, student athletes, Bobcat Administration, other administrators and himself.
Mr. Parker indicated that the Regents and Commissioner will be receiving the student newspaper the Exponent. They will also make available to them minutes of their meetings.
Superintendent Linda McCulloch congratulated Mr. Parker on the wonderful job he did at President Gamble's inauguration.
Christopher Peterson - President ASUM
Mr. Peterson introduced the student delegation from UM, Matt Jennings, Heather O'Laughlin and Ali Tabibnejad.
He also reported that one of their students, Kristofer P. Stonesifer was lost in the conflict in Afghanistan in a helicopter crash. He wanted to acknowledge his service to the United States and to UM as well. He noted it was a tough loss at UM. Kristofer loved Montana and was a star cadet.
The campus recreation facility is now open and is beautiful. The students love it. Mr. Peterson has used it frequently himself, and finds it kept ship shape.
He reiterated the support of ASUM for the repeal of the credit cap policy. It hinders students' continuing education. The repeal of this policy would show Montana that education is a priority, especially during such uncertain economic times.
Mr. Peterson commented on the America Alive Program which permits Vista volunteers to receive academic credits at UM for their community involvement.
April Keith - President, ASMSU-GF CoT
Ms. Keith reported that there have been several vehicle break-ins on their campus. They are working on security issues with the safety committee.
She noted that efforts are being made to improve communication between students and the administration, with an open door policy to work out problems.
About 300 kids went through their Halloween haunted house. The community appreciated it very much.
The students are beginning a T-shirt fund raiser for the American Red Cross and there appears to be a lot of interest.
Both nursing and transfer students on their campus feel that the credit cap hindered them in achieving their educational goals. Therefore, the senate supports the elimination of the credit cap.
Abby Osborne - Vice President, ASMT
Ms. Osborne indicated they had a great turnout for the fall orientation, with approximately 300 students attending. They also had a very successful career fair last month with approximately 105 companies and businesses attending. Career Services indicates they have a 97.8% placement record for last year's graduates.
Student government is looking into restructuring the funding of campus day care. They are searching every method of funding possible. Students and faculty both use the day care on campus.
The mining team is in full swing with their fund raising efforts so they can attend and compete in the world wide mining competition in Australia in March of 2002.
The Montana Tech football team wrapped up the season last weekend with a 7-1 conference record, finishing 2nd in the conference. The men's and women's basketball teams have begun their seasons and the men's JV basketball program is in its first season.
David Morris - President, ASMCC
Mr. Morris indicated he had spoken with many students and they are all in favor of a repeal of the credit cap. The students at the community colleges have trouble enough transferring and have to redo a lot of classes because they don't transfer.
Student Senate adopted a two mile stretch of highway to clean up. The students enjoyed doing it. They also read to small children, but some of them are so feisty that a couple students resigned from reading!
Jennifer Gerondale - President, ASMSU-B
Ms. Gerondale reported they had 330 people at the Halloween dance and they raised over $1800 for the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. They had an athletic fund raiser which was also very successful. There were 120 people present for both silent and live auctions. Men's basketball team members ran across Montana to raise funds for the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.
On November 28, ASMSU-B will host a forum for student input and suggestions on uses for the 1% tuition increment dedicated to quality enhancement.
Since voter turnout on their campus is normally poor, they are making an effort to increase student awareness.
The Student Services Committee is working on a holiday float for the Christmas parade. They have also put up a giving tree in the SUB to help needy children in the community.
The on-campus day care has finally been approved by the City Council and will hold 48 slots for children of all ages.
MSU is planning for the closure of the Liberal Arts building in order to begin renovations.
Jeremy Hoscherd - Vice President ASUM-Western
Mr. Hoscherd noted that student life is active on campus through the various student clubs.
On October 24th, faculty took the next step toward day long, one class scheduling. It will start in fall, 2002 with a conference in San Francisco on thermal plate tectonics.
The constitution has been trimmed from 85 pages to 15 pages.
The Rural Tech building is nearly complete and should be ready for spring, 2002.
Student membership is opposed to the current credit cap policy.
Jake Fuller - President ASHCT
Mr. Fuller noted that this was his first meeting with the Board of Regents. He was quite excited that in the second year of the student activity fee, they finally have some real money to deal with. The first year was a big learning experience for them and they had no way to handle it. They are now trying to get away from the first come-first served efforts of last year. There has been a tremendous growth in student involvement, with stable events and they are expecting increased participation this year.
Mr. Fuller commented on the plight of two year campuses since the turnover of students is so rapid. This creates a problem in the continuity of student government and the student voice, and they are therefore attempting to get more support from alumni.
Dan Geelan - President ASMSU-N
Mr. Geelan reported that homecoming at Northern was great this year. He said MSU- Northern really wished it was the blemish on the 7-1 record at Montana Tech!
The first ever school flag was presented to Chancellor Capdeville and MSU-Northern on behalf of the student body.
After seven years, an old tradition on campus was resurrected during homecoming week. The new MSU-Northern Hello Walk (stairs leading to the SUB between historic Pershing Hall and Donaldson Hall) was painted by students, faculty, and staff. Thanks goes out to the administration for their support in enhancing pride around the campus, and the physical plant personnel for their guidance.
Shannon Harrison, the newly hired editor and her staff have done an outstanding job in the two issues of the student newspaper the Northern Light. Student government also contributed money to hire an adjunct faculty member, Alan Sorenson to help out on the paper.
Continued input from students has been sought by the Strategic Planning Team. The process is in its final stages and has been both informative and enjoyable for the students.
The annual Christmas party and dinner will be held on December 13. The ASMSUN inter-organization Council will provide children from the campus and community with a party, games and a visit by Santa. Jason Degele and his staff along with the Council will provide free to students, staff and faculty a shrimp cocktail appetizer followed by prime rib, Italian chicken breast, twice baked potatoes, green bean almandine and a salad.
Student government agreed that rescinding the credit cap policy would benefit students at Northern.
Referring to his published report, the Commissioner indicated a need for a significant campaign around the state on a required course curriculum in high school. Research has shown the necessity of a rigorous curriculum. Those students who have taken such courses graduate in higher numbers and 80% are retained in college after three years. In Montana the numbers are below that after only one year. Seventy percent enroll in college, but at least half need at least one remedial course. Although usually considered only necessary for students going on to college, a rigorous curriculum is seen more and more as a necessity for all students. The same applies to community colleges. There is research that shows a rigorous curriculum is a better indicator of success than either class rank or standardized test scores. According to ACT data the number of students taking a rigorous curriculum in Montana is falling compared to the national average.
The data from ACT is based on a high school core curriculum more rigorous than that adopted by the Board of Regents. An action plan is needed to address this situation. The Commissioner referred to a brochure provided to the Regents and indicated that it will be distributed to parents, schools and students. It suggests what should be done over and above the approved curriculum. He indicated that Deputy Commissioner Scott is working with the high schools on the college prep curriculum and is attempting to identify the best courses currently in the schools. There is need to limit the number of high school courses offered in order to focus on legitimate college prep courses.
The Commissioner is working with Superintendent of Public Instruction, Linda McCulloch, to join the broad campaign of informing parents in Montana of the importance of rigorous courses for success in college as well as other endeavors. He suggested that the required core be changed, adding a fourth year of math, science and social sciences. He acknowledged that it could be a severe trial for the smaller schools. A plan on how to accomplish this needs to be established, using such techniques as electronic delivery of courses. The system could not unilaterally move to quickly change the requirements without a way to implement it. Additional research will be conducted.
It is important to note that those less likely to take rigorous courses are those students in low-income schools and families. The economic and social issues must be studied and addressed so that these students are not left behind.
Superintendent McCulloch noted that this is one of the reasons the K-12 presence is so important at the Board meetings. She noted that the Board of Public Education has been keeping a long list of issues on which to work with the Board of Regents and that the list is getting longer. With the teacher shortage in Montana, rural schools have a difficult time finding math teachers as well as teachers for advanced placement classes. She indicated the shortage is a current one rather than being out in the future. It is also in the larger urban areas. She acknowledged that the Commissioner is faced with some very difficult choices in what should be given up and what courses should become required.
Commissioner Crofts indicated that Deputy Commissioner Scott has worked on a special announcement campaign and will perhaps use radio, TV and ads that can highlight the issue.
- President George Dennison, UM-Missoula announced that the New Alive Program was not included in his report. John Allen, the National Director of VISTA got a little bit of money to make academic credits for VISTA volunteers working in Montana a reality. He also noted that the Gear Up program provided a lot of help. Campus Report
- Stephen T. Hulbert, Chancellor, Western Montana College of The University of Montana Campus Report
- W. Franklin Gilmore, Chancellor, Montana Tech of The University of Montana Campus Report
- Rick Gray, Interim Dean/CEO of Helena College of Technology announced that omitted from his report was the fact they are hosting a conference of two year Colleges of Technology, Community Colleges, and Tribal Colleges. Central Piedmont College in South Carolina is coming and is a strong proponent in the development of two year education. There will be a panel to discuss the roll of two year campuses in the state.
- Dean Gray had the pleasure of extending an invitation to Board of Regent meeting attendees at Helena in January, 2002 to enjoy some events that his campus will be hosting. Campus Report
- President Geoff Gamble, MSU-Bozeman Campus Report
- Dr. Ronald P. Sexton, Chancellor, Montana State University-Billings Campus Report
- Alex Capdeville, Chancellor, Montana State University-Northern Campus Report
- Mary Sheehy Moe, Interim Dean, Montana State University -Great Falls College of Technology Campus Report
- Terry Hetrick, President of Dawson Community College reported on an item not included in his written report. In October his campus received a gift of 200 political campaign buttons which had been collected over many, many years. It will soon be on display on campus and represents some unique American memorabilia. Campus Report
- Dr. Jane Karas, Vice President/Dean of Instruction Flathead Valley Community College Campus Report
a. |
ITEM 113-1001-R1101 - Grant of Easement to the City of Missoula for Construction of Detention Basin; The University of Montana-Missoula |
Regent Mercer indicated that easements may not be given on trust land unless something is received in return. President Dennison indicated that the quid pro quo for the easement is that it prevents the flooding of UM land with no cost to the university. Regent Mercer noted an obligation on the part of UM to make sure the city does not flood it. President Dennison noted that this easement will assist the city in preventing flooding. It has been flooding every year. Regent Semmens noted that the university was not granting three acres to the city, but only an easement. The property is only used by people walking their dogs and it enhances the entire area. Regent Mercer asked if a private land owner would give the same easement. He indicated these are two public entities which should be held to a higher standard. Either the value of the land will be enhanced, or someone will say the city has to do it anyway and will have to make a deal to get the land. He indicated that three acres of land at that corner sounds like valuable land. President Dennison indicated that it probably is valuable but that building will not be allowed no matter who owns it. He noted that this is not title to the land being granted but only an easement and that there is a return to the university. After further discussion on ownership of the land:
b. |
ITEM 113-1002-R1101 - Purchase of Property, 645 South 6th East; The University of Montana-Missoula |
This item was before the Board of Regents for approval due to the fact that it exceeded the approved current limit in the acquisition zone of $75,000 by almost double. It was noted by Regent Mercer that the cost was not included in the documents submitted to the Board, and that this information should be included in the future. |
c. |
ITEM 113-1902-R1101 -Conversion of Rental Property, 1121 Sanders; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana |
d. |
ITEM 113-2001-R1101 -Increase Authorization for Improvement and Repair of Parking Lots; Montana State University-Bozeman |
a. |
ITEM 113-108-R1101 - Revision of Policy 940.13 - Veterans' Fee Waiver; Montana University System MEMO |
Discussion of this item indicated that further clarification of who should be covered needed to be done. Regents Roehm and Hur will work with Chief Legal Counsel LeRoy Schramm to rewrite the policy before the January 17-18, 2002 meeting. |
b. |
ITEM 113-110-R1101 - New Policy on Montana University System/Employee Joint Ventures; Montana University System MEMO |
c. |
ITEM 113-2002-R1101 - Authorization to Remodel a Portion of Cooley Lab; Montana State University-Bozeman |
d. |
ITEM 113-2003-R1101 - Increase Authorization to Renovate a Portion of AJM Johnson Hall; Montana State University-Bozeman |
e. |
ITEM 113-2004-R1101 - Authorization to Reroof Fieldhouse Dome; Montana State University-Bozeman |
f. |
ITEM 113-2701-R1101 - Authorization to Lease and Renovate Additional Space within the College of Business; Montana State University-Billings |
a. |
ITEM 112-111-R0901 - Revised Policy 217.1 -Local Executive Boards; Office of Commissioner of Higher Education REVISED |
b. |
ITEM 112-1004-R0901 - Approval to Grant an Easement in University Property for Inclusion in the City Riverfront Trail System; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. |
ITEM 112-1005-R0901 - Approval to Negotiate Acceptance of Land as a Gift from Ducks Unlimited; The University of Montana-Missoula |
a. |
ITEM 112-101-R0901 -Policy 204.2 - Commissioner Selection Policy - NEW; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. |
ITEM 112-114-R0901 - Revised Policy 204.3 - Commissioner of Higher Education; Duties; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
Regent Hamilton inquired as to the reason for the proposed changes in wording. Regent Jasmin replied that it somewhat softens the policy while leaving the Commissioner as the one to appear and speak for the Board. It provides more flexibility. Regent Semmens indicated that the words being removed were limiting and were in conflict with the way things are actually done. Regent Mercer asked if there was really any difference in the meaning by removing the words. He believes the meaning is not changed at all. Regent Semmens indicated that this change removes the notion that the only way is through the commissioner. It was noted by Regent Mercer that when the item was presented only one change was being made at the top. These new issues were not considered at all. Regent Semmens noted that the Committee discussed whether it made sense to make the changes now or to do them at a later meeting. He was willing to defer it to the next meeting. |
c. |
ITEM 112-110-R0901 - Security of Data and Information Technology Resources; Montana University System |
d. |
ITEM 112-113-R0901 - Revised Policy 940.27 - Credit Cap on State-Subsidized Tuition Rates; Montana University System REVISED |
Following a lengthy debate over the pros and cons of the credit cap, and after being held over till Friday morning for further discussion: | |
e. |
ITEM 113-1601-R1101 - Authorization to Expend up to $90,000 of Computer Use Fees; The University of Montana-Western |
At 4:25 p.m. the Board Recessed to meet with Faculty representatives.
The Full Board reconvened at 8:30 a.m.
Chairwoman Thompson welcomed Governor Martz to the Friday portion of the meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Dean McGovern with Campus Compact noted they sponsored a meeting for students at the end of September at Lubrecht Forest. There were excellent speakers and collegiality for the students. Additionally, the University of Montana Office for Civic Engagement now awards academic credit for Vista volunteers and scholars. UM is the second program in the country with Vermont being the other. He also reported that Presidents Gamble and Dennison would be honoring four outstanding student athletes at the Cat/Griz Game on Saturday. Those students are Kenny Plummer and Staci Rust from MSU, and Jesse Barnes and Maggie Pierose from UM.
a. |
ITEM 113-105-R1101 - Approval of Changes to Level II Procedures; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. |
ITEM 113-1901-R1101 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Associate of Applied Science Option for Small Business Management Technology and a Small Business Entrepreneurship Certificate of Completion to the existing Accounting Technology program; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana |
c. |
ITEM 113-106-R1101 - Academic Policy on Continuous Enrollment for Transfer Students; Montana University System |
d. |
ITEM 113-107-R1101 - Degree Check Sheet Requirement; Montana University System |
e. |
ITEM 113-2005-R1101 - Authorization to Establish a National Science Foundation Center for Learning and Teaching in the West; Montana State University-Bozeman and The University of Montana-Missoula (submitted by Montana State University-Bozeman) |
f. |
ITEM 113-2702-R1101 - Authorization to reorganize the College of Education and Human Services; Montana State University-Billings |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE all items on the SUBMISSION AGENDA to
the ACTION AGENDA for the January 17-18, 2002 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
ITEM 112-1601-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Convert the Bachelor of Arts Option in Business and Communications to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business with Three Options in Computer Technology, Business Administration, and Tourism; The University of Montana-Western |
b. |
ITEM 112-1602-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Preprofessional Health Sciences to the Bachelor of Arts Degree; The University of Montana-Western |
c. |
ITEM 112-1603-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Option in Visual Arts to the Bachelor of Arts Degree; The University of Montana-Western |
d. |
ITEM 112-1604-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize the Academic Affairs Division into a School of Education, Business, and Technology; a College of Arts and Sciences; and a School of Outreach; The University of Montana-Western |
e. |
ITEM 112-2004-R0901 - Authorization to Create a Minor in Management of Information Technology; Montana State University-Bozeman |
f. |
ITEM 112-2006-R0901 - Authorization to Change the Name of the Biology Option within the Existing Biological Sciences Degree to Organismal Biology Option; Montana State University-Bozeman |
g. |
ITEM 112-2007-R0901 - Authorization to Create a New Option within the Biological Sciences Degree: Ecology and Evolution Option; Montana State University-Bozeman |
h. |
ITEM 112-2008-R0901 - Authorization to Create a New Bachelor of Science Degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience with Two Options: 1) Biomedical Sciences, and 2) Cell Biology and Neuroscience; Montana State University-Bozeman |
i. |
ITEM 112-2009-R0901 - Authorization to Establish a Post-Master's Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Certificate Program; Montana State University-Bozeman |
j. |
ITEM 112-2011-R0901 - Authorization to Create the Division of Agricultural Education/Agricultural Operations Technology in the Department of Entomology; Montana State University-Bozeman |
k. |
ITEM 112-2014-R0901 - Authorization to Create a Minor in International Business; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. |
ITEM 112-1501-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Establish an Associate of Applied Science Degree and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Care Informatics; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
b. |
ITEM 112-2005-R0901 - Authorization to Create a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; Montana State University-Bozeman |
c. |
ITEM 112-2010-R0901 - Authorization to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science; Montana State University-Bozeman |
d. |
ITEM 112-2012-R0901 - Approval of Proposal to Establish The Center for Entrepreneurship for the New West; Montana State University-Bozeman, College of Business (revised) |
e. |
ITEM 112-2013-R0901 - Authorization to Establish a Center for Research on Chronic Health Conditions in Rural Dwellers; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all items of the ACTION AGENDA.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
Regent Roehm desires to move to reconsider the Board's action of the previous meeting regarding fee waivers related to the terrorist incidents of September 11, 2001. The purpose of the reconsideration is to clarify and more precisely define the fee waivers authorized by the prior action. If the motion for reconsideration passes it is Regent Roehm' s intention to offer Item ITEM 113-109-R1101 as a substitute for the then pending (previously adopted) motion.
ITEM 113-109-R1101 – Revision of Policy 940.13 – Fee Waivers Related to September 11, 2001 Incident; Montana University System MEMO
a. |
b. |
Perkins Update - Arlene Parisot Written Report Ms. Parisot updated the Board of Regents on the State Plan Advisory Committee meeting held at the beginning of November. At that meeting the committee was able to identify Challenges, Successes and Perspectives in the State Plan. These issues will be used to direct their future efforts. The committee works in an advisory capacity and will bring ideas to the Board of Regents for approval. She noted Montana is facing a teacher shortage which has forced the community colleges and colleges of technology to bring in people from the various industries to teach in their respective fields. Since most of these have no teaching experience, Perkins provides help to train them as teachers. However Perkins funds are limited and can only maintain programs as they exist and cannot help with improvement in them. There is a need for incentive funding to create more innovative programs. The program currently has about $5,000,000 which has gradually grown over the life of the program. |
c. |
Fund Balance Deficit Report - Laurie Neils Ms. Laurie Neils indicated that the regents had questions at the September budget workshop on the negative fund balances. She noted this is a legitimate concern, particularly with the chronic problems. She presented a memo and documentation on the various negative fund balances which included detailed data from SABHRS and the campuses. Although it appears that UM-Missoula and UM-Western have the most problems with negative balances, they were the two campuses that provided the most detailed information. Ms. Neils noted that it is normal to have individual accounts with negative fund balances in a system the size of the MUS. The total fund balance for each campus and the University System in total is positive. The ones she reported on are those of concern since they are recurring. She complimented MSU-Billings on having no negative fund balances in many years, and Great Falls College of Technology for having no negative balances at this time, although they have in the past. Montana Tech has only one negative balance, but traditionally has none. In explaining the various account problems, she noted that except for MSU-Bozeman most of the problems that were in the general operating funds were caused by the voluntary termination incentives and they are meeting their payment schedules in paying off the liabilities. The Regents had given the campuses ten years to pay this off. MSU-Bozeman is in a unique situation this year. In reconciling the student receivables at the end of 2000 the records did not match the general ledger. They believed it was a problem in the system and that it would be straightened out. At FY01 there was $2.3 million on the general ledger account for student receivables that could not be supported in the general records. It is irreconcilable and must be written off. Approximately $800,000 of this problem will be moved to other fund accounts so it will affect auxiliary and other areas. The problem then is closer to $1.7 million dollars for the general operating account. In the current designated funds those for Athletics at UM and Bozeman stand out. They are of concern and Ms. Neils has been reporting on deficits in athletics since 1987. At both campuses FY00 was considerably less than FY01. Also the continuing education department at UM is a recurring problem and at the end of FY01 had nearly doubled. President Gamble indicated that they are striving to solve the current athletic deficit in a straightforward method. Whatever it takes will not impact the academic side of the campus. The leadership group is working on two or three solutions, and on how to sustain a healthy program. He stated that they will live within their budget and will not be spending what they don't have. There will be a balance of cutting expenditures and maintaining revenue streams. The bigger problem of the accounts receivable was an unpleasant surprise for him when he took the job. It is a complex area. He is determined to remedy the situations that led to the problem with internal tracking mechanisms appropriate to good business principles, and collecting on accounts. Although this is a serious problem, it does not jeopardize the stability of the system. President Dennison noted that the athletics deficit will be resolved by 2003 and it will have a positive balance. Renovation of the Field House was part of the problem, not in the cost to do the work, but in having no proper venue to hold events. He noted that the Salmon Lake property is not in a profitable situation but is beginning to pay back the initial investment and will be positive by the end of this year. He indicated he is comfortable with the plan drawn up by Rosie Keller and Bob Duringer. By the end of next year, athletics will be out of the deficit, the Adams Center will be small, Continuing Education will still be there, but the rest will be cleaned up. Regent Roehm noted that UM and Bozeman create some of the best business students in the world, but they can't balance their own books. He asked why the internal auditor or the state auditor did not find these deficits as a matter of course. Governor Martz indicated that she will find out from her own auditors why it wasn't caught. They are trying to watch more closely. Laurie Neils indicated she had no good answer. She did note that at the end of FY00 they were bringing up the Banner system and there were more problems at MSU in getting the records straight. She believes they assumed it would work itself out at the end of FY01, but it did not. Regent Hur indicated he wanted to know where the system went wrong, the timeline to correct it and what will be done in January. Regent Semmens requested that the campuses provide written reports to the Regents on how the four largest deficit accounts happened, what is being done to remedy them and the time frame for eliminating those deficits. Chancellor Hulbert noted that the Birch Creek facility is a former CCC camp owned by the federal government. A number of colleges picked them up in the 80's to the delight of the federal government. Birch Creek is only open certain months of the year, is on a septic system and has no utilities. The site complements academic programs but the financial management of it needs to be evaluated. Regent Mercer indicated he wants a report at every meeting on the deficits until they are resolved. He reminded the Board of the timber fees and indicated he wanted to work with MSU-Bozeman, Rod Sundsted and Laurie Neils to use some of that money to clean up the deficits. He finds the situation embarrassing to him personally, and hurtful to the university system. Regent Hur asked about the possibility of correcting the deficiencies with the next budget. Commissioner Crofts replied it would be possible, however money would have to be taken from people who did not contribute to the problem. The deficit should be apportioned back to the areas that created it. It is not appropriate to take from one account to balance another. He indicated that President Gamble's plan begins this year and will take two years to achieve. He does not believe it is possible to ever be without some negative fund balances. Some programs will have unusually large expenditures. He is asking Laurie Neils to work on a reporting mechanism that does not look at only one point in time, but rather includes a historic view. He told the Board they would see a report coming forth with a timeline. |
Report and Discussion of Montana University System Economic Development Efforts
The community colleges and tribal colleges will provide reports at the January 17-18, 2002 meeting.
Chairwoman Thompson indicated that the Commissioner would send all of these reports
to all of the Montana legislators.
At 11:15 Chairwoman Thompson was called away from the meeting on an emergency.
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Vision Statement for Montana University System Libraries Frank D'Andraia, Chair of the Library System Task Force gave a brief report on the Vision Statement and listed the six items with which the Task Force has been charged by Commissioner Crofts. Those are as follows: 1. To develop a MUS libraries vision statement that - emphasizes improved and broadened student, scholar and citizen access to information resources and effective library services across the state; and - supports and sustains the System's teaching and research mission. 2. To recommend appropriate strategies and funding models to encourage collaboration, partnerships and resource sharing with external partners to achieve the vision. 3. To investigate the potential for collaborative consortia among Montana libraries to sustain this vision. 4. To identify and recommend a single integrated library system (ILS) for the eight MUS campuses and others. 5. To determine the most effective strategy for presentation to the Regents and Legislature. 6. To identify, document, and initiate actions and strategies to bring the charge to fruition. In response to a question, Mr. D'Andraia indicated it would be impossible to put all books into an electronic format, but they intend to make all volumes available to everyone in the state either in an electronic format or hard copy. He also noted that private industry has been tapping library resources at Montana Tech and other campuses. They are creating a web page for the library system which will encompass the university system libraries, and all public libraries. |
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Athletic Report Format - Laurie Neils MEMO TEMPLATES Commissioner Crofts explained the newly created format for reporting on athletic accounts. All salary expenses will be covered in this new format, including the source of the funding. It will also show any deficit fund balance on the first page. Laurie Neils will pursue adding a section to show the number of student athletes who are also good students. The campuses will provide a cover letter with the reports, and will outline the difference in requirements for the smaller campuses. The first Athletic Report using the new format will be distributed in January, 2002. Future reports will be distributed in November of each year. |
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.