BOR Minutes: November 18-19, 1999
Regular Meeting
November 18-19, 1999
Montana State University-Bozeman
Strand Union Rooms 275/276
Bozeman, MT 59717-2420
These minutes were approved by the Board of Regents at the January 20-21, 2000 meeting in Helena
The work session convened at 7:55 a.m. and recessed at 10:10 a.m. for individual Committee Meetings.
The Committees Convened at 10:20 a.m. for separate meetings and recessed at 12:00 for lunch.
The Full Board Convened at 1:30 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Pat Davison (Chairman), Ed Jasmin (Vice-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Richard Roehm, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Margie Thompson (Excused)
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the September 23-24, 1999 Regular
Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 105-1000-R1199 - Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. ITEM 105-1001-R1199 - Resolution Concerning the Retirement of Ronald Wilson, Associate Professor of Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 105-1500-R1199 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
d. ITEM 105-1500A-R1199 - Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
e. ITEM 105-1600-R1199 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 105-1900-R1199 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
g. ITEM 105-2000-R1199 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
h. ITEM 105-2300-R1199 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
i. ITEM 105-2400-R1199 - Staff; Extension Service
j. ITEM 105-2700-R1199 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
k. ITEM 105-2800-R1199 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern
l. ITEM 105-2850-R1199 - Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology
Regent Wetsit MOVED to APPROVE all Items on the Consent Agenda.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Jessica Kobos: President of MAS
MAS students are conducting a major voter registration drive state-wide. They hope to make it understood that students are a real constituency.
They are also attempting to find ways to promote campus diversity among students as well as faculty and staff.
They have finalized a selection process for recommending candidates for Student Regent to the Governor.
MAS will be inviting Commissioner Crofts to speak at the January meeting regarding funding, and minutes of the last meeting will be provided.
Jessica Kobos: President of ASUM-Missoula
Resolutions approved:
Academic mission
Oppose funding source on Data Warehousing
Super Tuition for Graduate Students – would like explanation
ADA Compliance for ASUM groups
Support the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act of 1999
Oppose Differential Tuition
30.1% of students turned out for city council elections in Missoula.
Efforts to include the community colleges in MAS have brought Flathead Valley Community College into membership.
Shelby Moody is the Student President at Flathead Valley Community College and she reported that enrollment is down on campus. FTE 991.3 is projected for the upcoming semester.
Jared Harris – MSU-Bozeman
The students oppose the proposed funding for Datawarehousing – Resolution will be forthcoming.
Multi cultural resource center was put together over Banner 2000 two years ago. Diversity of Faculty as well as students is being looked at. They hope to create a more welcoming community.
Erin McGowan is their new legislative representative. She also will start a voter registration drive.
Weight room is about two weeks behind.
AV equipment will be more available to faculty.
Advising Center isn’t being used as much as desired, and they would like to increase its use.
Shad Huston – MSU-Billings
He reported that one group was perturbed with the exclusive contract with Coke, however that has been resolved.
The weight room is on track. Special Ed classes will be held in the new building by the middle of summer. The building is somewhat off schedule.
Chris Helgeson - MSU-Great Falls College of Technology
Dean Weaver has provided the Student Government a new, larger office. They share it with the Honor Society and ASIS.
They will be handing out Voter Registration cards to students in the near future.
They have begun Interaction with University of Great Falls to collaborate more with their student organizations.
Nels Tooker – Western Montana College
The Radio Station approved last fall is coming along. They could be on the air any time between now and January.
Local papers have focused negatively on National Guard Youth Challenge and overshadowed the two students that went to the La Paz conference and were offered jobs by many companies.
Brian Kelley represented by Stacy Roth – Northern Montana College
The students are showing interest in a radio station.
They also congratulate Chancellor Rao on his new son.
Level I Announcements and Approvals--Updated November 16, 1999
Since the September meeting of the Board of Regents, the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education has received and responded to the following inquiries that may be of interest.
- Invitation from Saint Leo University of Florida for an articulation agreement with the Montana University System to offer their Degrees at a Distance in Montana, specifically bachelor's degrees in accounting, business administration and computer information systems and the MBA.
- Notice from Professor Paul Newman of London advising that the Voice Movement Therapy Institute has incorporated in Montana and will offer the M.A. and Ph.D. in Voice Movement Therapy and the Healing Arts. Professor Newman expressed interest in collaborating with a Montana institution and forwarded materials to that end, but no collaboration was arranged.
Further, the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education has approved Level I changes in academic programs as noted below.
Montana Tech of the University of Montana:
A request from the Department of Liberal Studies to change the title of its Bachelor of Science degree from Society and Technology to Liberal Studies. With the deletion of the Technical Communications option under this degree, Liberal Studies remains the only option available. This proposed change was reviewed with all academic officers of four-year institutions, none of whom expressed any objection.
Montana State University-Bozeman
A request to combine two options in Animal Science--Livestock Industry and Livestock
Management-- into a single option, Livestock Management and Industries Option. Course
requirements for the two existing options are very similar so the combined option
will give students more flexibility and allow them to choose among several suggested
areas of concentration based on their career goals.
Montana State University-Bozeman
A request for a moratorium on enrollment in the Industrial and Management Engineering
minor with elimination of the program by FY00-01. This minor enrolls only 1-3 students
per year and, given the need to offer minor classes to so few students, represents
an inefficient use of departmental resources.
Montana State University-Billings
Approval for the College of Education and Human Services to change the name of the
option under the Master of Education from Self-designed Option to the Master of Education, Interdisciplinary Studies Option.
a. ITEM 104-1504-R0999 - Authorization to Establish the Center for Environmental Remediation and Assessment; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
b. ITEM 104-2802-R0999 - Montana Cooperative Development Center; Montana State University-Northern
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items a. and b. to the ACTION AGENDA for
the January meeting
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
c. ITEM 105-102-R1199 - Policy 220 - Higher Education Centers
The argument was made that it had been promised to the Presidents of the Private Colleges that no action would be taken on this item until after a meeting with them. The opposing argument was that moving the item to the Action Agenda would not be taking any action at this time. There also was voiced the concern about the influence of external institutions on decisions made by the board of Regents regarding the Montana University System. The entire process must be geared to the good of the residents of Montana, rather than any institution.
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item c. to the ACTION AGENDA prior to discussion
with Presidents of Private Colleges.
VOTE TIED – Regents Davison, Jasmin and Fritz DISSENTING and Regents Hamilton, Roehm
and Wetsit voting FOR. NO ACTION TAKEN.
d. ITEM 105-2004-R1199 - Authorization to Establish the Center for Life in Extreme Environments (CLExEN): Thermal Biology Institute; Montana State University-Bozeman
e. ITEM 105-2704-R1199 - Authorization to Establish the Montana Commercial Space Policy Institute; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items d. and e. to INTENT AGENDA TODAY
and to SUBMISSION AGENDA for the January meeting.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
f. ITEM 105-2801-R1199 - Mission Statement; Montana State University-Northern
Item f. - Withdrawn by Chancellor Rao
a. ITEM 104-2703-R0799 - Authorization to Delete the Culinary Arts Program at the College of Technology; Montana State University-Billings
b. ITEM 104-2704-R0799 - Authorization to Delete the Hospitality Management Services Program at the College of Technology; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Items a. and b.
Motion was APPROVED unanimously
a. ITEM 104-104-R0999 - Revised Policy 806.1
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. with revision.
Motion was APPROVED unanimously.
b. ITEM 104-1002-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Restructure the Present Master of Arts Degree in English (Linguistics Option) into a Master of Arts Degree in Linguistics; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 104-1003-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Add an Undergraduate Minor in Media Arts to the Program in Fine Arts; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 104-1004-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Establish Three New Interdisciplinary Options for the Chemistry Major Leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree: (1) Biological Chemistry, (2) Environmental Chemistry, and (3) Pharmacology; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. ITEM 104-1005-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Establish a Joint Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
f. ITEM 104-1006-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Create a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Individual Interdisciplinary Programs (IIPs); The University of Montana-Missoula
g. ITEM 104-1501-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Science; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
h. ITEM 104-1502-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in Professional and Technical Communication; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
i. ITEM 104-1506-R0999 - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize Administratively the Engineering Programs; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
j. ITEM 104-2003-R0999 - Authorization to Offer a Non-Teaching Undergraduate Minor in Museum Studies; Montana State University-Bozeman
k. ITEM 104-2004-R0999 - Authorization to Offer a Master of Arts Degree in Native American Studies, Montana State University-Bozeman
l. ITEM 104-2701-R0999 - Authorization to Offer a Master of Science Degree in Psychology; Montana State University-Billings (Originally submitted as Clinical Psychology. Changed by campus to Psychology)
m. ITEM 104-2702-R0999 - Authorization to Offer a Master of Science Degree in Public Relations; Montana State University-Billings
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of items b. – m.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. Updated report on extended degree programs by MSU - Bozeman
b. Teaching Evaluation Discussion
Dr. Scott reported that the campuses would collect information on current policies and practices, review it and prepare a report to the Board with possible policy recommendations.
c. Update on Conversation on Tenure Planning
Faculty Senate and Council chairs are collaborating on a formal presentation to be given on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 19 for the Board and campus delegations.
d. Locus of Doctoral Degree Granting Authority - LeRoy Schramm
Current policy and practice limits the locus degree authority to the campus on which the student is enrolled. Campus perceptions of the Northwest Association's position on this matter differ. The Committee recommended that the Board should put the item on its agenda.
e. Reaffirmation of Accreditation; MSU-College of Technology, Great Falls
Dean Weaver indicated that their Accreditation Report was very good, with the commendations far outweighing the recommendations. They are addressing the recommendations now.
a. ITEM 105-1004-R1199 - Increase Purchase Price Within Property Acquisition Zone; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. ITEM 105-1901-R1199 - Create Property Acquisition Zone; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items a. and b. to the ACTION AGENDA for
the January meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
c. ITEM 105-2001-R1199 - Authorization to Construct Greenhouse Cafe; Montana State University-Bozeman
d. ITEM 105-2702-R1199 - Authorization to Purchase Real Property (3009 Yucca); Montana State University-Billings
e. ITEM 105-2703-R1199 - Authorization to Purchase Real Property (415 Highland Park Drive); Montana State University-Billings
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items c., d., and e., to the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously
a. ITEM 103-101-R0599 - Approval of Policy Revisions to Board of Regents' policy 940.30, the Montana Tuition Assistance Program
The Legislature left this issue to the discretion of the Board of Regents. It is recommended that these funds be extended to students attending tribal colleges. The Constitution directs MUS to help all residents of Montana, and this is a step in that direction. The funds go directly to resident students, rather than to institutions.
b. ITEM 104-1505-R0999 - Authorization for Planning for the Construction of a Natural Resources Research CenterFacilityand Authorization to Establish the Associated Research Programs; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
c. ITEM 105-100-R1199 - Retirement Costs Revolving Account - New Policy
d. ITEM 105-103-R1199 - Revised Policy 940.29
This item adds Montana State University-Northern and Western Montana College of The University of Montana to the group of exempt institutions offering two year degrees.
e. ITEM 105-104-R1199 - Rural Physician Incentive Program; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
f. ITEM 105-1002-R1199 - Renaming of the Student Health Services Building; The University of Montana-Missoula
g. ITEM 105-2003-R1199 - Authorization to Grant a Permanent Easement to the Estate of John Shadoan and Dennis Rowe and a Temporary Easement to the Estate of John Shadoan and Dennis Rowe; Montana State University-Bozeman
h. ITEM 105-2701-R1199 - Authorization to Expend Student Equipment Fee Allocations; Montana State University-Billings
i. ITEM 104-1007-R1199 - Proposed Five Valleys Land Trust Contingent Reciprocal Easement Agreement Involving University of Montana Mount Sentinel Property; University of Montana-Missoula WALK ON ITEM
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items a. – i.
Regent Hamilton made a FRIENDLY AMENDMENT to REMOVE Item a. from the group to consider
it separately.
Motion to HOLD Item a. APPROVED unanimously.
Motion to APPROVE Items b. – i. APPROVED unanimously.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. ITEM 105-1003-R1199 - Protocol for Implementing Board of Regents' Policy 506.1, Student Participation in Mandatory Fee Decisions; The University of Montana-Missoula INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY
b. ITEM 105-2002-R1199 - Appointment of Tim Stavnes, Pete Bishop, Scott Waldron and Linda Williams to the Fire Services Training Advisory Council; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item b.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
c. ITEM 105-2005-R1199 - Protocol for Implementing Board of Regents' Policy 506.1, Student Participation in Mandatory Fee Decisions; Montana State University-Bozeman INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY
a. ITEM 105-101-R1199 - Land Board Settlement Memo1 Memo 2
Chief Legal Counsel, LeRoy Schramm gave the background on this issue and the various actions taken through the courts and their final dispositions through the last several years. After lengthy negotiations, the Land Board has approved this settlement.
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
b. Report on Fiscal Year 2000 enrollments and revenue INFORMATIONAL ITEM ONLY
MUS is awaiting estimates of spring enrollments. Undergraduate enrollments are driven by the economy. When the economy is good, fewer students enroll in college. When the economy is poor, more choose college. Currently, Montana is not flourishing as much as the rest of the country, but it is improving. This situation makes it imperative that the campuses budget toward a number lower than their anticipated enrollment in order to offset possible drops in student credit hours.
c. ITEM 104-103-R0999 - Omnibus Policy Revisions (ACTION) Amendments
Chief Legal Counsel, LeRoy Schramm explained the reasons for these policy revisions, most of which were housekeeping issues due to the Restructuring of the System. He also indicated that two of the items have been removed from the list of deletions and will be amended and remain active policies.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Policy Revisions as amended
Motion APPROVED unanimously
The Board recessed at 3:45 for a ten minute break before meeting with Classified Staff representatives followed by Faculty Representatives.
The full Board reconvened at 9:00 a.m.
Regents Present: Pat Davison (Chairman), Ed Jasmin (Vice-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Richard Roehm, Margie Thompson, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: NONE
Don Kreitz, Bozeman, discussed the Tennis Bubble on MSU-Bozeman campus
James Schell – ASUM of MSU-Bozeman, discussed students’ concerns regarding fees and resources.
a. Fiscal Year 2001 Operating Budgets
The MUS funding model is driven by enrollments and accelerates funding from the state. The movement of dollars among the campuses is also accelerated in the same manner. The Board of Regents can either instruct the Presidents and Chancellors to keep MUS Goals in mind and prepare to show in the budget their commitment to goals and objectives, or they can mandate a certain number of dollars be devoted to the Goals and accomplished through the additional process of reallocation. The Regents prefer the less intrusive approach. It was noted that 75-80% of budgets goes into wages and benefits.
President Dennison reported that their consultant indicated that institutions which are heavily dependent on enrollments should anticipate fluctuations and set up sufficient reserves. It is necessary to identify what is sufficient for each campus. More effort needs to be made to increase enrollment and retention.
Chairman Davison requested that President Dennison provide a copy of the report when it is available.
President Malone suggested a workshop for the Regents in regional demographics and how other states are dealing with this problem. His people will pull it together. This issue will be dealt with at the January Work Session with more definitive ideas. Commissioner Crofts will solicit information from the Regents and present alternatives to the Regents in January.
b. MUS Academic Master Plan
The name of the Academic Master Plan will be changed to Academic Planning Process to reflect that it will be an ongoing process, rather than a final rendering of policy. It will eventually be placed on the web site. The Regents agreed that the elements identified in the Commissioner's memo would provide the initial basis for the Academic Planning Process.
c. Report on Perkins Grant - Bob Carr
A technical writer has been hired. They intend to have a web page on the Perkins Grant.
d. Appeal
Motion APPROVED unanimously
The Montana Dental Commission has requested that the Board of Regents consider expansion of the number of WICHE slots for dentist education and approach the Legislature for funding to operate a Dental Hygiene Program in the Montana University System. Deputy Commissioner Scott has initiated discussions to determine cost effectiveness of developing slots through WICHE outside of Montana. Both of these programs are very costly.
a. ITEM 105-102-R1199 - Policy 220 - Higher Education Centers from Submission Agenda of Academic and Student Affairs Committee
The argument was made that it had been promised to the Presidents of the Private Colleges that no action would be taken on this item until after a meeting with them. The opposing argument was that moving the item to the Action Agenda would not be taking any action at this time. There also was voiced the concern about the influence of external institutions on decisions made by the Board of Regents regarding the Montana University System. The entire process must be geared to the good of the residents of Montana, rather than any institution.
Following an update to Regent Thompson on discussions from the meeting of the previous
day, Regent Hamilton MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item c. to ACTION AGENDAbefore meeting
with Presidents of the Private Colleges
Motion FAILED with Regents Davison, Jasmin, Thompson and Fritz dissenting
President Dennison indicated that the emphasis on the Missoula campus is shifting from community service to civic engagement, which will be at the center of all they do. He also indicated that they have been designated a Model Marketing Program for their web site.
President Malone reported they are redesigning their core with more small classes and they are paring courses.
Chancellor Gilmore reported that Rick Douglas, Professor of Biology has been named Montana Professor of the Year, and that four out of the past five years, Tech has been so honored. They have also received 11 Wal-Mart scholarships for their campus. Additionally, they have been reaccredited.
Chancellor Sexton indicated the Special Ed building is a little behind but will be operational on schedule. They also are now actively engaged in collaborative bargaining with the faculty union. He also indicated that the staff members on the Billings campus have worked hard on Banner implementation.
Chancellor Rao reported they expect to open the Community Development Center in early 2000. They have hired an outstanding business professor who will undertake the project. General Electric sponsored a trip for Chancellor Rao to visit a number of their locations. This was a wonderful opportunity to present Northern to about 5000 employees. He thanks GE for this opportunity.
Dean Weaver introduced Mary Ellen Baukol, Interim Asst. Dean for Business and Finance, and Dr. Mary Sheehy Moe, Associate Dean for Academic/Student Affairs.
Dean Capdeville has signed a contract with Ford Motor Company to house the regional training for their technicians on his campus. He is also working with Summit Corp in Helena who makes parts for the F-22 and Bell Helicopter, and will be going to Fort Worth in the middle of December regarding some training they might be able to offer. He is also working with Lloyd Chestnut to develop other funds for aeronautics.
The Board Recessed for lunch at 12:20 p.m. for a joint meeting with the Board of Public Education.
Discussion on Accreditation by Dr. Sandra Elman, Executive Director of Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges was POSTPONED until the January meeting.
With no further business to come before The Board of Regents, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.