Regular Meeting
March 16-18, 2005
Montana Higher Education Complex
2500 Broadway
Helena, MT 59620
Academic / Student Affairs Items
Staff and Compensation Committee Items
Workforce Development Committee Items
Other than the meeting starting time, the times listed are approximate. These approximate times are intended to give meeting participants a rough idea of the amount of discussion contemplated, but the Board will move to the next part of the agenda upon the completion of the prior topic. In addition, agenda items may be rearranged unless an item is listed as having a "time certain."
Action may be taken on any item on the Agenda.
WEDNESDAY, March 16, 2005
Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas.
1:00 4:00 p.m. Academic/Student Affairs Committee meeting Helena COT Student Center
(Committee Members:Chair Regent Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Regent Mike Foster, and Regent Kala French)
11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Budget and Audit Oversight Committee meeting Montana Higher Education Complex, Board Conference Room 102 With a Working Lunch
(Committee Members:Chair Regent Mark Semmens, Regent John Mercer, and Regent Lila Taylor)
3:30 5:30 p.m. Staff and Compensation Committee meeting Montana Higher Education Complex, Board Conference Room 102
(Committee Members: Chair Regent John Mercer, and Regent Mark Semmens)
4:00 5:30 p.m. Workforce Development Committee meeting Helena COT Student Center
(Committee Members:Chair Regent Mike Foster, Regent Kala French, Regent Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, and Regent Lila Taylor)
Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas.
6:00 p.m. Commissioner's Reception Please see attached Invitation and Map
THURSDAY, March 17, 2005
7:00 a.m. Breakfast for Board and Faculty Senate representatives OCHE Library
7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast for meeting participants Room 102
12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MAS Luncheon with Regents, Commissioner, Presidents and Chancellors Room 102
12:00 noon All Meeting Attendees - Lunch on your own
6:00 p.m. Board meets with House Leadership Capitol Room 455
FRIDAY, March 18, 2005
12:00 noon Executive Session (if needed) OCHE Library
WEDNESDAY, March 16, 2005
(Public Comment is welcome during all meetings)
Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas.
An Agenda for
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
1:00 4:00 p.m.
Helena COT Student Center
(Committee Members: Chair Regent Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Regent Mike Foster, and Regent Kala French)
I. Review and Adoption of Agenda.
II. Approval of Minutes.
A. From the January 19, 2005, meeting of the Committee.
III. Portion of the Meeting Devoted to Chief Academic Officers.
A. Action: ITEM 125-2851-R1104, A.A.S. degree in Aviation in Bozeman, MSU-Great Falls College of Technology. Cover Summary Proposal Budget Agreement
B. Action: ITEM 126-2851-R0105, changes in mission statement, MSU-Great Falls College of Technology. Attachment
C. Action: ITEM 126-1003-R0105, interdisciplinary minor in International Development Studies, The University of Montana-Missoula. Request Summary Proposal
D. Action: ITEM 126-1005-R0105, option in School Psychology to go with the Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Psychology, The University of Montana-Missoula. Request Summary Proposal
E. Action: ITEM 126-1009-R0105, certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution, The University of Montana-Missoula. Request Summary Proposal
F. Action: ITEM 126-1010-R0105, minor in Military Studies, The University of Montana-Missoula. Request Summary Proposal
G. Action: ITEM 126-1011-R0105, Masters degree and certificate in Public Health, The University of Montana-Missoula. Request Summary Budget Proposal Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7
H. Action: ITEM 126-1601-R0105, Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Horsemanship, with options in Natural Horsemanship Science and Natural Horsemanship Management, The University of Montana Western. Request Summary Proposal Budget
I. Action: ITEM 126-2704-R0105, affiliation agreement to provide clinical laboratory training at three out-of-state entities, Montana State University-Billings. Proposal
J. Action: ITEM 126-101-R0305, revisions to Board of Regents policy 303.1, curriculum proposals. Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5
K. Action: ITEM 126-102-R0305, academic program approval process.
L. Discussion Items:
1. Academic program planning, based on institutional strategic plans.
2. Other discussion items?
M. Announcements:
2. Level II memorandum with academic programs on submission.
IV. Portion of the Meeting Devoted to Topics of Concern to Both Academic & Student Affairs Officers. (approximately 2:00 p.m.)
A. Action: ITEM 126-103-R0305, Outdated Coursework Attachment
B. Action: ITEM 126-104-R0305, System of Controls Attachment
C. Action: ITEM 126-105-R0305, Minimum Course Grades Attachment
D. Discussion Items:
a. Additional follow-up on the transfer audit. (Please see attacheddraft policies on Single Admissions File Project, General Education, and Transfer GPA.)
b. The annual transfer student survey. Memo
c. Other discussion items?
V. Portion of the Meeting Devoted to Chief Student Affairs Officers. (approximately
3:00 p.m.)
A. Discussion Items:
a. Security issues on the MUS campuses. Summary
VI. Other business.
VII. Public comment.
VIII. Close: Review assignments, meeting schedule, meeting s main points.
Budget and Audit Oversight Committee meeting Montana Higher Education Complex Board Conference Room 102 AGENDA 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Working Lunch) |
(Committee Members: Chair Regent Mark Semmens, Regent John Mercer, and Regent Lila Taylor) | |
a. | FY 06-07 Budget Discussion |
b. | FY06-07 Tuition Guidelines |
c. | FY06-07 Mandatory and Miscellaneous Fees Guidelines |
d. | FY 06 Summer Session Tuition |
e. | ITEM 126-1001-R0305 - Approval of University System/Employee Joint Venture Under MUSP 407; The University of Montana-Missoula Submission License |
f. | ITEM 126-1006-R0305 Approval of University System/Employee Joint Venture Under MUSP 407; The University of Montana-Missoula Submission License |
g. | ITEM 126-1005-R0305 - Purchase of Property, 625 & 625 South 6th East, East of Lot 5, all of Lot 6, West of Lot 7: Block 36 Montana Addition: The University of Montana-Missoula Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 |
h. | ITEM 126-106-R0305 New Policy on Enrollment Reserves; Montana University System |
Staff and Compensation Committee meeting
Montana Higher Education Complex Board Conference Room 102 AGENDA 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. |
(Committee Members: Chair Regent John Mercer, Regent Richard Roehm, and Regent Mark Semmens) |
a. | Minutes of 1/19/05 committee meeting |
b. | Salary Issues |
a. | Compensation Philosophy |
b. | ITEM 126-109-R0305 - New Policy on Salary Increases Contract Administrators and Professionals |
c. | ITEM 126-108-R0305 Revise Policy 711.2 - Criteria for Board of Regents Contract; Non-faculty Personnel |
c. | Charge to the Committee |
d. | Group Health Insurance |
a. | ITEM 126-107-R0305 - Approval of Additional Dependent Coverage, MUS Group Health Insurance Plan; Montana University System ITEM 126-107-R0305 Alternate Language Attachment |
b. | Affordability Plan for Lower Paid Employees |
e. | Board Policy 711.1 Proposed Revision Current Policy |
f. | Collective Bargaining Update |
g. | OCHE Data/IR Position |
Board Meeting Restructure Impact on Consent Agenda Staff Items | |
Other Items | |
h. | Agenda Items for May 2005 Meeting |
Workforce Development Committee meeting
The University of Montana-Helena College of Technology Student Center 1115 North Roberts Helena, MT AGENDA 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. |
(Committee Members: Chair Regent Mike Foster, Regent Kala French, Regent Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, and Regent Lila Taylor) |
a. | Skills USA Presentation |
b. | Review and Approval of RFP for Equipment/Programs for Two-Year Education Dave Gibson |
c. | Discussion on Steps to Formalize the Two-Year Education Council Arlene Parisot, Dave Gibson |
d. | Update on State Workforce Investment Board Apprenticeship Committee- Arlene Parisot |
e. | Update on Data Project Jim Rimpau and Bill Muse Attachment |
f. | Update on Two-Year Education Marketing Initiative- March 17, 2005 Arlene Parisot |
Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas. |
6:00 p.m. Commissioner's Reception Please see attached Invitation and Map |
Action may be taken on any item on the Agenda.
THURSDAY, March 17, 2005
7:00 a.m. |
Breakfast for Board and Faculty Senate representatives OCHE Library |
7:00 a.m. | Continental Breakfast for meeting participants Montana Higher Education Complex, Board Conference Room 102 |
8:00 a.m. Full Board Convenes Room 102 |
I. |
II. |
Minutes of the January 19-21, 2005 meeting in Helena, MT |
III. |
a. |
Governor Schweitzer |
b. |
Legislative Update |
c. | Round Table with Senate Leadership |
d. | Shared Leadership for a Better Montana Economy Update Dave Gibson |
10:30 a.m. | |
e. | Federal Appropriations Process - Representatives of Senator Baucus, Senator Burns,
and Representative Rehberg. |
f. | Reauthorization of Federal Programs - Update |
g. |
Trust Lands Issue Update |
h. | Presentation by Ray Ford / Camie Foos on web based meetings for Faculty Senate MemoDiagram 1 Diagram 2 |
IV. |
DISCUSSION WITH CAMPUS Leaders (President Dennison, President Hetrick, Chancellor Gilmore, Dean Moe) Over the course of several meetings, all of the CEOs, on a rotating basis, will have an opportunity to talk with the Board about important higher education issues, trends and directions, and concerns related to their campuses. The Commissioner will determine the rotation. Please also see attached reports |
Return to Top |
V. |
a. |
Report from Academic/Student Affairs Committee Lynn Hamilton |
Please see Committee Agenda | |
VI. |
a. | Report from Workforce Development Committee Regent Foster |
Please see Committee Agenda |
12:00 to 12:40 p.m. MAS Luncheon with Regents, Commissioner, Presidents and Chancellors Room 102 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. All Meeting Attendees - Lunch on your own 12:45- 1:20 p.m. Regents meet with Staff Senate Representatives - Room 102 1:30 p.m. THE FULL BOARD RECONVENES Room 102 |
VII. |
a. | Report from Budget & Audit Oversight Committee Mark Semmens |
Please see Committee Agenda | |
a. | Report from Staff and Compensation Committee Regent Mercer |
Please see Committee Agenda |
5:00 p.m. BOARD RECESSES 6:00 p.m. Board meets with House Leadership Capitol Room 455 |
BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING continued FRIDAY, March 18, 20057:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast - Montana Higher Education Complex, Board Conference Room 102 8:00 a.m. Full Board Reconvenes Montana Higher Education Complex, Board Conference Room 102 |
X.![]() |
Open Forum for Public Input on MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ISSUES MCA 2-3-103. Public participation ...The agenda for a meeting, as defined in 2-3-202, must include an item allowing public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of the meeting and that is within the jurisdiction of the agency conducting the meeting. However, the agency may not take action on any matter discussed unless specific notice of that matter is included on an agenda and public comment has been allowed on that matter Public matters do not include any pending legal matters, private personnel issues or private student issues. Please do not attempt to address such issues at this time, or you will be ruled out of order. |
Staff Items: |
a. |
ITEM 126-100-R0305 - Staff; Office Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. | ITEM 126-1000-R0305 Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. | ITEM 126-1002-R0305 - Resolution to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Anthropology upon Thomas A. Foor; The University of Montana-Missoula |
d. | ITEM 126-1003-R0305 - Resolution to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Economics upon John Photiades; The University of Montana-Missoula |
e. | ITEM 126-1500-R0305 Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
f. | ITEM 126-1500A-R0305 Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology |
g. | ITEM 126-1601-R0305 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Health and Human Performance upon Bonnie Sheriff; The University of Montana Western |
h. | ITEM 126-1900-R0305 Staff; The University of Montana-Helena College of Technology |
i. | ITEM 126-2000-R0305 Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
j. | ITEM 126-2001-R0305 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Communications upon Victoria O Donnell; Montana State University-Bozeman |
k. | ITEM 126-2002-R0305 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering upon Michael Wells; Montana State University-Bozeman |
l. | ITEM 126-2300-R0305 Staff; Agriculture Experiment Stations |
m. | ITEM 126-2400-R0305 Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
n. | ITEM 126-2700-R0305 Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
o. | ITEM 126-2701-R0305 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of History upon Norton H. Moses; Montana State University-Billings |
p. | ITEM 126-2702-R0305 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Metal Fabrication upon J. D. Vezey; Montana State University-Billings |
q. | ITEM 126-2800-R0305 Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
r. | ITEM 126-2850-R0305 Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
XII. |
CONTINUATION OF UNFINISHED ITEMS Note: Items not completed by the end of the meeting will be carried over to the next regularly scheduled meeting. |
XIV. |
BOARD ADJOURNSon completion of business |
On Adjournment |
XV. |
EXECUTIVE SESSION (If needed) OCHE Library |
The Board of Regents will make reasonable accommodations for known disabilities that may interfere with an individual's ability to participate. Persons requiring such accommodations should make their requests to the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education as soon as possible before the meeting to allow adequate time for special arrangements. You may call or write to: ADA Coordinator, P. O. Box 203101, Helena MT 59620-3101, 406-444-6570, 1-800-253-4091 (TDD)