January 20-21, 2005

ITEM 126-2851-R0105:  Authorization to Update Mission Statement; Montana State University Great Falls, College of Technology

THAT:  The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorize Montana State University Great Falls, College of Technology to make the changes in its mission statement indicated on the attached page from its catalog.


EXPLANATION:  In the course of conducting its self-study for continued accreditation by Northwest Association of Colleges and Universities, Montana State University Great Falls, College of Technology discovered that minor changes to its mission had not been presented to the Board of Regents for approval.

The first change is an insertion of a mission statement that captures the core values of the College in a single sentence. Through extensive discussions at the beginning of strategic planning in 1999, the campus community embraced this statement as a single-sentence expression of its mission.

The second change is an replacement of the term "Allied Health" with the term "Health Sciences," which aligns with the title of the College's Health Sciences Department.

Upon approval, Northwest Association of Colleges and Universities will also be apprised of the updated mission.