Summary Information on Certificate Programs

And the Operating Rules in Other States

NOTE: Twenty-seven (27) states responded to my request for information on certificate programs, and how they are handled.

  1. Thirteen (13) states leave certificate programs up to the institutions granting the certificate. The state board does not review or approve them.
    1. But there are some details that should be included in that blanket statement:
      • 2 states that responded have individual governing boards for their educational institutions, and a system-wide coordinating board; the governing boards review and approve certificates.
      • 1 state has delegated the responsibility for review and approval to the commissioner of higher education in that state.
      • 1 state does not review certificates from the four-year institutions in that state; but its board does approve career and technical certificates that accompany an A.A.S. program.
      • 1 state only reviews and approves graduate certificates.
      • 3 states do require notice, when institutions create a new certificate; and the credential is included in the system's degree & program inventory; in the case of one of those states, more extensive notice (and acquiescence) is required, when a university unit proposes a certificate that may conflict with the community college system.
  2. Eight (8) states use a credit level or limit to determine board review and approval.
    1. The typical limit is 30 credits or more; anything less than that does not require Board approval. These board-approved certificates are usually given some special title, like "academic certificates" or "C3" certificates.
    2. Three (3) of the responding states set the credit limit in the 16 18 credit range before board approval is required.
  3. Five (5) states require review of all certificates.
  4. One (1) state, New York, appears to leave review and approval of all new programs of every time up to a central office. But I'll also admit that that is my best guess, after reading through the website I was referred to.