Master of Public Health Program

Organization and Management Characteristics


1)                   An Advisory Committee comprised of the Deans of the schools of Education, Business, and Arts & Sciences meets with the Director of the Masters of Public Health Program and Dean of SPAHS three times a year to advise and recommend on operational elements of the program including budget, resource allocation, curriculum, accreditation and strategic direction.

2)                   Students are assigned to a faculty advisor by the Admissions Committee (3 to 5 MPH Faculty including the program Director) at the time of admission.

3)                   The advisor is responsible for assisting the student in selecting elective courses and for advising on the professional paper or portfolio.

4)                   Graduate Student "credit" follows the advisor. FTE course credit accrues to the department providing the course.

5)                   Faculty have (a primary appointment in their home department and also are appointed to MPH program faculty) dual appointments in their home department and to the MPH Graduate Faculty. Faculty evaluations continue to be conducted by the home department with input from the Director of the MPH program.

6)                   The home department receives salary and benefits reimbursement from the MPH program in proportion to the time devoted by the faculty member to "hire behind" or to pay for overload.

7)                   The program will employ or support an information technology person for the first three years whose responsibility and expertise will be assisting faculty with putting courses on-line.