Successful Healing and Return to Work

  1. Report all incidents to your supervisor as early as possible, even if you aren't certain you will seek medical attention.  Workers’ Compensation claims require timely notice, a delay in reporting could negatively hinder appropriate care, delay healing and increase costs of the claim as well as put your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits at risk.

  2. Follow directions provided by your medical care provider and claim examiner.

  3. Participate in opportunities for temporary, transitional return to work if you are not immediately able to return to regular job duties.  Appropriate job activities facilitate healing and prevent unnecessary economic loss to the employee.  MUS offers Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Assistance intended to facilitate meaningful temporary, transitional work opportunities within their medically approved abilities during the healing process.  Employees who are capable of work but choose not to work are not eligible for workers’ compensation time-loss/wage-replacement benefits.

  4. Prevent future injuries to you or your co-workers by assisting with injury prevention strategies and by following safe work practices. 

  5. An injury or time away from work can be stressful, and often other stressors occur at the same time that can slow recovery and return to work.  Managing stress in healthy ways is important to the healing process.  Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and staying connected with family, friends, and co-workers is important during recovery. The MUS Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) offers numerous resources to help you manage financial and personal stressors