Why take Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment Saves You Time

Dual Enrollment allows students to take 100- and 200-level courses, those commonly found in the first year of college, in a wide variety of subjects. Choose classes from majors you want to explore, complete general degree requirements, or both!
Dual Enrollment courses transfer seamlessly throughout the Montana University System, as well as to other accredited colleges and universities across the country and allow you to start on a one-, two-, or four-year degree while you are in high school.* And Dual Credit courses can help you satisfy high school graduation requirements and college degree requirements.
By completing college courses before you become a college student, you will make better progress toward your degree or certificate.
*Students must verify the transferability of courses to other institutions, majors,
and programs.
Dual Enrollment Saves You Money
Get a free early start on college. Through One-Two-Free, your first two courses, or up to six credits, are on us! That's two college courses in high school. FREE.*

Want to take more than two courses? Great! Take additional courses at the discounted Dual Enrollment rate of 50% two-year resident tuition. We will also waive your fees!
Don’t let cost stop you! Students that demonstrate hardship may apply for a scholarship
through the One-Two-Free program to cover the cost of additional Dual Enrollment courses.
All of this adds up to huge savings through Dual Enrollment.
*Course fees may apply for some courses.
Dual Enrollment Helps You Ease Into College

Dual Enrollment courses are college courses. You will gain first-hand experience of the academic and time-management expectations for college success. Get an introduction to college life while you maintain the comfort and support you have at home. Take one class at a time, or several, to prove your readiness and prepare for a full schedule in college.
Data shows that students who take Dual Enrollment courses achiever higher first-term GPAs and graduate at higher rates than other students.