Student Counts

MUS Dual Enrollment Student Counts

More Students in Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment in the MUS grew by 6.9% from 2022-23 to 2023-24, with a 15.5% average increase per year since 2012-13.  


MUS Class B & C Dual Enrollment Access

More Access for Rural Students

Montana's smaller high schools continue to take advantage of dual enrollment opportunities, with 84% of Class C and 91% of Class B high schools participating in dual enrollment.  Overall, 88.9% of Montana public high schools offer dual enrollment courses.   


Dual Enrollment Participation

More Students Participating in Dual Enrollment

The percentage of eligible public school students that participate in dual enrollment continues to increase. 34% of all public school juniors and seniors took at least one dual enrollment course in 2023-24, marking a 3% increase from 2022-23.



Dual Enrollment Courses

Career and Technical Education in Dual Enrollment

47% percent of dual enrollment students took at least one CTE course in 2023-24, an increase of 3% from 2022-23.  Since 2016-17, students taking CTE courses has increased 15.3% per year.


Dual Enrollment Matriculation

Dual Enrollment Students go to Montana Colleges

The number of students that take dual enrollment courses in the MUS and go onto a MUS college increases each year. On average, about 60% of dual enrollment students attend a college in the MUS.

Retention Rates

Dual Enrollment Student Success Metrics

Dual Enrollment Students Have Higher Success Indicators

DE students that matriculate to the MUS, on average, have higher graduation rates and retention rates than first-time in-state undergraduate students that did not take dual enrollment courses..


Dual Enrollment Cost

Median: $0/credit

Average: $16/credit  

Dual Enrollment Savings

93% Savings

Compared to the average four-year resident tuition rate


One-Two-Free logoMedian and average cost data for dual enrollment students includes One-Two-Free, the dual enrollment tuition rate of 50% two-year resident tuition, and campus free and reduced tuition dual enrollment programs for the 2019-20 academic year.
