BOR Minutes: November 16-17, 2000
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Regular Meeting
November 16-17, 2000
The University of Montana-Missoula
Missoula, MT
These minutes were unanimously approved by the Board of Regents at the January 18-19, 2001 meeting in Helena, MT.
THURSDAY, November 16, 2000
The Work Session convened at 8:00 a.m. and adjourned at 10:45 a.m. for separate Committee Meetings
The Committees Convened at 11:00 a.m. for separate meetings and adjourned at 12:00.
The Full Board Convened at 1:15 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin Vice-Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Jessica Kobos, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Margie Thompson Chairwoman, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: None
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the September 21-22, 2000 Regular
Meeting and the October 6, 2000 Special Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Commissioner Crofts introduced the incoming President of Montana State University, Geoff Gamble. He will be on campus at the beginning of December.
Commissioner Crofts introduced the new elected Superintendent of Public Instruction, Linda McCulloch.
Commissioner Crofts noted a change to Item 109-2000-R1100, page 3 changing the start date for President Gamble from December 4 to December 1, 2000.
Staff Items:
- ITEM 109-1000-R1100 - Staff; The University of Montana Missoula
- ITEM 109-1500-R1100 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
- ITEM 109-1600-R1100 - Staff; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
- ITEM 109-1900-R1100 - Staff; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
- ITEM 109-2000-R1100 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman AS AMENDED
- ITEM 109-2001-R1100 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of History and Philosophy upon Marvin C. Shaw; Montana State University- Bozeman
- ITEM 109-2002-R1100 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of History and Philosophy upon Thomas Wessel; Montana State University-Bozeman
- ITEM 109-2003-R1100 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Molecular Biology upon C.A. Speer; Montana State University-Bozeman
- ITEM 109-2300-R1100 - Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
- ITEM 109-2400-R1100 - Staff; Extension Service
- ITEM 109-2700-R1100 - Staff; Montana State University-Billings
- ITEM 109-2800-R1100 - Staff; Montana State University-Northern
Regent Jasmin MOVED to APPROVE all items on the Consent Agenda as amended.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Kim Dolan - Vice President MAS
Ms. Dolan reported that MAS had a two hour meeting Wednesday evening. Student Regent Jessica Kobos gave a report to the student leadership and encouraged them to go to their campuses and find students willing to go to Helena two days in January and once in mid March. They plan to bus students to Helena during the session to give them the opportunity to talk with their legislators as well as showing research and information on their degree programs.
She noted that the Legislative Committee brought before MAS five potential goals that they felt were issues that needed to be addressed in this upcoming session. After much discussion, MAS voted to accept three of the five as issues to push in the legislative session. Those goals are: 1) the $500 per student increase in state funding; 2) an increase in MTAP funding and other state financial aid to help students finance their education; and 3) equal access to higher education for all students.
The Legislative Committee also brought a map showing the House and Senate Districts, requesting students go back to their respective campuses and encourage students from those districts to contact their representatives prior to the upcoming session as well as during the session.
Planning is taking place for the next MAS retreat which will be held Friday evening and Saturday following the January, 2001 Regents' meeting.
Kim Dolan - President ASWMC
Ms. Dolan reported that they held Daug Days on the Western campus for high school students on October 13 and 14. She presented a talk to them on student involvement and the variety of activities on campus. She was happy to note they were able to register students to vote. She also noted that the Student Union Building recently was recarpeted and repainted, and provided with new furniture. They also have a new game room downstairs and it has been used by a lot of students. They are very happy with it, and find it is finally becoming the building it was intended to be. There are three new student groups starting up. Web registration is actively occurring now and the students are finding it easier and they like not having to stand in line. The Student Senate office also has computers so they can help students with the registration process.
Paula Lundstrom - President ASMSU-Billings
Ms. Lundstrom welcomed Geoff Gamble as the new President of MSU and thanked him for his visit to campus. She reported they made strong efforts on campus to promote student voting by setting up registration tables across campus, and tables with voter education materials covering precincts and candidates. They also posted notices around campus reminding students to vote on November 7 which was a holiday for them.
President Lundstrom thanked Commissioner Crofts, Deputy Commissioner Scott and Associate Commissioner Sundsted for visiting their campus.
Ms. Lundstrom noted they are working on guidelines for a Coke Scholarship. They will also be sending out letters from MAS to the newly elected representatives congratulating them on being elected and inviting them to visit the individual campuses. They will also be gathering letters from the students describing the challenges they face as students in the higher education system in Montana and those will be presented to the Legislature. The campus also sponsored Preview Day and approximately 40 students from the high schools visited their campus. The student senate will also be doing audits on all of their budget areas over the Christmas break.
Kira Kuntz - President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Ms. Kuntz welcomed Geoff Gamble as the new President of MSU and also welcomed him to Montana. She reported they have elected ten new senators, and although they do have a high turnover in student government, it does bring in new ideas. She noted that the Band Fee was voted down as they felt it could have started a dangerous precedent. Ms. Kuntz referenced the Student Resolution which the Board of Regents had received and asked them to please consider not taking the 10% from the computer fee this year. The computers obtained with that fee go directly to student use, and not to faculty or student teachers. That 10% is $60,000 that could be spent on new computers for the students.
Ms. Kuntz noted that the new weight room in the activity building is nearly complete, but the weather is delaying the completion of the roof. She reported that MSU is looking at a renovation of the Student Union Building for next semester, and two students went back East last week to look at various SUBs for ideas. The Student Senate will have a full scale audit on all practices and they are currently looking at the best way to accomplish it. They plan to use resources on campus and to get an independent report from a private firm. They will be hosting a State Legislators' Day on Campus on December 15, and all of the Regents are invited to participate.
Christopher Helgeson - President AS of Great Falls College of Technology
Mr. Helgeson reported that their students had the opportunity to meet with Geoff Gamble and they found the meeting productive and interesting. They welcome him as the new President of MSU. Student Senate is hiring a lobbyist together with MSU Bozeman so that the two year voice will also be heard. They were able to register over 40 voters on their campus, most of whom were non-traditional, and many of them voted. Of the students he spoke with after the election, 80% had voted. Also in union with the Bozeman campus, the student senate discussed the funding for the third tier of BANNER. With a unanimous vote, they support finding an additional or alternate source of funding for it. The Great Falls resolution was the same as at the Bozeman campus.
Stacy Roth -President ASMSU-Northern
Ms. Roth congratulated Geoff Gamble on his appointment and thanked him for visiting the Northern campus. They recently had Preview Days for prospective students. She noted that at the beginning of December they will be hosting a party for the community and students with a free buffet, and the clubs and organizations providing a variety of games and things for people to do. Ms. Roth reported that Ellen Swaney, Director of American Indian/Minority Achievement is going to present a workshop on Diversity at the Northern Campus and they are looking forward to it.
The student senate is going through an internal audit. They also continue research in an attempt to get their radio station. They are studying various ways to budget for it, and the students are excited about it. Something begun last year, and implemented this year, is an effort by student senate to have senate representatives in each of the main buildings so they are accessible to the students. They are also going to have surveys at these locations. There is research at this time on building a new dorm for residents that live on campus. This is one way they hope to increase enrollment at Northern. They are also looking at improvements in the Student Union Building.
Molly Moon Neitzel -President of ASUM
Ms. Neitzel reported that a lot has happened at UM as far as the political season goes. They had two televised debates on campus in the Montana Theater, with the gubernatorial debate being the most highly attended. Their coalition of U-Vote was able to break the record for turning out student voters. The previous record was set by now Student Regent Jessica Kobos in 1998 with 648 student voters. This year had a total of 871 student voters. The UM precinct had one of the highest turnout rates in the state. They will continue their lobbying efforts and have elected her as the chair of their lobbying committee. They are planning a legislative reception for all the successful candidates for after Thanksgiving to discuss student issues. In December they will speak out on student goals for the session and make it a media event. It is planned the students will talk about the struggles they face in getting their education. Another goal is to gather student representatives from each district and get them to Helena to talk with their representatives. The Political Science department is attempting to work out a program for their students to earn service credits for this activity.
She reported that the students passed the following resolutions:
- Change from monthly to bi-weekly pay for students working on campus;
- Inform administration to keep as many adjuncts employed as possible;
- Support of formation of a coalition of the ministries on campus for funding purposes;
- Replacement of the elevators in the Liberal Arts building
Ms. Neitzel reported that ASUM hired Sarah Cobbler as their lobbyist. She graduated from UM in spring 2000 in environmental studies. They are working with Montana Tech and Western to make a joint effort in lobbying. She also noted that the Park and Ride program has helped tremendously with the parking problem on campus. Approximately 300 students a day park off campus (for free) and use the free shuttle to campus.
Dave Skinner - Senator ASMT-Butte
- Mr. Skinner reported that throughout the month of October, ASMT sponsored several political events on campus. The first was a political forum involving both ASMT and Montana Tech's faculty senate. Several local legislators attended and discussed ideas for higher education improvement. Two students moderated the event. In addition, ASMT and the Montana Standard sponsored several debates featuring the U.S. House candidates, Butte-Silver Bow's executive officer candidates, the lieutenant governor candidates, and the local sheriff candidates.
- On October 17, Montana Tech students met with Dr. Jim Mingle concerning the university system restructuring process and students' role in that process. ASMT is looking forward to looking at the results of the analysis.
- A student activities council has been created by Elizabeth Roosa, the director of the Student Union and Student Activities. The council combines the efforts of the active clubs on campus to provide planning help to the Student Entertainment Committee. The goal is to actively involve all students in the planning and organizing process of student activities year round at Montana Tech.
- ASMT's Judicial Board has been organized and elected its leadership last week. The Judicial Board is comprised of students and is in place to settle student disputes and provide an independent voice to ASMT. This year, the board will become more involved with intervening in incidents that occur in the residence halls.
- Montana Tech held a scholarship banquet on November 9 to honor recipients of scholarships and the scholarship creators. This year, over 525 students have received 1.5 million dollars in scholarship support. New students alone received scholarships in excess of $500,000. The banquet provided an opportunity for students to thank their scholarship providers and also an opportunity for the scholarship providers to meet the recipients.
Kirk Young - President AS-Helena CoT
Mr. Young reported they have just completed a policy on Drugs and Alcohol for the campus. They are also pulling together a budget committee for student senate since they have gone from zero dollars to "quite a bit" of money. They have formed a new policy for the clubs on campus to request funds from the Senate. Currently, they are working on a date to get students together with legislators for dinner to discuss student issues. He noted that the Spring registration is now taking place. There was a good turn out at their fall barbecue and Halloween party, although there was a small glitch in the pie eating contest since the pumpkin pies were all frozen. Student Senate continues efforts to improve communications with the student body. They are now planning to have their Christmas party on December 14, and they are trying to find a new business manager.
Andy Lilienthal, President AS Flathead Valley Community College
Mr. Lilienthal noted that previous President, Shelby Moody has resigned from office. He reported they have been extremely busy since the last meeting. They hosted an open forum with two Justices of the Peace and the County Commissioner participating. There was a great turnout for the forum, however the reception they hosted the following week for statewide positions did not have as good a response. The following week was the Halloween party and they ran out of prizes. They are now sponsoring a good meal for students once a month. It is called Student Lunch for a Buck. On the day of the meal, they will put out courtesy trays for the evening students so they also can participate in a small way. They are trying to encourage students to take more credits which would cost the same as they are paying now. They are also discussing a new building on campus since they are becoming overcrowded. The Cross Country boys took 8th at the Nationals in Ohio, and the girls are in Texas competing for the Division II championship. Unfortunately, the soccer team finished 0 and 16, but they had a great time.
- Montana State University-Bozeman Report
- The University of Montana-Missoula Report
- Montana State University-Billings Report
- Montana Tech of The University of Montana Report
- Western Montana College of The University of Montana Report
- Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana - Report
- Dawson Community College Report
- Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology Report
- Montana State University-Northern Report
Dr. Jane Karas, Vice President/Dean of Instruction Flathead Valley Community College reported
Three of their Surveying students were awarded scholarships by the Montana Society of Land Surveyors and an anonymous donor gave $1,250,000 to the school. The Running Start program provides dual credits between high schools and college. This semester they have 40 students and hope to double that in spring. She also indicated that there are 60 students in the program approved recently at Level I.
Chairwoman Thompson announced that Judy Martz, Governor Elect has requested copies of the Campus Reports.
The Board recessed at 2:40 p.m. for a ten minute break.
a. ITEM 109-2801-R1100 - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Elementary Education (K-8) and Reading Minor (K-12) in Great Falls, Montana; Montana State University-Northern (Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
Regent Roehm noted that lots of work had been done by Deputy Commissioner Joyce Scott and many other people and the Committee was privileged to hear from 12 students who had prepared comments and added written affidavits in support of this item. This is an outgrowth of the Policy 220 discussion and is opposed by Dr. Gilliard at UGF. His comments were read into the record and a copy was provided by Dr. Joyce Scott.
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of the Submission Agenda to
the ACTION AGENDA for the January, 2001 meeting.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 108-1501-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Add a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology and Design; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
b. ITEM 108-2801-R0900 - Approval to Offer the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering Technology; Montana State University-Northern
c. ITEM 108-2803-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, with a Teaching Option; Montana State University-Northern
d. ITEM 108-2851-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Implement a Surgical Technology Certificate Program; Montana State University College of Technology-Great Falls
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 108-2802-R0900 - Approval of Proposal to Offer the Associate of Applied Science in School Business Administration; Montana State University-Northern
Regent Roehm MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
Report on Credit By Examination at Four-Year Institutions in the Montana University System from 1995 - 2000
- ITEM 109-1602-R1100 - Authorization for Institutional Name Change from Western Montana College of The
University of Montana to The University of Montana-Western; Western Montana College
of the University of Montana
There is no debate from campus on the appropriateness of this name change. It follows the nationwide trend of the past 20 years to have similar names for affiliated campuses. The current name has caused problems with federal grants in explaining the nature of the school and its decision making ability. The undated draft documents submitted with the item have since been complemented by resolutions in support of the name change from the faculty and student senates, the local executive boards, former members of the local executive boards as well as the Foundations. There is no opposition from any quarter. - ITEM 109-103-R1100 - Ownership of Electronic Course Material - Draft Policy Cover Memo
This policy was drawn up to address a new area of intellectual property created by changes in technology. It is patterned after policies covering Patents and Copyrights, with restrictions more closely related to patents than copyrights. After much discussion, many modifications to the policy were identified and will be implemented by Chief Legal Counsel Leroy Schramm. The full board agreed to hold the vote on this item until Friday morning to give faculty the opportunity for input at their afternoon meeting. - ITEM 109-104-R1100 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Governance and Organization Section 203.2.2 - Board of Regents Meeting Policy (Revised) Cover Memo
- ITEM 109-105-R1100 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Governance and Organization Section 201.7 - By-Laws (Revised) Cover Memo
- ITEM 109-106-R1100 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Governance and Organization Section 205.1 Presidential Selection (Revised) AS AMENDED
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to move items a., c., d. and e. to the ACTION
AGENDA of the January, 2001 meeting
Motion APPROVED unanimously
- ITEM 109-101-R1100 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual: Compensation and Employee Benefits Section 801.6: Civic duty leave (Repeal)
- ITEM 109-102-R1100 - Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Personnel Section 708.1.1: Department of Administration Personnel Policies Adopted, Montana University System (Revised)
- ITEM 109-1001-R1100 - Grant of Easement to Missoula Electric Cooperative to Relocate Feeder Line on the Bandy Experimental Ranch; The University of Montana-Missoula
- ITEM 109-1002-R1100 - Authorization to Expend $32,400 of Student Equipment budget, Division of Biological Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
- ITEM 109-1501-R1100 - Certificate of Completion, 100-Bed Residence Hall, Series D 1996 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
- ITEM 109-1502-R1100 - Certificate of Completion, Family Housing Renovations, "The Greens," Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
- ITEM 109-1503-R1100 - Certificate of Completion, Student Union Renovations Phase II, Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of all items on the ACTION CONSENT AGENDA.
Motion APPROVED unanimously
- ITEM 109-1504-R1100 - Approval to Sign an Agreement with Butte-Silver Bow County Concerning Improvements,
Maintenance, and Use of Alumni Coliseum on the Montana Tech Campus; Montana Tech of
The University of Montana
This Agreement does not give up campus ownership of the building. It does permit the County to improve the building to better suit their needs. It also preserves ultimate control by the school and Regents. - ITEM 109-1601-R1100 - Authorization to Accept the Roe House from the Western Montana College Foundation
to Western Montana College of the University of Montana; Western Montana College of
The University of Montana
A donation of $250,000 has allowed renovation of the Roe House to state standards. Therefore, it would be prudent to transfer ownership at this time rather than wait ten years. One office is used by a Foundation staff member and they use the conference room from time to time, but the campus is using most of the building. The utilities also are provided from campus - ITEM 109-2004-R1100 - Authorization to Adjust the Amount to Renovate the Gardiner House; Montana State
Item c. was removed from the Agenda by MSU-Bozeman
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of items a. and b. on the ACTION AGENDA
Motion APPROVED unanimously
- ITEM 109-107-R1100 Perkins Task Force Report - Bob Carr/Arlene Parisot
The purpose of the Task Force was to assist OPI and OCHE to develop a state plan and that was accomplished in an excellent manner. The Plan developed has been touted by the U.S. Department of Education as an excellent example of working together, but it does not meet the needs of everyone. There are not enough dollars to meet all the demands put on it. In light of the purpose of the Task Force, what is presented here, is fulfillment of that purpose.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a. of the Old Business Agenda
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
At 3:30 p.m. the Board Recessed to meet with representatives of the Classified Staff followed by Faculty representatives.
The Full Board reconvened at 9:00 a.m.
Chairwoman Thompson announced that the date for the September, 2001 meeting was changed from the 20th and 21st to the 13th and 14th.
b. ITEM 109-103-R1100 - Ownership of Electronic Course Material - Draft Policy AS AMENDED
The full board agreed to hold the vote on this item until Friday morning to give faculty the opportunity for input at their afternoon meeting. Friday morning, the following action took place:
Regent Jasmin moved for approval to move item b. to the Action Agenda of the January,
2001 meeting with the understanding that input will be received from faculty prior
to the January meeting and if necessary, the item held for Action to a future meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Chairwoman Thompson announced endorsement by the Board of Regents for the Montana
Achievement Project to change the structure of the classified staff pay grades from
25 narrow grades to Broad Banding allowing greater flexibility for improvement in
pay for these employees based upon performance.
There was no Public Comment
b. Update on Biennial Budget - Richard Crofts
Commissioner Crofts referred the Regents to the spread sheet provided them. He explained what had been requested by the Montana University System and what had been proposed by the Governor's office. He noted that a huge hole has been created in the budget by the increase in utilities that has not been funded by the state. He noted that the Executive and the Legislature assume (without MUS concurrence) that half of the budget of the university system will continue to come from tuition so they fund only half of any approved request. The Executive Budget assumes a 3% tuition increase in each year of the biennium and still reports a $6 million shortfall for the university system. In fact, the shortfall is much larger. Regent Semmens noted that other states are very aggressive in providing financial aid to students. The Executive budget includes $2 million for increases in student assistance, but does not include the request for funding to make the high school honor scholarship a four-year award. The proposed increase in the cigarette tax is figured into the Executive budget, and if that increase is not approved, the proposed budget would have to be adjusted downward. Only half of the annualization pay plan from the last biennium and of the pay plan for the next biennium would be funded by general fund. The rest would have to come from tuition increases. Commissioner Crofts indicated that the proposed budget is not one that the university system would be able to live with. Significant tuition increases would be necessary to cover the increases in fixed costs not funded by the Executive budget. Initial estimates are that the increases would have to be in the area of 7.5% just to meet the increases in fixed costs not funded in the Executive budget.
The Commissioner indicated two other choices:
1. Further reduction of expenditures which would require the total elimination of programs, units, or other big pieces of the budget. The Commissioner reported that he would not bring forward a budget recommendation that mandated 4% across the board budget reductions.
2. Significant program reduction. There are not a lot of programs with few students, and reducing them would also reduce enrollment and state support.
It was noted that if the legislature did not provide the $500/student increase requested by the university system, it would take an increase of about 17 1/2% in tuition each year to achieve the same goal. This figure is not being proposed by anyone at this time, and it is obvious a hike of that size would take both universities out of the market as far as being competitive.
The leading theme among virtually all candidates this year was for economic development and support of education. There is also compelling evidence that those states investing in education are winning the lion's share of successful business. In the state of Montana, there is also compelling evidence that a healthy university system contributes to the health of the business community.
At 10:15 a.m. the meeting recessed for a ten minute break.
c. Operating Budgets 2002 - Richard Crofts
Commissioner Crofts indicated the university system is now planning the budget for the next fiscal year. There will be a meeting of the Policy Committee in early December and they will review how the campuses are doing in this planning. He noted that his staff will continue to take a more aggressive and conservative approach to the management of enrollment projections upon which campuses will start building operating budgets for 2002. Incorporated with that will be a recommendation to bring target budgets forward by perhaps the January meeting with an emphasis on the 2% enrollment reserve. It may come back as a mandate rather than a target reserve. The Policy Committee will also be talking about system-wide issues on the operating budgets. One of those areas will be finalization of the third phase of the datawarehouse project. Work is already being done on campuses to plan for 2002 and the Commissioner's office will be better ready in January to update the Regents.
d. Report on Course Fees - Laurie Neils
The Task Force on Fees directed the campuses to provide an analysis of all their fees. Laurie Neils thanked Dan Bradley for his preparation of an excellent spreadsheet with details on all course fees. All campuses used the same format. These reports show every fee being charged, how they were collected as revenue, the type of expense that will no longer be allowed under the approved course fee model, what could be an equipment fee, a computer fee and tuition. This has provided clarity on fees and tuition, truth in advertising, the true costs of instruction, and better control and accountability.
The Board of Regents was not asked to take any action at this meeting, but will be provided a more refined report in the future. There are still some items that need to be reassigned. Ms. Neils indicated that if the Regents were interested in the detailed analyses, she had copies available in her office.
Chairwoman Thompson introduced President Joe McDonald from Salish Kootenai College
Commissioner Crofts indicated it was not necessary for the Board of Regents to approve this item, but that he wanted them to be aware of the approach his office will be using. He said that his office will be providing them with information on how to access electronic information on legislative and other matters that impact the university system.
Chairwoman Thompson inquired about a liaison between the Regents, OCHE and the legislature and who that person might be this year. The Commissioner noted he thought it proved very helpful in the past to have the Chair available for a kickoff presentation to the subcommittee and encouraged all members to schedule visits to the legislature for a day or two in January. No decision was reached on who the liaison would be.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.