BOR Minutes: March 23-24, 2000
Regular Meeting
March 23-24, 2000
Montana State University-Northern
P. O. Box 7751
Havre, MT
These minutes were approved unanimously by the Board of Regents at the May, 2000 meeting in Kalispell
Academic/Student Affairs Committee
Administrative/Budget Committee
THURSDAY, March 23, 2000
The Executive Session convened at 7:30 a.m. and adjourned at 7:50 a.m.
The work session convened at 8:00 a.m. and recessed at 11:00 a.m. for individual Committee Meetings.
Mike Cooney gave a presentation to the Board of Regents, followed by an extensive question and answer period.
Joe Mazurek gave a presentation to the Board of Regents, followed by an extensive question and answer period.
The Committees Convened at 11:15 a.m. for separate meetings and recessed at 12:00 for lunch resuming committee meetings at 1:00 p.m. and adjourning at 2:15 p.m.
The Full Board Convened at 2:20 p.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present
Regents Present: Ed Jasmin (Vice-Chairman), Jeremy Fritz, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Richard Roehm, Margie Thompson, Deborah Wetsit and Richard Crofts (Commissioner).
Regents Absent: Pat Davison (Chairman) (excused)
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of the Minutes of the January 20-21, 2000
Regular Meeting as circulated.
The Minutes were APPROVED unanimously.
Staff Items:
a. ITEM 106-100-R0300 Staff; Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
b. ITEM 106-103-R0300 Faculty Contract; MSU-Northern
c. ITEM 106-104-R0300 Operating Engineers' Contract; MUS
d. ITEM 106-1000-R0300 Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. ITEM 106-1500A-R0300 Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology
f. ITEM 106-1503-R0300 Professor Emeritus Status for Professor Thomas E. Finch; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
g. ITEM 106-2000-R0300 Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
h. ITEM 106-2001-R0300 Retirement of Arnold C. Craig, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Montana State University-Bozeman
i. ITEM 106-2002-R0300 Retirement of Gordon A. McFeters, Department of Microbiology; Montana Sate University-Bozeman
j. ITEM 106-2300-R0300 Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
k. ITEM 106-2400-R0300 Staff; Extension Service
l. ITEM 106-2700-R0300 Staff; Montana State University-Billings
m. ITEM 106-2701-R0300 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor of English Emeritus upon Dr. James W. Healey; Montana State University-Billings
n. ITEM 106-2702-R0300 Authorization to Confer the title of Professor of Art Emeritus upon Ms. Marcia Selsor; Montana State University-Billings
o. ITEM 106-2800-R0300 Staff; Montana State University-Northern
p. ITEM 106-2850-R0300 Staff; Montana State University, Great Falls College of Technology
Regent Roehm MOVED to APPROVE Items a. - p. on the Consent Agenda.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Jessica Kobos: President of MAS
Ms. Kobos reported that MAS officers met for several hours the evening before the Regents' meeting. Regent Fritz gave them a report on SAF and the new funding options it creates for student financial aid.
Ms. Kobos also indicated the Supreme Court handed down its decision to permit use of student fee dollarsx to support political groups on campus.
Student Officers are working on the Vote Smart project to get students out and voting.
Students are also opposed to the limitations placed on the university system by Policy 220, and support the proposed change to this policy.
On the issue of same sex health benefits, Ms. Kobos indicated that student government on each of the campuses would like more information.
MAS members are working to ensure all students are counted in Census 2000. They are approaching this issue as they did urging students to vote.
MAS has interviewed the applicants for the next Student Regent, and have averaged the scores of each interviewer, reducing the field to three candidates. Those in the final group are Christian Herr, Jessica Kobos, and Jared Harris and this information will be forwarded to Governor Racicot and the Regents.
Jessica Kobos: President of ASUM-Missoula
The Associated Students of The University of Montana passed a Resolution in Support of Same-Sex Partner Health Insurance. In support of this, she provided a letter from Casey Charles with a petition containing 656 signatures.
Additionally, they passed resolutions on the following:
Resolution to Raise The University of Montana Orientation Fee
Resolution to Raise the Student Health Service Fee
Resolution to Support ADSUM's Crusade for Access Funding.
Shad Huston: President of ASMSU-Billings
Mr. Huston reported they have had campus elections and the new President is Paul Lindstrom, and Vice President is Lee Eustace.
He also indicated the fitness center should be completed by April 29, 2000.
Chris Helgeson: President, MSU-Great Falls College of Technology
Mr. Helgeson indicated agreement in bringing upper level classes to the Great Falls campus from MSU-Northern.
He also indicated they are working on a coffee bar for the campus and a spring picnic. Student elections have not been held yet.
Brian Kelley: President, MSU-Northern
Mr. Kelley expressed appreciation to the Board of Regents for holding the meeting on the Northern campus.
He directed attention to the new building signs on campus which were sponsored by the Student Senate.
March 31 is the Campus Preview Day for prospective students. Students will hold Frisbee Golf for the occasion, with all the hardware being created on campus.
Students will elect new officers on April 20.
On April 27, they will be holding Campus Improvement Day, awarding free T-shirts and water (and sometimes food,) for cleaning the campus buildings and grounds.
In trying to get their radio station operational, they are falling back on Plan B and will be obtaining a new FCC License to eliminate friction and conflict.
Mr. Kelley also indicated that their wrestling team has won its third consecutive national championship and the coach is the first in history to win three consecutive coach of the year awards.
IEEE is working in coordination with North Dakota on a tracking system to further the knowledge of their engineering students. They are working with Stanford University and twenty other campuses.
The Native American small business development center has received a $20,000 grant for cooperative development with agriculture, to reach a global economy status.
Students also had a discussion on Policy 220, and decided with a majority vote, that it should be changed as proposed.
Jared Harris President, ASMSU-Bozeman
Mr. Harris reported that the library is undergoing the planned remodel, and the students have been fully involved. Beside the $7.5 million for this work, they have received a grant for work on the reference desk, and the students have also been involved in this.
He indicates they have begun a pilot program called CatCab. They are working with All Valley Cab. Students who have been drinking only need show the driver their student ID, and pay $1.00 and they will be taken home. It cannot be used for bar hopping. If the pilot is successful, they will make it a permanent program.
Student elections will be held on Wednesday, March 29.
The Voice Center on campus is experiencing funding problems. Vice President for Student Affairs, Allen Yarnell provided a solution that will impact very few students, with no increase in fees, however, they continue to hope for grants.
After conducting cultural research on campus, they were alarmed to find that minorities feel threatened on their campus. This is an issue they will address vigorously. Regent Thompson recommended they contact the Montana Community Foundation which has grants strictly dedicated to this issue. She will provide Mr. Harris with the name and phone number of the person to contact.
Students and the administration have been working together closely on the renovations of the Student Union Building. Mr. Harris indicates that this level of communication is something of which they should be very proud.
Grant Williams: President AS-Montana Tech, Butte
Mr. Williams indicated that the students have been discussing the issue of fees all year. They support the course fees as they are, and would support a program fee. They strongly support the computer and equipment fees. Being consistently ranked among the top schools, they need the latest technology to maintain that ranking. Having the equipment available on campus saves the students enormous amounts of money.
Students are concerned about the changes in courses, specifically Math 151, and the need to bring graduating high school seniors up to speed.
In a survey of students, 237 of 300 respondents were willing to pay a fee to improve the weight room and facility, and 177 were willing to pay a $10.00 fee to improve the Rec Fields.
Mr. Williams indicated the students are concerned about the possibility of moving faculty salaries to 90% of their peers.
Shelby Moody: President AS-FVCC
Ms. Moody indicated that the Student Senate worked with the campus athletes to prevent the elimination of the athletic program. After approaching the Board of Trustees, they put the issue to a vote of students. Of 232 voting, 196 were in favor of an activity fee increase, and 36 were against. This was the highest voter turnout ever on their campus. The proposal made to the Board was for $5,000 in general funds and matching any fundraising athletes could do up to $10,000. The Board amended it and agreed to give up to $25,000 based on the budget turned in by the Athletic Department.
Trish Lewis: Business Manager AS-Helena College of Technology
Ms. Lewis indicated that student elections will be held on April 12.
The biggest issue before the students at this time is a proposal for the student government fee to go up $4.00 from $10.00 to help student government become more active. Student Senate conducted a survey with 85% of the respondents voting yes to paying $14.00 a year. Due to costs associated with involvement in MAS, they have not been able to award any student scholarships this year. Normally they award two $250.00 scholarships. These funds would also be used to improve the student center, adding a copy machine and sofas as well as funding more activities, and clubs.
Kim Dolan: Vice President, Western Montana College
Ms. Dolan reported that they are preparing for their accreditation visit, and Montana Youth Challenge is in its second session. They also continue to work at establishing a campus radio station, and their application has gone to the FCC. There have been no student elections yet, but she hopes to be the student president by the next Regents' meeting.
Additionally, Student Senate passed a Resolution opposing a proposal by faculty to change the grading system from a straight letter grade to include plus/minus grades. They also passed a Resolution opposing Peer Evaluations.
Regent Thompson requested resolution of a housekeeping item, prior to dealing with the agenda items.
There was a lack of sufficient information on Item c. of the Submission AgendaITEM 106-2008-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Bachelor of Arts in Music; Montana State University-Bozeman. Provost Dooley provided additional information in the Committee meeting, indicating that all of the courses associated with the proposed degree are already part of the Bachelor of Music Education Degree, requiring no changes in courses taught, nor would additional resources either be needed or liberated.
a. ITEM 106-201-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Implement a Correctional Officer Certificate Program, Dawson Community College, Glendive, MT
b. ITEM 106-202-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to implement a Two-Year, Farm/Ranch Business Management Certificate Program; Dawson Community College, Glendive, MT
c. ITEM106-1501-R0300 - Approval to Change the Name of the Department of and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Metallurgical Engineering to Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
d. ITEM106-1502-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Reorganize and Rename the Present Options in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics and Change the Name of the Department to Mathematical Sciences; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
e. ITEM106-1601-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Name P.E. Complex Arena, Casey Keltz Arena; Western Montana College of The University of Montana
f. ITEM 106-2006-R0300 - Authorization to Offer A Non-teaching Undergraduate Minor in Japan Studies; Montana State University-Bozeman
g. ITEM 106-2704-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Offer an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Diesel Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology
h. ITEM 106-2705-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Offer an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Systems Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology (Budget was provided at meeting)
i. ITEM 106-2706-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Implement the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Automobile Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology; Montana State University-Billings, College of Technology
j. ITEM 106-2707-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Minor of Business Geographics Business Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Montana State University-Billings (With Title Change)
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items a. - j. to the Action Agenda
for the May, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. ITEM106-1001-R0300 - Approval of Proposal to Establish a Center for Environmental Health Sciences; The University of Montana-Missoula
b. ITEM 106-2007-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Master of Fine Arts in Science and Natural History Filmmaking; Montana State University-Bozeman
c. ITEM 106-2008-R0300 - Authorization to Offer a Bachelor of Arts in Music; Montana State University-Bozeman
d. ITEM 106-2009-R0300 - Authorization to Restructure the Biology Department in the College of Letters and Sciences; Montana State University-Bozeman
e. ITEM 106-2801-R0300 - Mission Statement; Montana State University-Northern
f. Montana University System Program Review; Montana State University
Item f. moved to Action Agenda today at the request of MSU Provost.
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Items a. - e. to the ACTION AGENDA
for the May, 2000 meeting.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. ITEM 106-107-R0300 - Institutional Organization; Montana Tech of The University of Montana (Policy 218.5) (Repeal)
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL Item a. of the Action Consent Agenda
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
f. Montana University System Program Review; Montana State University
Item f. moved from Submission Agenda to Action Agenda today (at request of MSU). (Please see Public Comment Below)
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item f. as Action Agenda Item.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
c. ITEM 105-102-R1199 - Policy 220- Higher Education Centers
The following individuals addressed the Board of Regents in support of changing Policy 220.
Scott Woodland, representing students involved on Great Falls campus education program.
Al Nettblatt
The following individuals addressed the Board of Regents in opposition to changing Policy 220.
President Matthew Quinn, Carroll College
President Fred Gilliard, University of Great Falls
Commissioner Crofts addressed the process pursued to reach a resolution of this issue with the private colleges. He noted the importance of collaboration between public and private institutions, while keeping the focus on the needs of students and what is best for them rather than what is best for institutions.
Following extensive discussion, Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item c.,
Revised Policy 220.
Motion PASSED 5 - 1 with Regent Jasmin dissenting.
The Board of Regents adjourned at 4:00 p.m. to meet with Faculty representatives.
The following item was heard before the meeting with Faculty representatives.
d. Status Report on American Indian and Minority Achievement in the Montana University System - enrollments, degree completions and use of Indian Fee Waivers. - Ellen Swaney, Director of American Indian and Minority Achievement
Ms. Swaney reported on the statistics for American Indian/Minority Student and Staff achievement within the Montana University System. She continues to collect data. Regent Wetsit requested that the data presented be analyzed for the Board.
(Academic/Student Affairs Continued)
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2000
The Full Board reconvened at 8:45
Item c. Task Force on Fees Report ACTION ITEM
Laurie Neils reported on the final document prepared by the Task Force on Student Fees. Between 1988 and 1998 course fees increased from $400,000 to $1.8 million dollars to cover expenditures, while state funding rose only 10% during that time.
Some changes in fee structure include elimination of instructional materials fees and incidental fees, and adding appropriate laboratory fees. Tuition will be increased to cover the loss of funding from incorporated fees, and a biennial internal audit of course fees will be conducted and forwarded to the Commissioner. The Task Force recommended implementation of the policy in 2002 and Commissioner Crofts recommended delaying the first full audit for at least one year, and preferably two. The Campuses will be required to bring recommendations forward for replacement of lost course fees by the November 2000 meeting.
Following extensive discussion, Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of the Recommendations
of the Task Force on Student Fees
The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Steve Galbavy, President Stone Child College and Carol Falcon Chandler, President Fort Belknap College addressed the Board of Regents on funding of legislatively approved financial assistance for tribal college students.
Commissioner Crofts explained there is no difference of opinion between the Commissioner's Office and the Tribal Colleges. He sought their support in getting a statutory appropriation to cover these funds so they would be made available every biennium.
The following individuals addressed the Board of Regents expressing opposition to the Program Review for Montana State University-Northern.
Cameron Worstell, Faculty Member MSU-N
Spike Magelssen, Student MSU-N
David Christiansen, Student MSU-N - read a letter from students
Ryan Kelley, President AS MSU-N
An objection was raised to the item having been moved from the Submission Agenda to the Action Agenda the day before, with approval as an Action Item. Regent Jasmin requested that Chancellor Rao meet with campus representatives and give his recommendations to the Board of Regents. Chancellor Rao indicated he will come back with specific recommendations on how to address specific concerns, some of which might be new programs. It is a difficult process, especially when the population and enrollment decline. Students were encouraged to write letters to the Board of Regents at any time (with a copy to their Chancellor). The Board is always open to input from the campuses.
The following individuals addressed the Board of Regents regarding implementation of Dental Education programs.
Mary McCue Director of MDA, (replacing David Hemion)
Rep. Bill Thomas, Dist. 93
Dean Will Weaver, Great Falls College of Technology
At this point, the Commissioner's Report, Items b. and c. were addressed.
There is a dental assistant program at the College of Technology in Great Falls, with 12 to 15 students. Some of the courses in this program could be used for a hygienist program, however the initial capital outlay for that program would be $350,000 to $400,000 and the operating funds would be significantly higher. Staffing needs are greater in the hygienist program than in the assistant program. The Dental Association indicated it might be able to provide $250,000 toward the effort. It would be cost prohibitive for the University System to operate its own programs, leaving the only viable option of partnering with established programs, including out of state. In an effort to identify possible options, the Commissioner's Office will work with other organizations, Rep. Thomas, and Mary McCue.
The Board recessed for a short break.
Jason Thielman reported on the Montana Family Education Savings Plan
The Savings Program has far exceeded all expectations in popularity and growth. It grew three times faster than estimated with a total of 637 accounts from out of state, from a total of 1752 overall. Total deposits are over $11,000,000, which is a 100% increase over last year. There is a possibility that the accounts will become tax free rather than tax-deferred. The Board generates income from all penalties collected.
Mark O'Keefe gave a presentation to the Board of Regents, followed by an extensive question and answer period.
a. ITEM106-102-R0300 - Authorization to Allow Montana State University and the University of Montana to Enter into a Montana University System (MUS) Affiliation Agreement with the University of North Dakota, HealthOne Hospital (Denver) and Sacred Heart Medical Center (Spokane) to Provide the Professional Clinical Laboratory Training; MUS
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
b. ITEM 105-2004-R1199 - Authorization to Establish the Center for Life in Extreme Environments (CLExEN): Thermal Biology Institute; Montana State University-Bozeman
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item b.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
d. ITEM 106-1501-R0100 - Approval of Proposal to Convert implement the Certificate of Combination Welding to an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Metals Fabrication Technology; College of Technology, Montana Tech of The University of Montana (with Title Change)
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item d.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
e. ITEM 106-1901-R0100 - Approval of Proposal to Convert the Certificate in Practical Nursing to an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Practical Nursing; Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana
Regent Thompson MOVED for APPROVAL of Item e.
Motion APPROVED Unanimously
a. Montana University System Awards/Degrees Conferred 1998-1999 Updated/Corrected
Item a. was an informational item which included the Law School of the University of Montana-Missoula
b. Evaluation of Teaching in the University System - documentation from campuses
A report on the issue of student evaluation of teaching indicated that a variety of evaluation tools are used from one school to the next. The requirements for evaluation are part of the Bargaining Agreements. Confidentiality of the students is common to all. It was reported that these evaluations are used from the department level to the top in the evaluation of faculty for merit, tenure and promotion. Students complain that they are advised by faculty that they can fill the forms out, but that they mean nothing. Deputy Commissioner Joyce Scott, the Academic Officers and MAS will draft a policy of the expectations of the Board of Regents for Faculty Evaluations for the May, 2000 meeting.
12:20 The Board took a short break.
The Board reconvened at 12:50 p.m.
a. ITEM 106-106-R0300 Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual; Regents' Award for Excellence in University System Citizenship (New); MUS
a. ITEM 106-2005-R0300 - Authorization to Paint Existing Areas of Auxiliary Services; Montana State University-Bozeman
b. ITEM 106-2703-R0300 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Billings
c. ITEM 106-2004-R0300 - Authority to Renovate the Gardiner House to become the MSU President's Residence; Montana State University-Bozeman
Funds for renovation of the Gardiner House will be secured from the sale of the Spring Creek Residence.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL to MOVE Item a. of Submission Agenda to the
ACTION AGENDA for the May, 2000 meeting and MOVED to APPROVE Items a., b., and c.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. ITEM 106-105-R0300 - Inventory of Fees, Additions and Changes; MUS
After thorough discussion, it was agreed that the fees for the MT-Tech, Butte and MSU-Bozeman campuses will be looked at again at the May, 2000 meeting in light of the upcoming student vote on these fees.
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Item a.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
Judy Martz gave a presentation to the Board of Regents, followed by an extensive question and answer period.
The Board resumed work on the Action Agenda at 1:55 p.m.
b. ITEM 106-1001-R0100 - Planning for Construction of School of Journalism Building; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 106-1002-R0100 - Temporary Research Facilities, Science Complex; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 106-1003-R0100 - Construct Traffic Roundabout, Madison and Arthur Streets; The University of Montana-Missoula
Item d. Removed from Agenda (Action Deferred at the request of President Dennison)
e. ITEM 106-2003-R0300 - Authority to Hire an Architectural Firm to Provide Professional Services for Program Development and Design for a Renovation and/or Addition to the Strand Union Building (SUB); Montana State University-Bozeman
f. ITEM 106-1004-R0300 - Revised Project Authority, Center For Student Success, Series E 1998 Facilities Improvement And Refunding Revenue Bonds; The University Of Montana - Missoula
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Items b., c., e., and f.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. Appeal
Regent Roehm MOVED to DECLINE the appeal
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
b. ITEM 106-101-R0300 Perkins Grant State Plan ACTION ITEM - Arlene Parisot
Regent Roehm MOVED to APPROVE Item b. with correction of spelling error
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
c. Task Force on Fees Report ACTION ITEM (SEE FRIDAY MORNING)
d. Continued Discussion of Fiscal Year 2001 Operating Budgets
Regent Hamilton MOVED to ENDORSE Item d.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
a. 2003 Biennium Budget Request
Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of Commissioner Crofts' recommendation.
Motion APPROVED unanimously.
This item is the first pass at budget priorities. The numbers presented are not firm and will be adjusted before the final version is presented to the Board of Regents, and again before being presented to the Legislature. It is anticipated that at the May, 2000 meeting, reports from each campus will explain how they intend to spend their share of the $500 first year increase, and the $1000 increase in the second year. Campuses will have freedom and flexibility to address their needs.
a. Spring 2000 Enrollment Update
Final figures indicate that projections were only 1/10 of a percentage point off. This means that the campuses will have to revert a modest amount of money to the general fund.
However, the community colleges did not fare as well with the conversion to the funding model used by the University System. They are 200 FTE below funded budgets. With the current numbers, FVCC will have $131,000 reverted, Dawson CC $142,000, and Miles CC will have a $225,000 reversion. This is a tremendous burden for those small schools.
Regent Roehm excused himself from the meeting as the hour was late. A Quorum remained.
Continued discussion of recommended salary for the new President of Montana State University.
President Dennison indicated their accreditation visits were scheduled for a week from Monday.
Chancellor Hulbert had no report.
Chancellor Gilmore had no report.
President Roark apologized for his absence from the community leaders breakfast. He was unaware it was also a meeting. He indicated his time at MSU-Bozeman has been a very exciting opportunity for him and he has had a wonderful time. He and his wife have been very welcomed by everyone, and he stated he has an excellent group of administrator colleagues, chancellors and deans.
Chancellor Sexton had no report.
Chancellor Rao had no report.
Dean Capdeville had no report.
Dean Weaver had no report.
With no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.