January 20-21, 2000

ITEM 106-1002-R0100 Temporary Research Facilities, Science Complex; The University of Montana-Missoula


Consistent with the provisions of MCA 20-25-302, the Board of Regents of the Montana University System authorizes The University of Montana to implement steps necessary to select a site and construct temporary research facilities near the Science Complex. The cost for these facilities will not exceed $500,000. Research grants will wholly fund this project's construction and operations.


The lack of suitable research space in the Science Complex has become a detriment in the University's attempts to attract prominent research scientists. The construction of the new Life Sciences Building will address this problem. However, this facility will not be started in the foreseeable future. These temporary modular facilities will be used until space in the new building is available. HB 005 of the 55th Legislative Session authorized State spending authority.