BOR Minutes: January 15-16, 2004
Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education
Minutes - Regular Meeting
January 15-16, 2004
The University of Montana
Helena College of Technology
1115 North Roberts Street
Helena, MT
System Issues (Action/Submission & Discussion)
Academic/Student Affairs Items (Action/Submission & Discussion)
Administrative/Budget Items (Action/Submission & Discussion)
Consent Agenda (Staff, Academic/Student Affairs, Administrative/Budget,
Labor Agreements/Other, System)
The full Board convened at 7:30 a.m.
Roll Call indicated a quorum present. Regents Present: Lynn Morrison-Hamilton, Christian Hur Vice-Chair, Ed Jasmin Chairman, John Mercer, Richard Roehm, Mark Semmens, Lila Taylor. Also present was Commissioner Sheila Stearns Regents Absent: Governor Judy Martz ex officio, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch ex officio. |
a. |
Economic Roadmap work plan Sheila Stearns / Dave Gibson |
Dave Gibson indicated that working with Commissioner Sheila Stearns, Pam Joehler from the Legislative Division, and the PEPB committee they had developed two themes for this issue. First is the opportunity for the MUS to take on a new greatly expanded role in the economic development of the state. The second is the unique opportunity the MUS has to bring people together from around the state. The university system will need to leverage the strength of what it does well. There also needs to be a process that involves a variety of people to obtain their buy-in, and the Board of Regents must agree to take the lead. The proposal has two phases. By May, a leadership group for oversight, and a project work group will be pulled together. The leadership group will report to the Regents to see if they are on track. Subgroups of the Project Work Group will be formed to work on a variety of issues, and Pam Joehler will interface with the legislative side. Pam Joehler noted that in the documents provided, PEPB is listed as the legislative committee, however the appropriate players need to be discussed next week at the PEPB meeting. She indicated it was necessary to take this to a higher level. Commissioner Stearns added that involved in the first bulleted item would be Arlene Parisot of OCHE, and in the second bulleted item Bruce Marks of GSL. Regent Semmens said he hoped the team would also focus on the resources that would be required to meet these goals. He requested they realistically assess the fiscal implications. Regent Hamilton asked if EDAG would be able to help with the community research. Dave Gibson replied the group had been disbanded since it was too large and unable to focus or come to an accord. It is necessary for the Board to go forward with things over which they have authority and control in order to accomplish anything. Regent Roehm noted he found no businessperson on the list. Dave Gibson indicated he was open to modify the group, but wanted to keep it limited in size so it will function.
Regent Mercer asked if the Governor was interested in this proposal. Dave Gibson indicated she had not seen the final document due to a family emergency, but she is supportive of, and committed to the concept. Regent Mercer urged Dave Gibson to visit with the Governor for her concerns. He asked Pam Joehler to get together with the Legislative Council and PEPB to cover all the issues she raised. Pam Joehler indicated the Council meets tomorrow and then again in March. If this is what the Board desires, time is of the essence. She requested Regent Mercer and Dave Gibson join her at the meeting. Regent Mercer suggested that if this proceeds, previous members of EDAG should be contacted and complimented on the work they had done, and suggest that this is a continuation of the work they began and they will be kept informed. He stated they focused on the economic development of the state, but the other concept is how to save money. Is there a better way to punish criminals than to send them to jail, or are there ways to prevent crime? There are many other areas and these should be kept in mind while working on the development of the plan. Dave Gibson indicated they were asking the Board for approval of the process at this time.
Regent Hamilton requested the group bring to the Board a budget to accomplish the goals, and a source of funding.
b. |
Biennial Budget Planning update Rod Sundsted Non-beneficiary students Memo Chief Dull Knife CC Richard Little Bear / Bill Wertman Salish Kootenai CC Joe McDonald / Robert Peregoy |
Rod Sundsted reminded the Board they had adopted a new process a few months ago that dovetails into the legislative budget. They are preparing an early list of ideas to be submitted to the Governor by May. There is more work to do, and they have two more meetings. They need to get the Community Colleges included in the process. Regent Semmens noted the Budget Committee meeting of the previous day was productive. They are now asking the campuses to take the direction given at that meeting, and to solicit information from staff to further refine the proposals. They are also asking OCHE to synthesize these suggestions to pull them together. Rod Sundsted and Commissioner Stearns will solicit input from outside entities on how the MUS can do a better job of meeting the needs of Montana and will present a report at the March 25-26, 2004 meeting. Regent Mercer noted they want to change the approach of the legislature to the budget process, to recognizing how these proposals can promote the economic development of the state and its citizens. He believes no progress will be made until the budget review culture is changed to looking at economic benefits. As an example, rather than presenting tuition as a burden to families, it should be shown what economic impact is made on the state if these students can remain in Montana. When talking to the legislators and taxpayers, it is necessary to point out the return on their investment in the MUS through those who choose to stay in-state. If non-resident enrollment is regained, it results in $70 million put back in the Montana economy. This has not been used as part of the debate. Another component is timing, and by the time the legislature convenes, all the budget decisions are made. It is necessary to involve policy makers in the Board's ideas prior to those decisions being made. Regent Taylor commented it is very difficult to change a mind set. She stated she is still wearing her legislative hat, and is having difficulty herself changing that mind set, but she is getting there. Regent Roehm asked that compensation, recruitment and retention be added to this category as they proceed. He indicated that Commissioner Baker had a scheme that included everyone in the process. Regent Semmens indicated that was also a subtopic and encouraged those in attendance to give thought to creative ways of funding. Beyond the process, it was agreed that at the next meeting they will present recommendations for mandatory reports that can be discontinued. Regent Hur noted that faculty salaries and maintenance issues are looming over the MUS, and he asked how much more resident tuition could be raised before their enrollment drops off like the non-resident students has. Regent Semmens stated that over the last ten years, Montana's non-resident tuition ranked 8th out of the nine area states, but today is first in cost. There are now 1000 fewer non-resident students.
President Richard Little Bear and Bill Wertman of Chief Dull Knife College, and Robert Peregoy, Associate Vice President of Salish Kootenai College made presentations to the Board of Regents with the request that they continue to advocate for a line item for non-beneficiary students at the tribal colleges during the budgeting process. They do not recruit non-beneficiary students since their mission is to serve the reservations, but they have open enrollment and refuse no one. One reason non-beneficiary students attend the tribal colleges is the low tuition cost to them. Another is most of the reservations are in very remote areas, which makes them the local source of higher education. Non-beneficiary students have access to the same scholarships that tribal members do. Chief Dull Knife College awarded 15 grants last year, with 11 of those going to non-beneficiary students. Bob Peregoy explained that Salish Kootenai College is the most highly impacted of the tribal colleges by non-beneficiary students. The population on the reservation is 3 non-tribal to 1 tribal member. In the last three years, 41% of their graduates have been non-beneficiary. For the various health programs, they have spent $1.9 million dollars to graduate these non-beneficiaries. The tribal colleges are limited by the legislature to $1500. Congress has authorized $6,000 per year for beneficiary students, but has never appropriated that amount. The most it has ever appropriated is $4,220, which was allocated for AY 2002-03. This is only 70% of the amount authorized. He also requested the Board of Regents advocate during the budgeting process for a line item for non-beneficiary students at the tribal colleges. Regent Semmens indicated the arguments and rationale provided were valid and sound, and the Budget committee will be working through the process until May.
c. |
ITEM 122-114-R0104 Quality Benchmarks Committee Roger Barber Membership List |
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber gave a background report on the creation of the committee. He noted that three positions had not been named on the copy previously mailed. He added Senator Greg Barkus to # 13, and Dennis Bud Williams to # 19. He also noted the community colleges had been overlooked and would like to be represented.
Regent Semmens asked for an amendment for flexibility to add up to three additional members. Regent Mercer asked an amendment to add up to five additional members. Regent Hamilton indicated she would be agreeable.
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber advised the Board he had a draft Charge to the Committee and passed it to the Board. Commissioner Stearns said the next step will be to flesh out the membership, look at the charge and define the working sub-groups. They will present a report at the March meeting. They already are assembling materials for the committee.
It was agreed that following a 15 minute break, the Board would look at the Charge to the Committee, and Roger Barber could present his recommendation. The meeting recessed for a 15-minute break. The Board reconvened at 10:00 a.m.
Regent Semmens requested the committee gauge quality on common issues across the system, with the differences being blended into the report.
b. |
ITEM 122-1022-R0104 Authorization to Name the School of Journalism Building Don Anderson Hall; The University of Montana-Missoula |
There was discussion on the merits of this item. President Dennison indicated that if the State refuses to cover the O&M on the new building, UM will pick it up themselves. However, he will continue to ask them for help since it is a state building that is being built with outside funds.
e. |
ITEM 122-115-R0104 - Writing Proficiency Recommendation - Jan Clinard (co-presenters: Beverly Ann Chin Professor, The University of Montana; Bruce Messinger, Superintendent, Helena Public Schools; Greg Hirst, Teacher, Wolf Point High School; Mary Moe, Dean, MSU-GF COT; possibly another teacher: Geoff Proctor, Teacher, Helena High School Background Budget Letters of Support Questions and Answers |
Jan Clinard, Director Academic Initiatives related the history of this project which has far exceeded the hopes of those involved. It was intended to use ACT to take over this project, however a new test will be marketed without the factors needed for Montana. Dr. Clinard requested the Board allow postponement of a specific recommendation on ACT and SAT scores until they are able to evaluate the new one. Beverly Ann Chin explained that the assessment grew from higher education requirements, as OPI evaluated their standards, and brought them into alignment. She believes the Writing Assessment benefits MUS in four ways. First, prospective students have explicit entry requirements which are aligned with K-12 requirements. Second, the writing assessment may be chosen as basis for freshmen placement. It is a bridge between instructional assessment and the curriculum. Third, this can be used for all beginning teachers in K-12 to prepare them for the classroom. One hundred and twelve volunteers gained profound understanding and took more responsibility for writing. Last, every teacher has a tool that can show them how students grow as writers and thinkers. They value assessment as a positive and productive opportunity. Dr. Chin noted that Montana is a national leader in discussion and collaboration between P-20 because of this program. Greg Hirst, an enrolled Blackfeet tribal member, is a certified English teacher. He has been a lifelong reservation resident, and is now at Wolf Point. Their current enrollment is 50% tribal members. In the first year of the pilot program, the assessment was low, but there was a dramatic improvement the second year. He indicated he was surprised this hasnt happened before now. He believes this is the best way to provide the best education to students, as the growth in their scores indicates. Bruce Messinger, Superintendent of the Helena School District noted he has been on this committee for many years. The value of the protocol is the valid measurement tool it provides. This has been a capstone experience for their students. They intend to continue following the lead of MUS in aligning standards. Regent Roehm explained to Greg Hirst that when this issue was first raised a few years ago, both then Regent Conroy and her successor Regent Wetsit voted against implementation of a writing assessment since it lacked sensitivity to the cultural issues of Native American students and other minority students. In response to a question from Regent Roehm, Greg Hirst responded that the teachers and students have seen the improvement using this assessment tool, and know they can, and want to do even better. As an educator, he wants to see all students do their best. Two years ago, they had a student who failed the writing assessment, but is now a 4.0 GPA student at The University of Montana. Regent Semmens indicated he was a great fan of assessment, and that it does not limit access but enhances student success. As with the mathematics standards, there are separate standards for traditional and non-traditional students. Dr. Clinard recommended the Board continue the program, but requested support to form a consortium in the future. Regent Semmens requested she present a recommendation to the Board on how to manage the consortium. Roger Barber reminded the Board there will be additional costs along the way, which they will need to support and approve. He also noted that out of state campuses may not accept Montanas writing assessment in lieu of SAT or ACT scores. Regent Hamilton said this is a star of cooperation between the systems.
Regent Hur complained that $87,000 is about 35 student scholarships, and asked why it was the Board's job to make sure that K-12 does their job. Regent Semmens replied that it is appropriate for the Board to share the responsibility. All benefit from the program and shared sense of responsibility, and suggested comparing the requested funding to the cost of remedial education across the MUS.
a. |
ITEM 122-102-R0104 Revision of Guidelines Determining Level of Involvement of BoR in Academic and Research Proposals - Roger Barber Attachment |
Regent Hamilton commented that the Academic world is missing the presence of the Academic/Student Affairs Committee where they could work through some of these issues more thoroughly.
b. |
ITEM 122-113-R0104 - Revision of Admission Policies - Roger Barber Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E |
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber explained the process he followed to draw all of the policies on Admission into two policies, one for resident and one for non-resident students. He worked with the two-year campuses, and has shared this with the Chief Academic Officers and the Student Affairs Officers. He expects to bring the final version to the Board for action in the next couple of meetings. Regent Mercer urged Dr. Barber to look at the requirements for foreign students to be tested for medical ailments, while non-foreign students receive an exemption if it is too much of a burden. He also noted the religious exemption to this requirement, and indicated that no one should be able to introduce a disease to the campuses. Additional work will be done on a report on admissions policies in general.
c. |
Updated College Prep Exemption Report - Roger Barber |
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber reminded the Board this report had been prepared for a number of years, but the structure of the report did not provide the information needed. He walked them through the new format. Some campuses admit a few more than the 5% allowable because the conversion is not the same. He also found students admitted to the two year programs, or who were non-declared that were not included. Further, there is no report after the first year. He requested the Board advise him of the information they want included in the report. Regent Semmens requested tracking for retention and graduation rates for this group. Mary Craigle indicated there remain some problems with the data provided in the data warehouse. They are working for a common set of definitions and codes to be used across the system to achieve more accurate reports. Regent Mercer asked if there was a report available on the number of students that apply but are not admitted under this policy. Mary Craigle indicated that report has not been developed yet, however the campuses have that information. Additional work will be done on a report on admissions policies in general.
f. |
Level I Memo |
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber briefly explained a few of the items included in the Level I memo. Programs that are being discontinued at one campus are being continued at other campuses, since the market for certain degrees is region specific.
g. |
Level II Memo |
Regent Hamilton commented on the problems with the Level II items since there is no Academic/Student Affairs Committee. Commissioner Sheila Stearns said that some of the proposals need more analysis than what the staff and CAOs can provide. She will work with the Board to create a subcommittee for more thorough discussion.
With time short, the Board agreed to take up the Level II memo again on Friday morning. |
The meeting recessed at 12:05 for Regents' lunch with student leadership, followed by a meeting with Faculty Senate representatives. The Board of Education convened at 2:00 and adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The Executive Session in regard to MSU proposals for Honorary Degrees was moved from Friday to 4:00 p.m. Thursday, following the Board of Education Meeting. |
The board reconvened at 8:35 a.m. |
d. |
ITEM 122-112-R0104 Enrollment Caps - Regent Roehm |
Regent Roehm noted this is the revised version of the item presented at the November 20-21, 2003 meeting. He also added "the campuses of" to the final paragraph.
f. |
Level I Memo |
There were no questions on the Level I memo.
g. |
Level II Memo |
Deputy Commissioner Roger Barber told the Board these are items which will come before them at the next meeting for action. Regent Hamilton indicated there were very important issues included in the level II items, including the clinical capacity on nursing proposals, nursing content, common core requirements, and general education requirements. Regent Roehm indicated the proposal for doctorate programs raises the red flag. He noted there is a vacuum caused by the loss of the Academic/Student Affairs Committee, and he believes the Board is not giving adequate oversight or feedback on the direction they want for academic programs. He requested the Commissioner look at possible mechanisms to provide more detailed oversight. Regent Hur questioned the lack of a proposal for a Minor in Military Sciences at UM, while MSU has their minor coming up in a couple of months. He understood the proposal at UM was defeated because some professors are against the war in Iraq. Provost Muir indicated that under accreditation, it is important for faculty to oversee the curriculum. There are issues about the nature of courses to be included in the curriculum. Dave Pattison, a member of the review committee for this proposal indicated the article in the Kaimin was in error. There were only three possible military science courses available, and the rest were political science and history. Professor Knowles stated they had made it clear the decision had to be made on the academic merits of the proposal. Regent Mercer said it could be an advantage to have an Academic/Student Affairs Committee, but he would like at least to have the documents attached to the Level I and Level II memos. Regent Hamilton suggested the need for some sort of forum, perhaps meeting the day before the Board meeting.
a. |
ITEM 122-1010-R0104 Authorization to Name the Transfer Station Building the Marlice McMahon Transit Center; The University of Montana-Missoula |
c. |
ITEM 122-108-R0104 Revision of Policy 901.10 Retirement Revolving Account Rod Sundsted Attachment |
d. |
ITEM 122-110-R0104 Revision of Policy 940.1 Residency; Montana University System - Lynn Hamilton Memo |
e. |
ITEM 122-101-R0104 Compliance with Military Selective Service Act Rod Sundsted Memo |
f. |
ITEM 122-109-R0104 Montana Family Education Savings Program; Changes in Investment Options - Rod Sundsted |
g. |
ITEM 122-2005-R0104 Authorization to Expend Equipment Fees; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Regent Roehm requested the Budget Committee review the lower limit of $25,000 for approval by the Board, in order to lift it to a more contemporary rate.
h. |
ITEM 122-2006-R0104 Authorization to Renovate Portions of Cooley Lab; Montana State University-Bozeman |
i. |
ITEM 122-2008-R0104 Authorization to Renovate Portions of Roskie Hall; Montana State University Bozeman |
j. |
ITEM 122-2009-R0104 Authorization to Paint Existing Auxiliaries Facilities; Montana State University-Bozeman |
l. |
ITEM 122-2007-R0104 Authorization to Construct, Maintain, Repair and Replace New and Existing Parking, Street and Access Facilities; Montana State University-Bozeman |
k. |
ITEM 122-2010-R0104 Authorization to Renovate Portions of Marsh Lab; Montana State University-Bozeman |
m. |
ITEM 122-2015-R0104 Approval of University System/Employee Joint Venture; Montana State University-Bozeman |
Chief Legal Counsel LeRoy Schramm took the opportunity of this item to make suggestions for the future. He had no problem with the item itself. He noted that the policy lists what should be included in these proposals. These points are buried in the narrative rather than being specifically answered. He presented a rough format he had drawn up for these proposals, which would present more detailed information to the Board. It was the consensus of the Board that this would provide more needed information. It was understood that some of the scientific information is proprietary and cannot be divulged in the item. Regent Semmens said it would be helpful to have a 45 minute presentation from Tom McCoy and Dan Dwyer giving an overview of what is going on now, what looks promising, federal resources, and what the campuses are doing that could be leveraged as an asset.
Regent Semmens indicated it would also be helpful to develop general guidelines on how these are structured, such as licensing fees in relation to milestones, royalties, and the split between the campus and the faculty member. He requested a presentation at the upcoming meeting.
n. |
ITEM 122-2016-R0104 Authorization to increase the current unrestricted fund authority of Fire Services Training School by $41,697.56 and $5,119.04 for FY 04 and FY 05 respectively to accommodate the funding that will be transferred to the agency from MSU-Bozeman. |
o. |
Post-retirement contract Rod Sundsted |
Rod Sundsted gave the Board a heads-up on two post-retirement contracts that will be written. One is for LeRoy Schramm and the other for Laurie Neils. They must wait 30 days after retirement to take advantage of these contracts. Further, they are limited to 960 hours/year at their current salary. Commissioner Stearns indicated she would like the sense of the Board on this issue so she would know if this was a possibility. Regent Roehm noted the Board hires the Commissioner, and task her to perform a variety of functions, and she can hire whomever she wants to hire. He suggested that this type of information be listed as information only in the weekly summary of activities which the Commissioner provides to the Board.
p. |
Space Needs SAF/OCHE/MGSLP Update - Jim Stipcich / Sheila M. Stearns |
Jim Stipcich indicated that this was also a heads-up item. The last time they discussed this issue was at the May, 2003 Board of Regents meeting. SAF will need to hire 150 to 200 more employees in the next two years. There are currently parking difficulties with the expansion that has already taken place. The property to the east of the building is not available, and the property to the west is very expensive. SAF has already started shift work to relieve the congestion, and more will be going on shifts. He noted they are in negotiations with lease options. They are looking at financing issues, credit issues, and space needs for the next ten years. He will return to the Board at the March 25-26, 2004 meeting with a full plan for their action.
a. MIEA Annual Indian Education Conference Ellen Swaney / Patty LaPlant Ellen Swaney introduced Cheryl LaPlant, daughter of Patty LaPlant who was unable to attend the meeting. Ms. LaPlant provided handouts on the conference and invited all the board members to attend. Ms. Swaney indicated that when the call to conference with more details is available it will be provided to the Regents so they will be able to select sessions that would interest them.
Staff Items: |
a. | ITEM 122-100-R0104 Staff; Office Commissioner of Higher Education |
b. | ITEM 122-1000-R0104 Staff; The University of Montana Missoula |
c. | ITEM 122-1500-R0104 Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana |
d. | ITEM 122-1600-R0104 Staff; The University of Montana-Western |
e. | ITEM 122-2000-R0104 Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman |
f. | ITEM 122-2001-R0104 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Chemistry upon Professor Edwin H. Abbott; Montana State University-Bozeman |
g. | ITEM 122-2002-R0104 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Extension upon Clair Del Guerra; Montana State University-Bozeman |
h. | ITEM 122-2003-R0104 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of French upon Douglas Daniels; Montana State University-Bozeman |
i. | ITEM 122-2004-R0104 Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Extension upon John Maki; Montana State University-Bozeman |
j. | ITEM 122-2300-R0104 Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station |
k. | ITEM 122-2400-R0104 Staff; Cooperative Extension Service |
l. | ITEM 122-2700-R0104 Staff; Montana State University-Billings |
m. | ITEM 122-2701-R0104 Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Mathematics upon Professor William Self; Montana State University-Billings |
n. | ITEM 122-2800-R0104 Staff; Montana State University-Northern |
o. | ITEM 122-2850-R0104 Staff; Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology |
Labor Agreements/Other: |
a. | ITEM 122-103-R0104 Approval of Tentative Agreement with Helena Teachers Union; Office Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Agreement |
b. | ITEM 122-104-R0104 Approval of Tentative Agreement with Montana Nurses Association; Office Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Agreement |
c. | ITEM 122-105-R0104 Approval of Tentative Agreement with The University of Montana-Western Faculty Association; Office Commissioner of Higher Education Memo Agreement |
d. | ITEM 122-107-R0104 Approval of Tentative Agreement with AFSCME Local 2235; Office Commissioner of Higher EducationMemo Agreement REMOVED FROM AGENDA |
e. |
ITEM 122-106-R0104 Montana Rural Physicians Incentive Program; Office Commissioner of Higher Education |
Please see attached reports
Commissioner Stearns presented to the Board an overview of a systematic process in the two-year legislative cycle. She noted that each component is in draft form, as is the time-line from one session to the next. She requested input with ideas to refine the process. Commissioner Stearns pointed out the check list for legislative contacts made by the Regents, a list of stakeholders in MUS, and said there would be feed-back cards asking how the MUS can help. They will build on the work done by EDAG, and provide a report at each Board meeting. She asked the Board if they wanted one-page throw-away presentations, or something more sophisticated. They are preparing a set of message slides which can be tailored to the audience. Regent Semmens thanked Commissioner Stearns and noted this is exactly what the Board needs to do. He recommended putting together a straightforward spiral bound flipbook with a logical flow. It would cover the opportunity of investing in the MUS, and present all the facts that should be known to convince the audience of the soundness of the investment. The presentation could be 20 to 25 minutes long. He believes it would be a mistake to have a handout that was 50 to 60 pages long. Supplementary materials could be provided on quality, spending, funding, student affordability, economic impact, and other facts that justify the investment. He hopes they soon are agreed on a key message, and that there are specific assignments and deadlines, with the inherent ownership to follow through. Commissioner Stearns indicated that Cathy Conover and Bill Johnston were taking notes, and she thanked the Presidents for the carte blanc use of their UR people. Regent Mercer indicated the work the budget committee is doing needs to be included in the book to show the return on investment. Regent Hamilton said they need to clarify their objectives. They have a good platform for working with the legislature, but she hopes they don't ignore the long-term strategy to reach the voter. There are a number of misperceptions that need to be addressed. END COMMISSIONER'S REPORT |
Please See Attached Reports Regent Semmens asked why there were different academic start dates on the various campuses. It was explained that it had to do with transfer between the units. More information will be provided by OCHE. END CAMPUS REPORTS
Regent Jasmin resigned his position as chairman of the Board since his term as a Regent expires on February 1. Regent Hur became the acting Chair and asked for nominations. Regent Roehm made the following statement: Elections in democracies are a time to chart new directions, and to support the will of the majority. Regent Mercer will be nominated to be our next Chair. I am certain there will be no other candidates. Therefore, as the sole candidate, I suggest the Board elect him by affirmation. This Board has recently embarked on many new and excellent initiatives that I believe will bring positive results. We do not need a power struggle on the Board at this time, even though the press would like to see a "cat fight." We do not need a power struggle to divert our focus from governance and progress. We need cohesion and cooperation on this Board, to most efficiently meet our obligation to the fine members of the University System and to the people of Montana. Thank you.
a. Resolution of Appreciation to Regent Ed Jasmin
b. Resolution of Appreciation to LeRoy Schramm
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
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