The University of Montana Western
Swysgood Technology Center Great Room
March 8, 2018
TIME 2:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Committee Members: Regent Bill Johnstone, Chair; Regent Bob Nystuen; Regent Casey Lozar;
and Regent Paul Tuss

  1. Request for Authorization to Grant an Easement to the Montana Department of Transportation-Parcel 97; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2709-R0318 | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2 | Attachment #3 | Attachment #4 | Attachment #5

  2. Request for Authorization to Grant Easement to the Montana Department of Transportation-Parcel 100; MSU-BillingsITEM 178-2710-R0318 | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2 | Attachment #3 | Attachment #4 | Attachment #5

  3. Request for Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; UM-Western
    ITEM 178-1601-R0318

  4. Request for Authorization to Expend Student Equipment Fee Allocation; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2708-R0318

  5. Request for Approval of Operating Agreement between the University of Montana and the University of Montana Foundation; UM-Missoula ITEM 178-1003-R0318 | Attachment #1

Emeriti Faculty

  1. Beed; UM-Missoula ITEM 178-1001-R0318
  2. Tangedahl; UM-Missoula ITEM 178-1002-R0318
  3. Melland; MSU-Bozeman ITEM 178-2001-R0318
  4. Weaver; MSU-Bozeman ITEM 178-2002-R0318
  5. Williams; MSU-Bozeman ITEM 178-2003-R0318
  6. Allard; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2701-R0318
  7. Blackwell; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2702-R0318
  8. Miller; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2703-R0318
  9. Yazak; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2704-R0318
  10. Coffman; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2705-R0318
2:20 PM   ACTION
  1. Request for Authorization to Increase Spending Authority for Dobbie Lambert Field Sports Facility; MSU-Bozeman ITEM 178-2008-R0318 | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2

  2. Request for Authorization to Demolish the Academic Support Center; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2707-R0318 | Attachment #1

  3. Request for Authorization to Replace the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse Scoreboard, MSU ITEM 178-2006-R0318 | Attachment #1

  4. Request for Authorization to Lease Athletic Fields to MSUN Foundation for Phase 1 of Athletic Field Improvement Project; MSU-Northern ITEM 178-2801-R0318 | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2

  5. Hire of Chancellor; MSU-Billings ITEM 178-2700-R0318
3:15 PM   Break
  1. FY19 Budget Building Blocks (preliminary campus budgets)

  2. FY19 Performance Funding Allocations

  3. 2021 Biennial Budget Planning

  4. LRBP Draft Priority List, 2021 Biennium | Project Descriptions

  5. Fee Taskforce Update | Draft Policy

  6. Audit Reports
    1. KEMC-FM/Yellowstone Public Radio-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    2. KGLT-FM- A Public Telecommunications Entity Operated by the Montana University System-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    3. KUFM-FM Radio-Operated by University of Montana-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    4. Montana PBS-A Public Television Entity Operated by the Montana University System-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    5. MSU Consolidated Revenue Bond Report-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    6. UM-Pledged Revenue Bonds-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    7. Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program-Financial Audit-June 30, 2017-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion

    8. Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education-Financial/Compliance Audit-Unmodified (Clean) Opinion and No Recommendations

    9. Montana State University Compliance Audit-June 30, 2017-Three Recommendations

    10. University of Montana Compliance Audit -June 30, 2017-Four Recommendations
5:15 PM   Adjourn on completion of business