Montana State University - Northern
Vande Bogart Library
May 19, 2016
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Committee Members: Regents Bill Johnstone, Chair; Fran Albrecht; and Martha Sheehy

4:00 PM   CONSENT Staff Items
  1. OCHE; ITEM 171-100-R0516
  2. Montana Tech; ITEM 171-1500-R0516
  3. UM Western; ITEM 171-1600-R0516
  4. MSU Bozeman;ITEM 171-2000-R0516
  5. MSU Billings; ITEM 171-2700-R0516
  6. Great Falls College MSU; ITEM 171-2900-R0516
  7. MSU Northern; ITEM 171-2800-R0516
  8. Approval of University System/Employee Equity Interest and/or Business Participation Under MUSP 407 (Lukacs, Nowak); University of Montana
    ITEM 171-1001-R0516 | Attachment #1
  9. Approval of University System/Employee Equity Interest and/or Business Participation Under MUSP 407 (Evans, Burkhart, Bazin-Lee, Ryter); University of Montana ITEM 171-1009-R0516 | Attachment #1

Labor Agreements

  1. MSU Northern Faculty; OCHE; ITEM 171-104-R0516 | Attachment #1
  2. UM Western Faculty; OCHE; ITEM171-105-R0516 | Attachment #1
  3. Operating Engineers 4-yr campuses; OCHE ITEM 171-106-R0516 | Attachment #1
  4. Operating Engineers 2-year campuses; OCHE ITEM 171-107-R0516 | Attachment #1
  5. MSU Bozeman Graduate Assistants; OCHE ITEM 171-108-R0516 | Attachment #1

Emeriti Faculty

  1. Johnson; MSU Northern  ITEM 171-2809-R0516
  2. Rawn; MSU Northern  ITEM 171-2808-R0516
  3. Urbaniak; MSU Billings  ITEM 171-2701-R0516
  4. Bardsley; MT Tech  ITEM 171-1503-R0516
  5. Roberts; UM Western  ITEM 171-1601-R0516
4:30 PM   Adjourn upon completion of business