OER Resources
Open Textbook Libraries & Archives
Open Textbook Library
Library of open textbooks with over 1,000. Textbooks include reviews from other faculty, and the database is searchable by subject. Hosted by the University of Minnesota.
OER Commons
OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.
Information, Networking, and Advocacy on Open Education
Making the Transition to Open
A 1-hour online course to "encourage faculty to participate in developing and improving OER by demonstrating some simple steps by which materials can be generated or collected, licensed, and shared."
Index of OER resources, library of instructional guides on adopting OER, and information on building institutional infrastructure across administrative, library, teaching and learning, and IT units to support OER.
Open Education Network
A collaborative network to connect with others to learn more about and advocate for open education. Created and hosted by the Open Textbook Library at the University of Minnesota.
Community College Consortium for Open Education
Community of practice for open education focusing on community colleges. Information and resources about open education, open pedagogy, creating and adopting OER for courses, and much more.
Montana academic library consortium information about OER, links to OER repositories, and open education information.
MUS Campus Guides to OER
MSU Northern
Includes information about OER, adopting OER into your classroom, and links to OER repositories and libraries.
MSU Library Guide to OER
Includes information about OER, resources at MSU, tools for integrating OER into your classroom, information about creative commons licensing, and resources for student advocacy and textbook affordability.
UM Faculty Guide to Adopting OER
Includes information on OER basics, guidance on adopting OER, creative commons licensing, teaching with OER, and funding opportunities.
*To add resources OER, please send to Crystine Miller cmiller@montana.edu