In May of 2024, the MUS Board of Regents Policy 301.17 Math and Writing Course Placement was revised to establish common systemwide guidelines for math and writing placement, aligned with national best practices that support better student outcomes. The revised guidelines require MUS institutions to establish placement approaches that emphasize placement students into college credit bearing courses, whether as stand-alone courses or courses with just in time supports, and that use multiple measures for determining the level of support needed for students to successfully complete gateway math and writing courses in the first year. The policy revision still allows institutions the option to maintain prerequisite courses where evidence suggests that those courses have better outcomes for students. The revisions to the policy establish a reporting requirement for placement approaches to receive review and feedback from the Developmental Education Steering Committee and establish a reciprocity arrangement wherein all MUS institutions accept the placement designation from other MUS campuses if that campus meets the commonly established guidelines.


Implementation Manual

The reporting expectations and procedures are documented in the Implementation Manual. Campuses and the Developmental Education Steering Committee should refer to the manual for direction on regular review and reporting of campus placement models and student outcomes in gateway math and writing courses.


MUS Placement Policy Implementation Manual


Campus Placement Review Cycles

Under Policy 301.17, campus placement models are reviewed periodically. To relieve some administrative burden, institutions shold report on their placement models to the Developmental Education Steering Committee in the early fall following the completions of full- and mid-cycle accredidation evaluations. Institutions that complete an accredidation cycle during the fall term will not be expected to report on their placement until the following fall.