Board of Regents Meeting
The University of Montana-Missoula
Missoula, MT 59812

November 21-22, 2002


Associated Students MSU-Northern
Dan Geelan, President

         The flagpole project that the students have been working on over the past year should be completed next week. The Civil Engineering Technology club will be doing the work to erect the flagpole. A flag raising ceremony will hopefully be scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

         ASMSUN held their Halloween party on October 31st with a larger attendance than the past number of years. Jill Dion and Brandy Thomas coordinated the successful event.

         ASMSUN has continued dialogue with the MSUN Business Office to extend the cashier hours. Carrie Molitor, MSUN Controller, has been great to work with.

         Billings and Northern have hired a Lobbyist, Evan Skagsvold, for the upcoming Legislative session.

         ASMSUN invited all the local candidates running for the State Legislature to the Senate Meetings. Rep. John Musgrove, Sen. John Tester, Rep. Merlin Wolery, Ken Hanson and Sen. Greg Jergeson attended.

         Corky Bush presented a Sexual Harassment Seminar for Northern students on November 6th.

         There has been discussion at the ASMSUN Senate meetings exploring the possibility of reducing the $10.00 per semester per student Radio Station and requesting part of that fee be designated a Library Fee.

         The Metals Sculpturing class held an exhibit at the Student Union Building in early November. The student's sculptures were exceptional.

         Eric and Ristina Wilting from Athletics were elected Homecoming King and Queen. There was tremendous turnout for the painting of the Hello Walk during the Homecoming week festivities.

Associated Students of Montana Tech of UM
Jared Robertson, President

         The annual scholarship banquet was held at the Ramada Copper King, where approximately $970,000.00 dollars in scholarship funds were given to over 560 students.

         Tech's chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has organized this years team for the Human Powered Vehicle (HPV). The HPV team currently had the opportunity to meet with a bike manufacturing company to help improve the design of the bike that will be used in the national HPV competition to be held in April in Sacramento, California.

         Bill Harbolt, a student at Tech, is currently working on a proposal to restore Montana Tech's M. The proposal includes ground reclamation, concrete reinforcement, and electrical upgrades for the monument. In addition, the proposal includes the funding from the community, alumni, grants for historical restoration, and community donations.

         Montana Tech received many complements from the student body and community for homecoming. Kady Holst, the student activities director, brought many new homecoming activities to the campus, more specifically the bed races down Park Street. The bed racing event alone brought many community members to campus, as well as a majority of the student body to watch the event.

         Tech was recognized in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers annual newspaper "Mechanical Advantage" for the flagpoles that were built in memory of those who lost there lives on September 11th.

Associated Students of The University of Montana- Western
Carrie Hayes, President

ASUM-Western now has a full senate. We have seven new senators that we are working with to get things moving on campus. This year we also hired an Office Manger in order to better facilitate senate and students on campus.

Homecoming was more successful this year. We had a joint parade with the high school, which was very enjoyable for the Dillon community and campus. KDWG "The Dawg" brought the "Jack Union Band" in for a concert. Royalty was crowned at half time of the football game and the over all spirit of the weekend was great.

There have been several new-formed clubs this year; the Indian club, Tolerance club, Music club, Lambda Alliance, and ACLU. The clubs are becoming more active. We hope to continue to build on campus participation.

We have been working closely with the administration this year in order to voice concerns and have first hand information of issues that arise. The administration developed an administrative task force in order in better assist students.

The adoption of the Equine Studies program has become very popular to current students as well as being a great tool for recruitment. The program has also sparked a lot of interest and participation from the community.

The Experience One program is now in its third block of classes. Dr. Mark Krank is doing an assessment of the program.

Our athletic teams are doing very well this year. The Equestrian team was granted varsity status. Football, volleyball and men's golf team have had a very successful season.

Associated Students of Montana State University-Bozeman
Trevor Blyth, President

         The New Bobcat Mentoring Program has been active this fall. A core working group of mentors has been selected and is working closely with Andy Parker to establish the program. A Mentoring Planning Committee has also been active in further developing the mechanics of the program and day-to-day activities. The bobcat mentors will be participating in a "study break" event scheduled for Dec. 12 offering food, free movies, and pictures with Santa.

         This fall saw a large amount of student involvement with election. Voter registration drives were very successful in the residence halls and other parts of campus. Students and the community displayed significant interest in the MAS voter guide, which was distributed by ASMSU, the MSU Alumni Association, and posted on the web.

         This fall electronic student elections took place for the first time on the MSU-Bozeman campus. Working with ITC, a web based voting application has been developed that will allow students to vote anywhere Internet access is possible. For this first e-election access was limited to three terminals spread across campus similar to previous voting booths. Although no significant changes in voter numbers resulted it is hoped that turnout can be increased through use of promotional methods in conjunction with the e-election application. We are in the process of planning to broaden voter access for the next election to allow voting anywhere there is Internet access.

         ASMSU has hired Will Hammerquist, a senior in Political Science, to be a student lobbyist in Helena this coming spring. Student government has been actively preparing for the coming session and discussing appropriate strategies. In addition to a State Legislative Committee, a student panel has been formed to discuss strategy and issues that affect students before the session and during the next session. Another student, Eric Riley, has been selected specifically to promote the link between Montana's strong foundation in agriculture and the value of a Land Grant institution such as Montana State.

         Montana State University-Bozeman students are looking forward to beating the Grizzlies on Saturday.

Associated Students of Dawson Community College
Misty Keyes, President

This year we started off orientation for the incoming freshman on August 25th through the 28th.  We also hosted a freshman luncheon where they could meet with other students before school started.  The ASB and A-Team helped put this on.

September we started off by having a bowling night at the local bowling lanes sponsored by ASB.(Associated Student Body).  We also had a David Harris come and perform over the lunch hour in the student center for the faculty and staff.  We held a candle light vigil for the September 11th occurrence, the DCC choir performed for that. 

We held a blood drive at the college in October and brought in 21 units of blood.  We made a contest for the blood drive to try and get the other groups involved.  For every pint of blood that somebody donated from there group, there group then earned $2.  The group at the end that had the most people then won the money.  This year the music group ended up winning $42.  We held our first annual Community Appreciation Dinner this year.  We had a baked potato bar, the choir sang, and we were giving tours of the campus to anyone that wanted to see the facility and be able to ask any questions they wanted to.  For Halloween we held a costume dance, pumpkin carving contest, and a costume contest.  This went off very well and heard great comments afterwards.  DCC basketball players took children trick-o-treating and the music group held a Halloween party for children in the student center.

The students handed out facility expansion information pamphlets door to door.  During September the ASB officers held an election to ascertain general student body support for using accumulated student fees for facility expansion.  Of the 123 students that voted, 119 voted yes, and 4 voted no.  The bond passed on November 5th for our facility expansion.  In this expansion we will be having a new gym, and performing arts center.  We will also be adding onto to the library so the learning center will also be located in the library.  We are also in the process of building a new baseball and softball field located below the dorms for easier access for the students to be able to attend the games.  The baseball and softball players are helping with the building of the new complex.

In the up coming months we will be putting on the annual Madrigal dinner open for the community to be involved with.

DCC is in the process of trying to get some new programs, and we are now involved in the campus compact program.

If there are any questions please email me at

Associated Students MSU-Great Falls COT
Sara Anderson, President

ASMSUGF senators just completed they're yearly haunted house and Halloween carnival. Benefiting all the students and their children on campus, providing them with a family affair that only costs a can of food, which in turn benefits, the local food bank.

The senators also just purchased a common copier for the student body to update the present copier that is provided for the student population.

ASMSUGF also held two days of voter registration tables for students to get registered for the November 5th elections.

The ASMSUGF senators are also working to organize a college wide competitive food drive to benefit the local food banks. They are also working on our annual giving tree through our S.E.A.P. committee (student emergency assistance program). This will benefit all the students on campus that will not be able to partake in the Christmas season with gift giving.

A small group of ASMSU senators partook in a Web Advisory Committee Focus group to help with the updating and redesigning of our colleges web page. They answered questions by navigating the website, pin pointing problem areas for the newly hired web master on campus.

Associated Students Miles Community College
Shonda Schallenberger, President

Now that ASMCC has completed a partial semester we feel we are off to an excellent start. Over the past month's we have been able to strengthen our ties with the community. Senate volunteered at the annual R.S.V.P. banquet by serving food and parking cars. The college also hosted it's annual open house on November 12th. Local vendor's and community members participate. It was an excellent way to get community members on campus and showcase our new "Crazy Horse" display in the library.

Plans for the new dorms are in place. After receiving funds from various avenues we hope to tear down the old dorms and start the building of the new dorms in March. As plans are currently, the new dormitories will include sinks in every room and bathrooms will be shared between two rooms. We feel the completion of the dorms will be an asset to the college.

Our Enrollment management meetings are now in full swing. After recent meeting we have been able to discuss what we feel we should do to improve our college and make it more accessible to everyone. Currently the enrollment management committee is conducting a survey to profile MCC students. The goal is to enhance marketing strategies for the college. When reviewing the best practices in two-year college's I feel our college is already doing many things that were outlined in the recommendations.

Although we are in favor of course-to-course articulation we would still like to encourage students to complete and Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science from a two-year institution. For continuing transfer ease if students were to complete A.S. or A.A. degrees let it be known that all general education core are complete.