Board of Regents
March 20-21, 2003
Helena, MT

Montana Associated Students
Dan Geelan, President

Discussion with Student Regent Hur

Christian would like to examine current tuition waivers. MAS members had tremendous concerns about losing any waivers. Possibly a cap on the discretionary waivers.

Trevor suggested examining long term benefits of University Assets in addition to salable value. Nicole asked how different fee waivers would be evaluated


  • Should solicit information from MAS on action to be taken regarding fee waivers once information is obtained
  • A resolution was presented to Christian regarding a request by MAS for the Student Regent to turn down the reappointment
  • Christian, after numerous requests to not accept the reappointment to allow other students the opportunity for the student regent process, agreed that it would be an accurate statement that he would not turn down the reappointment. And further stated the he would represent students to the best of his ability and that his future was in the hands of the Senate.
  • Dan Geelan questioned Christian regarding his statement that the Governor had solicited student input before reappointing him. Dan requested from Christian the names f the students or student organizations. Christian stated he was only going off information provided to him by Steve Snezek in the Governor's office.
  • Heather O'Laughlin asked Christian if he felt it was a contradiction to make the constant statement that he would do whatever MAS asked but refuse to turn down the reappointment. Again, Christian stated he would represent MAS concerns to the best of his ability.

Comments that were given by other students in attendance of the confirmation hearing:

  • Comments by students in MAS meeting were good, but should have been voiced at the confirmation hearing
  • Further avenues to pursue the confirmation process and that methods of improving institutional memory would be beneficial
  •  There was inaccurate information presented by Jim S. and Christian at the hearing

Sarah Cobler (ASUM lobbyist) provided legislative update

  • Currently we are $48 million under present law needs
  • Goal of MUS system is to get to the Governor's budget recommendation level
  • Expressed importance of individual lobbying efforts, push through to the end of the session
  • At 10:00 on Friday the House of Representatives will introduce students
  • Are currently following several bills; HB 107-Alan Olsen (teacher loan repayment) talk to Bill Blazer, Bob Story (will go to senate finance and claims)
  • SB 267 Corey Stapleton (teacher signed bonus bill)
  • HB 595 Jon Bruggeman (tax credits for students) tabled for now
  • LC 842 Dave Wanzenried (tax credit for students for U system tuition increases) no fiscal note yet
  • Legislative body recognizes need for assistance in student loan debt

Sarah's cell number if any concerns arise is: xxx-xxxx

1. By-Laws

Matt suggested to amend buy-laws to pass motions on either 2/3 or majority approval. Discussion was made on pros and cons of different requirements for motion approval

Motion by Trevor to amend section d to approve motions by majority approval

Sara seconded

Vote 7-2 with Billings and Dillon dissenting

Discussion continued

Motion made by Joe to amend section d to approved general motions by a 2/3 majority approval

Seconded by Sara

Vote 9-0 with none in opposition

2. Resolution from MSU was presented.

Motion was made to amend resolution to read Therefore let it be further resolved that MAS recommends and formally requests to the Montana Senate that the current student regent's term end July 1, 2003 and be approved in total by Joe Clark

Seconded by Misty Keyes

Vote 8-0 with none in opposition and 1 Abstention

3. Dan presented proposal to MAS regarding permanent student liaison supported by student funds. Will be discussed as a luncheon topic.

4. Jon Swan presented request to MAS to formally support same sex health benefits for employees of the university system

Heather O'Laughlin presented some information on the topic

  • Informational packets were sent to most campus student leaders
    • Results of consultant study showed about a 0.17% increase in costs of extending benefits
    • UM faculty and ASUM have taken a stance in support of extending benefits
  • Board of Regents voted unanimously against benefits for same sex health benefits in past
  • Discussion was put forward by several students on the issue

Jon Swan made motion for MAS to recommend the extension of same sex benefits

Seconded by Nicole

Jon withdraws motion on the basis that issue will be taken to each campus senate and a resolution from each campus will be presented for approval

5. Resolution from ASUM tabled by Jon

6. Dan presented numbers to MAS on proposed tuition costs for next year

Proposed tuition will be lunch topic tomorrow

7. Matt Jennings presented

  • Ted Morrison, President of MontPirg who presented discussion on proposal being carried by the student regent. Unless there is a consensus among board members, would like to hold off on motion until the outcome can be predicted.
  • Tom Figeralli also presented on behalf of Forward Montana
  • Dan Geelan asked if Forward Montana was an ASUM recognized student organization.

Associated Students Montana State University-Northern
Dan Geelan, President


Vice Chancellor Jensen provided ASMSUN with the mandatory fee proposal on March 3rd and March 10th. Students had a great number of questions on both dates regarding the proposed fees.

President Geelan met with the Deans of MSU-Northern in hopes of gaining support for an expanded student grievance process. Presently students only have an avenue of grieving/appealing grades, sexual harassment, and discrimination. Deans were provided with examples of student concerns and complaints that could be addressed with an expanded grievance process. Deans were also informed that most students do not take the end of the semester surveys serious. Hopefully this dialogue between students and the Deans will continue with regard to a more formal grievance process.

ASMSUN was informed that the debt service the Gym Building fee was instituted to pay off would end next fiscal year. Since MSUN will only have a half a payment remaining, students expressed their wish to have some of the remaining payment designated to leasing cardiovascular equipment and providing separate space in the gym for a cardio room. Emmy Olson, a student, is busy preparing a report listing the costs associated with this endeavor in hopes that this can be completed this summer.

MSU-Northern took third place honors at this years National NAIA Wrestling Tournament. Emmett Wilson and Matt Carter both were individual Champions with Emmett receiving the tournaments Outstanding Wrestler award. Kyle Fisher and Mike Lester also reached the finals. Andy Thompson took third. Bobby Mantle and Caleb Schaeffer took fifth. Caleb was also an Academic All-American.

MSU-Northern Men's and Women's Basketball teams wrapped up their season and performed extremely well under new Head Coaches Mike Erickson (women's) and Shawn Huse (men's).

Associated Students The University of Montana-Helena College of Technology
Joe Clark, President


Since the last Board of Regents' meeting our campus here at UM-HCT has accomplished a lot, and our Senate has been very busy. I would first like to tell you about our campus activities. Before Christmas we had a UM-HCT Christmas party sponsored by the Senate, then in January we had a UM-HCT free bowling night which has been a huge success and has allowed students to be involved with students of other programs. Now we are working on a campus ski trip, ice fishing derby, and spring BBQ. Other things happening are student Senate elections are starting off, we just sponsored our Metals Technology Program to build four battle bots and have the bots compete against each other for the whole campus and community to watch. We also are looking at buying a coffee booth for our student center, and we are trying to develop Student Senate scholarships for students on campus.

We just appeared before the Legislative Committee to testify as a proponent for House Bill 560 which is a proposal to build another campus next to our Poplar campus and sell our other buildings. If this bill passes it will allow the students to stay at one campus all day instead of switching campuses all the time.

That pretty well sums up what we at UM-HCT have been doing for the past month.

Associated Students Miles Community College
Shonda Schallenberger, President


         ASMCC sponsored our first homecoming. It was a week of activities which included: Dress-up days, ice skating, movie night, game night, bonfire, bachelor/ bachelorette auction, and a dance with the crowing of royalty. Homecoming was a great success. It pulled students together, sparked more school pride and started towards a trend for more student involvement.

         MCC has been able to send student representation to voice our campus concerns at the legislature.

         Our Big Sky dorms are scheduled for tear down on February 24th. Once torn down, construction of the new dorms hopefully begin March 1st.

         Senate elections will be help on March 19-20

         Budget hearings are scheduled to start on March 25th.

         ASMCC along with PTK have started planning for our academic awards banquet. It is scheduled for April 6. This is an annual event to spotlight those who have excelled academically.

         I would also like to recognize Andrea Nichols for receiving the 2001 New Century Scholar award through Phi Theta Kappa. She is the only Montana recipient of this award.

Associated Students Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Jared Robertson, President


Montana Tech now has a new student chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). SAE will be competing in an engineering competition in April that involves improving snowmobile emissions.

The Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) team, the concrete canoe team, the steal bridge team, and the mining team are all in there final training, design, and construction stages and will be competing in there events at the end of April as well.

The Student Activities Council (SAC) has been offering many activities on campus that range from candle making to pottery classes. These activities have given students many activities to utilize in there free time.

Elections were held on the 26th and 27th of February for ASMT executive positions. The new president, vice president, and treasurer for the Associated Students of Montana Tech are:

President- Tug Euden
Vice President- Clinton Pfiefle
Treasurer- Scott Marsh

Senator Elections will be held on the 16th and 17th of April which will complete the student leadership elections for next year.

Associated Students Montana State University-Bozeman
Trevor Blyth, President

         Early in March, the ASMSU Senate approved by majority vote a resolution supporting a five (5) year extension to the current banner fee which is scheduled to sunset in FY06. This resolution was approved by the senate on the basis that five year extension would allow ITC adequate time to address its current needs and come to a solution that did not include the need for a specific network fee.

         Spring senate elections including presidential elections will be held next week on the 26th and 27th of March.

         Last fall a new electronic voting system was implemented. Due to a concern of possible unforeseen problems, access was limited to three computer terminals similar to traditional voting on campus and did not fully utilize its capabilities for the use on the internet. There were no significant concerns that arose from the election. As a result, during this coming election access will be extended to allow voting from anywhere internet is available during specified hours.

         Recently ASMSU filled a new director position which was created for the MSU Leadership Institute, one of ASMSU's committees. The director is a classified employee who will continue and grow the services of the leadership[ institute which includes leadership development workshops, an annual professional development series, and notable speakers. Last year the MSU Leadership Institute brought Lech Walesa, past President of Poland to Montana State University as a speaker.

Associated Students Montana State University-Great Falls College of Technology
Sara Anderson, President

         On behalf of the Associated Students as MSU-GFCoT I would like to welcome Regent Taylor and Commissioner Krause. We look forward to working with you.

         In the past few months ASMSU-GFCoT has been working on the spring semester Spring Picnic Faculty/Staff appreciation. The senate gives out numerous awards and recognized several individuals on the campus that help the success of the senate.

         The senate had the fee presentation from Dean Moe and Dean Baukol. Several students across the campus showed up for the presentation. The senate will be voting on the fees in the next senate meeting.

         Easily Amused will be coming to the campus to perform for the student body on April 18th. This will be the first time we have had a musical. Performance for the student body sponsored by ASMSU-GFCoT.

         "Join me for Breakfast" is a function put on by New Student Services. They have asked for ASMSU-GF's assistance to help sponsor the breakfast. The breakfast is to allow current students to bring a friend that is interested in the college to come to a presentation with them. In previous years it has been dinner.

         ASMSU-GF senate is sponsoring our second blood drive for the year on April 2nd. Our goal is set five above fall semester's blood drive at 40 donors.