Policy and Procedures Manual


SUBJECT:  COMPENSATION                                              

Policy 807.2 - Board of Regents - Travel Expenses and Reimbursement
Effective July 12, 2002; Issued July 25, 2002


Members of the Board of Regents shall be paid a per diem compensation and travel expenses as provided in statute or Board Policy 807.1 for each day in attendance at board meetings or in the performance of any duty or service as a board member. For purposes of this policy compensable duty or service shall be defined as follows.

  1. Attendance at meetings of the Board of Regents and Board committees of which the regent is a member, and travel to and from such meetings.
  2. Attendance at meetings of the Board of Education and Board committees of which the regent is a member, and travel to and from such meetings.
  3. Attendance at meetings of other entities on which the Regent sits as a formal representative of the Board of Regents and travel to and from such meetings, provided the Regent receives no compensation or expenses from the other entity. The Office of the Commissioner will maintain a list of these appointments.
  4. Other expenses specifically authorized in advance as compensable by the Chair of the Board.

The Commissioner is directed to deny all claims for compensation or reimbursement not within the categories listed above and to bring such claims to the attention of the claiming member and the Board chair. If upon review the Chair believes that the claim should be granted the Chair may direct the Commissioner to pay the claim. If the Chair declines to approve the claim the member may submit the matter to the full Board of Regents for decision. If the Board determines that the activity for which reimbursement is claimed could be properly classified as a legitimate duty or service of a board member, the full Board may authorize reimbursement even in the absence of prior authorization.


Item 116-109-R0702, Draft policy on travel expenses and reimbursement, approved by the Board of Regents on July 12, 2002 (see attached Memo).

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