Report to Board of Regents

Pre-Session Activities

Development of "Montana Invests" database, which summarizes activities of all MUS campuses and agencies in every county in the state.

Publication of the Economic Impact study, which presents the impact of each campus on their local community. Study includes spending by non-resident students, faculty and staff; out-of-state visitors and the University using non-state funds.

Distribution of information packets to all legislators by MUS alumni. Packet will include the economic development activities report, the EDAG position paper on higher education, a two-page budget summary, chart of peer state comparisons of state funding, and a contact sheet of key people and website for more information.

Meetings with local delegations in key areas across the state. Presidents Gamble and Dennison, lobbyists and local campus officials will meet with delegations in: Billings, Glendive, Miles City, Bozeman, Great Falls, Havre and the highline (covered by MSU); Kalispell, Hamilton, Missoula, Butte (covered by UM), and Helena (joint meeting with MSU and UM officials.) Community college and other campus CEOs will be included.

MSU will host all legislators for a day-long tour of campus, featuring highlights of our activities in the areas of teaching, discovery and service/outreach.

Meeting with CEOs of all 2-year education units (CoTs and Community Colleges) to discuss legislative strategy.

"Info Swat Teams" visit with editorial boards of key daily newspapers (Tribune, Independent Record, Gazette, Chronicle, Missoulian, Standard.) Purpose will be to provide budget summary, and will include campus and OCHE representatives.

Posting of key documents on the Board of Regents web site, with Legislature 2003 link from front page. Included will be documents on economic development, budget/funding process, and peer comparisons data.

Meetings with state leaders. Chairman Roehm, Commissioner Crofts, both Presidents, and both lobbyists will meet 1) with the Governor, her staff, and Republican leadership and 2) with Democratic leadership. Purpose would be to identify ways we can work together during the legislative session.

Informational mailing to all students, faculty and staff, as well as in-state parents. Purpose is to present the MUS position on our legislative agenda, and background information (not a "call to action.")

Note:  Lyon survey indicates that 25% of public get their information about the Montana University System from students or employees.

During the Legislative Session

General message to be presented to legislature: (Dick to fill in details.)

Subcommittee presentations:

Video of testimonials from alumni, students, business partners and community leaders describing value of the MUS to them. Focus will be on people from the legislative districts represented on the subcommittee.

Other presentations (OCHE, campuses and agencies) will be significantly shortened, with focus only on key messages and information. Each presentation should reinforce the same key themes.

Discovery Week at the Capitol

February 3---display in the rotunda of the Research and Commercialization grants, highlighting the diversity of funded projects and economic impact.

February 6--alumni reception at the Colonial which features the University Systems role in discovery of new knowledge. Displays of student projects will emphasize the integration of teaching and research.

February 7--poster display in rotunda of student research projects. Participating students will invite legislators from their home communities.


Regular meetings of campus officials with their campus delegations. As an example, President Gamble and others will meet once a month with the Billings delegation, once a month with the Havre delegation, etc.

MUS representative will meet for lunch every day during the first 6 weeks of the session with a group of 6 legislators. The first meetings will be with freshman legislators. Focus will be to offer assistance, provide general background information, and solicit input.

All student lobbyists will represent MAS. In addition, ASMSU will have a second lobbyist dedicated to working on agricultural interests.