
The Nursing Coordinating Group

Thursday, February 26, 2004, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Room 105, Livestock Building
1310 E. Lockey, Helena, MT


A.      Welcome & Review of the Agenda.


B.      Legislative Audit of Transfer Issues.

1.       With a possible focus on nursing and a few other academic programs.

2.       Angie Grove for the Legislative Audit Division will lead the discussion.


C.      Status of the Montana Hospital Association Survey

1.       Objective: Possible responses from the Montana University System, and its health-care partners, based on the data in that survey.

2.       What kind and how many Nurses does Montana need?

3.       Dick Brown will lead the discussion.


D.      Status of the Helena Clinical Capacity Study.

1.       Objective: Development of a model for clinical experiences by members of this coordinating group.

2.       Jill Caldwell will lead the discussion.


E.      Status of the Program Approval Process.

1.       Involving the State Board of Nursing and the Montana Board of Regents.

2. Objective: Consensus on the proposed approval process.

3.       Jill Caldwell and Roger Barber will lead the discussion.


F.      Review of the Recommendations Concerning Nursing Education.

1.       Accepted by the Board of Regents in May 2002.

2.       Identify particular priorities?

3.       If so, what action plans should be developed to move the priorities forward?

4.       Article about nursing programs in Wisconsin.

5.       Article concerning the New York State Board of Nursing and its proposed rule to require a baccalaureate degree of all diploma and associate degree nurses within 10 years of graduation. Reactions? Impact on Montana? Consensus on a similar rule for Montana?

6.       Objective:

a.       Development of a plan for nursing education in the State, given the resource constraints in the Montana University System.

b.       Identification of 3 - 4 recommendations that are highest priority; creation of work teams to take on those tasks.

7.       Lynn Morrison-Hamilton and Jean Ballantyne will lead the discussion.


G.     Review of Nursing Program Initiatives.

1.       Missoula College of Technology proposal.

2.       Miles Community College proposal.

3.       Others?

4.       Objective: Consensus on an appropriate process for program submission.

5.       Roger Barber and meeting participants.


H.      Other items?


I. Adjourn.