Agenda, August 28, 2003, 10:00 A. M.

Room 102B, Higher Education Building, Helena, MT


Invited participants: Regents Roehm and Hamilton, Commissioner Krause and Sheila Sterns, Kim Powell, Chair of the State Board of Nursing, Jill Caldwell, Dean Jean Ballantyne, and Rolf Groseth

1.                   A brief overview of the role/responsibility/authority of each entity (SBON, MSU, and BoR) in regards to nursing education. --Commissioner Krause

2.                   Review the situation of statewide articulation for nursing education and relative MINT reposts. Perhaps the SBON representative or even the Chair of the MINT group could provide this information. Discussion: Where are we with both lateral and vertical course articulation? Are we paying attention to how the structure and articulation of our various nursing programs affect student financial aid?

3.                   The Governor's taskforce identified other issues higher Ed should address. What are we doing in these areas?--Commissioner Krause

4.                   Review of the 17 (or so) separate programs currently offered by the MUS--Commissioner Krause.

5.                   Available data indicates Montana nursing programs are generating enough graduates to meet workforce need projections as identified by the Department of Labor. Is this reliable data, and if so, is there a way to enter into a discussion of 'shortages' with health care providers, professional organizations, and other interested parties to identify the problems and plan solutions? Consider establishing a common method to evaluate the need for nurses in Montana.

6.                   Agreement on a common standard to evaluate Nursing graduates.

7.                   Consider a common method to evaluate the capacity of institutions to train nurses.

8.                   Discussion of a permanent liaison between the regents/OCHE and the SBON. The objective is to establish a way for the Regents/OCHE to communicate with the State Board of Nursing so we can do a better job of sharing information (quality and program review, new program requests, workforce demand, productivity, etc.) and coordinate the role each board plays in the various processes. One possibility is to establish a single Nursing Coordinator for the MUS.

9.                   Discuss the dual submission of proposed nursing programs; to the
Regents and to the SBON, and the apparent practice to play the regents
against the SBON.

10.               Review proposed nursing programs submitted from Campuses.

11.               Additional items, as required.