March 1-3, 2006

ITEM 130-2704-R0306   Authorization to Confer The Title of Associate Professor Emeritus of English upon Walter Utroske; Montana State University-Billings

WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske completed an effective teaching career of 40 years at Montana State University-Billings, formerly Eastern Montana College;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske served the English profession in a number of leadership and supporting roles on the local and state levels, including co-editor of the MA TELA Journal;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske contributed to the English profession by publishing journal articles on composition;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske was a member of a number of professional organizations and presented papers at state, regional, national, and international conferences;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske fostered ties between the University and various educational, corporate, and professional groups in Montana by conducting in-service seminars and workshops and by writing promotional and consumer health literature for the medical community in the greater Billings area;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske served his colleagues and the University as Coordinator of Composition Studies and as member and/or chair of numerous campus committees;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske served as academic advisor, internship and independent study mentor, and student teacher supervisor to innumerable students;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske earned an Excellence in Teaching Award in 1978;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske established the local chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, National English Honor Society, on campus;


WHEREAS, Mr. Utroske served as high school commencement speaker and as judge for numerous literary contests;


WHEREAS, Montana State University-Billings wishes to honor Mr. Utroske for his service to education, the community of Billings, and the state of Montana;


THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, on the recommendation of Montana State University-Billings, confers upon Mr. Walter F. Utroske the title of Associate Professor of English Emeritus, with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities appertaining.