March 1-3, 2006

ITEM 130-2702-R0306   Authorization to Confer The Title of Professor Emeritus of Philosophy upon David Karnos; Montana State University - Billings

WHEREAS, David Karnos began his higher education as a freshman  (plebe) at the United States Naval Academy in 1965, and marked his engagement with retirement as a Professor at the Montana State University-Billings in 2006;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos completed a distinguished teaching career of 31 years at six colleges and universities, including 28 years at Montana State University-Billings;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos has taught 7874 +/- students in 43 distinct courses he developed and delivered in the disciplines of Philosophy, Humanities, Religious Studies, English, and Gerontology;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos shared his passion for learning with students via a Fulbright fellowship to India, sabbaticals to Greece and Australia, and various academic assignments in Europe, Southeast Asia, Turkey, Hawaii, Fiji, Italy, Taiwan and Tasmania;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos served his profession through a dozen articles, over 30 papers presented at regional, national and international events, and was an invited speaker or commentator on fifty occasions;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos was an active publishers' reviewer, maintained his membership in several professional organizations in the U.S., Greece, and Australia, and was one of the first National Faculty Exchange Fellows (1984/85);

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos was a recipient of five National Endowment for the Humanities Awards to sponsored Seminars and Institutes, and one with the National Science Foundation for a two year workshop in Medical Ethics;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos co-edited a book, Falling in Love With Wisdom: American Philosophers Talk about Their Calling (NY: Oxford University Press 1993; Complex Chinese translation and edition 2002);

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos served the University through service on over 60 committee assignments, as a member of the Executive Board of the EMC Foundation, and twice as Chair of the once upon a time Philosophy Area;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos holds the longest record of service as a college representative and officer on the Executive Board of the Faculty Association (1993-2006), and served as President of the FA in 1997/98;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos has been acknowledged by Eastern Montana College with Distinguished Awards for Excellence in Teaching (1987) and again in Community Service (1992);

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos served the people of the State of Montana through 25 years of participation in over 30 programs of the Montana Committee for the Humanities, as well as serving on its Board of Directors (1990-94);

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos participated in the community of Billings and Yellowstone County with volunteer service in the fields of thanatology, medical ethics, and mental health, providing over 30 presentations to a variety of public venues, and serving on the Ethics Board of St. Vincent's Healthcare;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos was a Founding member of the Yellowstone County Guardianship Council (1994), and served as Chair, and was acknowledged with the Mental Health Association of Montana Service Award in 2001;

WHEREAS, Dr. Karnos will be remembered by many students and healthcare professionals for teaching annually the interdisciplinary community based course "Death, Dying, and Medical Ethics";

WHEREAS, Montana State University-Billings wishes to honor Dr. Karnos for his outstanding contributions;

THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, acting on the recommendation of the Chancellor of Montana State University-Billings, is pleased to confer upon Dr. David Karnos the title of Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities pertaining thereto.