March 1-3, 2006

ITEM 130-2701-R0306    Authorization to Confer The Title of Assistant Professor Emeritus of English upon Randall Gloege; Montana State University - Billings

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege has completed a teaching career of twenty-five years at Montana State University - Billings;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege has contributed to the English profession by publishing a variety of academic papers and creative pieces;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege presented papers at state, regional, and national conferences;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served as faculty advisor to The Rook (a student literary publication) and the Environmental Awareness Club;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served as editor of Alkali Flats, initially a regional publication of creative writing, and later a creative writing publication of Montana State University - Billings;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served as Chair of the Arts and Sciences Policy Committee and the Academic Senate committee on Academic Computing and Allied Technology;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege was an active promoter of computer technology at Montana State University - Billings;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served in the Academic Senate, first as an elected representative, and later as a member of the Senate Executive Committee;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege participated in a working group whose task was to develop an assessable General Education program;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served as a student mentor, and student teacher supervisor for a variety of Montana State University - Billings students;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege chaired several faculty search committees;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege chaired the committee which designed Senior Portfolio, a course serving as a vehicle for outcomes assessment of the MSU - Billings English program;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege helped initiate and served as Associate Director of the Environmental Studies Program at MSU - Billings;

WHEREAS, Dr. Gloege served the broader Montana community as a board member of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Big Wild Advocates;

and WHEREAS, Montana State University Billings wishes to honor Dr. Gloege for service to education, community, and the state of Montana;

THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, on the recommendation of Montana State University - Billings confers upon Dr. Gloege the title of Assistant Professor of English Emeritus, with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities appertaining thereto.