March 1-3, 2006

ITEM 130-104-R0306    Revisions to Policy 301.5.1

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the proposed revision to Policy 301.5.1, dealing with the review and acceptance of credits from an institution that is a candidate for regional accreditation. The revision is a housekeeping item, to insure that the provisions in Policy 301.5.1 mesh with the expectations of Policy 301.5.

The revision is set out in the attachment to this item.

EXPLANATION: Policy 301.5.1, entitled System of Controls, establishes deadlines for the analysis and acceptance of transfer credits. Policy 301.5 creates a waiting period for credits from institutions that have applied for regional accreditation, but have not yet received that formal designation. Obviously, the waiting period violates the timelines established by Policy 301.5.1, but it should not be ignored just because deadlines now exist. It is still good policy.

By incorporating a reference to Policy 301.5, and its waiting period, students and campuses are notified that that waiting period still applies.