November 16-18, 2005

ITEM 129-2007-R1105    Authorization to Renovate Portions of the Physical Plant's Shop/Office Buildings; Montana State University-Bozeman

THAT: Consistent with the provisions of MCA 18-2-102 (2) (b), the Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes MSU-Bozeman to renovate portions of the Physical Plant's shop/office buildings to modernize spaces to meet current operational needs. The estimated cost for this project is $425,000.

EXPLANATION: 1. The Office of Facilities Services (Physical Plant) is located in a small brick building constructed in 1950 accompanied by an eclectic accumulation of salvaged WWII quonset buildings and other cast-off shelters.

2.       In 2002, the Regent's approved the purchase of a small modular facility to house our Work Control functions, which would free up space to begin modernizing some of our existing shop/office spaces. This request represents the last phase of this badly needed modernization effort and consists of moving the carpentry shop, locksmith shop, campus stores and some office spaces, within existing building spaces.

This project will be financed with revenue from Facilities Services non-state (designated) operations and will result in no new programs.