The Board of Regents supports the implementation process for the Writing Proficiency Policy suggested by the Board of Public Education, as set out in the following motion:

Motion: Ms. Fladmo moved to refer to the P-20 Committee the establishment of a joint implementation committee to follow this policy through completion. The motion was seconded by Ms. Masalo and the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Fuller amended the motion to state that this board is in support of the proposed Regent Policy and the timeline also. (End of Motion)

That process will include the following:

  • An Implementation Committee will be appointed by the Leadership Group. For the record, that Group is made up of Linda McCulloch, Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Montana; Sheila M. Stearns, Commissioner of Higher Education for the State of Montana; Jan Lombardi, education policy advisor for Governor Brian Schweitzer; and Steve Meloy, executive secretary of the Board of public Education.
  • The Implementation Committee will be made up of four (4) representatives from the P-12 community and four (4) representatives from the postsecondary education community.
  • The charge for the Implementation Committee will be approved by the Leadership Group.