September 21–23, 2005

ITEM 128-1006-R0905    Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences upon Charles L. Eyer; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Charles L. Eyer, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in his 31 years of dedicated service to The University of Montana and to the State of Montana, has merited the appreciation and commendation of the Board of Regents of the Montana University System, and has earned recognition as Professor Emeritus of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

EXPLANATION: Dr. Eyer received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology at Washington State University in 1976. His appointment as an Assistant Professor at The University of Montana began in 1974; he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1980 and full Professor in 1986. He taught a wide variety of courses, trained graduate students, procured external funding, collaborated with scientists in the pharmaceutical industry, and performed a significant amount of service both at the state level, for the Montana Academy of Sciences (President in 2001), and at the national level, for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). He served on the Board of Directors (1995-96) for the AACP, Chair of the Academic Sections Coordinating Committee (1995-96), and Chair of the Biological Sciences Division.

Professor Eyer contributed to The University of Montana and the State of Montana in his support of students learning at the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as state professionals through continuing education endeavors. He served as the Director of the Montana State Science Fair (1986) and Exchange Club liaison and fundraiser for the Science Fair. He received the Teacher of the Year Award for the School of Pharmacy and Alllied Health Sciences pharmacy program in 2001-2002.

During his tenure at The University of Montana, Dr. Eyer conducted funded research in areas related to heart disease and injury, stroke, and neurotoxicity, as well as an NIH Area Grant in the toxicology of organotins. He published in a broad spectrum of journals, some with a heavy research emphasis, some with a pharmacy professional orientation, and still others with an educational or academic emphasis, including Brain Research, Journal of Neurochemistry, and Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.

For these and other contributions, Dr. Eyer merits the respect and appreciation of students, colleagues, and associations throughout the University, the State of Montana, and the nation.